What are cancer waiting times? | Explained | #CancerWaits #FasterDiagnosisStandard #62DayStandard

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you may have heard of the term cancer waiting times but what are they cancer waiting times data shows us how long it takes for people to be seen by a specialist receive a diagnosis and get treated for cancer by the NHS waiting for results or to start treatment can be a stressful and anxious time for patients and their families not only this but cancer that's diagnosed and treated at an early stage is more likely to be treated successfully the NHS sets cancer waiting time standards that differ across each UK nation in England there are three standards the 28-day faster diagnosis standard states that people should have cancer ruled out or receive a diagnosis within 28 days of an urgent cancer referral the 31-day standard states that people with cancer should begin their treatment Within 31 days of a decision to treat their cancer the 62-day standard states that people with cancer should begin treatment within 62 days of an urgent referral if you would like more information on cancer waiting times visit c.org slan cancer waiting times
Channel: Cancer Research UK
Views: 441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cancer, cancer information, cancer support, cancer help, cancer content, cancers, cancer types, cancer news, cancer research, cancer research uk, cruk
Id: _Ly0h9bOWQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 19sec (79 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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