What are ecosystems? Types of Ecosystems for Kids

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[Music] smile and learn today we're going to learn what an ecosystem is its components and the different types of ecosystems found on earth ready to learn about them an ecosystem is the community of the living organisms and the natural resources of the environment in which they live ecosystems are found in different parts of the planet they can be very big like the sahara desert or much smaller and circumscribed like the dead sea but how do we identify ecosystem coverage the flora and fauna of each ecosystem have adapted to live according to the characteristics and resources of their surroundings the interaction among them defines the ecosystem and its coverage that's why there are so many types of ecosystems ecosystems consist of a biotope and a biostenosis let's see what they are the physical characteristics of the surroundings are called a biotope these characteristics include non-living elements like the soil the water the air the wind the light or the temperature the biological community that lives in those surroundings is called biosynosis that is to say the living beings that live in a physical area among the living beings that make up the communities in an ecosystem we can find microorganisms plants and animals we distinguish between two types of ecosystems natural ecosystems and artificial ecosystems natural ecosystems are those areas that have developed without human intervention natural ecosystem diversity occurs due to different climates and resources found in every one of them this way the animals and plants in a natural ecosystem have developed a series of adaptations related to the environment in which they live polar bears for example are white to camouflage themselves in the north pole environment if those environments are destroyed or if there's a change in the resources the interaction among the elements of the ecosystem would be altered and this could endanger their existence we can classify natural ecosystems in two major types terrestrial and marine ecosystems terrestrial ecosystems include deserts jungles woodlands tundras tigers grasslands or savannas marine ecosystems differ depending on the type of water that's why there are fresh water ecosystems like rivers and lakes and saltwater ecosystems like seas and oceans artificial ecosystems are those areas created by humans and cannot be found in nature like urban ecosystems for example agricultural ecosystems livestock ecosystems reservoir and dam ecosystems as you can see the interaction established among the living beings and the environment is very important to preserve an ecosystem help to look after the environment to preserve the huge diversity of natural ecosystems [Music] did you like the video we have so many more subscribe by clicking on the seal ah and if you want to keep watching more videos click on the boxes [Music]
Channel: Smile and Learn - English
Views: 229,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Kids, Smile and Learn, videos for children, educational, elementary school, ecosystems. living beings, living things, environments, natural surroundings, fauna, flora, biotope, biocenosis, natural ecosystems, artificial ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems, aquatic ecosystems, deserts, jungles, woods, woodlands, tundras, taigas, prairies, savannas, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans
Id: H6PBtCfgcHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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