What Actually Happens When You Overdose On Heroin

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[Music] what's underneath anger it's all fear and when you're scared you just want to like make it go away and the only way most people know how to do that with drugs tell me exactly what happened another kid dead inside the river tracks they think they're going to shoot a whole bag of dope down here dude if you sniff a little bit you'll die when the city has like cleaning up dead bodies in the park is when people finally notice i found a kid overdose can't sit here and promise you i'm gonna stay sober but i can promise you eventually something's gonna happen someone says you can go to florida and get clean what could possibly go wrong i found a kid overdose he's i don't know he's on the side of the railroad track all these kids think they're coming down here as a person trying to get their life together to some of the places they're going to they're not a person at all they're a policy number help us help these kids and not die today when people don't get clean when they attempt to i don't hold anything against them man at the end of the day they're trying they might not be all the way done but at least when i'm able to help somebody and get their foot in the door it's planting a seed in their head i don't get upset with people when they fail you know i mean they go back out i don't get angry at that person the reason why is i'm basically that person you know i've been trying to get sober for damn near 15 20 years in and out of aaa in and out of this in and out of treatment you know what i mean so it's like i understand the obsession i understand that it's a disease i understand the process the powerlessness the hopelessness i get that some people just haven't hit their bottom i met this kid chris a couple weeks ago chris what are you doing out here homeless man roughing it up i used my last 120 to fly myself down here problem was this time i didn't have health insurance have a baby at home how old's your baby bro nine months nine months the hell you been hiding at bro i've been looking for you for days so you don't want to go to treatment no more i actually detox myself i'm nine days sober now but like i still need to get into like a halfway house bad can you pee clean uh yeah for sure yeah there is a bed but like i need to know like one hundred percent that you can pass a test again yeah dude i wouldn't waste anyone's time including my own cause i want to take you there like tomorrow okay but um yeah i was gonna piss test you tonight just to make sure i'm going to where chris stays at last time we talked he was really upset because i p-tested him so i really want to help this kid and with like the baby and everything involved man he just really reminds me of me man just gonna go try to talk and see how he's doing today what's up how you doing you're gonna kill me huh you're gonna kill me nah bro i'm gonna be honest with you yeah i'm worried about you man i'm a straight-up flat-out junkie dude how am i gonna be mad at an addict for getting high what's their natural thing to do listen man it's not it's not you being mad at me that that worries me it's the disappointment the problem's not the drugs we're the problem bro if we don't realize that if i don't realize i'm the problem there's not a solution for you exactly it's it's up here bro that's how we think i told kelsey the same thing today like i didn't give a about myself enough to even want to be clean and then i met her and uh for some reason she just was so important to me and still is that like it made me actually want to stay sober like and i did for three and a half years and then once i've lost her i gave up again it went right back to chris dixon old ways you know what i mean yeah um which is stupid and like that the thing is man it's like i'm not good with dealing with my weaknesses bro if you get high call me and tell me you got high i'm not gonna judge you i'm like okay what do we do from here dude i just want to know that you're out here and you're alive so that when you are ready and if there is help we can set it up for you at the end of the day um can't sit here and promise you i'm gonna stay sober but i can promise you eventually something's gonna happen you're young dude you got a chance at this the future i see for chris right now is either it's one of two things obviously he's gonna stay out here he's gonna let his fear get the best of him he's gonna keep running from being a man and taking care of his child and keep getting high and he's gonna let this obsession and this war in his head win or he's gonna tighten up and come around and go to treatment and get help [Music] i've been helping people out for a decade and it's been great you see a lot you learn a lot when you're a female in this industry people think that you're less of a frontliner they don't think that you're going to be willing to go to the scary places dark places at night typically expect someone bigger someone manlier i guess they're surprised and they underestimate how hard you're willing to work what's going on it's pretty late is everything okay um yeah i mean we can probably stop by are you all right what's going on okay [Music] be like hey you know let me know if you want to get help and i will help you because now it's like she's totally alone kenny and tabitha came down here from ohio to go to rehab they didn't make it in rehab they relapsed and their insurance expired so now they're stuck in florida using no insurance can't get really into a facility i'm going to offer tabitha something to eat and see if she wants to talk for a few minutes and see where her head's at what her game plan is some people stay in the streets for life they did a whole like huge article on this lady named maggie the last days of maggie the prostitute she was a prostitute from riviera beach and she was a prostitute forever like forever and she died prostitute she was like really rough and i used to because i used to live over there i used to run into her all the time she's like hurry girl like hey okay you gotta set it up you're like oh there you go she was like really rough but she didn't give up she just stayed like that some people just stay like that riviera woman found dead along b-line had history of arrest yeah that's maggie maggie hated that nickname as much as she hated selling sex acts to earn cash for crack five bucks at a time if you act like you like it it's over faster she'd say of turning tricks this is gold right here okay her entire universe is a six block rectangle in riviera beach west of the old spanish quartz motor lodge where drug dealers seem as common as vendors at a dolphins game nice american od back there no i'm filming i hit him once with an uh here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what [Music] oh [Music] i won't buddy buddy [Music] come on bud 9-1-1 what is the address of your emergency um i'm behind the publix in boynton beach come on buddy buddy come on okay what is your name ally safarino okay tell me exactly what happened i don't know i found a kid overdose i found a kid overdose i had some narcan in my car so i tried giving it to him but it didn't work he's i don't know he's on the side of the railroad track kick in i got another bottle right here go go yeah here we go i don't know the kid i don't know who he is i don't know how old he is he looks like he's in his 20s mid-20s i'm saying my name is okay is he awake no he's he breathed a little bit i can't hear him breathing no maybe you haven't known this will help open the airway okay okay i do have them on their way they are going to be there shortly i want you to stay on the phone okay and i'm going to tell you exactly what to do next okay okay [Music] each the chest should rise with each breath did you feel the air going in and out yeah okay listen carefully and i'm going to tell you how to do chest compressions okay place the heel of your hand on the breastbone in the center [Music] two inches deep yeah one two three four five six seven eight nine [Music] 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 26 27 20 29 30. need help now okay come on buddy oh he's up hello he just woke up hello he's up he woke up yeah i think they're on the other side what are you all right chris on the other side of the wall yeah chris oh i see one okay i see you lady thank you all right three five [Music] and i got here and kenny was screaming that he was overdosed that he had if i had any narcan and i had a narcan and i gave it to him and then he ran and then i ran after him and then we hit the kid with the narcan and we hit him with another narcan and it wasn't working he wasn't breathing so then i had to call the cops and i gave him mouth-to-mouth and i um and they told me what to do but we were in such he like and then all like it was a while though and he wasn't breathing he was turning blue and then he just jumped up finally after giving mouth to mouth for like felt like ever but oh my god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] that sound that they make when they're dying it's like the death like grasp of air and at that point it's either they're going to get help or they're going to die they don't come back they that's what heroin does it slows your respiratory system down to the point where it stops even working and then you die because you stop breathing you know oh i thought he was gonna puke when i was giving him mouth-to-mouth gross it's time to get the out of this life dude my god i haven't ran that fast in like a while i traded him some one through crack i took hit a crack again some of that i was like be careful it's just good i got a high time he did like i don't know a third of a cat i did the rest in fact i hit first and i was like damn be careful and i said i lost it all right that's why like man my fault you did a good job kenny [Music] i called in where are you guys from you know like really kicks in and you're like someone's dying like they're dying they're blue they're not breathing like they're done they're dead you have to try to keep them alive you gotta try like what i'm not going to try and never be able to sleep no but what are you going to do you're like not do it police officers like okay you know open his mouth pluck his nose and i was like man like ugh like this job i need a new job i plug his nose one like good breath of air i was like hoping that worked and like just didn't yeah there's gonna be another junkie found on the side of the tracks three days later you know what i mean another kid today on saturday railroad tracks south florida his mom's gonna get a phone call hey we found your kid overdosed three days ago like no one found him because he didn't have a place to live he lived inside the railroad tracks in the dirt grass on his face dirty sweaty as a young kid i don't think anyone you know deserves to die not like this yeah he was nobody to me [Music] kid overdosing that's it is that the kid frankie was hoping it is you know it's not frankie's fault at all but he's really been trying to help this kid for a while now and chris has been resisting help like every step of the way but when you find out your client overdose i mean it's sad you think i should have done something differently frankie frank what are you doing here oh my god i want to try and find tab kenny runs is flying out of like i don't know trees inside the river tracks and came up and he's like do you narcan you have narcan like this kid's overdosing holy yeah i found it gave it to him and he starts flying down the track so i started running after and i go i get there and this kid's done they had already shot him with narcan kenny used the narcan he had on him and then he was mine and the kid wasn't no nothing he's blue she's dead she was like all right and can you just get a cop that's warrants have you seen the kid before no i've never seen it before and whatever the kid i'm over him he jumps up it was your client chris i didn't even know i didn't even know it was him i had no idea yes holy man he looked so scared when he woke up like you know what i mean it wasn't like shocker well he's like yeah he didn't know what you know cause like when you overdose you don't know yeah you don't know where you're at you don't know anything you know and so like what did i do right and like he jumped up and he was like scared and we're all like looking at him like what's up man what's going on dude what happened oh man where are you at i'm about to be headed home what's going on dude i heard you didn't have a good night are you still at the hospital no i left why'd you leave bro you should have stayed there for the night but dude i i know that are you ready to like do things the right way go to treatment like asap like meet with me in the morning call me every day dude i told you yesterday you're gonna die out here someone needs to give me a hotel room i have dude i don't have money to get you a hotel room chris that's why you should have stayed at the like even in the lobby at the hospital bro you should have stayed there for the night took advantage of the spot i'm not getting him a hotel room and frank's not getting in my hotel room it's just a bad idea it's just something you don't do the last thing i need is for someone to die in a hotel room that i bought them yeah all right i'm scared for you bro just don't do no dumb tonight okay he sounds so broken yeah he just sounds scared got to get them in somewhere asap it's bottom line if you need help i can't like whatever [Music] [Music] ally and i were supposed to meet up this morning she's not answering um i don't know she's just kind of like stressed out or maybe in shock between the two of us together like we have a better chance of getting this wrapped up and getting chris taken care of [Music] you know she was there i think him seeing her would be a huge impact and also um i think the two of us could get something done and get him off the streets quicker like today i think last night after he got out of the hospital he probably just tried he was probably so freaked out man he was probably just trying to find a place to be like the more i think about it i should have at least went and sat with him for a couple hours man i kind of feel like i don't know kind of feel maybe like a dick on that part like you know i couldn't help him with the hotel but maybe i don't know man maybe i should have brought him some food or something man kid had to be terrified i just hope he's okay today really there's lives to say hi hello i can't believe he left like right from the hospital wow i've seen a picture of him today right from the past oh my god i'm gonna look super different way different he looks like justin [Music] bieber i almost got up last night like even though i couldn't help that kid get a hotel room like like i should have at least went and sat with that kid for like an hour man he had to have been terrified you know we can only do so much in a day frank that's crazy if you weren't there he'd be dead i'm gonna be like listen you little mother dude i had to put my lips on your lips as of right now you're the last person i kissed you are going to rehab yeah okay [Music] so being a little bit honest here you look like hell so you want to get help today or not yeah i couldn't do nothing last night bro i'm sorry if you want to get in detox i'll get you in today doesn't it need to be like a big thing you know yeah but like it was really scary we hit you in narcan three times i don't give a all right this is your life bro come here nobody was there when i woke up nobody's like nobody even tried to find me someone you were gone [Music] what do you mean detox get yourself right all it is right now is a waste of time it may not seem that way to you but like only because i've been there yes i've been in germany i get a couple i can get a couple hot meals in my stomach every day is that what i'm worried about i would do a few weeks few weeks i don't need treatment i don't need people to tell me what's wrong with me you know what's wrong with me i can see that you're angry you don't know about me not the first mother thing all you know is some kid that's been homeless stressed out to the bone so you want to get help today or not i don't give a all right come here you don't know about me not the first mother thing all you know is some kid that's been homeless stressed out to the bone yeah i use because i'm depressed i use because i have a nine month old son sitting at home at this point alley like i'm just my heart's broken yeah he seemed broken dude broken man really sad i just wanna hold my phone where's your son fort worth no we need to go to treatment man don't give a you know what i just died and you are you kidding me the only my only option is to like go to go to treatment and then what chris is talking about he doesn't need rehab now yeah just he's like why why tell me why i'm like look at you dude you need to be medically cleared you know what i mean like you need time i think we should just leave it man for real yeah chris thinks no one cares about him so he's going through embarrassment he's going through anger he's going through fear and he's probably going to use tonight delray beach is off the hook when it comes to recovery man these people don't care about nothing whether it's dope whether it's recovery in a 10 block radius you can get anything man it's wild this is swinton avenue this is one of the major roads down here um the first major recovery triplexes over there for me these houses over here were once mine before um i used to be fully involved full-fledged business operator for recovery this is one of my first houses i bought right here um this is still a sober home this house has six beds in it from when i started to today the whole industry changed man it got flipped upside down it got intertwined with corruption with good people the bad people the good operators the bad operators task forces it's so insane right now what goes on just trying to even do the right thing down here so you can go from a flop house to a great sober home to you know an elite beatside residence all within a half mile of each other [Music] if you rented a house like this and charging per week per bed the profit is 1400 bucks if you had a backdoor shady deal with a treatment center okay you're getting paid 2 000 every time someone relapses so these places were holding barns for kids to wait till they relapsed so that and the unscrupulous people would ease that process along you know they would come through with a bag of dope get your dirty urine and then sell you for two thousand bucks so basically they're holding you here to your relapse and it's selling you for two thousand dollars a pop you see the rate dude google it you know how often does rehab work five percent ten percent of the time so it's a one in ten one in ten kids that come through these sober houses is gonna make it all the way it's sad and it's crazy but when they started really giving the the bad heroin they started dying because when people started noticing you know when the city has like cleaning up dead bodies in the park is when people finally noticed there's kids in the house sweating up there these kids kid comes out of detox she's like my god i'm good i'm picking my boy these two girls up i'm like dude you're all right i don't think you should go calls me crying cause that crying what happened buddy got some dope girl in the back shot it up she shot it up died died kid in the front seat put a needle in his arm died he was sitting in the car by himself with three dead people in the car dude tell real it gets down here man [Music] it's fentanyl getting shifted by the boatload dude the dope was so shitty and now it's raw you're hitting a bag and dying dude they ain't ready they think they're gonna shoot a whole bag of dope down here dude if you sniff a little bit you'll die there's some days that you'll never forget the night with chris i was so traumatized by it like jesus this kid's really not waking up like he's really dead i wouldn't wish addiction on my worst enemy ever it's awful if i try to have faith that everything's gonna work out cause i don't have like an anxiety attack yeah this industry sucks i just want to be able to like wake up and like everything be fine and like not deal with any extra stress i don't know i found a kid overdose i don't have to take care of anyone else i don't have to help anyone else and like work my 13 hours and then go home come on bud we gave him three hits in narcan i can just be a regular person after that experience i would love to see chris sober i would love to see somebody that i saw dead with it would make me feel like all of that wasn't in vain it wasn't for nothing even though me and frank both agreed that we can't do any more to help chris we're still driving around looking for him just to make sure that he is okay and i don't know i've never been hit with narcan but you just feel like afterwards it's like an hour of like detoxing really hard it's horrible chris is usually in this area i was hoping maybe we'd be able to see him see if he calmed down at all he's probably trying to stay out of like public eye i'm not giving up on the kid but he's got to put some effort into it i just hope he doesn't do anything stupid out here you know what i mean and picks up the phone when he's ready cause he's not gonna last i know i hope he doesn't go out and do anything stupid tonight because he's he's so angry so upset those emotions are just scary cause it's like what's underneath anger it's all fear you know and when you're scared you just want to like make it go away and the only way most people know how to do that drugs [Applause] [Music] i found a kid overdosed hey what's up chris it's frankie how you doing some hygiene products a little bit of food and some clothes and stuff i was just going to see if it'd be all right if i dropped it off to you yeah yeah absolutely sounds good all right see you soon bro later you know the last time that i actually spoke to chris he was mad you know i told him like dude i can't get you a hotel and that's all i said i could have went and sat with him you know i mean took him and got some food or something like that man let him know that people give a you know i'm not perfect i don't always think of things like this you know which is why like the next day i woke up feeling like an for the sake of his kid man i just really hope he gets this he seems desperate he seems to want it bad enough but he does got his little hang-ups [Music] how you feeling you know you know what happened man you know what i mean like it just kind of took it out of me dude you know you know i overdose the next day right i got taken to the hospital again holy yeah this kid drugged me by my feet all the way back from that same spot all the way to publix you just come out of it and the next thing i know i'm waking up on a stretcher again and i'm like what the happened but i'm grateful dude i'm extremely grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful you're here i'm grateful you're alive yo that was the closest i have ever came to dying man when you called you like you asked for a hotel room you know what i mean and the thing is bro like there's so many other things i could have did bro i could have came and sat with you like i know you were scared as much as i may have wanted somebody to like i can't i can't just expect you know what i mean people can be at my rescue every time no bro but i just i should i feel like i should have just i should have came out there and checked on you i felt bad for what i said and to you anyway man i wanted to apologize personally for that anyway you know what i mean you didn't break my heart did you restored it i feel like a dick because like i went home and went to bed i don't hold any grudge against that dude that was not your fault it was not anyone's fault but my own so i can't expect anyone to just go out of their way you know like but it's not going to take long dude for me to get back on my feet and be where exactly where i was you know a year ago it was a nightmare but it's over it's been over i'm not gonna take a guess on how long he's gonna last at that sober living that he's at man but the thing is i am gonna say i'm hopeful for him and i just hope that he makes it cause it's been so unpredictable and scary that i just hope he does what he needs to do i can only do my part and i think allie needs to realize that too because she does beat herself up a lot so how's the halfway going bro um it's good man i went and got my neurontin it makes me it makes me stutter i stutter on it too that was one of the reasons i stopped yeah ultimately like as much as that experience sucked it taught me a lot like i was not grateful i was not humble before all that i was but i lost that like i'm so grateful for the smallest yeah we do yes we did hey buddy hey hello hi chris how are you doing i'm good i'm good you look like a different person i know i got my hair cut you look better i'm trying to get fat dude like fat you will hold on one second guys i gotta shake hello my roommate last night let me use his phone to facetime kelsey and my son i know she actually said last night she wants me to come come come home in about a month and go to counseling so i'm like super excited it just meant the world to me to me to hear her say that you know yeah and see my son crawling around and he's just a handful seriously though ally i can't i can't like god was definitely present in that moment seriously i like couldn't even sleep that night i was like oh my god i'm so excited through that like i'm just i'm just glad i was there dude i'm glad you're okay next time there might not be anyone there to call no i i don't think i have any other chances yeah like i was so scared like it was it was like a lot you're like so purple and blue i was like oh my god why doesn't the narcan work i don't understand like i think i was i was dead it's just um i would have never [Music] got to see my son or kelsey and i would have left them alone completely so you know i'm i'm really grateful to be alive it saved my life [Music] you're all smiles you know i know all i can do is smile [Music] honestly i don't think about success rates [Music] these people really need love and they need compassion they need understanding and i think everyone can do it you
Channel: VICE
Views: 3,221,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Addition, CPR, DOPESICK, Florida, HEROIN, addict, chris, culture, death, docs, documentaries, documentary, drugs, exclusive, film, independent, interview, journalism, junkie, lifestyle, movies, opioids, overdose, recovery, rehab, relapse, short films, vice, vice guide, vice magazine, vice videos, vice.com, vice_videos:premiere, world, yt:cc=on
Id: u3zNh9Taz6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 10sec (2590 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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