What a disaster. Is this the death of CMON?

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what's up rockstars today i have a very important video for you this is a huge turn of events it goes to show what community does it goes to show what power consumers have and it goes to show what happens when practices don't reflect respect towards the consumer there's a lot to uncover here and a lot of um theories to dispel so i'm gonna actually cover the root of the problem where i'm coming at all that kind of stuff right after this [Music] [Music] thank you to my channel sponsor into the am as a company that believes hard work and a great product is a proper way to conduct business i am delighted to have them as part of the channel they have some of the coolest graphic t-shirts around and an absolute best fit and feel that has continually exceeded my expectations with new shirts arriving all the time and other products like boxers hats and even a monthly shirt club i wholeheartedly recommend them to you check out the link in my description of this video for an exclusive 10 off everything they sell as always a huge shout out to my patrons and youtube members it is through their financial support that this channel is possible if you appreciate the videos just like this where i'm independent from the game developers and i can tell you exactly how i feel because i make videos for you guys the consumers not the game developers so they can glean what consumers want from videos from comments like yours that you do on these videos so thank you so much for that if you can support even a dollar a month there's a link down in the description below thank you so much by the way let's just go and dive right in so this is fascinating before i cover anything though i i wanna well okay i'll cover something but but just to give you a tease of what's going on so you guys know but um because i don't know what the thumbnail's gonna be this is an emergency video this is not the video i planned i have several videos planned i have this unboxing that i had planned of like all these games that i can't show you right now because so there's like spoilers don't look don't look don't look um they're just sitting on my table because i was going to film an unboxing but i have to make this video come on made another campaign they quickly followed up this is their third and like a month because they did or you know however long it's it's been longer than that i guess but they had marvel zombies and they followed up with their uh owned company so it's it's still come on their 2lm rpg campaign and now they have cyberpunk out so they are like spit firing out these really really quick here but this has been the slowest funded command game i have seen in a long time especially one with an ip we'll be doing some comparisons soon i'll be talking about what's going on especially in the comments section what people are seeing what the issues are it's not just shipping that will cover that because it is a a number you would not expect to see up front like this it's it's ballsy to say the least a lot like some of the other stuff they've done but before i do that i do want to start this video out just saying a few things just like in my last video i am not hateful towards come on i do not hate them hate is such a strong word like if hitler was alive right now i would hate hitler i dislike some of the decisions that they make as a company and they're just a company that's why it's kind of hard to hate an entity if that makes sense it's not an individual person and i try not to hate people in general so this is not some kind of hate train towards come on that's not what i'm here for i'm sure there are other channels i know there's some indie guys out there that are very very angry angrier than i am about stuff i get passionate um and that passion kind of spills over into some emotion but uh calling it hate i think would be very very inappropriate um and as such i just want to say that be respectful to other people i know that not everybody's respectful to my commenters everybody's respectful to me and that's fine let them be the poorer person for it we can be better and we should lead by example and that example is being uh respectful to people because at the end of the day people are what matter now companies are not people so i don't care so much about companies i can't make the company cry but i might make a person cry it's involved in the company but that's that's i mean i i could say i don't like the color blue and that might make somebody cry i can't i can't help everybody anyway just wanted to clear the clip for that and to prove that i don't hate come on i have given out two game of the year awards in my time on youtube and they have both been come on games i have given them thousands of my dollars i was just recently doing so with masters of the universe or campaign there i love a lot of the games come on makes i really do i've already played massive darkness too it was not a terrible experience and i bought the all in for it i didn't buy the all-in for it and i did decide to play it because i hate the company so let's just dispel that right now and get that silliness out of the way there's no hate involved in this video with that disclaimer let's jump in so cyberpunk 2077 gangs of the the night city the board game a very long colon and hyphen title but uh this had a different title when eric lane was working on it i forget after something earlier i i forget the exact name of it had a working title when they announced his uh leave they mentioned some of the games he was working on one of them being cyberpunk which is kind of adapting their uh you could it the closest game you could probably compare to is the godfather also by command also made by ergling where it's this area control game and and and then they've kind of added the cyberpunk to it so the godfather ip theme and they've added some narrative elements but for the most part that you're kind of doing the same sort of things it's the same style of game so it's an area control game um so they've put this on and it has funded abysmally it didn't even fund within the first hour i know indie games that do that and it's not because they have some super you know high goal or whatever they have a hundred thousand goal which you'll see is actually quite common it's not unheard of and we'll go through their last few campaigns and actually let's go ahead and do that so let's let's go with um their last their last few games which happen to be all ip games so it's very easy to do so they are at 183 000 right now it's not the full day however the majority of their funding has already happened the first day is the majority of the funding of the campaign and the first few moments of the launch the first few hours are the majority of that day's funding so while this is not the final day one number it will not be significantly deeper than this even with the time zone things people know when things launch especially on tuesdays it's very very formulaic and we'll talk about formula in a moment but marvel zombies obviously did are around three almost 3.25 million dollars on the first day definitely a big day for them and uh that was five hundred thousand dollars that they had put there and then masters of the universe which was a much lower uh and people commented this and it was kind of lower on the thing and part of it was because it didn't involve eus this is not even a worldwide release of a game made over 600 thousand dollars almost 650 000 that was a 200 000 uh funding limit there and then we have marvel united before this is in order so this is going backwards in time they made almost almost 1.2 million the first day for the x-men expansion to marvel united and again that was at a 300 000. notice by the way the wildly different numbers they're all you know kind of around the 100 to 500 000 range right it's just it is funny how they do that and i'm assuming that's on purses they're very nice round numbers and then of course there's cyberpunk at 182 000 and that's the majority of what it's going to get so it's not even it's not going to get six hundred thousand though if it is i'll i'll i'll make a video clarifying hey i was wrong somehow eu woke up and oh my gosh they were like this is such a great deal let's be honest it's not going to happen so what's going on why is this so messed up what happened here well let's actually go first to the campaign page in the game in general uh this is a misuse of an ip and what i mean by that is it's it's it's an ip but it's not a good fit the reason marvel zombies works so well is because the zombie side works fairly well with the marvel ip of being a superhero with super powers and doing those right cyberpunk 2077 specifically is based off the first person shooter rpg video game and that isn't here at all it's an area control game with app i mean you get like um there's two dice two plain yahtzee dice i hate those dice by the way uh you can't even be bothered to put special dice dice are one of the cheapest molds you can make it cost you almost nothing it's very easy to do you don't need to do the bare bones that's a that's a money-saving thing because you don't have to do any mold because every manufacturer already has those you're just putting in the plastic but whatever getting sidetracked um it has two dice that you roll to determine where things are but that's i mean that's really it you get these items and stuff like that but again it's an area control game it's very abstract from that and it's very abstract and removed from the theme so the theme looks kind of cyberpunky and you're seeing similar names and similar art and stuff like that but it doesn't feel like the ipad i feel like it's kind of a misuse of an ip one of my patrons made a kind of a similar example he's like what if it was like a star wars social deduction game it's like well i mean yeah it's star wars but it's a social deduction game where you play as like the senate leaders in there it's not really like feeling like star wars it's not like star wars rebellion that gives you that feeling of star wars right star wars rebellion is a good example of using that ip and and really owning that iep right or or even legion you know and doing the the thematic battles and stuff like that or or a multitude of other ip games like that right you could their diamond doesn't this isn't really a great use of ips so that's that's the first fault right and notice i'm not getting into shipping and i'm not getting it there's a lot to cover here okay there's a lot wrong with this shipping is only one of them we'll end on that and it will go quick though so bad ipu's it just it just doesn't you know if i played the the the video game like that was amazing i'm glad they finally patched all the garbage bugs out of that game and then they're like oh my gosh does the board keep sweet what do you do oh you like move people around abstractly on a map and to read cards okay yeah i mean sure right so anyway how to play you have this choose your story control the gangs activate your gang units hire famous edge runners earn street cred and live in infamy that's it that's your gameplay explanation so if you honestly are not wanting to read the rule book which is a short rule book by the way it's about 18 pages it's 9 pages two-sided in the pdf which they do have listed and it is formatted it's an easy read that's it that's all you get so it's for an ip game the idea of the ips you're getting new people new blood and that like the ip right you're getting new people you're expanding your scope or you wouldn't pay for the ip wouldn't make any sense to pay for an ip that you're not going to try and make more money off of than what you paid right so that's that's where that expanded scope comes in more people are interested and more people are jazzed about it if you're new you need to explain what the game is there's a reason why my darkest dungeon details video is one of my highest viewed videos ever because it was an ip game where people are used to playing the video game and are then interested in the board game but don't know what it's about what is this game how does it play you need to be able to provide that so that's another missed opportunity for them that they didn't do that sufficiently i feel now additionally it's the cost 110 dollars is fine it's actually lower and it's lower because there's less available so i mean if you look at what they have it's they don't even display well i've talked about showing your worth putting one miniature with a times three does that show that well how many minutes you get you have to start doing some math because you can't just even count them so there's there's nine there but it doesn't look like nine so visually speaking it looks like three minis okay and you get that throughout the entire thing so it's not done visually well at all they're better at running campaigns at this which is why i feel this was rushed it came very quickly beyond the other two kickstarters that they did just recently and it just feels rushed there's not a whole lot of the campaign page here and honestly they are underperforming what they normally do in the craft of running a campaign page which it is it's a skill set you have to learn what works and what doesn't they know what works this doesn't work and they should know that okay and then they have the edge runners here and then a list of components where again they list stuff like a double-sided game board but they don't show you the other side double-sided game boards is a perfect example to show both sides and guess what that looks like more because it is more and you're visually showing it's more people had to ask what the second side is it's just variable player account it's not a variable map it's the same map just you know kind of shrunken down for for less players and then the game boards and stuff like this and like this is a little bit better and then stories they list like single digit numbers like seven of these and seven of these story cards nine of these that's almost double digits and it just oh look there are six guns you can get wow wow six guns why so it just seems very low and the important thing is day one is the most important part of any campaign ever by far it sets a complete tone of the rest of the campaign so if your value isn't there day one you will struggle it happens all the time i've seen campaigns fail because they would have eventually had that 110 worth or whatever their asking price is where it's like oh my gosh what a great deal but when people first see it though so often the only time they visit that campaign page and say that's it there's not a whole lot there and they move on and you've lost that sale forever so that's really bad too now they are unlocking stretch goals now and then additionally they have a single video with a single creator showing it off they don't have any other previews they don't have any other interviews or anything like that and that sort of lack of public outreach isn't very good the discoverability of your game is not very good if you advertise on one youtube channel and you advertise on your very own uh facebook page so if commands writing their own them on commands you know facebook page only people who are already following come on are going to do that now you might have some advertising and stuff like that but seriously getting the word out getting exposure especially within the community for those core backers is important and it doesn't always have to be a developer run through just interviews and stuff like that can really really help but yeah so there's just a lack of that then they finally did do stretch goals very small 5 000 now 10 000 stretch goals and assume shipping information that's it so we arrive at shipping before i cover that though i just want to say that the updates are the typical soulless very small very um unpersonable updates uh if you want to see a different kind of update go check out madara's latest update that thing is a freaking book on its own where they put a ton of effort into it to talk about their game and explain their game and hype up their game and obviously are talking from passion as opposed to this where you get a picture of the other one one sentence another sentence a picture of another one one sentence when it unlocks their story and then some more about their story but nothing really about their gameplay so we have unlocking these stretch goals but i can't be excited because i have no idea what he does in the game what does he do that's unique why should i be excited to have him as opposed to other things it just isn't [Music] there's no gameplay here and honestly i suspect it's because they don't have the gameplay here again i feel this was rushed and if you don't have it you can't share it so you're unlocking these things without even viewing their card we don't know what makes them unique what their stats are what abilities they have or whatever it is that they might do it's just a miniature with a different look and that's all it is and maybe that's all it will be i don't know as the consumer nobody does because they're not saying it it's because i don't think they actually have it they are very much rushing this and i think it's painfully obvious they are so let's go back to that shipping you can go ahead and look at it there um for my us which is the most common viewed uh group here that is sixty dollars for the core pledge that is the one box plus stretch goals and that is the estimate right now the problem is that the last time they did an estimate they doubled or increased even more the shipping in the pledge manager just two months later so that's zory now so if it's 60 now and 110 plus that's over 50 percent of the cost of this game is that which means it's not 110 it's 170 and when you put that at 170 dollars for some minis that as far as we know have no gameplay purpose and then some other minis with no gameplay purpose a handful of story cards and some tokens in a single map it's just it's bare bones lots of repeated sculpts here it very very bare bones and so that's that's the promise it just doesn't seem like it's you know super like oh my gosh this is such a great deal it looks like it's gonna be a smaller box than marvel zombies with a base price of sixty dollars just to ship it to you um i'm going to be ending on an important tip for you guys it's not the one dollar club i have a better tip for you a personal experience i'll tell you guys about but let's jump to the comments because this i think is the last piece of the puzzle um but now they're at 182 000 it just i mean it nope back up to 183 so you know it's it's yeah it's it's bad they actually at one point lost a stretch goal they unlocked it and then a lot of people canceled or lowered it or whatever and they ju been under the stretch goal if that's happening day one you know it's bad you know it's bad this is really a turning point for come on i feel because they've struggled with this before they have been re removing comments they uh they've i think given up on that but for a while there was a guy not cursing not making crazy accusations nothing like just just commenting on the fact that shipping was an issue before and he's concerned shipping is now and they were removing his comment repeatedly the dude posted like five times they had to do the same thing where they turned off comments on their instagram they had to do the same thing where they were removing comments on their facebook group because people are upset people are frustrated and it's permeating everything and these kind of groups of people that are upset at which when you mess with people's money i mean that that's what happens when people feel robbed they get angry you don't mess with people's money you could insult the religion and probably get a better reaction than that but you take their money when they feel it's unjust you gotta watch out and obviously come on now needs to watch out because it is permeating everything and they can affect the entire tone of a campaign and they will stay for that entire campaign and it's hard because even if you have something positive to say you're going to see those comments and you're just going to move on you ain't posting a comment there because they will they will just attack you relentlessly now do i think people should re react negatively to people who are posting positive v no you should not do that don't post a comment on somebody's positive thing saying oh you know either negative to them or just negative in general you don't need a party poop if you want to make your own comment and voice your concerns i more power to you you should do that if you want to warn other backers feel free to do that but don't rain on people's parade i don't think that's right there's there's plenty of comment space for everybody i think um but let's go and take a look at these comments and there's 12 even since i started recording this i refreshed it right beforehand and this is like the freaking middle of the night in the u.s so it's very early in eu and very late here in the us okay only back at a one dollar for come on and again i will end on an important thing here it's in the comments so i'm gonna get to that comment and then stop okay uh come on campaigns because shipping will be three times what they estimate it to be again people are hurt by this i'm sorry for my squeaky chair uh you can have a dollar good luck with the project uh for those who are new to ks um do not trust command estimated shipping costs actual shipping price of the previous project has gone up almost double in some regions from their estimation with super slow response and no apology to backers i myself pledge one dollar just to give a comment and i will cancel before the project ends this is a consistent thing you're seeing where people are literally doing this and we've got some numbers here too thank you for letting me join the one dollar club as it stands approximately 1 598 backers are currently backing this game above one dollar that is 63 percent of all pledges or approximately 175 700 worth the in other words 37 of backers are at a dollar day one so a lot of people are holding off i'm going to talk about that please even if you don't watch the rest of this video skip to the end and hear me on what i'm going to say because that's good advice for you in general and it's something i will be doing in the future as well so i'm going to be doing what i preach i already have and i will continue to do so you'll save money meanwhile it took comparatively an age for this one to reach its funny goal a target again it didn't even fund it an hour in fact i don't think i think it was like two and some change hours before it even funded so they launched this thing and it just it struggled to get to their lowest 100 000 goal all the others blew past higher goals did you notice that the lowest one was what three hundred thousand i think the okay super slow super slow uh well i okay i haven't seen the overall pledge levels this slow on a command game for a while i can't recall when uh i'm sure it was a long time ago it's almost as if people are angry about something laughable i guess you reap what you sow a very very true um remember when they had five hundred thousand stretch goal gaps in the massive uh marvel zombies uh campaign yeah they were huge because they were making a whole bunch of money depressed ding sounds in the distance as we hit another stretch goal these used to be part of the fun but this campaign feels wrong for some reasons gestures vaguely at the comment section i think that's actually wrong comment section is an issue but i showed you in the updates they're not really celebrating their own unlocks it's very minimal just a couple sentences and it has no gameplay info at all it's almost like they're not even excited about this game they have a few lines of text of for their for their explanation of how to play the game they have posted the rule books they posted one play through and that's it and since then they haven't really spoken about the game at all and if a game creator can't be excited about their game why are the consumers supposed to be excited about it so i think that almost has less to do with the comments and more to do with commands just lack of the general menace around this menace meh is what i'm going for the nest makes it sound kind of weird so i for forgive me for that this is a wonderful comment so aidan you did a fantastic job here how does it feel how does it feel to treat me like you do just like the how does it feel to treat me like you okay you guys know it right so again um i'm really into like the retro synthwave stuff so the 80s music stranger things that's all the all the rage right now you guys know what's going on um here for a dollar for the pity party treat backers with respect a men to that you reap what you sow treat backers with respect respect means explanations it means apologies it doesn't mean perfection it just means the respect the time of day to actually and the care and showing that and people can know people can figure it out when it is and when it isn't there okay a double dollar pledge for me uh shipping forecasted to be the same as the cost of the game could be double by the time the pm opens uh so a whole bunch of this kind of stuff right i love this comment section come on being treated like ea well yeah you reap what you sow uh shipping listed at 60 so it'll be around 120 pm i don't think it's actually going to double by the way from the 60 um it's just it's funny that they are doubling down on that price and trying to do it again it's obviously not working for them um eric lang said anything about this game he's the shipping is stupid high that's hilarious okay so let's go ahead to the part that i want to really talk about i know it's down here let's find out can we okay right here i can't wait for the retail version of this to pop up on amazon for 70 dollars also game steward zulu games miniature market uh people mentioned uh oh yeah they mentioned the game steward stuff like that here is my thing this is a great way to do it i've already i long since said i'm gonna give you marvel zombies at retail for cheaper so i'll pay less than anybody who backed it because i'm not paying for shipping i'll pay retail prices it'll be cheaper than what you guys paid for it and i'll get the game potentially even sooner and so i think that's that's really great to do because i also get to support my freelance gaming store now i actually uh had a comment from the guy who runs the gaming goat and he talked about how come on is actively trying to cancel uh uh retailer pledges through their ks because of the pricing issues and they're not getting nearly as much profit because they charge them less than shipping than you uh so i mean i was supposed to say that but i mean you do a book order you get some savings uh you help fund their game and make it a possibility well screw you that's kind of their their their attitude it seems lately so that's that's that's one issue there but going through a store even if it's an online store can save you a lot of money i have a friend a little gaming store that i actually live near it's not the cheapest gaming store in my area i could drive uh 10 15 minutes to get to a cheaper one but it's like five bucks difference and this one's very very close it's really in my town it's literally like three minutes away uh i've my wife has bought pretty much all their paint i buy warmer stuff there i buy board game stuff there i'm there actually quite often i've even done uh like game meetups there so anyway i backed the dc deck building game through them and you know what i saved money i get it cheaper than anybody who clicked the pledge button because i can go through them and they get a savings and shipping they get a cheaper cost but when they sell to me they still make a profit so the the the the game devs make a profit right because they're they're not losing money on that retail deal my friend little gaming store makes a profit because they were able to inflate the price for what they paid but still make you know a profit because it's inflated but be less than what i'm gonna do and then they can give it to me with a little bit of savings now how much should i save about 25 bucks 20 bucks okay so it's not like a crazy amount but with how many games i back and i don't know if you're like me but if i could save 20 bucks a game and that's probably actually one of the least amounts because uh the the retail pledges are really controlled in that one they can't get all the other add-ons so i have to get the other add-ons uh you know uh through the pledge manager but still 20 bucks is another that's their play mat right there i can get the 20 bucks 20 bucks is 20 bucks off shipping right 20 bucks is you know all this other stuff and often again these retailers get their games sooner so i get to support it for a little gaming store i get to save money i might even get the game sooner it's a win-win-win and everybody made profit feel free to investigate this for yourself if you live near for a free little gaming store see if they're willing to do a retail pledge or if they're going to pledge this or do a group pledge or anything like that see if you can't do it through there now not every company does this especially like come on but if that's the case then do what i'm doing with the marvel zombies and get it at retail you will pay less it's very rare to do any any otherwise so because the shipping is expensive 60 bucks is what they're saying they're going to charge you now imagine what they'll charge you in that pledge manager 60 makes this 170 a game that game is not gonna be 170 in retail so if that's what you want get that if eventually you want the kickstarter exclusives and you feel that huge fomo and all that kind of stuff you can go on ebay and get it or go to a game swap and get it game swaps for the local gaming stores you can make a steal on i know a guy who does that all the time and he gets great games he's able to trade the ones he doesn't like to get that so he doesn't have to pay anything for it because he he knows he doesn't like this game doesn't play he swaps it out he can do that there's a ton of ways to get that on the cheap you can save yourself some money you don't have to give up this hobby you don't have to say no more kickstarters you can literally support local gaming stores and still get the game that you want and save money so that's my advice to you guys the dollar pledge works letting people know that there are issues letting the company know their issues with your wallet and with your words is helpful just with your wallet doesn't help just not backing something they could think oh the ip is unpopular oh well area control isn't popping they don't know what it is you have to tell a company what the issue is you can't just silently not buy their stuff that tells them nothing okay you have to give them feedback this is good feedback okay but at the end of the day they only care about your money so if your words are empty it doesn't do much you guys are giving a clear message to come on a clear message to all game creators to show more respect to backers that if you're going to charge a whole bunch more than your competitors you need to explain why don't manipulate them people know when they're being manipulated people know when they're being lied to and while they've had a feeling for it for a while and it took me a while to actually get some game devs to talk to me about these issues and actually come to me i didn't even make up my uh video about the pricing it wasn't planned out of the the blue gamedevs came to me and said hey what commands charging is some great abs here's our numbers here's what we're paying it's not the same it doesn't add up to that multiple companies did that very successful companies making millions of dollars shipping out tens of thousands of games these are not companies hurt by come on these are not companies that you know just need to stick it to commander they honestly see the same issue i do so when i draw attention to it and i see questions about it we all are like huh is this right and they're giving us no data command is providing no data no numbers no nothing people feel disrespectful people disrespect it people feel manipulated and they're showing it so yeah uh is this the death that come on no it's not the death are they doing well financially and no they haven't really been doing super well the last few years will this help them no i don't think it will um it's it's kind of interesting but it goes to show that uh uh an ip painting on a theme that doesn't make sense for an ip cash grab that's obviously russian hurried isn't doing very well if you haven't earned the right to do that and what i mean is there are companies that make really great games and consistently treat their companies with or the customers with respect and those customers are willing to give them an olive branch and forgive a lackluster campaign page that doesn't show a whole lot of the game we've seen that before and that's that's earned come on has not earned that commerce has come on has earned the ire of backers so feel free to check this out i will link it down below if this is a game that you want don't be afraid to pledge it you do whatever you want with your money it's your money and it's your right to do whatever you wish to do it you don't have to listen to some guy on the internet or some people in the comments about what to do with however i would suggest at least taking a look online seeing if you can go through either an online retailer or a free local gaming store even better to save yourself some money or consider just buying retail that's it guys that's all i had again i have future videos planned i got a really cool unboxing i'll show you guys like a mega unboxing it'll be really cool i got some game to play so i need to play madara to get that review out for you guys uh i got another news video there's some pledge managers closing and some new things coming up i got a follow-up for my shipping thing coming out as well uh addressing a lot of different concerns looking at more data for more companies and working with them to come to the bottom of all of this um guys if you appreciate this kind of coverage this sort of video channel that really looks critically at the game industry and uh from from the perspective of consumers please consider even just donating a dollar it does greatly help this is an expensive hobby you guys know that if you're willing to give a dollar to come on perhaps be willing to give a dollar to here i know that that might sound like begging to some of you but that's what i'm going to say on it so i'll leave it at that if nothing else though a like is much appreciated or a comment saying that you do appreciate this sort of content thank you so much with that other way have a great rest of your day talk to you guys again real soon bye guys [Applause] foreign
Channel: The King of Average
Views: 34,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the king of average, board game news, kickstarter board games, kickstarter games June 2022, upcoming board games kickstarter 2022, kickstarter 2022 board games, June crowdfunded games, Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2077 board game, cmon, Cyberpunk 2077 kickstarter, Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City
Id: MH6jXilrxnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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