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[Music] my friends here we are I have nine hundred dollars loaded plus I'm putting in another 100 to make it a thousand because I want to Max bet on this puppy guys and that's all oh Lord all right let's do that two let's see what happens my friends he nudges herself did you see you see guys I'm playing this game I can win up to 100 free spins and guys look at this that's the lady I know I need at least okay there we go don't we understand you need the butterflies to get you know there's six butterflies eight games all the way up to 15 butterflies 100 games I'm ready for guys I wonder if you could pop the butterfly for more butterflies you know what I'm saying to you guys look at this pretty lady she's gonna nudge herself she is oh like a like a tractor beam here we go my friends 18 sorry I'm down to 946 pretty quickly but I'm not very popping or something bro I would love 100 free games right now at eight dollars the maximum I could possibly bet all right here we go here we go oh Lord why didn't you give me more you're gonna Doodles and then the birds gonna follow oh Lord so pretty you know so elf like oh three more six more come on bro that would have been beautiful if I had it look at this don't nudge yourself later when you can't use it you know only not yourself when you're useful oh that could have been my money guys guys please do more at least please I need the police oh Lord books in my life I love to read Oh I thought it triggered something guys how much did I make right now 500 600 to 80 dollars I'll take what I can get with 80 look at this beautiful lady why did she give me more Bob bro [Music] he nudges herself but she doesn't need to that feels like you know a wasted opportunity not to bother me I don't know what I'm saying I'm using words because I'm betting eight dollars and so far I'm down 75. look at these cups never mind don't look at them I didn't get paid [Music] why don't you give it four more bro oh Lord pretty lady in the back for no reason why don't you do a little thing I'm about give me all the cups calm down later guys two more two more one more this is unacceptable are you oh [Music] did you see the Wings doing stuff are you silly wings just do stuff on your own you made me think you were gonna contract and protrude and I don't know words to do stuff you know that's what I was thinking was happening oh Lord I'm down to 850 right guys three more it would have [Music] listen I'm looking for a butterfly right now in my life I'm looking for many butterfly situations to make me surprisingly happy [Music] guys I'm down to Lord why'd you block my birds I want to have four reels of the birds and blocked themselves with the butterfly what am I saying [Music] used a lot of words just then but really looking for something 777 it's a signal from the universe and everything's gonna be fine the universe has just signaled me that all is going to be well you said okay I believe you universe I believe oh little cups in my life I could have had three more though how much are you it's 18 relax taking all that plus for eighteen dollars oh lady you're useless don't nudge when I don't need you nudges you know what upsets me guys I just need one more it's right there it's right there why is that just you know you don't do that to a man guys you give me one aren't you no you didn't give me one I'll take four instead of five you know it's less upsetting to get four instead of five can I get the lady on every mushrooms oh I could have had mushrooms oh this is excellent and 96 dollars in cups we're back to eight almost pretty soon I'll get elephantes and be magnificent in front of y'all I'll be magnificent oh so beautiful cups in my life 42 dollars all right all right all right there's this moments happening for us [Music] oh come on fudge city in America with the birds in the middle you know could have used some birds oh Lord oh Lord why weren't your Birds Pop how much is this 60 dollars look at this I'm getting too many line hits I need bonuses instead of line hits right now [Music] it's my line and it's the Glorious moment I'm experiencing I'm still only down 200. I would love to pop a butterfly to make me happy [Music] somebody popped me a butterfly [Music] it's not gonna be on any album why am I singing it I don't know [Music] feeling time because I need a bonus of some sort look at this burn I would have had him if I had him in the front or the lady that she boots herself oh I forgot she should boots herself [Music] can we do this Eight dollar bonus live in front of your eyes [Music] it made me think it was coming that time I don't know why probably because it was wishful thinking you know I was wishfully thinking it would come wishfully hoping and praying all lottery come on bro and then the lady for no reason cups either goodness gracious I'm down to six my friends oh Lord 6 43 I'm nervous come on oh what pretty lady why couldn't chicken I needed more pretty letters in my life oh oh that's not fair if I had one more this would have been amazing 67.99 get out of here four more bro so many pretty ladies after I asked for many pretty ladies then you knew they weren't aligned correctly they were misaligned for the latest you know what I'm saying this aligned I said [Music] still no puppets from you huh babe all right that's right I called her babe you know [Music] oh I could have used one pretty lady in the middle mushroom tan look at these flowers made a popping noise again and made me think it was gonna pop why does it trick me this way you know I don't know if it's my brain tricking me or the game oh my goodness 611.99 [Music] they're butterflies guys I'm down to almost half a thousand I started with you know for the longest time I was like oh we're at 800 everything's fine and then now look at me I look around and I'm at 500. oh scary amount of money at the moment [Music] be at 5 59. these birds are giving me a hard time gold I could have used a little poppage got ta please do more Furious makes me Furious Furious but they but then that makes me more Furious you know we're on the same page right my friends look at this I'm at 500. oh wait a minute I was at 500 but I just made 33.99 you know guys [Music] I was hoping but I lost my hope along the way one last bin to make a phone nine in that hand everybody you're coming with me don't even think about going anywhere [Music] you're coming with me because I have half my money and I need and I need you know somebody's console me you know console me my friends console me you consoling me yet is somebody coming to console me oh oh Lord I dropped my card I'm having issues oh Lord why did I do this to myself with these issues I have issues oh my goodness all right Dad oh oh Lord now I'm trapped there we go all right and my coffee okay okay okay okay all right now I know I'm a mess I'm a mess I'm a mess oh Lord is it backwards it's because it's backwards Daniel learn to stick it in right see eight dollars I ain't messing around right now I need this boat all right let me adjust myself my friends here we go I apologize for all this shakiness in my life [Music] calm down have you come oh Lord it's gonna be incredible when we get there when we get these 100 spins right now in a minute sooner or later it's gonna be so good you're gonna say to yourself Daniel oh 34 you're gonna say to yourself Daniel you're amazing and I'm gonna say yes I am amazing we're moving from that chair to this one and getting the bonus over here and then if I do I might go back there and get the bonus over there and then it'll be truly amazing you know guys what am I saying right now there are so many words coming out of my mouth [Music] oh oh you know all of it fell in time while I get a bonus or wait for one I should say 18 get out of here I don't need you I take it back give me eighteen dollars put [Music] my money right now [Music] fishes are my tarians that's good all those ingots would have probably paid excelente just truly excellente if I landed them oh I'm ready for my moment in the Sun and Rising sunshine [Music] oh I almost did you see me stop it because I'm a champion trying to get a bonus but I didn't oh Lord [Music] guys we're doing Max Max bed you know I was thinking about all four of them and by now I'd be a rich man you know that eight dollar bets oh Lord oh ingots jerk of facing gods come on eighteen dollars for two rolls oh my goodness can I please oh no no no no no no if I had the middle I was a rich man [Music] that upset me more than anything else so far here we go give me the bonus you came at three and then ruined me give me six give me twelve give me 52 9.9 you know oh my goodness everybody look at this look at this no reason oh my goodness come on pretty lady in my life boy you look at this pretty lady help me out here oh Lord three of them come on give me six give me 25 off do something amazing it's in your control game I'm just pushing this button trying to be a champion guys four more old fish oh Lord fish guys [Music] we'll get out of here later okay Daddy oh I could have used their lady on the second one but I told her to get out of here so yeah that's how it works you tell the lady to get out of here he's just out of here you know you can't get her back then 275. [Music] that was two not four or six I needed more I need at least sick guys please please please two more oh please more oh Lord give me more bro seven I got seven that's nine free games in my life everybody I did this it only took 800 to do this [Music] what's happening there's stuff happening [Music] like local beautiful collect lanterns to rise higher for more free spins press spin on the screen to start you got it bro I'm ready for this give me more free spins while you're here you know I'm ready give me some please oh Lord that's one baby come on give me another one please hello oh look please land me too please and it's the please hello oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm up to 10. let's go let's go give me another one please oh Lord come on Layman one lemon one this is important right now oh Lord don't do this land so I'm playing one at least please no I got 12 only got 12 games oh Lord that was gonna get magnificent if I got more you know but 12 is good let's see what 12 does 12 free spins thank you for the Glorious lots of wonder all right collect Grand major mini minor to win jackpots oh this is exciting this is exciting I'm collecting for a jackpot right now oh man I need to do two more for a hundred dollars I need bigger ones please give me lots of those things I said Lots old Grand oh look give me five more of that oh Lord please full screen my baby hello what did I just say right now fish oh oh minute one more minute and then the rest grand grand extra roll this is fantastic oh my goodness I opened an extra row again oh Lord everybody Grand extra roll Miner oh I need four three more everybody this is amazing I got two extra rows in my life please oh extra roll Grand oh Lord four more grand extra row what I'm all low the next row oh look it's the road Miner again oh I need two more how many spins seven spins it's been so exciting in my life let's go no what are you doing just one extra roll what what twelve dollars get out of my life bro come on come on come on oh Lord this is amazing oh my God X major extra row extra rolls something amazing my god without ten dollars major I need three more please extra roll Miner I need one more minor it's a rope oh ten dollars get out of my life bro ten dollars out of my life extra row major I need two more for the major but I'm one away from everything all of a sudden look at this nothing just laid in 42 please give me just like this again come on oh oh no this is pretty good though 86 dollars come on get 128 so far give me more give me more orbs I need the minor the major or the grand the mini everything [Music] I need everything right now my friends oh Lord let's go oh please no that hurt my special place there we go there we go extra roll oh my God I only need one more major please major minor come on get out of here money get out of here danger extra roll age oh no brain oh two more spins I feel like I'm getting Bamboozled 164. please give me orbs orbs orbs orbs I screamed oh I should have had more ladies too look at this later holy crunch is huge look at her leg oh my goodness pretty big long leg 226 orbs no you left me one away from everything bro don't want to get me 226. oh I didn't even oh this made me sad I was expecting you know at least one minute look at it later oh Lantern what'd you do some no that's it 481 huh oh my goodness all right I'm gonna give this to 400 just in case it has one more bonus sometimes back to back this you know oh goodness I'd say oh please oh come on add one do something seriously the game at five naturally [Music] for 50 my friends 449 99 69 75 my time all of them I think that could pop and just give you the player for but I've never seen it happen I'm waiting for that moment I have two more spins please one more bro you got hit three times by that bullet why didn't you give me more money look at this oh Lord here we go guys I got two more spins oh come on last oh no [Music] I needed more money in my life all right that's 18 come on oh my friends come on oh my old lady how much is eight dollars that oh no 14 all right oh no if I had two more I would have been so rich 75 though 75 oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God am I getting all the lanterns please all the lanterns please all the lanterns what just happened all the lanterns 100 oh please give me 100 spins right now oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my God oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm so scared right now what did I get did I get the ultimate rise bonus collect money to rise higher okay oh I'm in this thing I've only got four spins right now I need more spins please come on now come on oh no come on oh Lord that's it I got four spins oh that's upsetting to me in my life [Music] more spoons you know let's see what happens guys let's see what happens you know I'm excited about this I'm collecting before it spins but it's not enough spins unless I get plus spins look at this later can I get more come on my oh Lord am I getting killed right now it looks like I'm getting killed right now it's been oh my goodness this upset me it's not even gonna get me to 500. I got one or in my whole life the grand just award it though no you know I thought I thought I would maybe get it to a ward you know if I just said stuff glad you're all coming along with me for this ride of punishment and pain I'm like oh Lord Oh I thought the later was almost here oh my goodness oh I almost I had 500 why didn't I get up oh hello lady crazy [Music] relax everybody you know this machine has given us two bonuses so far foreign I'm gonna be honest with you I'm gonna be honest with you I was hoping for another guys pretty lady celebrate with me pretty lady 444 let's have a magic number look at this at least she didn't nudge herself you know [Music] oh 4 20. oh look at me get bonuses okay man get bonuses oh Lord oh we made an oh Lord please [Music] it made a noise remember think oh my God there's flowers coming into my life does that mean I'm gonna get a full screen of flowers [Music] I did this I did my third bonus of the moment of the moment my third one of the moments [Music] my third one of the moment [Music] guys I need can I fill up the whole screen and get to a hundred let's make this the most incredible let's make it go from you know where I almost lost 1000 thousand dollars to just the most incredible slot video on the YouTube guys I have 10 spin so far let's go please come on lanterns lanterns yes oh my goodness I'm up to 12 again let's go lanterns Lantern over there oh my goodness did you see me do it with my finger I'm up to 15 right there bro Lantern oh Lord Lantern come on oh low last spin Lantern Lantern Lantern police 15 games though that could have gone you know just five more I would have had 100 free games and been a champion we were a high five at some point guys 15 games let's see if we can get the grand right now you know last time I didn't get a single jackpot it ruined me but now I have High Hopes here we go give me orbs baby orbs oh Lord orb so I can get plus Rose there's one what okay plus row no extra row please extra row please extra roll bro it's Charo this is important extra Road three free games oh that's amazing too but extra roll would have been great you know and then the next one could have been that oh Lord extra roll thank you bro oh Lord come on now extra row again extra row again minor get out of my life extra roll extra row oh Lord major I'll take it extra roll extra roll somewhere major again I'll take three more of those extra roll though extra row I got two more now oh Lord give me another extra roll for the last roll up there minor all right all right extra roll though extra row plus come on extra rope make me happy minor all right one away one away this last time come on baby orb me extra Fantastical come on Grand fantastical do another grand play games that's even better I'm up to 21. Grand Overlord I only need four what's happening right now come on come on or me baby or me what happened to my auras or mass said orb there's one it's only one it should have rolled ten dollars get out of here bro come on Bennett orbs many many many orbs there's my investment signal minute orbs I did nothing with my signal orbs oh Lord flowers come on now I need orbs there's three come on twelve dollars get out of here 15. get out of here great oh Lord I only need three for the Grands I did this last time and it left me high and dry and hanging you know we left behind driving and come on guys orb there it is come on no money no money what did I tell you bro it's 8-3 get out of here with the money give me money oh here we go here we go extra row come on extra row oh lord it's just money look at this nonsense Grand at least oh Lord sixty two dollars one get out of here bro give me orbs and come on okay Grant ten dollars you're just giving me money over and over again this is unacceptable what you're doing was 175 I need many orbs with money on it here we go Grand oh Lord all right nature finally got something a little movement come on give me extra spins and like actually stuff why did this happen like this 2005 so far let's go let's go come on orbis oh Lord Oh Lord I'm missing the lady in the middle this could have been huge oh 241 oh that could have been massive my friends I mean literally massive all right let's go we got six spins come on foreign this guy just give him a ten dollars look at this though but I mean how much is this hundred dollars you see what that would have been last minute if I got the middle one I'm gonna put 340 with five games left I need orbs I haven't gotten a minor or nothing oh I'm furious right now come on [Music] oh oh there's one twelvet get out of here bro four more spins please Magic one orb oh money come on miner oh at least give me the miner bro three spins left come on orbiz oh oh oh Lord I needed full screen to follow balloons look at this I'm up to four here we go two more spins give me orbs and give me the miner please I need this come on ladies and gentlemen minor orbs last time I did this too the orbs got stingy right at the end and then you could have given me a minor on the left how ridiculous you are how ridiculous you are oh Lord lanterns with my prize of 425.99 that's an excellent Enterprise in my life here we go all right hello lady my friends I'm at 8 19. you know here's what I'm gonna do when this gets to 800 I'm gonna cut our losses and we're gonna put one last hundred in one last game and see what happens to our life today here we go oh Lord oh Lord if it kept going I was so excited forty dollars it ain't over till it's over it ain't over till it's over oh Lord that would have been great come on are you popping you could have popped for this two more spins my friends less magic you know Magic what if it was one of those instead of one of those 37.99 right now let's go again oh no magic hey you will give me a bonus why dare you this is a bonus and how dare you final spend bonus oh my friends let me see one that's four dollars you know 801.99 I'm okay with this we only lost two we saw many bonuses let's go to one last game and one last oh no let's do this my friends as I was leaving my chair over there I said to myself Daniel this lady never gave you a bonus and I said to myself Daniel you're absolutely right she never did so here I am trying to get a bonus from her you know I've earmarked until 500 that's half the money I started with if it happens by then it happens if it doesn't it doesn't look at this beautiful I could have used the ringy ding just then I'll be honest with you a little ringy ding just then I would have been so happy here we go hey why didn't you give me three more lady oh Lord you know first three I got I was thinking more were coming oh come on now let's get lady on every reel one later one later one later one lady I'll become a millionaire live in front of your eyes right now guys oh she's right there I could have had at least a little bit of her you know one more butterfly nothing nothing no butterfly no little bit no nothing guys for more crazy lady over there you know foreign 4.99 ain't nothing to worry about just yet we still have 200 before we can panic three more bro next time do you understand pretty lady oh my goodness guys do it check your face let's hope this gives us a bonus the other one gave us three one of them was excelente almost you know almost almost none of them were quite excellented to where you're like oh I'm betting eight dollars and I got my money's worth but they were decent you know the camera playing is what I'm trying to say that I didn't go broke except now I'm going broke again sad oh Lord I stopped it by accident because I'm so Furious and going broke I'm hoping this pretty late it gives me some incredible you know some sort of some sort of mushroom I don't know why I said mushroom oh Lord I'm at 6 23. I wish I could change the nominations but I can't you know you can't change the nominations oh pretty lady with the mushrooms 29.99 not enough later not enough mushrooms you need you need more money for mushrooms guys look at this don't look at it everybody don't look a set 13.99 oh oh middle one if I had my middle lady I would have been more proud guys it's my last hundred this is concerning to anybody but me [Music] 580 right now oh Lord oh somebody ring it guys one more [Music] stopped and it should have given it to me should have given it to me oh Lord my friends I got mushrooms 45 45. look at all how dare you pretty lady how dare you miss my middle 18. 586 I still got money you know I said till five seventy three [Music] pop how dare you how dare your butterfly just flaps and swings guys I wish I could double my bed I would right now you know considering how long this is not bonus 23. not enough come on pretty butterfly lady oh I did it seven in my life oh without any indication told you we're doing this I told you we're ending the video like this let's see what happens it's a pretty butterfly wings oh Lord what did you see oh Lord boobies revealed boobies my friends let's see what happens let's see what happens from here oh Lord let me get all the way oh I can only go up to 50. I'll take 50. listen lend me some butterflies right now two of them I'm up to 15. no I'm up to 12. okay give me two more oh Lord I'm up to 15. give me more oh Lord I'm up to 20. give me more oh hey hey two right now right here look at my fingers they need nothing Land one at least police oh I did it I'm up to 25. come on 30. let's do I hear 30 give me giveth oh Lord oh Jesus I'm up to 50. one more for a hundred oh my God come on there's no oh I saw it oh landed Planet no guys I got 50 games oh I'm missing one I'm missing one oh Lord 50 games to end the video let's see what happens [Music] come on now extra rose right away extra roll and another extra roll right away don't waste my time extra row major I'll take it but I won't be happy about it let's go pretty later thank you for the nines come on come on orbs there we go extra roll bro extra row extra roll make me happy get out of here many of my life come on now there's one waiting for me up there if I got extra to roll all right let's see what happens come on bubbles oh somewhere [Music] oh Lord we need this extra row it's so very important am I getting I'm getting close to the major quickly extra row thank you extra well though this is very important extra row I nailed it oh Lord Now give me another one my oh I'm one way now it's gonna stop it always stops when you run away from everything that's ten dollars you see Grand oh Lord I'm never gonna get you guys I got I got 46 more games relax everybody we got plenty of time hello there you go Minnie oh I got it this time oh this might be a good this might be a good one finally this might be a good one we're getting the mini right away getting a minute right away my friend oh Lord hello you did a whole lot of you know magnification for a hundred dollars just then you could have just told me I won the mini but I'll accept it I'll accept it it's very pretty of you very pretty of you I'm at 125 I got 45 left let's go oh there's more I forgot give me the green oh Lord I only need three more to become a five thousand air come on no extra Row one more row then one more row jerking face fifteen dollars I'll take it I'll take it 140 so far come on orbs me yo how you doing hello grand grand s oh extra oh I did it oh beautiful come on Grand theft come on Green come on Grand oh my goodness my goodness money it's just money give me more money though 192 my friends how exciting we got a whole lot of games left where's my orbs I demand orbage hello there's one orb 15 I'll take it but I won't be happy about it let's go let's go come oh Lord this is great come on no money big money come Grand there you go Lord two away Queen oh come on Green Man Green Man said three games oh I love you bro I love you we're at bolo 43 more right now come on come on or me there's some orbs grand grand what did I tell you right now two eight and one let's go come on orbs pretty lady 285 my friends let's go let's go we ain't scared of nothing come on come on I ain't scared oh what just did I just win the grand what just happened oh my goodness wait hello what's happening oh Lord full screen oh my gosh oh my gosh pretty pretty thick elf lady how much how much 16 a line how many lines holy bejesus holy bejesus I did this full screen of this lady you know that you know look at this I'm gonna let this count while I sip some coffee [Music] see that my friends you see this look at this I'm gonna get a hand-paid I'm gonna get a handbag this was unbelievable this was unfathomable this was inconceivable trouble this was incongruent you know I don't know what I'm saying I did it it's a jackpot it's ten dollars a line ladies and gentlemen [Music] oh no not yet thank you guys look at this twelve hundred dollars and we still got 40 games holy for Jesus let's rock and roll do it again send the send the butterflies oh I'm so excited now I'm ending the video with a jackpot a completely unexpectedly oh fudge city in America thirty four dollars calm down thirty four dollars here we go do it again send them send the butterflies the grand have you noticed no orbs so far Orbison bro there we go great Miner oh I need one more now grand baby great oh Lord I got plenty of games plenty of games we're up to 1300 I'm doing this where's my there we go Grand green oh Jesus Louise's you know 13 30. let's go Orbison oh this one pays the best oh shoot Grand somewhere Grand [Music] if I had this over here and another one it would have been so much money 73 though 73 dollars guys I'm up to 1400 and I got 30 games left let's go or my baby oh little late at me yeah pretty lady let's go come on now orbs watch this magic butterfly orbs oh come on oh minute I got the mini again fantabulous ring a ding oh butterflies in my life and Terrence magorio butterflies [Music] all right calm down everyone here we go we got 30 games left oh little mini again give me the grand next time [Music] if I didn't have it I would have had it come on those are the books that gave me money remember guys I still got half my games don't worry about this this is incredible oh Lord Grand I'm begging you bro extra games grand extra free games Grand what's happening right now do I get a grand no I don't I don't get a grant but I'm up to 15 99.99 oh orbs again there we go green me bro oh at least the miner the major come on now 1600 so far this is unbelievable it is unbelievable let's go oh Lord I stopped it by accident and I still didn't get the Grand 16 49 my friends let's go foreign oh my goodness [Music] oh Lord here we go here we go oh fudge guys I got 23 games left come on green green turkey face 23 mode games left my friends give me orbs in my life oh oh oh that wasn't fair at all or orb orb orb Grant major major I'm gonna ask for the major instead of the grand major jerk of face get out of here later get out of here we're up to 1800 my friends come on orbs man come on come on major minor Miner I'll ask for the minor now minor minor mine all three games thank you minor minor oh Lord how much am I up to 1849.99 my friends oh Lord here we go oh no don't ever do this again without at least two more a699 come on come on third deck at 20 games left let's go oh oh no pretty lady get out of here orbs orbs there we go Miner Miner Miner oh my goodness oh hello lady [Music] you guys I got 20 games left come on come on oh oh there's some orbs do I get a minor I do not I'm up to 1900 though 20 games left let's go let's go flowers oh Lord Flowers 36 dollars in flowers excellent a pretty thick elf lady let's go let's go [Music] come on come on order me oh Lord I got 16 games 16 games my friends oh Miner minor foreign games left oh thousand we're up to 2014 left I need it oh Miner where are you waiting oh Lord is it waiting to give me the grant at the end it's oh I need those butterflies I forgot if those butterflies show up right now it'll be amazing no that's what Peyton missed so much money earlier look at this where my orbs I got 10 games left 10 games left I can't even get mushrooms all right guys my last ten I need orbs there's one minute oh look did I get the mini again I got the mini for a third time my friends for a third time [Music] it's getting butterflies going all right calm down 2100 nine games left come on come on there we go please Minnie get the one more mini out of the way but give me the major minor come on there you go a minute one more minute just do it do it do it twelve dollars get out of my life I got eight games left my friends [Music] there we go ten dollars ten dollars twelve dollars three games in my life fantastic give me a major minor Grand oh Lord I got three games now I got ten I got ten more my friends come on oh no there's double ladies [Music] come on my friends let's go oh seven more oh but all mushrooms in my life not enough [Music] come on seven games let's go oh major minor Miner I'm asking for the my a minor my friends guys there it is there it is come on miner please please five more games I need my butterflies I need my butterflies I'm butterflies oh Lord I need butterflies my friends oh oh three more spins there's a meeting behind me oh Miner guys is the one mine are a major right now this is the only time I could do this [Music] guys there's a meeting going on next to me oh Lord congregation alas man my last spin is here last spin magic oh nothing not even an order exactly oh Lord exact amundo my friends 2 499 zero no ninety nine you know what I'm saying guys the meeting continues but we will wait for our guys 24 low pretty lady and then jackpot your hand pay will be here shortly congratulations on the 24. [Music] nice all right my friends I'll be back when they're putting money in my hand I'll be back when they're putting money in my hands what a way to end this video unbelievable I'll be right back [Music] 16 17 18 20s my friends how incredible was that to end this video on a jackpot this jackpot was so unexpected so unexpected I gave I usually give 20 bucks per attendant for jackpots this time I gave him a hundred that's how that's how that's how excited I am let's play this down to 500 and say guys back to back you know this could have been a moment where I got back-to-back jackpots and the world celebrated oh you know two more spins my friends I'm ready for this if it happens and if it oh no way [Music] are you serious right now oh I got a full screen I got a full how much do I get 190 dollars looking to be a champion right now after my look at this 100 million dollars [Music] you know maybe that's your thumbnail so I trick you guys you know I could have gotten up with 700 but let's give it you know just in case it's got one more in it we're gonna play this till 600 and then say goodbye oh Lord help guys happen again I don't know what's about oh three more bro this is unbelievable my life is is is unparalleled right now you know oh my goodness guys two more I suck please come on jerk your face how about you papage no guys I only have a few spins look at this pretty lady pop it jerk your face where's my ringy ding oh oh you know 34 left that was magnificent I can't believe I got an extra 100 out of this deal four more pop it nothing two more spins it's my final spin coming up there was the butterflies this time and [Music] 600 bucks to end the video you know we did amazing we started with a grand I got 2300 in my pocket after the 100 tip and now look at this 600 left oh oh you know what I'm saying I love you all I appreciate y'all thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys next time
Channel: VegasLowRoller
Views: 1,216,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IE_9o8l_nDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 55sec (2995 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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