WHAT A PIECE OF SH*T: Chris Cuomo | Louder with Crowder

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you think that's his job to make sure that you know if you don't follow his brand of tolerance that you shouldn't have a seat at the table of Western civilization that your daughter is intolerant because she doesn't want to see someone's pecker right at face level several people who obviously even be following this but we didn't have time to get into this because Epstein happened earlier in the week Chris Cuomo was recently Pro approached to the restaurant the Fredo thing let me refresh your memory turns up the Goomba [Music] he was really trying to perpetuate the negative Italian stereotype and went too far and you can see me look at the camera look I'm gonna pull you down the stairs in aw crap I'm just one step shy of saying I'm gonna crowbar your kneecap and he's sitting there just what a punk yeah well as he says Punk couch yeah yeah there you go that's some kind of funny we asked that rhetorical question like why don't you do that when you're trying to fight somebody like yeah this I'm a believer in just either fights if you're going or if I don't strike or don't but don't ask rhetorical questions what if I called you punk cha how do you feel just say Punk bitchin I don't casting punch fro but your ass are you expecting an actual answer how about I throw you down the flight of stairs yes for me I wouldn't like I think the guy who called him Fred if he was in fact and we're hearing reports it may be he wasn't with his wife and kid listen I think there's a ceasefire when you're out in public and you shouldn't be berating somebody I think the guy who did it was a dick and trying to set him up that being said he of course Chris Cuomo should be able to allow cooler heads to prevail so that's why it's time for this month's installment of what [Music] so today top five reasons half-asian Ville having similar bewitchments monitors broken so he's lean we're supposed to do five but we actually add seven and then we just rounded it down to six I don't know why so I'm number six this is we have video of video graphic evidence for all this Chris Cuomo said that nathan phillips remember the math quest guy yeah he actually said on air that nathan phillips wanted to defuse the situation by banging the drum in the covington kids face and the kid made the wrong decision by standing and smiling so this is how he frames it and and he wants you to think that my god is natural journalist nathan phillips apparently wanted to defuse the tension and he walked up with exactly that and surely the kid Nick Sandman he doesn't seem to be afraid but he did make a choice and that was to make it into a standoff what was it legal sure that's not my sure but that's not my test black don't say you know me I don't have to tell you twice he stood no you know you didn't tell us many times what is your test Chris Cuomo well if you need to ask you're not ready you're not yet ready to hear what well what are you some fake Goomba mr. miyagi piece of shit wax on awesome by the way it's not only legal he was in the right yes guy effectively assaulted him and this is what's so important to me as Chris Cuomo really does of you if you see him on Twitter he claims to be a journalist he doesn't though there is no kind of bias this is what's insane to me I don't have a problem if you're right or if you're left just don't lie to me admit it don't it America let's go to reason number five I think we have a video of this one where he claimed that America first and the term nationalist these terms are actually phrases equivalent to not they're bad not that might be dog whistles concentration camps one point of pushback before I get to you Angela you did not have similar problems with the phrase America first which is equally stained or the word nationalist now which is equally stained no yes as a matter fact I totally disagree that it's a stain word as a matter of fact you may be American now well no I'm not wrong you you don't get to define what NASA mean there's their credibility hangs in the balance from it from an anchor who can be fooled by basic oppositeday reverse psychology no no yes no yes yes dad gummit what have it season for MSA it's equivalent to concentration camps when a guy responds perfectly reasoning no not at all yes at all yes reason number four I you know I should say this but I just think we'll let the clip do the talking he actually thinks that remember how Donald Trump got all kinds of flack for saying you know I'm not talking about the white supremacists or the white nationalists they should absolutely be condemned totally but then he talked about the people who the person was like both sides yeah yeah well actually if you watch more of the context and we can't provide you with all the context because we don't have that much time let's just show the clip Chris Cuomo I mean you think Santa Fe's is right talk about an T far I've watched them in the streets protesting in different situations okay there are certainly aspects of them that are true to a cause that is a good cause they want social justice they want whatever they want in that context what everyone what do that context context social justice what does that even mean yes anti-fur yes no change at the end of a bed he also tweeted out a meme suggesting the d-day soldiers in anta pho were one in the same Wow let's not forget oh my god okay if you forget it's an insult to your people all right you know either way while we're mocking other people who claim to be journalists I'm not one so hit the notification bell if you're subscribed because apparently that doesn't mean a whole lot join one club lot of credit calm /mo Club you're all kinds of additional content including more content with my half patient Larry bill Richman subscribe on iTunes and Crowder bits on YouTube or we upload the clips here's another another example Cuomo actually we don't have the it's a clip and then his Twitter he mocks effectively a rape victim yes for who had a gun to defend herself in her children she cut an ad for the NRA here you go I knew I was going to die and there was nothing I could do now I'm a mother of two and if that creditor or anyone else tries to harm me or my family they have to come through my firearm first and then Chris Cuomo responded with only in America responding to that video yes yes is that a guy correct as opposed to UK what she could be throwing chicken strips because she can't even exactly she got raped she can defend herself now she's God thing when we talk about you talk about social justice you talk about equality I you just talk about in the aunt of a clip you know they punch random passers-by at will in the face about equality for women being able to protect themselves yes the only thing that can allow a woman to be stronger than a man there you go is it good but none of this is basic nothing Cuomo says is ever based on verifiable evidence or truth from Russia to the idea that women shouldn't be able to have a gun and this is one of those tropes that turn out like you're actually you're actually worse off just for having a gun in now no it is immediately debunked by simply looking at defensive uses of firearms in the country every year it's this was one that's pretty I mean this is particularly for even in the realm of peace segments at least Chris Cuomo he's got the he's you know he's good he's not as he's not as offensively unattractive as brian Stelter yeah that's true that's true yeah like I got the Chris Cuomo the nepotism thing yeah but brian Stelter i I mean it's can someone explain it to me in the comment section I'm also still not convinced that he's straight so anyway Cuomo did say this was something else he said that the offering thoughts and prayers was the equivalent to mocking mass shooting victims and then it gets even if you think well that's pretty rough for a journalist right it gets even worse there you go the only consensus there is is in a canard and here it is first you're not to offer my thoughts and prayers because that's what you do when you offer thoughts and prayers seriously you mock those who lost loved ones what would it take how about a stadium full of children of the most influential people in our society all holding no puppies what if they were all shot or killed would we act oh don't be ridiculous to suggest something like is it is it ridiculous oh my god no no yes sorry come on you made it too easy for me yeah is this how in the world does he get away with mafia equivalent marring for people for thoughts and prayers as opposed to what you're gonna do Kris : what are you gonna do what are you gonna do well support the assault weapon Ben oh so you'll send your thoughts to your representatives yeah to support a piece of legislation that makes a gun like this illegal and legal legal illegal let's just go word someone's prayers to the higher power that most people on planet earth believe in is more silly than you hoping wishing and living and hoping and being a piece in your mind hoping that someone signs a bill that won't be affected at all and by the way when he talks about people in a stadium with puppies and we shut I don't talk about a non-sequitur but this isn't not in the mind of a crazy piece but he says imagine the most influential people in the world yeah I mean that's not the crux of this now story here this hypothetical it's shooting the puppies I don't care if Podesta's holding them and this is what's so dangerous you can seem talking about the Australian buyback and it doesn't feel as audience and on the fact that it's mandatory that isn't it doesn't ban and the real danger here is you know everyone rachel maddow at people's will why don't you take I don't have a problem with Rachel Maddow because people know where where she lines up some people namely one more time with CNN people in airports who've apparently had their eyes duct-taped open because that's the viewership we're talking about here yep they don't necessarily know that Cuomo is bias right so this guy goes out there and claims to be an actual journalist and everything that we've just heard is a narrative that he's allowed to frame that he goes out there and he decides what information or at least at one point right that's why these people CNN NBC Universal Viacom all these companies want to make sure this show like this doesn't exist because at one point in time all you had was Chris Cuomo yeah you said Walter Cronkite was any better he was better at disguising it a little bit yeah but that's what he's doing here in case in point he wants to determine how you view the news and normally how you view it but ultimately what kind of speech is permissible which brings me to we don't have a video clip but I think this is the word saying that Cuomo has ever done and again this goes to him trying to manipulate and control news and I'm not talking about some some government come in front of my controller I got heart I got blood pumping through my heart I'm a human I'm just saying this they form propaganda oh yeah methylene it whole exclusive alex jones interview available my club is like a whole hour it's great um because he wanted to reframe language here in saying that twelve-year-old girls who don't want to see penises in the locker room are bigots here you go look at that i wonder if she has a problem of her overprotective and intolerant dad teach tolerance oh there you go because this is chris homo right in his job he thinks that he think it's his job to make sure that you know if you don't follow his brand of tolerance that you shouldn't have a seat at the table of western civilization that your daughter is intolerant because she doesn't want to see someone's pecker right at face level with her permeable contacts right it's just it's remarkable to me hey there youtube viewer subscribe to the channel hit the notification bell if you're already subscribed to this channel because that lets you know when new videos come out and they don't show up on the youtube search feed also there are videos playing in boxes here click one of those just of all the things that i just mentioned all you have to do is one and if you don't I will run for the United States presidency under the one one thousand sixty four percent Cherokee Party I have yet to pick my VP
Channel: StevenCrowder
Views: 1,046,804
Rating: 4.9302502 out of 5
Keywords: steven crowder, crowder, stephen crowder, louder with crowder, LwC, mug club, Change My Mind, Crowder Confronts, comedy, politics, news, liberal, libertarian, funny conservative, current events, fake news, cnn, chris cuomo, fredo, chris cuomo fredo, latest news, godfather, cuomo heckler, cuomo slur, cuomo video, cnn cuomo, chris cuomo cnn, chris cuomo rant, chris cuomo fight
Id: tcGl6w3uFl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
Reddit Comments

Fredo has been working one too many hours on a stick shift

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
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