What’s the Farthest Away Thing You Can See?

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this video is made possible by simple contacts get $20 off your contacts by clicking the link in the description or by entering the code real-life floor at checkout the limits of human vision is an interesting thing if you're fortunate enough to have 20/20 eyesight it means that you can clearly read a small row of text from 20 feet away but the best recorded vision in humans is 2010 eyesight which means that these extremely lucky people can see things clearly at 20 feet away as if they were only ten feet away for the normal person everybody sees the world a little bit differently than everybody else does and I mean that literally not only in terms of clarity or blurriness but also in terms of just how much can be viewed if we took you right now and placed you in the middle of the ocean on a clear day with nothing to obstruct your view you'd probably be able to see in every direction for around five kilometres but that can change depending on your height the limit to your own personal visibility of the world is determined by two things the curvature of the Earth's surface and how high up your eyes are that are doing the viewing that's because the higher up your eyes are the more of the earth's surface you can see before it curves away from you the average American male is five feet nine and a half inches tall which allows a visible range of about three miles in every direction from sea level the average American woman is five feet four inches tall though which puts a slight negative modifier on their viewing range so it becomes about 2.8 miles that's not a huge variation but radical height differences can cause that at seven foot one Shaq has a higher visible range of 3.3 miles and Verne Taylor had only two feet 8 inches had a visible range limited to only two miles however Robert Pershing Wadlow the tallest human to have ever existed at 8 feet 11 inches tall had a massive visual range of 3.7 miles probably the farthest of any human who has ever lived if all of these people were standing on a flat boat in the middle of the ocean Robert would be able to see another boat emerging from the horizon 1.7 miles further out than Verne Taylor could possibly see it but of course you can actually see things further away than just a few miles you only need to get your eyes further up into the sky one of the tallest observation decks anywhere in the world is inside the Burj Khalifa in Dubai at 555 metres up from all the way up here your line of sight extends out to 84 kilometers in addition into whatever you can see based on your personal height this is so high up that it becomes possible to see the coast of Iran all the way across the Persian Gulf under optimal conditions it's also so high up that it causes some other weird situations up on the higher levels becomes possible to see the Sun setting several minutes after it's already set on the surface once again because of the Earth's curvature in your viewing perception from so high up allows you to see further around that curvature this has led some local Islamic clerics in Dubai to rule that those living above the 80th floor in the building should wait two additional minutes before breaking their Ramadan fast and those living above the 150th floor should wait three additional minutes to give the Sun more time to actually set for them in fact being near the Burj Khalifa actually allows you to witness the sunset twice in the same day I don't know what that means for Ramadan so let me know in the comments but essentially you could watch the sunset happen on the surface and then take the elevator up to the observation deck which is fast enough that you could get all the way up to the top and witness the sunset happen all over again similarly to buildings being high upon mountains or Hills can also increase how far away you can actually see something on the Earth's surface in theory standing atop the summit of Mount Everest should give the largest field of view anywhere in the world out up to 340 kilometers in every direction if Mount Everest was in the middle of Germany that would give you the ability to see over roughly the entire country but Everest is kind of surrounded by other mountains which spoils the view the longest line-of-sight that anybody can achieve on earth is by standing atop a summit of don Cova in kyrgyzstan and gazing a ludicrous 538 kilometres away to the hindu tog mountain pass in China this is only possible to see under the right weather circumstances but nowhere else on the planet is it possible to see something else with your naked eyes that's over 500 kilometres away for reference that would be like standing in New York City and being able to see Toronto we're standing in Los Angeles and being able to see Sacramento or for a European comparison standing in London and being able to see either Edinburgh or Cologne in Germany but so far we've only been talking about how far away you can see something on surface your eyes can see things that are much much further away when you turn them upwards towards space most of the stars in the night sky that you can see are located within a few thousand light-years away from you a Lightyear meaning the distance that light travels within one year the furthest single object that your naked eye can see while on earth is V 762 casts in the Cassiopeia constellation at sixteen thousand three hundred and eight light years away but much further away than that is the Andromeda galaxy a collection of objects which represents the farthest possible limit of your own naked eyesight into the cosmos Andromeda is faintly visible without the need for a telescope at a massive distance of approximately 2.5 million light years away for most of human history this served as the furthest limit for our vision and perception of the universe until the advancement of telescopes now we can see things that our ancestors never could have liked the galaxy GN Z 11 at 32 billion light years away from us somewhat confusingly you may remember from previous videos that I've made that the universe itself is only about 13.8 billion years old the reason that GN z 11 is 32 billion light years away is that it probably doesn't exist anymore it's so far away from us that we're witnessing what it looked like thirteen point four billion years ago because that's how long it's taken the light to reach us for us to observe it here on earth but this galaxy probably isn't at the edge of the universe it's just impossible for us right now to see anything that's probably beyond it the universe is expanding quicker than the speed of light can move to catch up with it which means that the light of objects more distant than GN z11 will never reach us here on earth which means that we'll never be able to see what lies beyond this problem will become worse and worse as time goes on though as the universe continues to expand eventually sometime between four and six billion years from now the only objects in the night sky that will remain visible on earth if it's still exist by then will be our own small local cluster of galaxies the universe as we know it today that's filled with trillions of galaxies will be totally invisible and unknowable to civilizations of the future which means that they may mistakenly think that the universe is much smaller than it actually is but we may think that ourselves a billion years ago it was probably possible to see even more galaxies than we can currently see today since the universe hadn't expanded quite as much there is no telling what lies beyond the limit of what we can see in the universe and we'll probably never know it's a serious and unsolvable problem that will permanently affect humanity's collective vision but back on earth your own personal vision problems can actually be solved and solved easily my normal eyesight is naturally 2080 which means that without any correction I see things that are only 20 feet away as if they were actually 80 feet away for a normal person's eyesight and so I've been wearing contacts since I was 12 years old in order to see clearly if you wear contact lenses to but you find yourself dreading your annual appointment to renew your prescription just like I always have you should know that simple contacts can really help you out simple contacts lets you renew your expired contact lens prescription and reorder your brand of lenses online within minutes they bring the doctor's office to wherever you currently are you can take the simple contacts vision test online in five minutes a real doctor will review it and if your vision hasn't changed renews your prescription - and if you have an unexpired prescription you just upload a photo of it or your doctor's info and then order your lenses within minutes simple contacts offers every brand of lenses with extremely reasonable prices the prescription is only twenty dollars compared to an annual appointment which can be up to two hundred dollars without insurance they have some of the best prices on contacts and the shipping is free but best of all you can get $20 off your first order right now by clicking the link in the description at simple contacts comm slash real life lore or by entering the code real life floor at checkout it's important to mention though that this isn't a replacement for your periodic full eye health exam you still need those but this is the most convenient way that I've seen to renew a prescription and reorder your contacts if your vision hasn't changed so once again help support real life law by checking out simple contacts and get $20 off by following the link in the description or by using the code real life floor at checkout thank you for watching
Channel: RealLifeLore
Views: 1,968,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real life lore, real life lore maps, real life lore geography, real life maps, world map, world map is wrong, world map with countries, world map real size, map of the world, world geography, geography, geography (field of study), facts you didn’t know, how far away can you see, human vision, human eyesight, how to see something 500km away, how far away can you see something, furthest thing, furthest away from earth, furthest thing you can see
Id: q51Qeb2p5vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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