What Are The Top Tech Certifications for 2023? And How Much Do They Pay?

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I really want to get certified in something  in Tech but I don't want to waste my time on   something that's not going to be in demand  well have you looked into what courses are   really in demand there are some areas  that are continuing to grow Based on   data based on what employers are hiring  for okay well can you at least give me   some of the top certifications so I know  where to focus in on all right well I'll   I'll help you a little bit let me show  you what's in demand perfect [Music]   coming in at number 10 is a course by Google  this course is cloud digital leader it's not   necessarily a technical course so whether you are  on the business side or technical side there is a   lot you can gain from this course so what exactly  does this course entail a cloud digital leader   articulates the capabilities articulates the  capabilities of Google's Cloud Core products and   services and how they can benefit organizations  so this isn't a certification just to take if you   are someone looking to work at Google but it's  a certification to take if you are interested in   getting into the cloud space if you're interested  in working with Cloud here are the four main   areas that this exam will test you on one being  digital transformation with Cloud infrastructure   and application modernization and innovating with  data and Google Cloud also to the last one being   security and operations this is something that  even if you end up working on an Amazon product   or anything like that having the basis and  certification of a cloud product is really   important in today's day and age and according  to PC Magazine the average salary for someone   who has this certification is 142 000. so this  certification is relatively new it launched back   in 2021 but it's already continuing to see demand  grow for it coming in at number nine is Microsoft   certification this one is azure Azure why can I  not say this on camera right now Azure Solutions   architect specialist this is an exam that I'm  sure you've heard about from past years it's   something that is extremely popular and why is it  not higher on the list tip well I guess we'll get   to that as we get closer you'll understand what  are really trending for number three number two   number one but for now this is at number nine  it's still very in demand and it's one of those   things that when I was making this list I really  had to be careful because it's all dependent it's   dependent on what area you really want to focus  on how you're growing your career but overall   we're ranking number nine this exam is designed  to certify professionals with Advanced experience   designing cloud and other hybrid solution on the  Microsoft Azure platform and the compensation for   this is relatively on the low side compared  to others on this list on the average of 142   000 and this is according to skill soft research  coming in at number eight is certified ethical   hacker this course really intrigues me anyways  it's so you keep on hearing about cyber security   it's so in demand and it's going to continue in  that direction now listen I gotta be honest this   course isn't necessarily cheap so it is a bit of  an investment I would say if you are someone who   is looking into this course to really consider  it if you are already working at a company and   hopefully you can get them to help with funding  it the goal of this course is to help you master   ethical hacking and some of the skills that  you will learn include penetration testing and   it delivers an in-demand ethical hacking skills  while preparing you for internationally recognized   certified ethical hacker certification exam so  I really like that this certification will help   prepare you for the next level of the exam so  this is more so a course and it's how preparing   me for the certified ethical hacker exam which is  extremely in demand I mean the stats around cyber   security and jobs needed are honestly mind-blowing  I'll include some on screen here but as you can   see it's an area that if you're looking to really  have a long-term career solidified go in cyber   security there is so much demand for jobs both  Technical and non-technical and it will continue   to increase this way as everything continues  to go online coming in at number seven you   knew something had to be AI related on here which  is IBM's AI engineering professional certificate   this is a course that I personally have looked  into a lot and I'm really considering taking as   the world of AI continues to grow so quickly this  is ranked number seven this year on the list but   I have a feeling that next year it might even be  higher and so on this is a great course to take   I am pulling up on screen here it is available on  Coursera it is free and what it will teach you is   to describe machine learning deep learning neural  networks and other machine learning algorithms   like classification Etc once you are completed  this course not only will you have a strong   understanding of the business side of AI but also  too you will actually get to build deep learning   models and use tools like Pi torch or tensorflow  now it wouldn't be a full list if we didn't list   some AWS courses on here or certifications on here  it's an area that as a whole is not only in demand   currently but going to continue to be in demand  it's kind of the gold standard when it comes to   certifications companies always look at that and  go okay you put in a lot of time you put in a   lot of effort you must know you must have a lot of  knowledge on this so for number six with AWS comes   Solutions architect and this specifically is the  associates certification this course will really   test you on your expertise in designing systems  on the AWS Services Cloud I really enjoy their   courses and what they have to or certifications  and what they have to offer because not only is   it a lot of reading and education on that side  but also too it's implementation a lot of these   courses you actually have to get in there  and utilize the tools that they are speaking   about and according once again to PC Magazine  Architects can make an average of around 155   000 per year coming in at number five is cissp  stands for certified information system security   professional so this is great for you if you  are interested in working in security analysis   auditing systems engineering or really anything in  between and this is something that I had trouble   placing because as cyber security becomes more  important I wanted to put it higher on the list   but there are other ones that we will get to which  overtake it in in many ways which you'll see but   this is a great certification it's recognized  across the industry it's a pretty intense exam   and certification to go through but if you are  really interested in the systems engineering   side of things this is of course to really  look into also with this certification it's   important to note you will still need education  or continuing education after you complete it each   year you will need to maintain your credential  chills even after getting the certification this   holds it to really high standards to ensure that  individuals who say they have the certification   have completed this course are really up to  date with industry best practices now next up   is a certification that does not require technical  skills however I see a lot of software Engineers   growing their career in this direction can you  guess what it is project management and I know   some of you are either for project managers  we love them others of you are probably like   I haven't had a great experience with them  I don't really love them but regardless   they are very vital and key part or key aspect in  having a business running properly so the project   management professional or PMP certification  has been around for quite a while evolving and   updating its course over time to be relevant  but it's something that is well recognized in   the industry now once again this is not a free  certification so I would really recommend asking   your employer if they can help support funding  it I mean at the end of the day your employer   wants you to stay with them to grow with them  and also too if you are showing that you're   taking initiative to learn other skills it should  be almost looked at as a win-win they are funding   for more education and in turn you can apply  that to the company this is a certification   for individuals who really want to expand their  skills as project managers the certification shows   that an individual has the skills to Define  plan and manage complex projects and teams   and the average salary for a PMP certified  individual is around 150 000 U.S coming in at   number three is something for all my devops people  which is Microsoft Azure devops engineer this is a   great certification it's been around for a while  and they Continue to update it as the world of   devops evolves don't die it's gonna die again  also it's important to know that this is a course   that you already have to have experience with  developing an Azure and also to be familiar with   Azure devops and GitHub there are prerequisites of  two other certifications before you get to this so   that's why it is relatively high up on this list  is because it is very high paying and also too   very in demand for number two on the list is cism  certified information security manager and this of   course is a really well paid certification you are  getting into management level here it's definitely   something if you're earlier on in your career to  strive for at this level with this certification   it really focuses more on a management level so  it's designed to really have education and an   understanding for engineering security protocols  and to be able to manage a company's overall I.T   security as a cism individual you'll have access  lines of business you will be in charge of the   company you are working at it's department for  security so this is probably it's a massive   role when you think about all the responsibility  that really falls under it and of course they're   very well paid soft skills says you can make  an average of 162 000 per year on average so   some people make much higher some people make  lower coming in at number one is AWS Solutions   architect but the professional certification we  spoke earlier in this list of the associate one   and now we're talking about the professional  this is an extremely high paying certification   starting in a round or averaging around 168 000  U.S and this is an exam that no we cannot just   start working in Tech and start taking we do  have to have experience at least two years of   experience working with AWS is required you must  know one scripting language have expertise with   AWS apis and also to be familiar with both Linux  and windows so this is a course that if you're   already on this path that I would highly suggest  you looking to taking if you're just starting your   career definitely look at how you can structure  your career based on these exams and really   work your way up all right those are the top 10  certifications in tech for 2023. this list as I   mentioned at the beginning was really based on a  lot of different lists on Trends I saw throughout   the list and then also to trying to keep it a bit  diverse that no matter if you are coming from a   technical or non-technical background there is  a certification in here for you I think though   throughout this list one thing you will see  is really a trend between two areas one being   cloud and the other being cyber security these are  two areas that Based on data based on numbers are   really growing and jobs are so in demand in these  two areas so if you're looking for an area to   really focus your energy and expert T-Zone these  are two that I'd really check out alright thank   you all for watching I hope you enjoyed this list  down below some other certifications that maybe   weren't included in this video I'm always curious  to hear what you are working on also give this   video a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe  alright I'll see you all soon foreign [Music]
Channel: Tiff In Tech
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Keywords: Top Tech Certifications for 2023, tiff in tech, tiffintech, highest paying certifications, best it certifications, best it certifications 2023, best it certification 2023, it certification, it certifications, how to learn to code, learning to code, how to learn programming, women in tech, coding for beginners, how to learn coding, how to start coding, how to learn code, girls who code, self taught programmer, programming for beginners, How to get into tech
Id: fFoKl6FyJSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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