What 269.6% Physical DMG Bonus Looks Like (Genshin Impact)

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youtube hey it's me tuanto in case you're wondering how to say my name that's how you say it you probably don't give a sh but that's how you say it anyways today we're going to be testing a little something some something you know i'm a jean main and i'm kind of around an animo fizz hybrid build but today we're testing a fully fledged physical build for jean and yes as the title says or the thumbnail i don't know yet it will be over 200 percent physical damage bonus you are going to see what 200 plus physical damage looks like if you're watching on youtube twitch.tv slash quanto join us all right let's get started so today we have gene i have this aquila favonia 41.3 fizz damage bonus this isn't 200 i know we're just getting started another fizz bonus 58.3 two-piece blood stained right here i mean right here that's another 25 fizz damage bonus 124.6 physical damage bonus we're gonna go into this domain this is uh the viridescent domain what's so special about this domain well i believe the leyline effect for this is 75 so we should be around 199 yes 199.6 fizz damage bonus that's not actually 200 i know that's where this comes in ready another 35 physical damage bonus i'm gonna eat this take a look at that 234 percent let me uh slap this person 3500 i don't think that's crit i don't think that's correct oh my oh wait 9k first hit of my crit and my crit's like 160 which is like pretty good but not insane right 14k right there from my last hit i could only imagine what my charge attack is 30 i'm gonna die let me heal 30 000 charge attack crit i wait this doesn't shinyan give like a fizz bonus does does any character give a fizz bonus anywhere character shielded by sweeping or 15 increased physical damage no i need more i have to level her up wait okay we're leveling shania up now hold on wait wait the things i do the things i do oh my god oh my god guys oh my god oh my god all right side quest unlocked level up shin yen for some reason all right all we need now is ever flame seeds we just need three how much does it drop two to three okay let's make sure i only have to do one run please i will level up shin yen for 15 fizz bonus damage out of my way flower i have better things to do oh god oh i should equip child oh what am i doing i'm throwing oh ready i'm gonna get three right here [Music] too glad it's not bad oh this time we get three okay funny let us try again with the new and improved extra 15 percent i will now eat thing where is it this thing wait 45 how come no one told me about this 244.6 and then shinyan shield 259.6 physical damage bonus official specialties 55 what is her specialty wait what is it again it just gets better and better all right okay we gotta cook some now i'm cooking i'm farming what the hell am i doing [Music] oh [Music] i've come for your ham chef mal i've come to bargain nice [Music] if i don't get a special dish right now i'm ending my stream all or nothing here yes yes finally [Music] all right 269.6 physical damage bonus right nah okay let me get that charge attack before i get hit okay 33 000 charge attack damage that is literally more than uh my ultimate that is pretty nutty there you have it viewers on youtube or twitch 269.6 physical damage bonus yup this is this is it this is peak peak physical damage potential right here thank you for watching subscribe barbados go shinyan oh appreciate that thank you so much
Channel: Tuonto
Views: 1,051,095
Rating: 4.9651017 out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, jean, physical damage, tuonto, physical jean, genshin jean, tuonto genshin, genshin tuonto, jake tuonto
Id: ZH_T1RhWdkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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