What are VLANs and how to configure them (pt.1)

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Welcome to the VLAN miniseries, where we are going  to start from the very basics and progress towards   more advanced setups for experienced network  engineers. If you are new to the term VLAN and   you are wondering what even is that then in this  video, you will get all your answers and more! VLANs are great if you are looking for an  efficient and secure way to set up your networks,   they are especially handy if you need  to isolate different people or different   devices and you want your setup to be  easily adjustable. VLANs allow for more   affordable setups as you might be able to  replace some of your routers with switches.   But even if you are not a network engineer  for a big company, they might still come   in handy in your home network. Some use  it for their wireless to separate guest   devices or IoT devices from their home network.  Personally, my favorite use case is to take a   single ethernet port that I have on a computer  like this laptop and split it into multiple. VLAN stands for virtual LAN and VLANs basically  allow us to divide LAN into multiple isolated   segments. To best explain them I will need to talk  a little bit about local area networks. Typically   when you think of LAN, you are probably thinking  of some broad definition, like a private network   that is confined to a physical location –  a building or some small area. An image of   an office comes to mind where IP addressing is  established and you either have all your devices   on a single IP network, or you split them up in  groups using subnets or multiple local network   address ranges. But the term LAN actually refers  to more than the physical proximity of devices   or the IP configuration. In these videos, we  will define LAN as a single broadcast domain.  What that means is that any two devices (laptop,  CRS) that are physically connected and have   established a data link, are on the same LAN.  Because they can now exchange network frames   using MAC addressing and if one were to send  a frame destined to the broadcast MAC address,   the other one would receive it as they are in  the same broadcast domain. And furthermore,   if the device receiving the broadcast frame (CRS)  is a simple switch or a router with bridged ports,   it will further send this broadcast frame to  a number of connected devices. So if a third   device can receive this frame, it is also in  the same broadcast domain and in the same LAN. Now let’s say we want to add another (fourth)  device, but we want to isolate it from the   third one. Well, we could simply not put them  in the same bridge, and as a result, they will   be in separate broadcast domains and essentially  separate LANs. But the L009 here would also be   isolated from the first device (laptop). So we  would have four devices in the same local area,   all connected, but there would be two LANs  that are separated on layer2, the data link   layer. They could still be configured to have  IPs and communicate through routing the network   layer packets, but the CPU on the CRS in the  middle might have to do some work because it   would now have to act as a gateway where it has to  consider the routing table and the firewall rules. We could improve this setup with VLANs and there  are actually several ways to do that both in terms   of the VLAN topology and in how we configure  our Mikrotik devices. The best configuration   will depend on what you need to accomplish and  on what switch chip is housed in your device. So what do I want to accomplish? I want my laptop  to have layer2 connectivity with the hap ac2, but   not have them all in the same broadcast domain,  so that I can do things like, run netinstall   and have winbox access without a configured IP. I  want my laptop to exchange layer2 frames like ARP   and MNDP with the hap ac, but keep it isolated  from the L009. So what can I do here? There is   only one physical connection from the laptop! I  need to split it virtually into two using VLANs. We are starting with no existing configuration and  I will show you the most basic VLAN configuration   possible, even though it will not be the  most efficient one for this particular CRS,   as it will not take advantage of hardware  offloading but it is the most simple option   and it will work on literally any RotuerOS  device. The configuration on SwOS is obviously   different and I will not get into that for now as  we already have a good video on configuring VLANS   in SwOS by Edgars who is an expert on the VLAN  topic, I am actually consulting with him myself. Alright, on the CRS go to the interface VLAN  section. There we can add a new interface with   the name of our liking, I prefer to just name them  VLAN followed by the VLAN id I will use. The range   you should use for these IDs is from 2 to 4094.  ID 1 is usable as well, but it has a special   purpose in some equipment. And then the interface  in this case is the one connected to the laptop. That’s how easy it is to create a couple  of VLAN interfaces. Now any frames that we   send to these will have VLAN tags inserted into  their frame structure and the altered frames   will exit the ether24 interface. Similarly,  VLAN-tagged traffic coming into the ether24   interface will have their tags removed and the  frames will be sent out to the appropriate VLAN   interfaces untagged, but at this point,  they don’t lead to anything just yet. To help you further understand this topic, I will  give you a quick brief on VLAN tags. A typical   layer2 frame has a very specific structure  that was designed at the very beginning of   the ethernet protocol. Every single piece of  network equipment is expecting that when it   receives a frame and it reads it bit by bit that  the first six octets a.k.a bytes are going to be   the MAC destination address, the next six octets  will be the MAC source address and after that,   there will be 2 octets containing EtherType which  indicates what kind of payload is encapsulated.   Now VLAN tags were a later invention,  and when they are used they change this   structure by essentially inserting a 4-octet  VLAN header before this regular EtherType.   Since this is altering the very fabric of  ethernet, we have to respect that VLAN tags   can lead to all sorts of unexpected behaviors. First of all, if you incorrectly add or don’t   add this tag. When VLANs are not configured on a  piece of networking equipment and it receives a   frame with a VLAN tag, it will simply drop it. So  that means that not only will it break the network   or IP layer, but it will also break other layer2  protocols, such as ARP and network discovery.  Similarly, adding a VLAN tag where there shouldn’t  be any can also cause problems, for example, the   spanning tree protocol and its derivatives like  RSTP. Those protocols rely on sending out special   frames out of all the bridged or switched ports  so that other devices that receive them can detect   potential traffic loops before they occur and  manage their own physical ports to prevent that.   It is generally a good idea to use them as  accidents happen, you plug the wrong cable in   the wrong port and all of a sudden your whole  network becomes unresponsive due to a traffic   loop. Spanning tree prevents that! The problem  here is that adding VLAN tags to these special   frames can completely break those protocols. So  we have to be mindful about how we handle them. On that note, let’s bridge one of our newly   created VLAN interfaces to  a physical ethernet port. When we create a bridge, by default it is  set to protocol mode RSTP. And in this case,   the protocol will be pretty broken because the  tagged RSTP frames will be ignored when received   at a physical port, and further they might get  untagged and spewed out other bridged ports. In   the next video, we will learn to handle  our networks using VLAN-aware bridging,   or as we call it VLAN-filtering. It will  allow us to use VLANs in conjunction with   the spanning tree protocols, but at this time  we simply have to disable RSTP on our bridge. Next, we can add the ports as usual and now  we will be able to use this VLAN for layer2   protocols, but this is a very crude way of doing  things. In addition to losing the spanning tree,   we also cannot benefit from hardware offloading  in this manner, so it is generally not advised   to do it this way. VLAN filtering will be a  much more efficient method for the CRS326. The   VLAN interface method we are using now is more  suitable for routing. The interfaces we create   are a lot like physical interfaces. Instead  of just bridging, we can assign IP addresses,   set up DHCP servers, and firewalls, and  basically do any other layer3 stuff we   need. So we will use routing for vlan20,  but first, let's finish up with vlan10. All that is left to do to make it functional is  to handle the VLAN tag 10 on the laptop. Funny   enough this can easily be done from the  GUI both in linux and mac, but in windows   you will likely have to use PowerShell. Anyhow, in NetworkManager GUI, it will look   something like this. Open up the network settings  and click the add button, select VLAN. Then select   the parent interface, and enter the VLAN id  and name. Finally, if there is no DHCP server   running on the VLAN that you are connecting to,  make sure to add some local address, otherwise,   linux will not route layer2 frames correctly  even if you are not using IP addressing.  If I now check winbox neighbors, you can see that  there is another device besides the CRS that I can   connect to using its MAC address, because layer2  traffic can successfully run through the VLAN. The hAP ac at the other end can operate as  usual without any knowledge of the existence   of VLAN in this network – it will know that it is  connected to the CRS and it will see whatever is   at the other end of this VLAN. We could even  netinstall it from the laptop if we wanted. Now let’s do a routed setup for vlan20,  so that you can see the difference.   To make that happen I will just set up static  routing with the CRS as the gateway. I need to   assign an IP address to vlan20 from one network  and an address from another network to ether8.   Then connect to the L009 and assign an  IP from the same network as ether8. Also,   set the CRS as the default gateway. After  that add a new VLAN on the computer,   just like we did it before, but this  time in the Ipv4 section we need to   use an IP from the correct network and  we also have to set a route to the L009. This time when I open winbox,  there again is another entry,   but it is to the CRS. We cannot receive the  network discovery packets from the L009 in   this manner, however, if we manually enter  its IP, we can now connect through vlan20. In conclusion here is what we have done – we took  what would be a single broadcast domain and a   single port for the laptop and virtually divided  it. We did not create a trunk port however,   it is more like a hybrid port – we can use the  two virtual broadcast domains along with the   regular network connection. Which is still  functional and as long as the VLANS are not   being used at the same time can still  be operated with the same throughput. I hope you make use of this and stay tuned  for the next video on VLANs where we will   do more advanced configurations with proper  trunk and access ports. Right now all three   devices connected to the CRS can see it, but  in the next one, the CRS will become invisible! If you enjoyed this, make sure to like,  subscribe and leave a comment or two,   so that the algorithm knows this was good  stuff and I will see you in the next one!
Channel: MikroTik
Views: 33,237
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Keywords: mikrotik, routerboard, routeros, latvia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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