What can the Group module do for me?

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okay it's uh one o'clock we're going to go ahead and get started this session is on the drupal 8 group module what can the group module do for me so before we get started we wanted to do a quick little survey we know this is a virtual event so i wanted to just kind of get an idea of where everyone's watching from so i've seen a couple of dc baltimore which is surprising oh costa rica that's awesome back florida nice oregon so from all over i think that's one one positive thing that comes out of having a virtual event as you can really join from anywhere illinois a lot of california probably missing it having it in person of course the next question we'd like to know is uh who here has used the the group module in drupal 8. does anyone have experience at all yes it looks like a variety of some a few some not at all some in d7 tried installing it got lost well hopefully we can help you out here okay a couple people want to okay our next question is actually who has used organic groups it looks like i've already seen some people who have used organic groups so the group module is kind of an alternative to organic groups so it looks like people have used organic groups i think i even used organic groups in drupal 6 but obviously i'm more of a fan of the group module at this point all right great thank you thank you everyone for your feedback um so as we go along here feel free to post your questions into chat if you could post if it's a question that we want to address at the end if you could kind of preface it with a q dash in front of it so we can easily pull those out we're going to basically wait until the end to answer all the questions but feel free to answer or ask them as we go um so just to start off my name is deborah fuzzetto i'm a technical architect at forum one um i've been working with drupal since 2006 and have been building websites since the mid-90s i live and work on my 60-foot aluminum sailboat called heavy metal with my husband and two teenage boys my passion is is drupal and sailing my name is mark mayon i've been uh making websites for somewhere around 15 years which scares me every time i say it i've been working with drupal for quite a while um and i've been working with digital agencies a good portion of my career as well um i really have been getting into machine learning in the past year or so i have a strong interest there and i also am pretty interested and have have some domain knowledge around devops stuff as well uh since they're kind enough to employ us i just wanted to give a quick shout out to forum one um thank you forum one for employing me uh they provide some great benefits they've been really good about kovid um everybody's remote at the moment uh i'm a technical architect here they're often hiring so check the website if you're interested um things change daily weekly so i'm not totally up to speed on on what we're looking for but definitely check it out um another thing that i really enjoy about forum one is that they don't kind of accept every single client they often accept clients that have an ethos or a mission which really makes me feel good about the kind of impact that they bring and speaking of which here's some of the clients that we're going to be talking about today uh in some use cases as well as some just broader broad strips clients that we that we work with on the whole uh feel feel free to ask me any questions independent of this if you're interested uh about any more information about forum one but uh i'm going to toss it back to deborah to give some broader broad strokes information about group itself so the first thing i'd like to talk about is what a group is in general so according to the dictionary a group is defined as a number of people or things that are located close together um kind of like these awesome little finger people which is kind of they are the little logo for the group module um so people in groups interact and engage and identify with each other um the group members are share common interests and they come together to work on common tasks for agreed purposes and outcomes so don't do for a group what a group can do for itself this is a quote from emily axelot and uh this quote is originally intended to address meeting effectiveness but in my opinion the quote is saying that you should take advantage of what a group can do on its own groups can be more effective than individuals and because groups offer more perspectives and ideas groups can have more creativity together so how does this relate to the group module well the group module it creates collections of your content and users on your site and can grant access control on these collections this can allow you to create communities for people with similar interests or needs and can control and can control how and when people have access to content there's many use cases for the group module and we're going to talk about some specific use cases in a bit um the pro the group project page also points out some some typical examples for the group module as well so a group in drupal is an entity making them fully fieldable and extendable and exportable groups work work well with views and rules and other drupal modules and the group drupal 8 module is also uses the plug-in system so it allows allows you to easily extend its functionality um so the group module uh itself comes with several sub modules out of the block out of the box and i think one of the most notable ones is group node the group node module is one that you'll definitely want to check out it provides functionality around content types and allows you to add nodes to a group and share access to group members our use cases will show how this how the sub module is in use so the subgroup modules also allows you to have a group belong to another group which is an interesting idea i've never actually used it but but i can definitely see some use cases for that the group member profiles provides the ability to show memberships of a group in a created way by by creating multiple fieldable member profiles which can be attached to a member so there's also a lot of contributed modules that can be added to expand um what the group module can do one of them being the group media module which can associate media elements with a group another really useful module is the entity group field module which is um useful because it provides a computed field that allows you to know what the group associations are so a lot of times when you're editing a node out of the box you can't really see what group this node is actually associated with and this module allows you to to present that so you always can know what groups are associated with it with an entity that you're editing another module group outsider in which we'll talk about again later it addresses how the outsider and the member roles play together so the permissions model of an outsider doesn't quite work quite right without this module with advanced outsider permissions you can apply permissions to a drupal role but once that user becomes a member of the role those permissions are overwritten by the permissions of the member and um and that and that person then loses those permissions with the group outsider in module this this basically takes care of that so there are two modules that are associated with a group menu uh with group menus and i'm going to let mark talk about them because he has most most experience with and has actually helped create one of them so the group menu module is very traditional in the way menus are handled in drupal 8 insofar as that in the normal drupal 8 ecosystem when you create a menu it gets exported as configuration the group menu module does the same thing i worked with the client and got got the ability to create a different approach which was with the group content menu module with the group content menu module you're able to create menu types much like you are with group and also node and those group types allow you to do all the things with menus that that you can do with content type so you can feel them etc it also each instantiation of a menu instead of being individual config is actually content itself and i think that that plays a little more well with the group module because group entities which we'll talk a little bit more about um are our content and so there's there's nothing for the uh menus to get related to that make them kind of belong to a group if uh and so i i think that group content menu uh is an approach that i'd like a little better but i'm biased because i got to participate in its creation uh next i just wanted to give some overall architectural concepts of the group module um as i've kind of hinted at already there are group types they work similar to bundles as bundles work with node you can instantiate new group types like an organization or a department or an office etc and those group types are individually fieldable and those group types also have the ability to associate permissions with them uh which is one of the great things about it um next uh the group entity is a standalone entity it implements the entity uh class and so therefore you get a lot of the nice things that come along with entity um the one of the more interesting nuances of the group module is this group relationship entity which is the connector between how group relates content to node and also relates to users which is in the form of a membership um so when you become a member of a group you you cr you kind of create one of these relationship entities which ties together the user and the group um each of these relationship entities are also fieldable and so let's for instance say that you wanted to like display a little moniker on a particular group of you have been a member of this group since xyz time well you retrieved that time stamp from this relationship entity another kind of powerful thing about the group module is it's extensible and you know well implemented out of the box rules and permissioning system deborah started talking about this already but an anonymous user is exactly as it is in drupal which is the anonymous role anybody that's not authenticated an outsider is somebody that is authenticated but isn't a member of the group um the advanced outsider roles which again deborah's going to get into a little more depth about are basically instantiation of drupal roles but in the context of a group and you can create your own uh custom rules which i'm going to talk a little bit more about uh in a little bit here um the permissions documentation for group uh is really good i saw somebody already asked about if we'll make these slides available so you can click on this link that i have in here i'll work on that and figure out how to how to get that done um the next thing i wanted to talk about is some challenges that you'll need to be aware of when you go to use the group module um right now it's like a it's a module that has like 400 somewhat files i believe and so it's a pretty robust module um and so that means that whenever you go to upgrade the module especially especially with like a major version release or something like that there's it's there's going to be some things that you're probably most likely going to need to address paying attention to patch notes and uh update notes are important to see if there's commands you need to run et cetera stuff like that alongside that it's a very robust issue cue because people have really started embracing this module and that means that there's uh people are finding more and more use cases and so an example of this is uh the the integration with the group model module with media that started as a patch and got spun out into its own unique module um so we're going to talk about some more patches in a minute uh the other things to note uh is is that when you're like in the context of a node uh there's not like an administrative way out of the box that shows you how that node relates to a group and so there's definitely some user interface uh updates that that need some help um just my personal opinion so next we're going to talk about some of those patches one of the things that i've had to work a lot with on clients and their needs is the needs around editorial workflow in the permissions grid which you'll see some screenshots of in a little bit there's not the same drupal permission grid transition uh granular items in the permission grid so like for instance if i want to change something from draft to published that's a transition and that transition is listed in drupal's permission matrix but not in the group permission matrix by default this patch is going to help with that same thing with the lightning scheduler uh if if you used aqueous lightning functionality it provides all sorts of things but one of the things it provides is the ability to schedule content to transition from one state to the next at a particular time um and those transitions also have their own separate uh permissions and so uh i've got a patch for that um i don't have it in the github repo that i share some code samples with for this but i can get it in there um and so i'll share it in there at the very least there's also some some token module patches that allow urls to be a little bit more robust in the case of using group menus in any consideration um there's no easy way and token to establish a path auto pattern that says xyz group and then all of its support into content as an additional path like there's no way to figure out what the parent group is um so this patch helps with that i've also attached a couple patches that help with the administrative experience uh so next i want to talk a little bit about uh some differences between d8 group and organic groups i saw that uh you know in our in our little survey there that people are very somewhat familiar with organic groups or many of you are um one thing that's nice about da group is that it does instantiate its own entity as i said a little bit ago you don't have to relate this functionality with node or with taxonomy in order for it to work i'll also caveat by saying i have not used uh the organic groups d8 implementation so if any of this has been solved i apologize in advance um there's also uh innate opera operability with core and a lot of core concepts it it instantiates the entity class and so you get a lot of the nice to haves there it works well with views even though there is some additional functionality that i uh have implemented which i'll talk about to make it work a little bit better with views but on the whole um you know clicking around in views you see a lot of things that you're accustomed to in the group context um and it from my reading of the contrib space of group module it i definitely appreciate that translations has been taken into account i'll caveat that by saying i have not done a multilingual site with groups but from my eyes have read the code that says they at least tried so um there is that it's also written uh oop first um so it's been very easy for me to extend it uh and so i i have definitely appreciated that that it's a kind of a ground-up approach and and with the eight in mind um and i'll also say that you know there's no there's no like seemingly stable release for organic groups yet in the d8 space while d8 has felt stable and does have a stable release um so next debra is going to talk about uh her use case i'll pass it off to her great thank you mark great thank you mark so content i'm hearing echo is that everyone hearing that maybe that's better okay um anyway so it's uh common to want to have so content ownership is is basically the the my concept behind my use case um because it's common to want to have content owned and displayed by different groups so an example of this use case could be for an organization who has a high level association and associated chapters so the association provides like an overview of the content where the chapters are more specific to their locations all content on the site is owned by a group so basically in this use case you don't have the ability even to really add um you know content the regular drupal way so we actually wrote some custom code to alter the route that doesn't allow you it basically will restrict you from adding content the regular drupal way um in this case we are also using the group module as perspective so it's the chapter editors who belong to the group rather than the visitors of the site and that belonging to that group gives you access to be able to add or edit edit content within that group and media and it does not have access to anything else outside of that group so the visitors of the site don't actually have to join the group to see the content in this particular case we use geolocation to geo-locate the user based on their ip address to set a chapter based on their location and the users can see chapter content from other chapters but they are more led towards the chapter that is nearest to them so this this use case had some very specific requirements um one of the requirements being that the as the association group the kind of main level group had full ownership over um over the content that it was even the content that was owned by the chapters so even though the associate association wouldn't be a member of that group they needed to be able to have full full access to the content um to be able to help the chapters um create their content and edit their content and and you know uh make any changes that that were necessary so the group content also had to have specific page elements so like breadcrumbs and a custom footer for for the group pages in addition to local menu but they yet but they shared the main site menu so i'm going to talk a little bit more about some of the challenges that i had around these specific page elements so the groups also are not able to add existing content from other groups or media that was another requirement that they had and and also um yeah so they couldn't use content or or media from other groups so in and anything that they added to their group was not available to other to um other groups so and again the admin role the association would be able to override any other groups that are that they are not a member of um and another requirement was that the chapter itself the would have a landing page so this this would be like a kind of a group landing page and i'm going to talk a little bit about how how i did that um so the solutions to meet these requirements were not really very complex i did just i did have the need to have individual group types one for the association and one for the chapter so you pretty much need to have a different group type when you're considering different entities that are going to be available to a group so the association for example has access to all content types where chapters only have access to some specific content types i also implemented the group media module which allowed me to associate the media with the groups and also configured outside um permissions on chapter groups to allow association users with admin roles um to have full access over the group content so the group view is what i used as the landing page for the chapters and because the groups themselves are entities they you can add as many many fields as you want to the group and that would that allowed me to have a very robust landing page for the group so this screenshot here is how you would be configuring your group content so this is for a specific group type and you have basically all of your plugin information here and your plugins are examples of plugins are like your different content types your media types it could be your menu it could be your users and you can also write custom plugins to put here as well and for each one of these um for each one of the types you can either enable or disable based on the needs that you have for for your group type the next slide here is showing how fields are added to a group type and you can see that this is similar to what you would do to a content type so you have your your managed fields area where you can add as many fields as you want i basically used these fields to not only manipulate the landing page but also to be able to enter content about what would show up in the footer there's also external urls that are used for like donation pages each one of the chapters have different external urls for for donation pages that can be defined in the group on a field that i can access you know within other components and you also have your your form display just like you would with content types where you can manage different widgets for each of the fields and also your managed display which displays um how the fields are displayed to the users so permissions were a very important part of this use case and there's basic permissions that were set for members and the anonymous user and the advanced outsider permissions were used to grant access to the association over over chapter groups and content so the the next slide here you can see a screenshot of your basic permissions you can see here you have your anonymous your outsider and your member roles these are your group roles and you can assign what access they have you know are they able to join the group are they able to edit content can they view the content um and other things through through basic permissions and then when you get into your advanced permissions uh your advanced outsider permissions this is where you're going to see your actual drupal roles and this is where you can grant access to a specific role that kind of overrides what what access you would have as a regular outsider on your basic permissions so moving on to the challenges for this uh this use case i would say probably the one thing that we struggled the most with were around permissions with media so the media uh the group media module works very well out of the box to um allow you know media to stay within the groups and um and and chapters couldn't see media from other chapters but when it got into your outsider role there were issues with with being able to because your outsiders are not actually members the i i don't think the group module uh the media module takes into account that these outsiders have the ability to add media and so they're they have the ability to add media but then they can't go back and see the media that they've added so we had to write a little bit of custom code around that in order to kind of override that and i i think that the um the group media module is maybe a little bit immature and has some some work to go with with working with all the other things that are going along with the group module um so the other thing was allowing access for the association for other um for all chapter content so we've talked about this a couple of times so you know i use the advanced outsider permissions to grant access for the um for for different roles to be able to to manage the content in the media within the group even if they weren't a member of the group but if they became a member of the group they would lose all permissions and not be able to really do anything other than what a regular member would be able to do so the outsider in uh the group outsider in module basically um comes to the rescue there and allows you to still maintain those permissions even if um whether it's intentional or unintentional that the user would join the group so breadcrumbs and path aliases were also a bit of a challenge in my situation so again the path the path auto patterns that you define is is really kind of a site-wide it doesn't really do it per group and you know they're really not the same they weren't the same for the association as they were for the chapters so there was you know we had custom aliases that were created when pages were created and also we had to manipulate the breadcrumbs in order to display them at the um at the correct level that we wanted to display them at so in this particular use case i did not use any of the group menu modules because the chapters themselves do not have access to manipulate the menu and all of the chapter pages were inside of the main menu so if you were to use your breadcrumbs based on your menus it would show all of the hierarchy previous to the chapter level and we really want to just start at we wanted to just start at the chapter level so there was some manipulation that had to be done with the breadcrumbs in order to get what we really wanted um the other thing and i had mentioned this before too is that on the chapter pages they wanted custom footers for the specific chapters so you know on the site overall site there was there was a a you know an association footer but on pages that were chapter specific they wanted to also have um a footer that was very specific to the chapter this was not really very easy to do out of the box but what i ended up doing is is taking the information that i needed for the chapter and adding fields to that group type and then at the front end layer was able to determine if it was a page that was owned by a chapter then i could pull out the values from those fields and build out the chapter that way i also mentioned that i use the group view page as like the kind of landing page for chapters so if you were whether you were geo-located or you were just wanting to um go to a specific chapter you would have a landing page landing page that would have information about what the chapter was about and what other content was in the chapter um it worked great except for the you you know you couldn't really create a draft of it so because it was configuration for the group itself it wasn't really um you know it wasn't really a there was no really revisions available so you couldn't like create a revision of it um if you wanted to make changes to it it was like if you wanted to make a change to it it just had to just it just had to be made it wasn't so it's not really treated the same as like regular content so i think all in all the group module was a really great solution for this use case and even though it required some custom code an additional module it was a really easy solution to implement so now let's hear about some of mark's use cases thanks deborah um so a lot of the challenges that i faced are you know similar but build upon things that deborah covered i'm going to try in my use cases to build on on the things that she had described and only kind of described the the things that were unique to my experiences so one of the clients that i got to work with was a local municipality and as you'd expect with the municipality they have a police department a fire department parks and rec et cetera et cetera and so listening and tailoring listening to them and tailoring to their needs was pretty interesting the types of things that we needed to address uh was a relatively complicated workflow process they also needed scheduling which i talked a little bit about earlier um you know for instance every year leaf collection occurs and so going around and capturing leaves or snow removal or whatever those are very cyclical things that they have to deal with every year and so tailoring needs around those those kinds of requirements was very important to them this was a space where we did use the group content menu module it's this is the client that actually funded its original contributed space it allowed the ability to relate several pieces of content together so that you know for instance for instance your parks and rec department can put all their parks in a singular menu and make things a little bit more navigable um and then they wanted to use uh groups purely in an administrative capacity really like there's no front-end group entity view mode for this particular client they just wanted to be able to segment uh different users into groups and allow them to administer content in a safe space where they can't break out of the rest of the system and edit pages that they're not supposed to so uh as that follows on that they had like 200 some odd contributors that are going to be working on content and they belonged to a couple dozen different groups uh and so it was a pretty robust experience um they also had a need to be able to authenticate via saml on adfs um and while we didn't use any um information at the point of authentication to power groups i definitely see a lot of potential there where if they wanted to expose to me who you know what group they belong to we could have done some interesting work around automatically creating groups and associating with them rather than content administrators having to do that um so i think that there's you know this gave me an insight into like some cool things that you could potentially do in the future um as i already talked about the the group menu solution um is what helps some of the groups relate content together and then um they really wanted to focus more on the administration experience more than anything else that we used large chunks of their existing website to theme the front end this was really a lot about tailoring the back end so this is what where they started where a lot of content administrator well the content administrators were at the municipality level and basically all these content stakeholders would make email the content admin their like forward uh content edit changes which made them very sad over time because as you can imagine that's pretty grindy and where we arrived at was to push all of that kind of work down to the individual department level so that these content administrators could log in and manage their content effectively this opened up the the people at the municipality level to kind of focus on broader challenges uh which made them happier some of the customizations that we did for this client as it relates to group uh was that i wrote a little um views plugin like if you can imagine the default drupal content listing interface it lists all the content of all the content types and they wanted a similar experience for group members but rather than seeing all content they only want to see content that pertains to them and we needed to write a a few different not rights we needed to create a few different view displays that had the same sort of functionality um and so this plug-in kind of takes into account the permissions that a user has and only exposes content to them that they have actual access to to be able to edit um i also had some uh ui enhancements around routing um there there is a checkbox on the settings page for groups that allows you to like tell it to use the administrative theme but it's actually not ubiquitous there's still a few different places where it by default it wants to drive you to the front end rendering of what a group looks like and so for this client you know since they're only really using it administratively we we overwrote some routes uh with a route subscriber to take care of those needs uh if we have time at the end and people are interested um i can get into these github links but uh i can see that we're already 35 minutes in so i'm going to keep going for now my uh my last use case is with the fairfax county public school system um they're unique in the fact that every user is an authenticated user because what we built for them was an intranet and so similarly to the municipality um they they have departments and organizations uh and and needed content uh contributors to be able to work on content with a complex editorial uh workflow um one thing that is uh implicit but i'll say explicitly is that these were some of the nicest people on the planet um i can't tell you how much of a difference it makes working with people that want to work with you and the solutions that you can come to when everybody's kind of working together towards the same goal so i feel really good about what we got to accomplish with the school system again they had a lot of contributors a couple of unique challenges for this client is that we do have a search api and solar integration um i i will say out of box group worked really well uh with the search api uh the the ability to just include it as an entity and do all the things that you're used to with node was pretty much there right out of box didn't really need to do anything special to get things indexed into solar um they have some complex workflow requirements which i'm going to talk a little bit more about in a minute um again they also really focused on the administration experience we also migrated content into group um and the migrate uh module by and large did exactly as what you'd expect uh since group is an extension of the the entity plug-in pretty straightforward pretty typical migration stuff worked really well one difficulty we did run into was uh this client wanted authenticated users the ability to favorite and subscribe to stuff um the views and its basic nature doesn't want to display more than one entity type on a given view display by default but basically the end run we did there was to use search api instead uh and search api really doesn't have any problem uh rendering more than one entity type on a particular view display which is super great same thing here also with the sso via saml um the the sample implementation was pretty straightforward if they had exposed more information to us to us through their hr system i think we could have done some cool things with relating people automatically to groups and creating groups automatically but say libby um this next slide i just wanted to show quickly how complicated their workflow really was uh you know i spent a few sessions with them gathering requirements about their needs and what kinds of emails they wanted to send and what happened who could do it etc and so forth but the really interesting thing about this is how this came together from a group role perspective and a drupal role perspective so the the custom roles that i created for this client were contributor reviewer editor and department administrator which do mainly the things they sound like they do but the interesting thing was because everybody was authenticated we couldn't use that kind of anonymous outsider paradigm that deborah was talking about i had to create some custom drupal roles one for member one for reviewer and basically once you became a member of a group we just wrote a little custom code that added the group member role to your user entity which gave you the kind of basic administrative experience that you need in order to do lots of things in drupal like seeing the administration team and being able to access uh some some pages and etc so forth um so uh these are some of the customizations that we worked on for fcps we created some custom routes much like the municipality use case um i create we extended the replicate module um which allowed group entities to get replicated effectively um as i already mentioned there was that drupal role component we did the migration as i also already mentioned and much like deborah's use case we did a lot of work around making group entities view modes pretty and it's cool because you can bring together uh because you're in a group contacts all sorts of events and news and information onto that uh landing page that uh gets users to content faster which is what we all want um so that's all she wrote for us guys uh let me know what kinds of questions you have yeah i think i want to start off um by talking a little bit about there was a question on whether or not i think there was the code that i the custom code that we had for the media module was it contributed back and we didn't contribute back because it was really just a a series of form alters really um because i think that what really happened was you know since the user just did not belong to the group it didn't know where to get the group from so there was a lot of form alters to to determine you know where you were adding the group and then you would pull in the group from from the con the content as opposed to the user um so i'll see if i can maybe get that on the github repo as well i'm not sure if it's something that can really be in form of a patch um i think it's maybe something um you know because i think that maybe has to re you know rethink the whole way the group media module works um so some other questions let's see here there was there's one did you see or did you use out of the box workflow module and content moderation or was it custom so we did use the uh for the use cases i was describing we did use the out of box workflow module um uh the only customizations we really did were tailored to the client they weren't tailored around groups um they were tailored to the client and so far as the emails needed to go out and some things needed to occur in the background when certain transitions occurred but we certain it's not we didn't certainly write an entire implementation out of box um i definitely leveraged workflow transitions to accomplish a lot of my goals um there's been a couple of topic or questions around performance too and i i didn't really come across any performance issues around groups but um there's a question on what things or steps to better avoid to do with the group module and are there any recommendations in regards of the number of group roles and users or content entities assigned not to exceed um again and and then a related question is how does groups play with the dynamic page cache immediate response to that personally um what i will say that for that municipality example we are getting to the living and performance stage now we're remediating some issues around using google's lighthouse reporting to to lighten up the page weight but we are going to be using flood.io to do actual performance testing as well so you know if you i will i hope this is okay somebody slap my hand if it's not but i'll just drop my email address into the chat uh if you if you send me an email about with your performance questions i can follow up with you about what kinds of performance considerations i had to do to make flood i o performance testing happy another question was what patch do you use for content moderation rules permissions um and i think that that was listed up in the patches slide up there so when we and all those are linkable and we'll be able to um you'll be able to get that that patch to be able to to have um the permissions for those transitions um let's see here would it be possible to defer the job of a group's landing page to another entity so like a a user or a node so the i mean you can you know the group landing page is really it you can make it as more of just a back end you know and so i mean you could really make it anything you want um as a as a you know for a landing page i'm not really sure why you'd want to um direct it to a user but definitely a a specific content type or specific you know specific content might actually be a better landing page for a group than using the you know the group view because then you do have revisions and you can you know put things in draft mode and things like that and i'd say i would prefer to use in my experience i would prefer to use the group entity view mode as the landing page if i could i totally agree with deborah that if you need workflow and editorial uh you have editorial needs that you do have to take a different route but i think that the group entity view mode does a great job of working as a landing page for my use cases personally um okay so would you be very interested in eventually seeing your custom code view display new display code and github to limit admin content list by group slash permissions is that one of the examples yeah i'm going on mute because i don't want to have the uh echo happen but here's the github link to the where i put those code snippets feel free to check out that github and it has those good snippets that i had linked in the presentation and definitely we'll figure out how to get the we'll get the slides posted because there are some good links to the contributed modules and the patches i mean i don't think that there's any implementation that wouldn't require at least one of the patches um they they're they're pretty they're pretty useful patches and you know eventually will be brought into the module but um have not been yet so you'll need them josslyn will beat me to the punch i'll figure out how to get the slides exported and just add to that repo that i just linked um so that you can get the presentation i'm sure that there's going to be a bad camp distribution path as well but i'll add it to the github okay any last-minute questions i think we're basically at time nice seeing familiar faces have a nice one everyone
Channel: Bay Area Drupal Camp
Views: 1,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: badcamp, bay area drupal camp, badcamp 2020, drupal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 23sec (2723 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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