What’s the Best Bourbon Under $75

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um all right so we are doing a little fun thing today last week we tried to find the best bottle of whiskey under fifty dollars and it was to mixed results yeah I we didn't agree we did not agree we were close to agreeing like our top two were the same but the the Knob Creek and the uh Rare Breed really stood out last week this week we moved it up to 75 and then we've allowed folks to vote so I I think the patron group voted on all of these and we put a bunch of them out there and we didn't want to duplicate right so this is really 52.75 and I may go back and blind the winners we may throw that Knob Creek nine in a rare breed in the next one and see if we can't like let them all battle it out but these were the top five in our poll so five is kind of the right number for us to Blind anything more than that and it starts getting sloppy and out of hand real quick so uh which one do you think you don't know much about any of these do you no oh but you like that Knob Creek last time so that would probably be the favorite for you again this time because I think the 12 is better than that I feel like I feel like the Jack Barrel proof yeah I feel like I've had that for sure I feel like I've had that one I know you've had that one yeah I feel like that one for sure or something okay I don't know if I've had old Forester I'm not sure and Russell's I single barrel remember yeah I don't know there's one variable here that might complicate this a little bit in that that Jack Daniels bottle is a much fresher cork pop than the rest of them I've had the 1920 that Russell's is the old label so it's been around a little while the Knob Creek 12's been here for a bit the eh Taylor small batch isn't that old it just gets a drink a lot so um this is going to be interesting I would say my favorites probably going to be the 1920 or the Jack Daniels but we'll see like I don't know once you start blinding them we'll see because sometimes it's been a while since I've been back to several of them you just never really know when you start actually tasting them against each other especially for me it gets really weird because lots of times I could tell which one they are and I still am like I know this is the one I said would win but this one's better to me today and what's fun about blinds if you've not if you're not doing blinds try them because they start really messing with a lot of your preconceived notions and it's a lot of fun um you learn a lot about your palette doing them and and your palette changes well I know one thing I'm not going to know what any of these are what do you want what do you want before we find out I'm not gonna know you don't think you can guess the Knob Creek based on the flavor of the nine from last week I don't think so you don't think so okay no well we will find out here in just a minute let's get these suckers out of the way I don't think eh Taylor is going to win um it's not and it's not that it's not fantastic that's what's interesting about these is I love eh Taylor if you would have asked me a year ago out of that lineup which one would be my favorite it would have been hands down without a doubt E.H Taylor but now as I drink more and more whiskey as we try a lot of different things I'm starting to like things with a little more flavor like I love that Buffalo Trace kind of sweet fruity floral notes but I'm starting to really migrate toward things that have a little more Rye in them um believe it or not like I don't like full rye whiskey at this point most of the time but like a high Rye bourbon something with a little more proof to it that one's a hundred proof some of these other ones are going to get a little higher so that sweetness is good if I'm just having one pour the sweetness is good but stacked up against a bunch of them with a lot of flavor it can come across a little Bland what are you thinking you don't know I've only smelled too but one of them is clear favorite oh I know what that is off the nose hmm my nose is a little dead on that one this one killed it I think I know that one off the nose though I only have like one thought off the nose what do you think it's probably not correct at all whatsoever but I'm just gonna say because I want to be like you tonight you want to be really good and chubby yeah really good looking and and know how to like pick on your nose I'm gonna say B is Knob Creek that's what I'm gonna say that's what you're going with I'm gonna go with bees Knob Creek interesting because it just smells really good and just saying like last week I really like Knob Creek I'm gonna say B is not Greek I'm probably completely wrong but it was fun to guess guess them all then I can't go ahead I have no then just be random and if you actually listen I'm just a little bit of advice okay when somebody asks you to guess something really really hard yeah just throw it out there with confidence okay and then when you're wrong it was horror yeah you're wrong okay but when you nail it everybody's like oh my God that was the most awesome thing yes exactly nobody remembers they only remember the wins like if you're wrong they're like ah she got it wrong and then tomorrow nobody remembers but if you were right you get to just brag about it for the rest of your life I couldn't guess these on the nose I'm gonna be honest with you oh you couldn't I couldn't get them all right on the nose no these are these are not distinctive enough um for me to get on the nose I'm gonna say B is not creeping so I'm saying B is not a creek all right let's go to a actually I'm trying to pick out one more that I think I might could possibly pick out in line but I'm not yeah these are all smelling way too similar to me tonight for some reason or another which I would have thought I would have thought I could pick up the Jack I would have thought I could pick up the knob I would thought I could get an eh Taylor I'm gonna go with dude I would have thought I could have got these we may have desensitize my my palette okay no wonder is that going to influence it when I when I I'm guessing which one they are so amazing like totally mess up my I'm not on an all meat only diet no but I'm shifting focus a little bit on the diet what were all the Bourbons picked for this this was Russell's Reserve Single Barrel this was E.H Taylor uh old Forester 1920 Jack Daniels single barrel barrel proof and Knob Creek 12. I'm gonna go with okay so I'm gonna go with a as being eh Taylor I say Jack Daniels I'm gonna go with b as Knob Creek I will agree with that although I'm not sure A and B may be backwards for me but yeah the one of those Knob Creek one of those is Jack Daniels see I would agree with that what what I want to I don't know if you've gotten them I could be completely wrong I told you I'm not real confident I'm not confident in mine okay d okay Jack and that also could be swapped out with a Knob Creek for me BND and then e I'm going to say is Russell's I think these Russells I'm fairly confident it's not Jack and I would say E.H Taylor but I'm not sure like both of those like Russell's doesn't normally smell super sweet to me but I'm getting a lot of sweetness on those two and I'm trying to think what would be that sweet so I'm gonna go Russell's on D although I would I thought I could usually pick up E.H Taylor on the nose so my nose must be a little muted something I went I went I'm a little iffy on these two I went I'm gonna say Knob Creek on that one I'm gonna say Knob Creek on a no I'm gonna say Jack on B and then the old Forester Russell's and um what's the last one the uh eh Taylor that's what I'm gonna go with on the nose and then I reserve the right to change my mind oh there's a fly in here all right so now we taste them what do you think that is on taste oh much better than what it smelled like you said that one was uh Taylor eh Taylor okay just because I don't I don't remember what I said at this point I said it and then I changed it and I think I'm right with what I think I changed it to what do you think it is you still thinking cage Taylor it's been a long time eh Taylor is going to taste similar to Blanton's kind of sweet not too dissimilar from Weller like I'm you know obviously different flavors but still that kind of Buffalo Trace sweetness you get on it and I'm not getting that sweetness on that one what flavors do you I mean it's sweet on the end it's not the fruity floral I get a little nuttiness there is some nuttiness but at the front yes front palette that is very indicative of a Knob Creek you can get that on Jack Daniels too but usually Jack is a little more banana forward like sippin says there but sometimes especially in the high-proof Duster the the nuttiness the banana my palate's doing all sorts of weird things tonight that's delicious that is that is and it is high proof professional palette cleanser that that's got proof that's got a ton of more proof than a um ton more proof the name uh I'm gonna stay I said that was Jack Daniels so I'm not picking up the banana and the nuttiness that's not the job so I don't yeah I'm iffy on that being the Jack B's not the jack I do not think you don't think so I don't think so I could be wrong I'm more than likely wrong um Knob Creek is smooth not creakies and I'm not sure that's not I still I think that's knob I think that's Jack although my confidence is not very high this one I still think it's the old Forester but it's hitting me with like oh it's just everything's hitting me weird tonight it's gonna be a horrible live stream I'm gonna be honest with you I'm not gonna get any if y'all expect me to get anything right tonight don't trust my opinion tonight because it's all hitting me weird what you think about ding pleasant but that's what's interesting about it [Music] I will say stand out in the proof definitely be I had these backwards on the nose that one is I'm pretty confident that one's E.H Taylor and that one is your Russell's Reserve I'm saying this one's um old Forester I'm gonna go Jack Daniels here although I'm not picking up that typical banana kind of nut bread B is banana hands down B is the beginning the banana on it oh I smell the banana you get a little more nutty on that I smell the banana and I taste the proof and I don't know which one it is I don't know what I know what but it's definitely banana and it's definitely High proof so on the nose I had these backwards but I stand behind all my other guesses Knob Creek Jack Daniels Old Forester this is E.H Taylor and that is Russell's uh now we gotta go back through them and rank them Jill now we got to do the hard part that's Russell's for sure and I like Russell's but Russell's has Russell's has a very pleasant sweetness to it it's a little Bland after I think something that's messed us up both times is last week the first one was the high proof this week the second one seems to have the most proof on it um and then the rest of them just seem kind of to pale in comparison although that one still holds up these two are really Bland at the end compared to the proof bombs we had earlier but I do like the eh Tech what I think is the HD I'd like d better than e what are your thoughts I don't know I kind of thing e has some proof but yeah but I'm not and I don't dislike it no it's not bad I Russell stuff which is what I'm picking up here has like a bitter oakiness to it now the single barrels are usually really good one of the the 13 I have has way too much bitter Oak to me um some of the some of the Russells I get are extremely Oaky especially if they get a little older and that that it's just I say bitter bitter is not the right word I'm sorry not not bitter it has a lot of dry Oak so a lot of this Ruffles has a dry Oak um and that's that just it's not something I'm looking for I want kind of a rich soft sweet Oak not a dry Oak EXT is not going to win EST win won this one yeah I think if this whatever D is and I'm fairly confident that that's eh Taylor and I'm fairly confident that that one is the Russells I'm I'm gonna retire if I'm not right on those it does have a lot of cherry but I get cherry and dry Oak so you like C yeah C is your favorite no B is my favorite but daughter D we're ranking d e in EDC oh okay well then C is my favorite this is my e so it's my second favorite and D is my least favorite so D is your least favorite yes we're gonna upset some folks tonight all right I didn't look look they're all good but Jill just let them be mad it's okay we make people mad all the time I'm just saying they're all good I've already put that out there they're none of them bad this was just not my there's just something and I honestly think that it just doesn't have enough proof it's not bad taste it's just kinda a little weak I'm gonna make some folks mad here too I'm gonna be honest with you Jill you don't know what it is you like be better than C yes I'm struggling here Jill B is way like B way up there I think that's I the more I try the more confident I am that that's the Jack Daniels let's start I'm starting to pick up some of the notes like I think the proof was a little overwhelming at the beginning I think I might like see better no oh soft and well-rounded and interesting and spicy in all sorts of weird ways like there's just so much good stuff going on with C it is good this one is just Jill wants like a Brute Force attack on her taste buds she wants no subtlety whatsoever right this is Bruce Lee coming in oh and this right here is like Rambo right he's grenade launching like diving through stuff driving a truck into your taste buds and this one's just much more strategic and subtle but man I I think I I think I like to see better um so so I and I'm pretty sure this is Jack Daniels and I'm pretty sure that's the 1920. although that Jack Daniels is freaking delicious it is an assault on your taste buds Jill have you set your order um okay do you care to guess what they are um no because no clue okay I really don't like okay I have no clue you want me to guess first sure you guessed C is old Forester as I called it on the nose B Jack Daniels Barrel strength a is the Knob Creek d is e h Taylor and E is the Russell's Reserve I think so I the my nose is deceiving me on some of these but on the taste that's what I went with okay so you wanna you ready let me let me go they're all good but what if I'm right and this is the Knob Creek and you put Knob Creek nine first last week and Knob Creek 12 last this week and it's just last by like a little bit we are split hairs all of these are really really good they're all really um I feel like these are the higher proof ones and that's probably one which is why they tend to although I just like I'm surprised how different we are you didn't go see you moved C to the second spot though yeah B's always been my friend so we're first and second again we're just opposite first and second okay we're going to look at you want to go with a first yeah because that's third for me and last for you and I said I thought a was Knob Creek yes she did she drew a smiley face and it is not preak although it looks like she put s k-a-c-h Creek but I'm pretty sure that's got to be Knob Creek yep Knob Creek so I'm right so far and you put Knob Creek first last week nine that much better than the 12 or is it just the competition is much much tougher I don't know let's go with Eve which is my last and your third and I said this was the Russells I don't know what it is and she Drew another it is Brussels it is Russell and she Drew uh your punishment is having Fred lock you oh I assume she went ABC she gave us notes we'll come back to them in order okay so I assume she's got some sort of instructions but we didn't open them AB she thought we would open them A B C D E Yeah so Mimi Amelia's got some instructions in here so I'm right I'm two for two two for two two for two so far which increases my odds on the other three can't compete with you all right so you've got I'm still the proof Queen still the proof Queen we've got D let's see did I pick the higher proof than you as my favorite um you went with B yes you did yeah absolutely no you did um so D is second to last I said this was the eh Taylor we both have it second to last this is where we're gonna hurt some folks's feelings if this is E.H Taylor sorry yeah Colonel Taylor oh my goodness we got food I know feelings but the thing is if you would have asked me a year ago I would have said this was the best out of all of those and right now I still think that's delicious no that was was that that's a yes but once you have all of this proof like honestly right now I get so much more flavor on that than I did a minute ago because I haven't had a sip in a while and my taste buds have recovered a little bit hard you'll think that's better than C but or B I just I just love some of the flavors that are coming through on this I I don't know my palette's evolving a little bit um but that like if you put the colonel Taylor first in this blind there's no shame in that that is a very very valid any any order of these would be very valid there's not like um one that's like really well down the list they're all like really really good um all right so you've got we go with b or c first I've got C is first you've got it a second so let's just go we're gonna go with C which I said was old Forester 1920. because old Forester a lot like the birthday Bourbons a lot of the old Foresters I just get these interesting kind of combination of like spicy and fruity notes that is really complex and that is old forestry you are so good and so B is the Jackman he's got to be the Jack Daniels right here yes that is the Jack Daniels it is so good all right where were the one uh we had different orders for me the Russells was last although there were no real losers the Russells was last were last E.H Taylor came in right above that one uh or actually I think it was that Knob Creek E.H Taylor wasn't it I don't even freaking I don't even got to rewind now at this point the winner for me was old Forester than Jack Daniels Jill had the Jack Daniels and then the old Forester yeah yeah so that was the winner on both accounts so it's like at all we both put okay so it's all like it's an all-brown Foreman final there you know sorry sorry but that like the thing is is those are probably two of the more accessible bottles that those two are easier to find than the Knob Creek 12 and the E.H Taylor I would think I mean that Knob Creek 12 is not super easy [Music]
Channel: Brewzle Live Clips
Views: 6,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tj gamble, brewzle, brewzle tiktok, bourbon, whiskey, best bourbon, bourbon review, whisky, Bourbon, Whiskey, best bourbons, best whiskey, best budget bourbon, whiskey review, top 5 budget bourbon, whiskey reviews, best budget bourbons, good budget bourbons, best bourbons under $75, best whiskeys under $75, eh taylor small batch bourbon, old forester 1920 prohibition style bourbon, jack daniels single barrel barrel proof whiskey, knob creek 12 year, russells reserve single barrel
Id: 4l9XA60vp3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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