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Sometimes there is not a perfect positive correlation between your efforts or contributions today and your salary. More often, what affects your income is whether you should choose an essay group or a theory group in your country's market industry. You need to know that at this stage you are What risks will it bring with making this choice , and what may be the reward you will get? This may be the most important thing. Hiho, everyone, I am Zhiqi and I am back with us today. If I don’t read the manuscript for this series, I won’t use the manuscript. Instead, use a relaxed chat method to discuss some hot topics on the Internet celebrity circle, YouTube or the Internet. Today we are going to discuss this ever-popular topic on the Internet, which is called the Zhan Wenli Group. In fact , you will see someone talking about it every once in a while. There is a battle on the Internet about whether it is better to choose the essay group or the science group. There are a group of people who think that the essay group is actually not that great at all. It is not difficult at all and the money you can earn after graduation is very small . On the other hand, some people will choke. People from the theory group, why are you uneducated and empty-hearted after graduation ? Today we are going to talk about whether it is better to choose the essay group or the science group. In this episode, we will discuss how to think about this issue. And which department is better for the science group or the essay group? But before starting today’s discussion, let’s go into some business service time. First, ask Zhiqi whether you are from the essay group or the science group. This is actually a very interesting city. The program seems to be a somewhat mixed department. I remember that when I took the academic test, it was actually placed in the arts group, so there were a lot of high school students in our class who were in the arts group, but when it came time to take the exam, it was actually placed in the second category. Group and then enter. In fact, my feeling is that it is closer to Category 1. The reason why there are many Category 2 is because it requires some more complex mathematics, so it is a very mixed department. My own background is also quite mixed. I studied the science group in high school. After college , I also studied the literature group in graduate school, so we happened to have a bit of both sides . Zhiqi, do you think it is better to study the art group or the theory group? I think we should Here we need to first define what the so-called better means, and to take precautions here, it is boring to discuss things. We need to define it first. I think most people may talk about better. There are several types. The first one is that you can earn more with a higher salary. The second type of money is whether it is useful in life, so I think it is better. Then I think it is a bit difficult to talk about it directly. For example, the article group is actually a large general name in the article group. There are also people who study design, law, and business management. You know there is a slight gap between the salary of law, business management, and design. When talking about salary, let’s look at the data. In fact, we have to get some data to look at. Let’s see if our impression is true. If we look at the salary averages in various fields offered by 104, you will find that the salary distribution gap in the writing group is actually very huge. Of course, some may not have that high salary , but the opposite is also true. Some jobs with very high salaries , such as project management, product planning, are actually quite good . The difference between project management and general administration alone is already 26,000 , almost twice that. In turn, let’s look at the salary distribution of the management team. You will find that their distribution is slightly more even, and they are basically in the relatively high area. So we can draw a small conclusion here that the gap between the upper and lower limits of the writing group is relatively large. In the management group, it is the overall average. It may be a relatively high impression on everyone, but that’s not necessarily wrong. It’s just that you often think that writing groups make relatively little money. Some people will come back and say that there are no writing groups. In fact, there are still very profitable writing groups. According to the data, both are true because the extremes on both sides are true. The values ​​​​are very high. I think the essay group I just mentioned is a combination of many categories. There may be relatively few of them that are more profitable. For example, the department of law, business administration , but in fact it also includes many categories. Others are like literature, language, history, philosophy, politics, social sciences, communication, art, education, etc. You have to study many departments at once. Yes, there are many departments. But from my own understanding , these friends I know are because we are here. It is true that everyone is having a hard time. This should be considered as objective information. It is really hard. To sum it up simply, the data shows that graduates from science and engineering departments are slightly more likely to find jobs with high salaries. A little bit, especially for graduates, Zhiqi, what do you think about this phenomenon ? Why do management teams generally have higher salaries? I think it is actually a system. In fact, the knowledge and fields that we attach great importance to in different eras and backgrounds are not very different. Same , so we have to pay special attention to what the society we are in now values ​​​​but now in Taiwan, I think the reason why we attach great importance to science talents can be viewed from three perspectives. The first is that the process of social development will first Pay attention to practicality and production. Let’s first make our basic quality of life better, and then we can think about other aspects (culture, art, design, etc.). Some people say that Taiwan has been around for a long time . But if you look at the main components of Taiwan today, In fact, we are still mainly in the industrial manufacturing industry, so in this regard, I think our vision has reached a certain point . However, our entire industrial environment is actually still in the industrial and manufacturing industries . Secondly, I think it is the division of labor in each country under globalization. It will have some special status or location of its own . Under this situation, everyone knows that Taiwan is an industrial manufacturing industry. We are very good at doing related things , and our best talents may stay in such a place. For example, in the United States , I once heard some uncles and uncles in the semiconductor industry talk about why they are unable to develop the semiconductor industry in the United States today. One of the most significant influences is that if they want to cross over to hardware today, they will Is the United States willing to take on this advantage of sacrificing their best talents and losing their software talents ? They think this matter is very difficult , and after such an ecosystem has become there , in fact, you cannot do it as a country. In reality, it is unlikely that resources are limited and there will be opportunity costs . In addition, the country will invest a lot of resources in order to develop an industry. To support or subsidize this thing, it is also a limitation . Today, you cannot spread everything widely. If you spread everything widely, everything will be bad, because there must be a country that will spend huge amounts on a certain thing. Then use that thing as leverage. When the country spends this kind of money to subsidize today, it can allow that country to stabilize a certain economic location and form a strong industry in that country . So we can think about it now , for example. In the United States , you will think of the commercial and financial industry, you will think of software, and in Korea, you will think of their culture-related industries, etc. This is what happens in this way. I think another point is that the country will also invest a lot. Money is used to train those talents , and when it comes to people, it is because of competition in salary that everyone will be pushed up. For example, in Taiwan, our choice may be the hardware industry or the OEM industry , so in this process In fact, when a country invests, it will not necessarily only invest in one or two. It should drive the rise of the entire industry. When many industries come out, they will start to compete with each other. Competition will lead to competition for talents. The salary of talents will also go up together. This is why science and engineering students in Taiwan may be particularly popular. Because this is the path Taiwan has chosen, it may be the right direction . And I think talents are also a scarce resource , so after all, there is no way for every industry to be the same. It's great. We just talked about a lot of hardware. Now we can talk about some software. Because software engineers have high salaries. Why is it because of the Internet or the software industry, which can directly do global things? So it The scope of the market suddenly broke through the limitations of this region, and the upper limit was raised. It can do many things. The various functions of the program that I developed by myself today can actually be directly and quickly copied to other markets to expand its scale. Right , right , so its value becomes very, very high. In fact, other countries can also use the Internet through the Internet. My headquarters is in Singapore , but you can also work in Taiwan. At this time, your competition will be The original competition has changed from Taiwan to global competition , so naturally the salary of software engineers will also be raised. This happened during the epidemic before , and everyone was rushing to grab it. Because of the epidemic at that time, everyone's time to access the Internet suddenly changed. Once the number increased, every company, its e-commerce, and everything else skyrocketed , and everyone started poaching like crazy in order to grab people. At that time, some of my friends who were new entrepreneurs said that the price of engineers became super expensive , and then they had a small collapse and a big conquest. That 's right. We have also looked at the data of the United States. If you look at the situation in the United States, you will find that their business management category is actually ranked very high, and their IT salary-related categories are also ranked very high. This seems to be similar to Taiwan. But if you If you look at their art and education status, you will find that they are actually at the upper-middle level . But Taiwan is actually lower in the middle. This means that the path you choose may be different. I think you can see another one from here. One thing is that I remember that a certain president in the United States may have said something similar. He was talking about a country having its own era. This thing is that our generation must work very hard in industrial manufacturing and our next generation. Only then is it possible to engage in business-related things , and then only in the next generation can it be possible to engage in art-related things. It’s a bit like you have to start with the basics first and slowly wait until everyone’s basic needs are met . At this point , we may not have reached that section of Maslow's triangle yet. It is a bit similar to the several points we just mentioned earlier. In contrast , knowledge such as literature, history, philosophy or social sciences can currently be obtained in Taiwan. There are relatively few large-scale and large-scale applications , so you would say that ordinary people have no way to do it. But if we find it in large-scale and large-scale applications, such as commercial e-commerce and finance, they can complete it through the system. Their salary will go up. If we define it this way, Zhiqi, you will think that the knowledge taught by our liberal arts department is actually of no use. Of course I will not say it this way. I will think that from From a systematic perspective, the fact that the knowledge of the management team is valued is partly due to the background of this era. But it would be a pity to look down on the knowledge of the writing team just because of this . But I must also say that I didn’t understand the writing team very well in the beginning. When I was in high school, would you have scolded the fat nerds in the literary group? I couldn’t. I wouldn’t scold. I didn’t like to scold people that much in my life , but I didn’t understand it at that time because my education growing up was that you would probably leave. I used to dislike history and Chinese language classes. I was really bad at both subjects. But I feel like I learned a lot now when I go back and read those things. It ’s actually a bit like a book. A philosophy of looking at things , or like language. Before, my English was not very good, but now I feel that language is not just a tool. There is a lot of culture attached to the language , or history. You have to understand it. How the world has changed in different eras and backgrounds. This process has given me a lot of inspiration in business. Big-tailed YouTubers all have to read history. That’s right. Look at our current traffic kings , Hook and Cheap. Look, their names are in English. Do you want them? After studying English language and then talking about history, do you still dare to say that the literary group is not important? I think what you just talked about like literary philosophy resonates with me because I studied related things in graduate school . In fact, I think it brings a very important The thing is that it gives people a great sense of time , because people's lives may last for decades. You have to find the meaning of life and the value of life. This thing seems difficult to complete by yourself , but if you look at it, it's like things we used to read You will see that many of the troubles you have now have been talked about by the ancients. Even thousands of years ago, they thought about the same things in a similar way. Of course, the life situation is different, so the answers you will get may be different. But it’s really interesting to see how other people think about the same problem. So when everyone is discussing good and bad, we still have to distinguish between commercial value and humanistic value. These are two things. The things we can see in these salaries. I think there is a gap in this kind of difference , but it does not mean that the knowledge of the speaking group is useless. Finally, we want to ask the audience because a lot of our audience are high school students and college students . If you want to give them suggestions, what should they do? When thinking about whether to select the essay group or the rationale group, what kind of thoughts can Zhiqi give? If the discussion here is still about salary, I think we should pay attention to the impact of the system. What you should pay attention to is your efforts today or whether Sometimes there is not a perfect positive correlation between pay and salary. More often, what affects your income is the market industry of your country. This thing really has a greater impact because there are subsidies and a larger system feeding it, which will be more It’s easy to make more money , so if you consider income very much , I think you need to be aware of this. You have to ask whether the industry I am in is growing. If it is growing, invest your time here. Only by accumulating it can you grow up with us. But if you are in a relatively stagnant industry today , no matter how hard you work, you will still have a very, very hard time. It is not necessarily your fault, right, right . In addition, I think it’s also true if you look outside. You have to take a look at yourself. If your family conditions are relatively difficult today and your financial pressure is relatively high, I would think that choosing the management team will indeed have a better chance of making your life improve faster . You can choose the essay team. I would use a game as a metaphor. If you choose a level with higher difficulty, because we just saw the information, it shows that the writing group can also get very high salaries , but the salary for entry-level jobs is not high. You have to be the best. Or you need to be very strong , which is equal to the salary range. It has a large upper and lower limit. It may also be the so-called high risk and high reward concept to a certain extent. I think it is actually a matter of choice. For high school students and college students, it is most important . The important thing is that you need to know what consequences it will bring if you make this choice at this stage . If you really love that thing, I think it’s okay if you want to do it , but you have to know what the risks will be. What kind of compensation will you get? I think this may be the most important thing. The other thing is that I actually think that many of the skills you will learn in the workplace today do not necessarily have to be related to your study group or theory. The group thing is directly tied together . Personally, I only started to have more contact with business project management, communication and coordination , and some product development business negotiations, etc., after I started working . Things are basically not connected. I think one of the points here is that the times are changing more and more rapidly, so only the knowledge learned in schools in the past is definitely not enough. The second thing I think is that schools were used in the past. It is a mechanism created to help people find jobs quickly or be thrown into factories. I think everyone does not need to be tied to the classification framework of the liberal arts group in school . Like Lifeng, who is my mentor in entrepreneurship. He often Tell some graduates that what you have to think about now is not whether you want to work in a big company or a small company. The key is whether you can continue to learn in that environment . If you are sure today that this environment can help you continue to learn, If you study hard and study hard, you will eventually go on a different path from others , and I also believe that you will learn a lot in the process. Traditionally defined as literary group or traditionally defined as theory In the end, you have to be able to learn all the group stuff. Today I am here to ask everyone. Do you think you should choose the liberal arts group or the science group for high school entrance exams ? What aspects do you think should be considered in this question ? Welcome everyone below. Leave a message to share your thoughts. Finally, if you like today's video, please share it so that more people can discuss whether it should be a selection group or a management group. In addition, you can also click here to see other related videos . So today's Zhiqi Qiqi will come to an end here and we will see you tomorrow night.
Channel: 志祺七七 X 圖文不符
Views: 132,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, 文理組, 大學選組, 高中選組, 大學選科系
Id: fB3HQpJgXhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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