What Are The Positive Side of AI | Tom Bilyea and Ian Bremmer Podcast

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let's look at the good side first let's be let's be positive and optimistic because I am a I'm a Believer in this technology I think it does all sorts of incredible things and and I'm not just talking about chat GPT I'm talking about the ability to take any proprietary data set and be maximally efficient in extracting uh value from it um helping allowing workers to become AI adjacent in ways that will make them more productive and effective I look at my own firm Erasure group we've got about 250 employees and I we did a town hall with them the other day we do one every quarter and we were talking about Ai and I said I don't think there's anyone in any of these offices globally that will be displaced by AI in the next three to five years not one of my knowledge workers but I said all of you will be AI adjacent and if you're not if you're not learning how to use AI to dramatically improve your work whether you are an analyst or whether you're on the business side or you're in finance or you're you know in on the it help desk or you're a graphics person an editor whatever it is you will become much less productive than other employees that are doing that and that will be a problem for you so we need to get you the tools and you need to learn so I and I think that that's that's true in almost every industry imaginable it's true in education it's true in health care and for new Pharma and vaccines it's true for new energy and critical infrastructure and what's so amazing about it one of the reasons why it's taking us so long to respond to climate change even now that we all agree that it's happening we all agree this 420 parts per million of carbon in the atmosphere we all agree there's 1.2 degrees Centigrade of warming like that's that's no longer in dispute and yet it's really taking us a long time to to get to the point that we can reduce our carbon emissions and the reason for that is because you need to change the critical infrastructure right you need to move from one entire your supply chain oriented around carbon to another one oriented around something new whether that's solar or you know Green hydrogen or you name it right um when you're talking about AI you're talking about CR first and foremost creating efficiencies using your existing critical infrastructure which means you have no vested corporations that are saying we don't want that no every corporation is saying how can we invest in that to create greater profitability everyone every every oil company is going to use AI just like every post fossil fuel company is going to use it every bank is going to use it um every pharmaceutical company whether they're using whether they're an mRNA or they're in traditional uh uh you know uh vaccines that are that are developed as we have over decades now I I think that we truly underestimate the impact that will have in unlocking wealth in unlocking human capital and it's going to happen fast it's not decades as it took with globalization to open markets and get goods and services to to move across the world it's years in some cases it's months and that that to me is very very exciting so that's the positive side and uh frankly that's what the positive side looks like without regulation too because I mean look there are trillions of dollars being spent on this rollout and it's being spent by a lot of people who are hyper smart they are hyper competitive they want to get there first before other companies that are in that space and they don't need any further incentive to ensure that they can roll that out as fast as possible so you and I can we can say whatever we want but it's not you know further subsidies are not required right like that is just going to happen that is going to happen um but what they're not doing and I'm sure what you want to spend more time on with me is not the everything's going to be great or you know what they call this e Dash act the you know sort of exponential accelerationists who just believe that if we just put all this money in it then we're gonna we're gonna all become of Greater species and it's just gonna happen but they're going to be a lot of negative externalities and we know this from from globalization I mean the miracle of your and my lifetimes thus far before AI the miracle was we managed to
Channel: Mr Bilyea Insights
Views: 11
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Keywords: tom bilyeu, lisa bilyeu, wim hof tom bilyeu, tom bilyeu wim hof, sadhguru tom bilyeu, tom bilyeu motivation, james altucher tom bilyeu, motivationhub tom bilyeu, tom bilyeu wallstreet trapper, tombilyeu, tom bilyou, women health, how to build wealth, women, how to be a millionaire, health, wealth, dreams, leader, failure, freedom, dichotomy of leadership, speaking, lessons from a billionaire, leaky gut, meat diet, eat plants, homemaker, navy seals, epigenome
Id: nPhk4Z841AQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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