What Andy Anderson and the Specialist Era Means to BATB 13 (New Format Needed)

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several things went wrong in the round one battle between Andy Anderson and Tori PUD will that shed light on areas where the barracks can significantly improve their flat ground tournament first of all Eric Bragg is annoying dude is the loudest guy in the room thinks shrimp Daddy's humor is funny and commandeered the battle instead of letting the refs do their quote-unquote job Eric went on some weird rant about how Andy's intended final trick which was confusingly teased as his planned death blow in the matches preview doesn't count because it's a manual and then loudly rambled on about something regarding a quarter pipe that'd be like that'd be like if I kickflipped landed on one leg rode over there at a quarter pipe and then [ __ ] did a spin David Reyes gave off serious dad Vibes with the manly tooth whistle neck chop combo while casually leaning against the pillar that's like if that's like a manual basically I swear there is no easier job on Earth than being a battle at the barracks referee what other sport exists where a referee is able to sit back during an event and let someone else essentially do their job Zach understandably shouldn't really be roughing at all considering he's a a fellow Powell team Rider with Andy and B is in the actual tournament and so is David Reyes for that matter so it kind of makes sense that Bragg is common during the referee duties when you consider Zach and David's affiliation with the event but what's the point of muddling the scene with extra refs that shouldn't even be in that position in the first place Bragg didn't allow Andy's wet spot and what happens next is Anderson proceeds to land a traditionally accepted yet still pretty ridiculous front foot impossible front foot Impossibles are 60 offensively successful and 14 defensively successful with Mike Mo being the only skater in the tournament's history to defend successfully back in season 3 against Peter Raymond detta so Tori unsurprisingly misses a front foot impossible and the game is over in 24 turns putting their battle in a four-way tie as the seventh shortest battle ever at the barracks Andy being able to pick a different trick as his death blow after the wet Stop is only excusable because he was Bamboozled by brag and the refs when they banned his planned letter e maneuver but in other circumstances you'd think that if your trick is not allowed your turn would be forfeited giving Tori a chance to finally set a trick on offense and likely giving us a much more exciting battle since we're talking about an early round one match there's more room to bend the rules I guess but after seeing Seva skunked by Jaime and now Tori skunked by Andy this really opens up the conversation about implementing a better two out of three system to improve the quality of the battles foreign the third era of battle at the barracks is upon us the first era the traditional era was from seasons one through six where the status quo Street Pros battled each other over the years and PJ Ladd proved that he's undoubtedly the industry's best competitive flat ground skater the second era the Joe's era began in season 7 and proceeded through 11 where unknown dudes like Cody and Seva became household names in the tournament the third era The Specialist era started in season 12 when Jaime plowed his way through the bracket all the way to the championship title Jaime separates himself from the Joes like Cody and Seva because almost 100 percent of his focus on skating is in flat ground the level of dedication to progressing how we look and think about flat ground tricks is best represented by Jaime without a doubt and Mullen inspired skate rats like Andy Anderson who are maintaining offensive control in a game of skate and winning their match suggests that The Logical next step in battle at the barracks is to Syria seriously consider finding skaters that will be able to contend with Griffin like Ellis Frost Alex dakuna and Jeff dechetta at the same time a best two out of three games format can be implemented where the loser of the first match gets a chance to start the second match if the winner of the first game manages to win the second game even after the previous loser starts the game there's less controversy over who is truly better in the event of a tie where the loser of the first game ends up winning the second game the third battle starts with another roshambo and whoever wins game three is the Undisputed winner oh [Applause] Chris that's you the benefits of a three-game format per battle is a win-win for everyone involved with the tournament for three key reasons no rule changes and more flat ground footage for the viewers both skaters get an equal chance to show their skills more content translates to higher probability of the barracks getting more views which means more ad Revenue Tory and Seva are very good at flat ground and since flat ground Specialists like Andy and Jamie aren't going to risk losing offensive control only a fraction of the true PUD will and krutkov were on display and everyone knows it is it really more exciting to watch a tournament with short zero turnover skunk battles than it is to watch intense back and forth matches that leave both competitors drenched in Blood Sweat and Tears at the end of the day this flat ground tournament is structured in the spirit of Show Business meaning whoever gets the most buzz in skateboarding gets invited to compete and Views in the first 24 hours after Andy and Tori's battle suggest maybe it is more entertaining to watch Bragg berate Andy's uniqueness than it is to have a more objective system of measuring flat ground skills TJ Hammer I mean M.C Rogers I mean TJ Rogers was pulling his pants up more than he was Landing tricks after the most roided out row Shambo in battle at the barracks history we're here one two three and then Rogers was fun to watch and his conscious choice to essentially give Thailand's John Chaya corn an opportunity to set tricks on offense makes me wonder if TJ really wanted to maintain his clean record of always losing round one which at this point is tied with Johnny Geiger and Chris Roberts at 0-3 dudes like TJ are deeply established in the industry with hammers like El Toro footage and highly respected video Parts along with contest circuit appearances whereas John Chaya corn is getting introduced to the skate Community for the first time through an official battle at the barracks match John might have been season 13's first skater to miss a kickflip but he's also one of only three skaters so far to land a trick that has never been defended via the late pressure flip that ultimately took TJ out of the tournament with week 6 completed round two on the left side of the bracket is fully set and only four battles remain on the right side considering the star power of the names I'm guessing Luan vs Lucas will be the last round one battle uploaded meaning we will likely see Joslin skate next weekend Andy winning round one was not what I expected and the fact that he did win similar to Jaime might disrupt the outcome of the entire tournament Anderson could snake past Holt with some slippery moves and make it to round three and find himself toying with the fight night skaters which means there's a possibility that Andy Anderson will be in finals night the barracks might also try to find a way to keep Andy progressing in the tournament because of his ability to draw views and if he makes it to the championship battle Anderson would need to face either Luan Tyler Joslin or Jaime I still think Tyler Peterson will end up as the season 13 win her because he's probably the most visibly sponsored kariyuma skater in the tournament which is the company that's bankrolling the entire event and he also has home court advantage from living near and skating at the barracks every day a luxury that no one else on the bracket is able to enjoy foreign [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dumb Data
Views: 48,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JayGRuUVZ-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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