What are subtle red flags at a job interview that scream "this job would SUCK" | AskReddit

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oh my favorite part about the job london's great innit hello everybody and welcome back to a man whose bedroom lights loosely resemble a hot and cold tap my name is evan edinger and can you believe it what is this three times in a row we're doing a reddit video wow i've got a lot of really big videos coming up on the pipeline that i've been spending a lot of time on if you've seen previous big ones that i've worked on you'll know those take a little bit of time so doing these in between also get a uk us coming up so please subscribe to make sure you uh get that one next sunday uh it's actually similar to today's ask reddit thread which is what are some subtle red flags at a job interview that say working here would suck now as someone who's had about 10 or 11 different jobs in my life well oh boy all right first red flag we have here is i brought up a company's awful glass door reviews and they got so mad they ended the interview well i guess i dodged that bullet yeah that is really strange because one of the most popular questions to ask an interviewer is well why did the previous person leave like why am i even needing to apply for this position if they could meet that question with like anger and like oh i can't believe you did your research on a company you definitely did dodge a bullet i mean in fact after they kicked you out of the interview i'd would have just turned around and gone you know what jim 69 420 was right you guys cannot handle criticism when you ask what do you like about working here and the interviewer talks about the location of the job it's a great place to live instead of the actual job that is a very good flag because it's not like he's directly saying anything but oh my god big ol signal oh my favorite part about the job london's great in it i didn't know it at the time but you'll be wearing four hats was a sign that they were going to give me the work of four positions and the wage of one i didn't last there a year before i left and now i won't even finish reading job ads that include that line oh my god the amount of times that i've applied to places where they're like oh you know we just have a startup atmosphere and i was like didn't you guys get founded like five years ago and they're like oh yeah but we still have that startup atmosphere you gotta wear lots of hats just hire someone to do the marketing and the content creation and there's at one point i remember i had four genuine jobs but then again it was a startup where there were only three employees in london so it was like a cfo a ceo and i was actually the head of marketing that's like the most intense job i've ever had because i had to do everything and i was not prepared for that either way yeah definitely a red flag if you're not up for working for jobs for the price of one you really shouldn't have to do that but hey i once turned down a job offer because they mentioned that the previous person in the position had quit after a few months the most the people i interviewed with seemed stressed out yeah that it that is yet again it's it's quite a flag we're like okay something doesn't quite sit right my number one question is do you like the culture of the people that you're working with like not are you racist but more like do you enjoy like working with the people you work with because for me even if you're doing a grueling job if you work with nice people it just makes the job so much nicer like you're not actually working which you know i had a job once where i played smash bros all the time i had another one where i played table tennis all the time i got really good i use the chinese hand grip i'm pretty good at that uh but yeah definitely big flag there we only want the best of the best me how much are you paying them minimum wage sir this is arby's you are required to wear clothing that has a company logo you must purchase it yourself from the company big flag big flag it sounds like a bit of a ponzi scheme there almost like you don't even know if you're gonna get the job they're like yes but you must first purchase this shirt i worked at a couple different retail jobs where i was not provided a uniform i was just told to wear clothes that would fit the style of company now normally that was fine because i liked wearing clothes of a couple companies that i worked for it was just the one time uh fair enough to the manager he told me that my shoes did not fit the brand and i was never allowed to wear them again they looked like this i thought it was really cool they were like see-through shoes so that meant whatever socks i was wearing you could see if you could see through all the sweat because they just fogged up from my sweaty feet nobody bought anything from me i couldn't upsell anything you always ask the interviewer about the last person who worked the position you were interviewing for that's what i just said uh how long they worked and why they left their answers can be very telling yes yes yes yes not a necessarily red flag but can lead to some you'll get full-time hours but won't be full-time aka we'll do everything in our power to avoid giving you the benefits even though we have you working more than 40 hours a week yeah i don't know how legal that one is but i know a very popular practice where i'm from that i was subject to many times was just scheduling your workers 35 hours a week all of them so that way you don't have to pay benefits to anyone except you're maximizing the benefits to you the company that type of stuff should be penalized like obviously we have this thing in place so that you know workers get benefits working full-time but then forcing workers to work just under so you can avoid that that should be called out and penalized incredibly so cause it's horrible okay like i said five years working to that restaurant never made a single freaking minute of holiday not even unpaid i want up for an interview and the manager wasn't there that day no one called to let me know okay that's a big flag but it continues the assistant manager was not apologetic for the scheduling issue at all she was literally just like oh she's not here today in a tone that suggested i should somehow already know that she said they would call me to reschedule sometime next week i told her i was currently unavailable monday to wednesday but could come in any time thursday to friday she said if i couldn't make time for the interview i probably wouldn't be a good fit oh my god i said okay i went into my other interviews and ended up working elsewhere oh my god you'd think that would be the end of it but there's more but both the manager and the assistant manager badmouthed me to a few people in the industry including one of my friends hello i made time for interview you disrespected me by not calling me to let me know that it was canceled i gave you the times i was available and that was disrespectful somehow yeah that sounds like an incredibly big red flag it's so annoying that you as someone who is like interviewing have to appear as if like you will drop on the floor and just s every day in the room just to get the job like please please i'm available everyone has lives like treat employees and future employees as if they're also human beings that are doing things yeah they're only available thursday to friday next week but they were available oh my god that one makes my blood boy we don't like clock watchers here we expect everyone to be committed expecting more work with no extra pay getting mad at you when you leave at five even though your stated hours work at five holy that happens so freaking often in office buildings i think like three out of the five office jobs i've had were jobs in which as soon as 6 pm rolls around when we are all scheduled to leave everyone's just kind of working away and i'm looking around like guys i've been like getting ready to leave for 10 minutes now you're not paid to work after this and then when i ask someone like why does no one actually leave the answer i was given was oh i mean if you feel like you've done enough work for the day then you can leave at 6. no no no that's not how it works you're paying me to work till 6 is not like oh do you feel like it's such a horrible system especially because it feels like everyone's going gonna rat you out like wow evan left on time yes cause i'm scheduled to work until six all right this isn't my life path right now i'm just trying to work and i also have a life oh boy big red flag okay do not go no no when you were signing all the forms that they give you and you're taking your time to read over every document so that you can fully understand what you're getting into and people come in and start telling you that you don't need to read this and you can just sign here and so on that happens more often than you think i actually had to sign some type of form uh a week or two ago because i was filming some shoot for a video you'll see on youtube in the next two or three months or so and as i was reading through it to be like oh how are our coveted preparations and yada yada the guy was like oh you could just sign here and i was like yeah i know when i'm when i'm done reading the document oh i know it's just standard procedure i'm like okay then let me read the document you know how many times i've actually been burned by signing things that i didn't read multiple times like always read the documents that is a huge flag i had an online interview with the company a few years ago was interviewed by the regional manager seemed like a normal interview halfway through he let slip that there were six other people from his company watching and listening in but the software was set up so i could not see or hear them and he actually got a kick out of telling me this it was like being on a first date with someone and finding out that she had a hidden camera on her and her parents and six other family members watching the whole time i'm like nah that noise yeah that sounds really uncomfortable i always hate when you get a phone call and it's like this call may be monitored and i'm like i don't want it to be i just i would like to say no i feel like every time i answer the phone now i'm just gonna be like this call may be monitored for memes i was once told sometimes the hourly workers go on strike and they lock us in to keep production line running but management brings us stakes and we have an informal agreement with the unions so you can cross the picket lines once a week to visit your wife the question was subtle red flags that's horrible what job is that in what industry it was a honeywell chemical plant all right right never going to work in a honeywell chemical plant never even heard of that brand i thought honey came from bees well i guess not and this is the part of video where the sponsor usually goes except today's video is sponsored by you uh because thank you for subscribing and uh commenting because your comments for this question are gonna be in a future community video so thank you very much uh hashtag ad for you when they insist the suicide nets are just a safety precaution yet again subtle flags oh my god uh not getting to speak with who your direct manager will be a game room or ping pong table is advertised as a perk excuse me uh as someone who's worked at places with game rooms and ping pong tables those are actually really good perks okay we would have lots of ping pong lots of billiards lots of snooker the blatant overuse of buzzwords oh about your profession clearly written by someone with no clue most definitely the more buzzwords the more red flags if they seem too relieved that someone actually showed up for the interview oh oh that makes me feel sad maybe they're just having a hard time finding someone to fill the job i mean if anything you should be excited like oh sweet they really need me i don't know maybe that's me being naive when they feel the need to reassure you in the interview that at the company they work hard but also play hard i've literally heard that like three times they don't play hard it's a sweatshop and they're trying to convince you it's anything but one yep anytime they say work hard play hard it is just working hard there was no playing any of the jobs that ever said that it's that startup like who's messaging me a match on bumble leave me alone honey get it because bumble's like a bee and bees make honey at the honeywell perfect just to add to the flame i was an 18 year old college student at the time and they would schedule my work shift during my class time my manager knew that i was not available at 4pm that is blatant and horrible so sure that might not be during your interview but yeah that is incredibly disrespectful and just basically assuming like oh hey yeah you have to make time for this regardless if you're not available or not it is now your job it's basically managers that just assume that you will do everything you can to make them happy stop that stop i went to an interview for a low level admin position and they made me put my cell phone in a bucket up front stating no phones are allowed in the back it reduces productivity a big note from me as well it's like they're treating you like you're some sort of child instead of an adult working an admin role like 100 huge red flag i'm out of there it's like how a lot of american grocery stores don't let you sit down on the job because that looks like you're not busy and the customer will be upset no i'm gonna be upset that you just have to stand for eight hours a day next to a chair as a cashier that's ridiculous because i was also told at one point i wasn't allowed to sit when i was working at a restaurant i'm like please i've been on my feet running around for eight hours let me have a sit but no don't forget you're allowed to sit as long as you are smoking a cigarette but if you don't like smoking cigarettes either hit that subscribe button because uh that is what my channel is all about thank you guys for watching today's reddit video i do appreciate you sticking on by especially because hey uh three of them in a row uh big stuff coming up in the future but thank you for watching and hopefully i will see you guys on the next one a british vs american i'll see you then goodbye
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 486,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ask reddit, reddit video, reddit thread, evan edinger, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit thread, evan, edinger, 2021, red flags, job
Id: jJeyNY2oX4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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