What a PROPER POND should look like.

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look at how beautiful this is are you kidding me and the kids come out here every single day and submit wouldn't you do the same thing [Music] thank you look at these all right what town are we in seeing we're in Alpha New South Wales New South Wales beautiful country this is where he grew up all right girls can you guys help me out with something who would like to go swimming with me yes we're gonna go swimming in your Recreation Pond I love it so where is the wreck Pond dad I don't know oh yeah gorgeous absolutely yeah do you guys like to swim in it is it pretty fun and you have fish in there yeah yeah what kind of fish do you have in there we have goldfish and in that one we have rainbows and the big one that is really cool what an incredible property so what kind of Pooch is this French mastiff you got the seat there buddy yeah and what's this guy's name all right he's getting old now he's 13. so Sam this is the homestead and it all started with over here why don't you show me the first water feature built for Molly when she was a toddler and we built the associated shallow zones to Flying it was nice and close to the house and we weren't really worried about it and look at this I love how this is just I mean here's the entrance to the house and here is the water feature and boy a lot of Burns and native plants in here huh look at that right alongside the carport [Music] [Applause] foreign at the time saying I just sort of made it work with what I had to be settled in now with all the plants growing in around oh yeah a little tropical Lily in here and some Goldfish huh ha huge so do you like the water features honey pretty cool huh yeah all you have to say to the kids is let's go swimming and they get their stuff right on dogs walk around with us too huh this is the journey down so what do you guys like about swimming in the pond okay do your friends ever come over and swim in it yeah I love it look at how beautiful this is are you kidding me this is just fantastic oh this is why I say I love my job they got a little Beach area over there and all of their toys wow this I'm telling you it's as good as it gets who would not love this versus a swimming pool wow [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that is exactly what kids do this is non-chemicals so this is all biologically filtered this is how we grew up going in natural ecosystem water features in nature and this is what it should look like this is what a properly designed Aquascape ecosystem Recreation Pond should look like this has been in here for a year and a half or so he said and the kids come out here every single day in cement wouldn't you do the same thing and just rocks and gravel I love the sand beach over here this is the intake Bay so this is actually where the pumps sit back in here and it just circulates and so it draws off all of the water or all of the debris that falls onto the water into the skimmer box over here and you would just literally have to open this up and empty the basket of the debris that would flow into there I love the fact that he's built this beach here and I love the fact that he uses native fish in here as well that is just so cool I can't imagine anything that you could put in a yard that would be nicer than this I love it there's a little plant Cove over here he's got Wetland plants in he's got some water lilies and once again there's those natural fish but look at that water quality that you get when you put in a wetland filter that actually is a beautiful upper pool as well this is just an Exquisite project and what's so fun for me is to be able to visit certified Aquascape contractors all over the world and see them putting in the techniques things that they can actually use with their families and so if you're ever going to hire a certified Aquascape contractor go visit their ponds go to their house he said he just had a big con party out here Sam what were you saying you had a pond party out here you had like a couple weeks ago well it was an open day that echoscopes organized we did a national Pond tour Australia so we had about 17 contractors opened up there their yards yeah three yards we have to do it a different time than the us because it's USI and it's winter here right so everything's down so we have to do our sort of The End Of Summer Wherever into the woods so Patrick you've been to this property before I have yeah about a couple years ago we did a workshop locally so Sam came along to that and I stayed potato so Sam you were saying before you found Patrick you were kind of getting burned out just being a landscaper but water features have really reunited your passion for sure oh it's pretty close to doing we're building the furniture shipping changing trades completely and then pointing Aquascape to sort of like a light bulb moment here we are yeah no I love it didn't want to do anything else it's a nice creative job and no job's the same they're all unique in themselves so for days of laying pavers and retainable blocks has pretty much gone now the kids would not be able to enjoy the papers and retaining walls as much as they would a recreation pot [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] waterscopes at my place showing now break upon that we did a year and a half ago around the floods we had about 200 ton of Bowlers being in the paddock for a couple of years now this is what we ended up with so we built this whole left-hand side along here from this Edge in the shallow Zone before we dug it all out we had the 20 tunnel sitting there and we slung this whole wall out and then once we dropped it all out we folded the line about and did our final cut in along this shelf to have enabled us to use the size of the liner that we had it took us about I think it was six weeks we had a lot of challenges with the flood that was here so a lot of days sort of started with a couple hours of peeling the mud off the ground and giving us sort of throwground to work on again but once we got past the wet weather we were all good but a little stream leads up to our Wetland filter and that's the biological the whole setup fits our crystal clear water year and a half now in the truck it's just still getting better every day everything's sort of getting more established now the surrounding landscape and all the plants so it's been a lot more like it's been here forever yeah we love it and we're down here every day I wouldn't have it any other way no chemicals and really low maintenance the system that aquascopes are set up if the Wetland filtration the best one to get this sort of result but coming into winter now it's getting a bit colder might not be in here as much but you get to enjoy it all the same [Music] [Music] [Music] probably the thing that's most frustrating to me is that this is the exception to the rule swimming pools are so traditional and what people are so used to having but this to me is a thousand times better than a swimming pool a recreation Pond does not just get enjoyed when you're swimming it it gets enjoyed 365 days out of here now we're down in here in Australia this is their fall it's a little cool but the kids are still swimming in so many places in the states people are only using their swimming pools for three four months out of the year when you have a recreation Pond you could be living the Aquascape lifestyle 365 days out of the year and this is natural it's non-chemical this is what people should be doing [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Greg Wittstock, The Pond Guy
Views: 210,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aquascape, Ponds, Certified Aquascape Contractor, pond installation, Greg Wittstock, Greg Wittstock The Pond Guy
Id: mHEOgHr8q5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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