What’s New in Azure Networking

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>> In this session, we're going to be digging into what's new in Azure Networking. Today, we're going to be covering an overview of the Microsoft global network. We're going to be talking about product updates related to Azure networking, as well as our roadmap and information on Azure networking skilling content. Let's start off with our global network infrastructure. Microsoft has been in the global network infrastructure business for 25 years. We initially created our global network infrastructure to support the production of Microsoft Windows worldwide. We started with one datacenter in the United States, and then we expanded to three additional datacenters, one in Singapore, one in Ireland, one in Puerto Rico. Today, with our global network infrastructure, we support the update of five billion Microsoft Windows endpoints worldwide. Later, we added Bing, and with Bing, of course, performance matters a great deal. With Bing we added the notion of network points of presence or pops. The idea behind a pop is to bring the DC in closer proximity to the end-users. We do that to reduce latency. Then with Xbox, with low latency gaming requirements, we had to expand our network pop footprint even further. Then with Skype and now Teams, it's essential that especially for video content that we reduce jitter and we reduce drop packets. With that, we've had to invest to improve our quality of service. Then with Office 365 and specifically with Exchange and the replication of exchange data assets, we had to expand the ability of our network in terms of bandwidth to replicate data globally. Finally, now with the addition or the introduction of Azure, we enhanced our global network infrastructure to support five-nines of availability, and we're currently in the process of onboarding GitHub onto this network. The key message here is that Microsoft is a leading provider when it comes to global networking infrastructure. We have all of our first-party services and properties, and our own IT is hosted on our network infrastructure. Of course, we have thousands of enterprise customers who depend on this network for mission critical, business, and government applications. Microsoft leads the Cloud industry in terms of geographic reach for Azure. We're in more regions around the globe than any of our competitors. In fact, we're in 61 Azure regions worldwide today, and to connect up all these regions using undersea cables, as well as cables across continents, we have over 165,000 miles of fiber. Microsoft has the best-performing Cloud network in the industry. Eighty-five percent of global GDP is covered by Azure Networking points of presence that are within at least 25 milliseconds of that GDP where business and government activities happen. Once the traffic comes into our network from the Internet or from on-prem, that traffic stays on our network. As a result because we're using our network to move data from any region within Azure to any other region within Azure, we beat the Internet in terms of inter-region pairs over 99 percent of the time. Of course, security is critical, especially, for data that is within our network. All data is encrypted from DC-DC. It's encrypted by default. For Cloud computing, zero trust-based networking security is essential. That's why all DC-DC traffic within our network is encrypted by default. In addition, for end customers we give you the ability through special constructs designed for you to segment your networking assets. We give the ability to segment them with respect to Azure subscriptions, virtual networks, network security groups, application security groups, and through our firewall capability. We have services like Azure ExpressRoute. They give you the ability to have dedicated and private connectivity from your on-prem networks, extending your on-prem networks into Azure. Then we have a vast team of data scientists and cybersecurity experts who are working 24/7 to mine information and data from all of these assets, and they bring them into what we call the Microsoft threat intelligence feed that we feed then into products, like the Azure Firewall. When you're using the Azure Firewall service, you're able to take advantage of all of these IQ of the human beings and all of these datasets to enable threat intelligent-based filtering that's enabled by default by the way. If you're a developer, all of these Azure Networking based security services are available to you by default as a service. A great example is Azure Web Application Firewall. This is a Cloud-native firewall service that you can use for web app security. In addition, we have a number of layer 7 based services that can help you secure your applications. We have Azure Front Door, we have Azure App Gateway as just a couple of examples that can help you with application level load balancing, scaling, and high-availability for application delivery. Now, I'm going to hand things off to Narayan. He's going to walk you through some specific updates related to Azure Networking. >> Thank you, Tad. Today, I'm going to talk to you about the announcements and the new updates, across the different networking services. They talk about Azure Networking. We think about all the different scenarios it enables, so we classify our services under these different scenarios. Very important for a customer to start with a secure infrastructure and then build on top of that, we can obtain on-premises into their Azure networks and enable remote work. These times, it's super important that remote workers are well-connected and of course, no application distribution and global app delivery and key aspect of any business applications. Azure Networking has a number of different services that helps customers adopt. Of course, we'll talk about emerging technologies, like 5G and it's computing. If you think about this infrastructure that you can build in Azure, what forms the secure network infrastructure is your virtual network? Then the Azure Firewalls, DNS services, and network monitoring and troubleshooting. With Azure Virtual Network gives you a private, an isolated network that you bring into Azure. This is where you start, this is a container for all your resources. Typically, it's something that holds your different computes, like virtual machines or Kubernetes service, but of late we've been extending this VNet concept to Azure PaaS services, the things like storage, SQL DB, and Cosmos. Azure Private Link was launched roughly a year ago with three services and our storage Cosmos, DB, and SQL, which provided a private way to connect to these services. Our customer could just be within the VNet, within the private boundary of the virtual network and still connect to these PaaS services by creating a private endpoint in the VNet. By doing this, it protects that VNet because by default Azure Private Link has protection against data exfiltration. Only the customers resources off the services, be it storage or SQL is mapped into the customer's VNet, not the entire service. That way, the egress connectivity from the VNet stays within the VNet. It never leaves a VNet, this inside the virtual network. On the other side, it protects the Azure PaaS resource because only the VNet is allowed to talk to this resource. By using Private Link, a customer is able to bring the Azure PaaS services fully within the VNet boundary and so the policies defined for that VNet applies. Azure Private Link is also extensible to customers own services, so this could be used for an infrastructure service. The customer may use a different VNet or a shared service that maybe all the substituents have to share. Now, instead of doing peering or connecting via public Internet, they can just use private endpoints to connect between the different VNets, not for the specific service endpoints. Now, what we have right now a year later is 36 services supporting Azure Private Link. This allows the customers to complete the scenario end-to-end, it's not just for data services. Now, Private Link is extended to compute services, like AKS and different analytic services, like Synapse Analytics. All of these together again provide a combined in a powerful end-to-end scenario that is fully private. Moving on, I want to also talk about the Azure Virtual NAT service. The NAT service provides a fully managed Cloud-native way to connect to the Internet. This enables you to have your private subnets without any public IP addresses, connect to the Internet just by a click of a button. The Azure VNet NAT service, it's scalable and with that it's fully managed with a platform and there is no need to worry about SNAT port exhaustion anymore because it can scale according to the demand. This also provides a way for having no subnets that may have load balancer as inbound Internet connection, and you can still use Azure NAT service for outbound. Any connection coming in through the load balancer will go out through the load balancer, but any connection that is originating from the subnets will go through the NAT service. By using a NAT service and it's very simple to use in a click of a button. Now, all the Internet connectivity can be behind a single IP address or a prefix of a public IP addresses. That way it makes the whitelisting very easy for the people on the other side. This service is already generally available and available in all the Azure regions. Moving on with Azure Bastion, we offer popular services for secure RDP and SSH connectivity. We have couple of new improvements on this service. One, Bastion can now extend to on-prem VMs as well. By this, you can just have a single Bastion service that they can use to remote into any virtual machine be it in Azure or in on-premises. Also, it now supports peered VNets. What that means is, instead of having a Bastion service per virtual network, you can just have one Bastion service and use it across the different VNets that are even peered. With the on-prem connectivity also tied in, the Bastion service really becomes your infrastructure that you can run maybe in a transit VNet or in another shared VNets, and again, use that a secure connectivity means for all of the VMs in your network. These two features are currently in preview. Pfizer firewall has been a pretty popular service. Most of the enterprise customer's adopting it for its threat intelligence protection, as well as a layer seven protection and FQDN filtering. We are advancing the capabilities of Azure Firewall by adding support for SQL traffic filtering. What this means is when you connect to your SQL databases from your VNets, you can make it past through the Azure Firewall and you can have data exfiltration protection now for your virtual networks. We also have an automatic forced tunneling by which you can chain these Azure Firewalls with the on-prem firewalls. Customers can just go through the on-prem firewalls, then the Azure Firewalls before hitting any other workloads in Azure or the Internet. We also have support now for FQDN filtering for all protocols and ports. These features are right now in public preview. With Azure DDoS, we mitigate attacks from the Internet. We always try to mitigate it closest to where the users will attack us from. But if the attack does spread across the different regions or different points in the globe, we're able to leverage Azure's global backbone network to have the mitigation triggered from a different region as well. Thereby, we're able to handle a much higher mode of attack if need be, all the way up to 45 kilobits per second. This is a new ability that we have enabled in DDoS platform. With network monitoring, there's a couple of two interesting updates too that I want to share with you. One is we now have what is called as an Azure Monitor for networks blade. This is part of the Azure Monitor itself, but this is turned on by default. When you go to the Azure Monitor page, you will have a section or you'll a blade just for the network resources. Any network provisions that you use, be it a load balancer, or a virtual WAN, you will see the corresponding monitoring for that right there. Instead of you having to go enable any new service or a product, we give this to you right now by default inside the Azure Monitor blade itself. A lot of different services will obviously have these monitoring data points show up by default over there, and makes it easy for you to have a single place to look at all of these things. Connection monitor we had in the past and Network Performance Monitor to monitor the Hybrid connectivity from ExpressRoute, and we had net watcher for different connection monitoring inside Azure. We're combining all that into a single offering called as a connection monitor, which will provide you the full connection monitoring capabilities, as well as troubleshooting if you have any drops in your network, and the connections will also show you the latency for how the Network Performance Monitor used to show. By combining both of Azure and on-prem together, you get a single experience for connection monitoring. Again, these two features are currently in preview, but they will be GA pretty soon before the end of this year. Now, let's move on to on-premise and branch connectivity. Like I said, almost every customer has an on-premises network that is connected to Azure through, it could be a VPN or it could be through ExpressRoute, a simplified connection topology using Azure Virtual WAN. Now, let's look at the updates on these different services. With Azure ExpressRoute, which is the flagship connectivity for enterprise customers, we have now added more monitoring into the Azure Monitor, which I just mentioned. By default, if you go into the Azure Monitor, you'll see lot mode metrics for the ExpressRoute circuits and ExpressRoute gateways in the Azure Monitor blade for networks. Now, we've also expanded the number of substitutes that Azure ExpressRoute gateway can support from four all the way to 16. This is really done because many of our customers have a lot of different entry points into Azure, but they may be using only a few of the Azure regions. Fewer Azure VNets and fewer Azure VNet gateways. But V1 have ability to connect the different circuits from different geos into the Azure VNet gateway. This provides multiple path, as well as higher resiliency and better reach into the Azure global network. This is currently in preview. With Azure Virtual WAN, we have made a number of improvements over the last few months, two years. I'm happy to say that the hub-to-hub connectivity is now fully is GA, and what this enables is if you have two Virtual WAN hubs in two different regions, and if you connect them, all these folks behind these hubs can now talk to one another by default with no other extra configuration. This is generally available and makes it easier to connect between the VNets in Azure. Really another interesting feature is the customized routing. With this, what you can do is there is a user-defined route table sort of for every VWAN hub, and now, you can have some tags across VNets, for example, you can group a bunch of spokes VNet as blue. They can group a bunch of spokes VNets as red, and you can have different routing tables for the blue group and a different routing table for the red group. Thereby, you're able to control the routing of clusters of the spoke VNets that's part of the Event Hub. This gives you a lot more power on who connects to who and gives you greater flexibility of controlling these different connectivity points. The Azure Firewall manager, and along with Azure Firewall in the Event Hub is also now generally available. The firewall manager can configure the different secure SaaS solutions just from the firewall manager itself, and that's also generally available. A couple of notable points on the SD-WAN ecosystem with partners. Number one, we announced the Barracuda as an NVA in The Hub back in July. Now, Cisco Viptela is also joining the same as another NVA on the hub. With this, it simplifies the end-to-end connectivity for customers and also allows the customers to take advantage of the full power of the SD-WAN solution that is powered by Cisco Viptela or Barracuda. By making the NVA in The Hub and we invited these two partners to be part of that, it simplifies the end-to-end experience for the customer and brings a lot more power to the whole SD-WAN experience in Azure. Also, not to mention, connectivity partners on the VWAN side, we've added a couple of new partners like Aruba and open systems, and they all are connectivity partners through our VPN gateway solution in the VWAN. This ecosystem continues to expand and we continue to add new partners. Let's look at the VPN remote work connectivity section. Over here, our Azure VPN gateway has been a flagship product to bring in branch offices, as well as remote point-to-site connections into Azure, and we have a few exciting updates to share. On, the top off is VPN gateway can now work with an ExpressRoute private peering to provide encapsulation mechanism. Instead of using any custom provider to encapsulate the data that is coming via ExpressRoute, you could just use Azure VPN gateway itself. On top of the ExpressRoute private peering, you could have VPN gateway to provide end-to-end security by doing encapsulation of the traffic, IPSec encapsulation. This is going to be really helpful for customers that are looking for end-to-end encryption, all the way from on-premises over ExpressRoute. Now, we also simplify the connectivity options by, example, instead of depending upon a static public IP address, we are now able to connect these VPN gateways through an FQDN that the customer can provide. That just makes the conductivity the more simplified. We also support the BGP through the APIPA address for legacy devices. There's been a long-standing ask from customers and we have that right now. Now, with the whole pandemic, we saw a surge in connectivity of remote workers into Azure virtual networks and Azure resources, and Azure VPN gateway has seen up to 94 percent increase in daily connections. Now, to help with management of these connections, we have added some useful tools where an administrator can go and connect and disconnect users sessions based on what he sees and where they connect over from a management dashboard. Moving on, I want to touch upon the different updates we have on the secure global app delivery section. This is an area where we use a different load balancers and our global load balancing to distribute the content. It includes services like Azure Front Door and Azure Application Gateway. But let's look at the updates of these services. With Azure Load Balancer, we're announcing a public preview of the cross-region load balancing. Now, what this means is customers can now have a single AnyCast IP address as their global frontend, which will be advertised from all the Azure regions. This can sit on top of the regional load balancers. With this, customers can build a global load balancing solution with a single IP address. This enables easy or quick failovers. If a region had to go down, Azure Load Balancer will automatically distribute this traffic differently and that is actually healthy. This works seamlessly on top of the existing load balancing solution that they use with regional load balancers. Instead of using a DNS layer on the top to do global distribution, customers can enable a global load balancer and point their backend endpoints to the regional load balancer solution to make this seamless for a global load balancer. This is currently in preview and this will go to GA in the future. Now this slide combines our different services together, the Azure Front Door, the CDN, and the Application Gateway. The way for you to look at this from left to right is on the top or on the Edge, we have Azure Front Door or Azure CDN. Azure Front Door does global load balancing, global layer 7 load balancing. This is the one from Azure POPs, so it's widely distributed, so it gives the end user the lowest latency. Azure CDN is great for static content, which serves static content from a POP location. Now, as customers come inside using these POPs, on the back end you can always have an Azure Application Gateway, Azure Layer 7 Load Balancer which can do both, public load balancing as well as internal load balancing. Now, some of the updates on the services is that with Azure WAF that actually works on Azure Front Door as well as on Azure App Gateway, it has tight integration with Sentinel right now. The Azure WAF logs could now be consumed in Sentinel, making it a single place for all of your logging from a security and from Sentinel standpoint for you to look at, that makes integration seamless and easy. With WAF, we also have per URI policies, so for different URIs you could have different WAF policies that makes it a little bit more customizable for the content and makes it a little bit more powerful. For CDN, we have the multi-origin support, so if a region had to go down, we'll do automatic distribution to a different region to continue to serve the content, so this makes it easier for high availability in failover cases. With Application Gateway, we have simplified the whole AKS Ingress Controller integration. With a single CLI, you could setup both the Application Gateway as well as the Ingress Controller for Azure Kubernetes Services, that makes it very easy for customers to compose and build their services together. With that, I'll hand it back to Tom, to talk about some of the newer emerging technologies in Azure networking. >> Thank you, Narayan. Let's wrap up by talking about some emerging technologies that we're working on within the Azure networking team. First of all, 5G and Edge computing, these are incredible trends, they're going to be highly relevant to IT moving forward. An important feature area for us moving forward is something we're calling Azure Edge Zones. Azure Edge Zones is something we announced recently, and I'll just give you a quick overview, an update. Azure Edge Zones, it brings the Azure API in closer proximity to where things are happening from an enterprise IT standpoint. The Azure Edge Zones is highly relevant especially for 5G, and 5G based workloads. The way to think about Azure Edge Zones is that it's the point-of-presence concept that we talked about earlier, but it's not just networking, it's also compute, storage, and Azure services. The way to think about Azure Edge Zones is that is just another Azure region, but in more proximity to you and your workloads. It comes in three different forms, there's the Azure Edge Zones capability which is hosted within a Microsoft POP, a point-of-presence. There's a mode that Azure Edge Zones runs in where it's hosted by one of our carrier partners on top of their infrastructure in one of their datacenter environments. Then we have something called Azure Private Edge Zones, where you can bring Azure Edge Zones into one of your datacenter locations. Earlier this year in June, we entered private preview with one of our carrier partners AT&T. We have an Edge zone now running in Los Angeles. >> What's going on Jamkazam. [MUSIC] >> Hi, I'm Seth Call, VP of Engineering of Jamkazam. Jamkazam, over the past six years has built the best platform in the world for musicians to play live and in-sync over the Internet with high quality audio and video. We are thrilled to be developing on Azure Edge Zone with AT&T for our new audio relay service. Musicians can feel every millisecond of latency when they play online. But if you can take AT&T's 5G network and compute on the Edge, a company like Jamkazam can provide a tangible, better and tighter music session online. >> All right. >> All right. That was so much fun. >> Thank you. >> Private Edge Zones is currently in preview as well, and we have an ecosystem of virtual networking functions partners that you can work with to deploy Private Edge Zones. At the beginning of the presentation we talked about our global networking infrastructure, how it's implemented under the sea, on land, and with our sea and land implementation we have a terrestrial network. Now with Azure Orbital, we're bringing our Azure network into space. What we do with Azure Orbital is we partner with providers like those mentioned at the bottom of the slide, where they're able to co-locate their ground stations with our datacenters, so satellite uplink and downlink in physical proximity to Azure DCs. By doing so, we're able to combine our partners' satellite networks with our terrestrial networks, so their satellite data can take advantage of our terrestrial networks and so that Azure customers can expand their terrestrial networks or the Azure terrestrial networks into space through Azure Orbital and these key partners. This slide covers a number of interesting roadmap items that are coming your way in the coming months. End-to end IPv6 support over Azure private peering from On-prem into Azure. Support for service tags on user defined route tables. Azure prefix modification on peered VNets. A VNet route service with BGP endpoints. These features are coming your way soon. You can dig more deeply into the content that we discussed in this presentation by following the link on this slide. With that, I'm going to wrap up. Thank you very much for viewing this presentation, and thank you for using our product. [MUSIC]
Channel: Microsoft Azure
Views: 3,005
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Keywords: Microsoft, Azure, Microsoft Azure, Azure Networking, cloud networking, networking, Azure Kubernetes Service, AKS, kubernetes, Azure VMware Solution, Azure VMware, VMware, Tad Brockway, Azure cloud, Bing, Windows, Xbox, Github, cloud, SQL, Azure Private Link, synapse analytics, VMs, virtual machines
Id: F9yfwef2X0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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