What a TERMINATOR 3 could have been

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[Music] see there are two ways you can see what a third Terminator movie should have been you can start discussing what a third Terminator could be if it was made directly after t - when you've still got NFL on fresh and before partying Linda Hamilton is now on top of the planet because of that role oh what a third official movie can be now after all that time what we've been like discussing sense is this whole Eddie furlong things what I just can't get over cuz once you say that you're bringing him back we've had Sarah Connor in two movies and has been good we've had all these other movies where she's not in it we've had a TV show where it's a recast but is still that more that character Sarah Connor is pretty much had a time to shine John Connon never really has cuz with Eddie fella I'm not coming back for the original T 3 it's kind of just like wow this is fan casting you don't care about now this may be what it touches on it with John Connor not actually being important like John once Cyberdyne blown up then obviously the future Kyle Reese warned about never happened but week that we can still like get delve into stuff in John's character if he was still alive and that that the age he would be ot3 kind of tried to do that but didn't he like just work construction well he was like a drifter that just drove around yeah and then the second army shows up he starts complaining like remember me remember hasta la vista baby was like what the ending of t 3 is actually interesting if you start the movie out with that scene yeah because there's a negative ending where they don't win yeah well that's the thing is Terminator 3 watch the machines has a lot of the actual third movie [ __ ] that's meant to be in it the problem is it's half the running time of t2 and everything else is just t2 again but in the day time then comes salvation which actually changes off and does new things then we get to Genesis which is the other t3 in literal t1 clone so we're still like living in that world but now if you go write new movie ignoring all them sequels straight after t2 we're getting any fella honest and Linda Hamilton back right there you can start thinking about like what are these characters doing now so like Sarah Connor could have actually been the mother she was meant to be to him after all this time because there's no future water worried about John can start dealing with like oh my whole [ __ ] childhood though all this pressure was put on me that I'm the Future leader of the resistance thirty years have passed and [ __ ] nothing and once a terminator arrives and they see it on the news or whatever what the [ __ ] is their reaction to life I thought we blow up Skynet in Cyberdyne what does this new Terminator doing here do you think mixed III with doc faith well it's what doc fate was trying to do with Doc fate killed John Connor off of the start and essentially just didn't give any progression to Sarah Connors character at all like she is all of this movie is essentially Sarah Connor before they break her out of Pescadero like she still is without John Connor and she still [ __ ] nuts and and ready to fight a future war that is probably coming as I said number one or two Sarah has this massive jump in a character in between films but then once against the t22 this she's just been killing terminated this whole time and it's like our case or was what I [ __ ] expected as just what has happened wait if like John Connor guy from t2 to now he was a little kid in that first one that was even younger than Sarah Connor was in the original so what is his character arc for being child fighting the t1000 having a psycho mother put all this [ __ ] in his head what does he like now this I mean like yet the picture you saw has gone about about like drugged [ __ ] John Connor you're just like turns to drugs and alcohol and doesn't really do much with his life after t2 makes the most interesting idea to me Gabriel Terminator does show up from like Legion or whatever the new future is and then he has to [ __ ] like get his [ __ ] together get clean while fighting a terminator yeah because why bother building him up to be this thing and just kill him off just makes no sense it just imagine Edward fell long as he actually looks at real life in a movie and on top of that Linda says Linda Hamilton has been a massive star since t2 hmm she's kind of got like well I don't know better personally but there's kind of like this vibe she's been out of the spotlight and this is a big return and recapturing like a previous amazing role so she brings out with her like that's why it's an interview she's kind of like talking about how she did this for a character she's like bringing she's like I don't want to [ __ ] get completely in shape so I'm too old for it now I'm just gonna embrace most of what I am and try to get in some shape so she's bringing all the [ __ ] with her this but then Eddie furlong is like oh I would love to have seen what he brings to the new sequel yeah cuz he's probably had it worse she has where he was just like [ __ ] T - well American History X Detroit Rock City I'm kind of bitter and then he's just been doing like nothing since what does he bring to a brand new movie where we get to revisit this John Connor character after t2 he had absolutely no there's no expectation of what old John Connor is from t2 but but there was expectation on Linda Hamilton Sarah Connor because what's your memories like she was in shape she knew combat with fighting and guns so Linda Hamilton s actually get in shape and dude weapons training all over again for this new one because that's the standard everyone's expecting they [ __ ] up their that cuz she was sort of sexy into YouTube but she wasn't this one I'm sorry sixty-year-old room the Hamilton Constance sexy for you anyways I see Linus was a better option she's not sixty years old she's sexy anyway yes a John the John Connor in t2 as a child there is no act like he was not he wasn't like some ripped sexy man he didn't do that sexy child man wasn't that what why would ever be like wow he has to like be fit and strong for this new one he was like yeah but going over the topic of him bringing his entire life to this new role we're just thinking you like once you defeat Skynet and then you're officially not the leader of the resistance anymore cuz that future doesn't happen and if he goes the same route that he did in real life and you just becomes like this [ __ ] drug [ __ ] junkie he'd probably get to the point where he stops like everything that happened in t2 will stop like not being real to him anymore I wonder if that would be the James Cameron third movie if he didn't have avatar movies to make if he was just like I don't get any back so Jesus Christ he's [ __ ] I worked out of the character personally I know I don't wanna see either of them back then you have like you've brought in grace she's half-human half-machine Jesse question what she is sheet this does so many [ __ ] life news you could do with that yeah you don't need Sarah Connor or John Connor or honey and you make a movie that's not called Terminator yeah of course I'm now scored grace no cigarettes caught like a maybe just called Skynet wellgood wait that Terminator was that old-school movie thing where you're getting attacked by the Terminator but then once again it seems like well terminated to the hole terminate to everything afterwards you have this whole history of Skynet all these things he could explore and make something new out of he doesn't have to be a terminator you get sent back in time so that was the weird thing about this movie is the whole concept of a terminator having to come back in time and just kill one person Connor only works back in like the 90s and 80s the problem is Tim Miller sitting and then needs to be justifying like why killing off Jonathan stop he was like I'm kind of sick of the Messiah thing so I feel like changed up the lake [ __ ] gives us another God their Messiah it's literally the same what few years ago I would have said that a perfect Terminator 3 would have been it all takes place like in the military headquarters where Skynet is born there's no terminators in it there's no come with me if you want to where there's no time travel it's all Skynet the AI actually taking over and then it's sort of in the original Terminator 3 rise of the machines but all they're doing is going oh we've got so many days until we hit the button well they have that thing flying around just like it's like flying on it sounds like Stuart's flying going sorry should we do so we go up at the deadline oh the computers are doing something weird oh but we've got this deadline like Oh being pressured or hit the button Oh what what's going on good he's crazy that is what an ideal third movie was is the beginning of Skynet then the next one is just beginning of the future war like that's even though t2 gets rid of all that by blowing up Cyberdyne let's just go straight to like showing like the building up to Carl Reese's life that's the only real way you can go for them now this has been too many seagulls that put too much emphasis on what you know from the first two for summary is like if they just made one more salvation they could have been on that track yeah I actually really like Christian Bale is John Connor yes it's absolutely fine casting if you want a wart on John Connor right in the thick of it well even the the young Kyle Reese was great yeah that's the interesting thing is like James Cameron's actual involved bald man with his new one because now but it's like some a lot of blames going to Tim Miller for there's some bland gone and James the the situation surrounding is really weird so the way this movie came about is James Cameron got the rights to Terminator back like officially and finally since visually terminated - and he was like alright well I'm just gonna produce a new Terminator movie since I got the rights back I'm going to get and pick who I want and he has a story writing credit I did my theory is that he probably just quickly write like a five page outline of just rough ideas of what he would put in the movie and then just gave it off to 25 other writers and then they just milk it out into this big nostalgia fest and then to screenwriters nutted all those ideas down to one script I do know that he gave Tim Miller a list a shopping list of scenes that he's always wanted to either put in a movie or put in an actual Terminator movie that you just never got around to hmm making a Terminator movie and one of them was being in that that truck underwater oh yeah right at the dam or whatever right away the way the scene is in the movie like well that looks like [ __ ] but it fools James Cameron the whole thing would be underwater no actors would actually be in it cuz there was like oh he [ __ ] promoted the [ __ ] to Genesis but when you're listening if you listen to the exact words he says it's kind of like if you just say to him can you like in this interview phrase Genesis and he's just like alright I wasn't involved in the making the film I didn't direct it and write it I'm just a fanboy what he says it's like I'm sitting in the theater and I start seeing things I recognized him a dark Theater movie starts and I start to see things I recognize it's being very respectful of the first two films I see the first movie I see Dianna will see this that was like but then the movie takes a turn and then all of a sudden it just squirts and all the sudden it's like they going on these new adventures and then guys I think terminated fans are really gonna get a kick out of this movie you like the terminator felonies are gonna love this movie he doesn't say anything [ __ ] specific about the plot or any of the point of this movie he's just like just saying things that fans would wanna hear I wasn't involved in the making the film I feel like when you watch the interviews for this one it's still the same [ __ ] she's like we got Linda how much returning that's [ __ ] great thing you go on it you don't Linda Hamilton back for the first time since the second one same with James Cameron mmm so everyone's like automatic like [ __ ] this could be the one we be waiting for then Eddie furlong does that tweet where it's like or whatever the interviewee is talking about like yeah I'm back can't say too much better but I'm in there no more like I can't say anything cause I [ __ ] did nothing on it yeah literally just said yeah you can use my likeness although that probably was even up to him because not it wouldn't have been the way what he looks like in t2 is a [ __ ] copyright it's a tactic went like yeah you can come to comic-con and everyone's gonna freak out mmm cuz that's what people have been asking for this all comes down to the one fact that pop culture kills everything yeah Drebin yeah you're right it does what culture is cancerous like this movie didn't drop my respect for James Cameron roles because I just I he is no longer the filmmaker to me he is now seaman and have a target see man and swallow and then that's the thing is like he doesn't owe me a terminator fan [ __ ] anything I'm thinking he'd know that as well I don't think he cares no why what do you he just wants to make his own thing yeah yes say what you want about avatar that's like his [ __ ] thing it's fine that he wants to stay in that realm and make those movies so you obviously a terminator 3 official Terminator 3 where he comes back and writes and directs just like he did in the nineties that would be the most greatest determine in three of all time because it'd be filled with all these [ __ ] ideas you would not have seen coming and he would have put all this [ __ ] knowledge he knows about artificial intelligence and technology and the planet and all this [ __ ] into the movie just like he did with the first two and it'd be like a film you've never seen before like he is beyond that now he's no longer that low-budget independent filmmaker if he's not in it 100% I don't [ __ ] at all yeah I wasn't involved in the making the film I didn't direct it and write it you like the Terminator films you're gonna love this movie I'm just a fanboy [Music]
Channel: CORDZ
Views: 247,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terminator, Terminator 2 Judgement Day, Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines, Terminator Salvation, Terminator Genisys, Terminator Dark Fate, Tim Miller, James Cameron, Eddie Furlong
Id: YbSQppKJgJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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