What Can $67K USD Buy in Mexico? House Hunting in Guanajuato

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okay so let me just figure out where to put this thing, there's a smudge... this is a good light. also I need to tell them something they need to know about you is that you always look like a supermodel. Every single time every single time. she'll say oh this is my casual day and it's like-- it's always a casual day. You never know. Maybe you can go to another place and have a nice day, find a new friends for example you know you never know hi hello this is my friend Nallely. hello do you want to introduce yourself? yes my name is Nallely Marcela Rangel Torres. Nallely it's a Maya names yes I love your name please tell us the story of your name well my story it's about a princess Maya who live in Guanajuato now and well Marcella its a Spain name from my other part of the family so I have both you have both you have the Mayan history and Spanish history yes yes I love it I love it Nallely you are what do you call it in Mexico? like in the States we would say you're a real estate agent? we are still. okay so you're a real estate agent how do you say that in Spanish? ah "agente de inmobiliario." Ooh, okay. It's easy, it's easy, don't worry. it's easy, it's easy. Yes it is. so we are here at a vacation rental in panoramica its panoramic and also it's in Cerro de Hijas. you can see the view yeah tell me about real estate here in Guanajuato how easy is it to find a place to rent how easy is it to find a place to buy are there a lot of properties available or not a lot of properties available or depends on the time of year? it depends it's depends. right now we have a lot of properties on sale just in centro and also we have the new part of the city it's in the south of the part of the city okay and you can find there the new properties to buy it okay so I know here in Mexico it's more common to buy with cash right like it's that's the way it usually is done you come in you say here's this is the property here's the cash now we're done but you guys are now working with someone who does mortgages right so you don't have to have everything in cash up front right and you can do that as a US citizen as a Canadian citizen you don't have to have Mexican citizenship to be able to do that no you only need a permission from the government to buy a property okay but it's very simple okay and also it's very cheap you only need to choose a property yeah and we have a lot of properties now we have that kind of a big properties with a garden because the weather here it's amazing oh yeah you cannot beat the weather you really can't. we were very much complaining about the cold but in back home it's snowing so it's like oh no it's 50 degrees everybody back home is like it's a snowstorm 50 degrees sounds great no we have here a lot of sun and it's really nice yes and also it's a very safe place in Guanajuato it's very calm it's very safe we have a lot of tradition yes many many fiestas party every day you know it and fireworks right? now this this rental is like a vacation rental short term rental yeah so if people want to come to Guanajuato for a month or two months they can actually rent from you yes oh you guys do the short-term rentals do you do like midterm do you have like a like six months leases as well yes so you have every every type of length of time, I don't know how to say it it's two hundred and forty five thousand dollars? Wow with all this land it's two different kind of construction okay you have the main house and also we have two different apartments what? yes. now if somebody had a property that they wanted to buy but they didn't want to live here year-round do you guys you would manage the property for them like you can rent it for them? yes of course. does she mind if I film? it's okay this is the main property the big house oh my word they have little swings! --about this property, you have all these gardens ceiling from Guanajuato, we call it Boveda three bedrooms in the main house another detail oh look at how pretty how old is this house it's not too old, it's like 40 years I think. but also it's in really good shape another terrace with gardens a little fruit tree and a big garage and the laundry room Wow a lot of space for storage so much space and you can have here like seven or ten cars so much space so that's the main house and this is the apartment area so Nallely what does it feel like to be from the most beautiful city on the planet? it's really nice. And I can go to every property, you know? you can see the whole city! all the magic of the city I have it in my hand this one it's like 67,000 ok ok you can buy this property it's all new, you need to see the construction. it's really nice, as you can see it's very calm here it's flat but it's very calm you can see the mountains there also. yeah. and it's really nice because have three different kind of properties here ok we can start with this one, this is the little one the small one. it's cute! you have air conditioning here really? this is the kitchen, it's all new oh nice you can see all the furniture here so pretty. I know big space! you could have a, you could have a big fridge is this a pantry? yes. Wow! And also Harry Potters can live here that's right always good to have an under the stair closet for your family wizard that you need to hide away of course you can see the patio here this is cute this is one of the bedrooms a baby bedroom so cute a really nice closet here that's built in that's really that's really nice that's pretty we have here a lot of natural light. wow. a really nice and big bathroom and the skylights it is very bright feeling, there's skylights everywhere air conditioning! air conditioning big windows oh yeah it's really nice and we have a balcony I love this little nook is it would be perfect place to just write or do your work and then you can stare out at the mountains this is the smallest one and now this is the medium one ooh fancy! full bath here in the front as you can see it's like a small area here, because it's closed here. oh like little sitting area or even this could this could even be like you could have a guest sleep here yeah a nice purple rug I really need my place to come with a squishy bread. actually Harper would legit like to play with that. ...have this furniture in the house, and you can also have the same stove it's the same stove, the same furniture the closets... also if you want to keep the house, have the house just like here so you can have it unfurnished or furnished okay. if you want to move here right now, I need the house just like this and it's okay the sink is so big, I know what is your favorite part of your job? meet people yeah like you all the time, have a new friends, it's really nice you're a very social person oh thank you, yes, sometimes sometimes I'm kind of grumpy like you know, it's part of the life. I think that's probably like you saying that that that you're having a casual day like like these are your casual shoes aren't they yes of course this is casual yes and then I have my high heels like you see in my car, because here you need both all right let's go upstairs and see that this is another bedroom. all right what? a tub. is this a bathtub? yes yes it is well you need a a bikini or something right? but you can use it. oh my gosh. yes. you can sit here and take your bubble bath and look out at the view there's a kitty cat! Gracie's a little black and white kitty cat... it even has that new house smell it like smells like a new house yeah oh yeah wow this is more space. you need to see this bathroom I love the mirror. you can film yourself in the mirror this is so fresh. yes it's so open feeling and this kitchen is so pretty it's big yeah are they still building new properties like this one so if somebody comes in and says I want a new one and I want to pick like I want the stove from the middle one and I want this thing from that and then they can kind of customize it all yes okay you can pick everything as you want. also the same with the furniture and everything and starts at 67,000 yes wow it's very cheap. it depends about the furniture, right furniture, and the things that you wanted, but it's a really good price also you have a parking lot okay so you have parking yeah yeah because if you want to live in the south, yeah you need a car you have to have a car, yes you do. come on. let's go see the second floor this is the main bedroom. okay pretty it's a different kind of style. more modern. yeah. you can see the bathroom. nice and big because right now in this model of the house we have three bedrooms yeah it does everything feels so new and modern and like fancy no TVs in the bedroom that's right hmm no they say you sleep much better if you don't have a TV in your bedroom. of course, of course that happens. you were telling me a lot of people who live in this part of the city work in Silao, Irapuato, or Leon because it's very close from here, uh huh. and it's safe to live here, because it's so close yeah you have security all the time, you have cameras, you have all the police here just in these neighbors so it's very safe. the kids can just go out to play and also they can I read a really nice space for the kids, a playground oh yeah yeah you and also you can stay here you can go to the Centro, I don't know like 20 minutes so you have both yes so if you want to stay outside of the centro, out of the noise, you can live here so what I liked about the properties that you showed me today is like there's such a range the the one in-- it's Momias, Momias, it's close to the museum that was like a compound and but felt more traditional more Mexican right and was closer to the center but then you have this which is super modern and all brand new and very chic and it's a lot quieter so if you wanted kind of and it's so cheap it's so affordable yes it is so it seems like you could basically come in with any budget and say this is my budget and this is what I'm looking for and you could go way down here or way up there, yes of course. and do do you have anybody who comes here and like buys up several of these units and turns them into rentals like does this is this a potential like rental market at all? and so you can buy a property like these and we can rent it between 15 and 12,000 depends, also, right depends on the model and all the things you have. so you could if you were let's say thinking I'm gonna retire in five to ten years you could come here you could buy a property for $70,000 mm-hmm you could rent it out to a family that you know might want to live here and work in Silao and then then you come back when you're ready to retire and you have your own place I'm scheming...Jesse? you can live here, come Jesse well thank you so much Nallely thank you for showing me all these things and taking your whole afternoon to drive me around everywhere it's okay it's a nice weather here thank you so much and if you are looking to rent buy or buy and then rent your property in Guanajuato you've got to come work with Nallely you just have to you just don't do anything else just come here I will put all of her information in the description box below and her website and all of that stuff so you can get in touch with her yes and she will find you a fabulous place always, or experience, that's right, absolutely. all right bye guys, thank you so much bye
Channel: Erin's Travels
Views: 243,360
Rating: 4.7920723 out of 5
Id: b7gahMZ-7Tk
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Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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