What are DSPs, SSPs and Ad Exchanges?

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in its simplest form programmatic trading requires three pieces of technology bear in mind that these pieces of technology aren't physical objects they're just pieces of software DSPs or demand-side platforms are used by the buyers media agencies or advertisers who have a demand for ad inventory DSPs hold information from the buy side about criteria for the ad inventory they need target audience and maximum bid price among other data on the other side s SPS or supply-side platforms are used by the sellers media owners who are supplying ad infantry SSPs hold a record of the inventory a media owner wants to sell the different audience segments that visit the media owners site and the minimum price the media owner wants to sell for and in the middle of DSPs and SSP s sits the Ad Exchange the piece of technology which auctions off the ad inventory made available by the SSP s buyers will be entered in for an auction if the inventory available matches the criteria in their DSP and then the one with the highest maximum bid price will win often you'll hear a company being referred to as a DSG SSP or an ad exchange this just means that that company provides that kind of software so for example the company data zoo will often be referred to as a DSP because that's what they do this might sound like a long process but it actually all happens in a fraction of a second the auction process starts when a user opens a page with an ad units on it and the ad that wins the auction appears at the same time that the rest of the page loads so it's pretty quick this process is often referred to as real-time bidding or RTB
Channel: Circus Street
Views: 24,884
Rating: 4.9554319 out of 5
Keywords: programmatic, advertising, programmatic ads, programmatic advertising, SSP, DSP, Ad Exchange, programmatic trading, buyer side, supply side, demand side platform, supply side platform, brand, publisher, media owner, media auction, ad inventory
Id: b0VNWo-e38Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 3sec (123 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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