What’s it like being a Foreign Worker in Japan ?

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do you think japanese people including foreigners in japan work too much absolutely oh yeah yes absolutely too much too many hours in the office the hours are normal but they don't pay you enough so you end up having to take other work like japanese culture like the work ethic is way better than america oh yeah i'm gonna bounce i'm gonna bounce in a couple of months i'm gonna leave japan yeah hey guys how you doing i'm takashi from japan today i'm going to interview foreign japan do you think japanese people including foreigners in japan work too much and do you work too much like so many people comment on my video like i'm gonna live in japan but i don't work there i'm so worried about it me personally i'm students so i don't know like work culture in japan so i'm gonna ask them on my channel i interview japanese people and the foreigners in japan react to japanese things and make him vlog in japan so it's the best channel for anyone who wants to come to japan without traveling or living so please if you haven't subscribed yet subscribe to my channel on my instagram i show my daily live in japan so please what i do okay let's get started okay thank you for having me yeah nice to meet you nice to meet you where are you from uh united states united states uh we're in states ohio ohio you know ohio gozaimasu okay so uh you live in japan i live in japan i live uh yeah i live in shibuyaku uh how long have you been here all together three years i've i've lived in china i've lived in japan and then i moved to ireland and then back to tokyo so all together three years japan in fast pace work work brought me here so i work in the corporate world and what do you do in japan uh so i i do uh finance so yeah finance is the type of work that i do okay how's it live in japan like you've been here three years right uh or it'll be in tokyo uh the whole time in tokyo yeah so uh i've worked in two different companies here in japan and uh yeah the life i love japan you know it's very peaceful um maybe it's where i'm from ohio i feel like it feels somewhat similar not not at all really but um i enjoy the the culture here i love uh it's the variety but the work is uh sometimes challenging yeah the work environment can be a bit challenging and you've been to china and you've been to iran right so like uh can you tell me the differences like china between japan because it's it's for me it's interesting because it's also asian countries so right that's right so as an american or somebody from the western world i think anytime you step into asia it's very unique to us so it's very exotic right shanghai when i was living in shanghai was where i was it was uh different you know i felt a little bit grungy creative maybe a little bit more chaotic but i loved it i can't i can't compare the two because uh they're just so different tokyo is just clean and organized and uh there's so much structure and that's kind of the nice part about it but at the same time uh that structure can get a bit uh overwhelming for people and today's topic is do you think japanese people including foreigners in japan work too much absolutely oh yeah yes absolutely too much too many hours in the office let's just say i think there could be more productivity at times uh in a less lesser amount of time people are a good intention but uh i think uh people are working way too many hours still yeah yeah do you think including porn in japan i think a lot of foreigners fall into the trap of working um more hours yeah that's right i don't know how this coveted environment has changed things but uh i would say even so sometimes i find myself falling into the trap working too many hours i think a lot of people maybe still are forced to go into the office a bit more so it probably won't last for a lot of the maybe domestic japanese companies i don't have experience in a domestic japanese company so maybe it's a bit different but you don't work too much then i i think i've done a good amount of work yeah i think i've done more than i think i would like to but i would say like my experience mike the companies i've worked for i've been a bit more flexible than a typical domestic japanese company i would say yeah this is question you speak japanese where do i learn japanese uh just speaking uh finding a local bar to talk to people this is always fun also you have japanese friends i've yeah i've have a few japanese friends yeah fitness communities bars so yeah yeah you like live in japan i love life in japan i love life in japan absolutely yeah thank you so much thank you for helping me no problem away from i'm from america rhode island east coast uh yes i like it there it's beautiful i'm 25. you live in japan right yes i live in chiba how long have you been here i've been in japan for almost five years now but you work in tokyo um i work i work in chiba as well yes what do you do in japan um i'm an eikaiwa teacher at the moment yes so english conversation teacher yeah so you teach english japanese oh uh how is it hi um it's hard work um definitely you know the hours are a bit difficult but the school that i work at i'm lucky enough to work at a school that the boss really cares about his workers he's not japanese he's actually a french man so it's interesting being at a you know company in japan not run by japanese people how's it live in japan in general um it's comfortable for me um definitely you know a little expensive to live here but oh you think so yes a little expensive for for me but um i get by i think it's good it's a very comfortable lifestyle very convenient nice to live here in the first place what brought you to japan um i was brought to japan because i wanted to learn japanese initially i wanted to become good at speaking japanese it's challenging language so something that i just wanted to do so i moved here in 2018 with the jet program doing english teaching as assistant language teacher and i only moved to the city recently i was in tottori for almost three years i think it's a really real area i've never been to but it's it's right yeah it's very rural uh it's really difficult to find foreign in tottori is it um yeah the foreigner community is very very small there yeah so it's nice being here where i have more of a community oh yeah i think it's international more here yes definitely so you were into japanese culture or like anime or stuff like that or um yeah definitely i always i studied animation at school so my plan was to come here and get artistic jobs but it's definitely difficult as a foreigner to you know get jobs other than english teaching unless you have a lot of prior experience and prior skills i think it's a lot of networking that you have to do usually if you want to get any other kind of job so that's what i'm currently trying to work on is you know find other artistic jobs that i can work this is a today's topic do you think japanese including foreigners in japan work too much uh yeah definitely i think that um i don't personally have experience with it because i was lucky enough to you know work a jet program which they really you know take care of you and you work very regular hours and the work that i'm doing now is not run by a japanese company so i'm not held to any japanese standards of work but my friends definitely they work a lot of overtime and there's a lot of eikaiwas that are very suspicious and shady and take advantage of their workers so yeah i think that the friends yeah foreigners once they step there most foreigners start out you know doing assistant language teaching if you're lucky enough to do jet program then they really take care of you but if you do like interac and other companies i hear that you know if you move to the city especially you know the hours are normal but they don't pay you enough so you end up having to take other work and then if you're not working you know english teaching if you're doing another job at a japanese company like say like a game company or something then i hear a lot of my friends are held you know to the same standards of you know japanese people it's you're not exempt from it just because you're a foreigner you still are expected to work overtime and you might get work assignments or get contacted during your time off so it's very intense i hear yeah i think that um you have to be careful definitely when you're coming to japan um if you want to live in the city like tokyo and stuff like it's not necessarily going to be easy you will probably have to do a lot of work to afford you know the lifestyle and the apartment and then you um if you live here long term then it becomes very expensive with um residency taxes and yeah and income taxes it's a lot so yeah it's not easy i don't think maybe initially it's very easy if you work a certain you know job like english assistant language teaching but that doesn't the contract is usually for two or three years so after that you have to have another plan and if it's at a japanese company it'll be tough you'll be working like japanese people work okay this is a last question and you speak japanese yes [Music] know uh wyoming wyoming america are you live in japan yes yes yes in tokyo no and yamaguchi prefecture oh yeah i'm a gucci professor i've been to yamaguchi uh when i was in high school for school trip what do you do in japan i take pictures i'm a photographer and videographer yeah i i work security oh it's a good idea and what brought you to japan in the first place i don't know the the chance to travel and like experience a different culture honestly the same answer i said this is the today's question do you think japanese people including foreigners in japan work too much walk too much yeah no honestly i think like japanese culture like the work ethic is way better than america yes because american and in my honest opinion americans are lazy like they want things handed to them and i notice a lot of like japanese they work for everything they're very prideful so it's a huge culture shock i think the japanese when they work they work very hard compared to americans like we can do smaller things but we try and take the easy way out so i think that seeing them work they do work a lot but they work very hard compared to what americans are used to working so so and then you guys work too much you yourself yeah we're just right not not compared to the japanese culture now oh i think we work less you enjoy walk time absolutely yeah i enjoy my jobs that's cool okay and these are last question you speak japanese no no very little where did you run just by going out and getting around oh wait wait how long have you been here in japan i've been here three and a half years a half years i've been two and a half years you guys live in yamaguchi right uh they are like some foreigners community or is it difficult to find holiness i think where were like where we live they do speak a little bit of english so that's nice um but then when you explore out further it is harder to communicate because they don't know as much you guys have japanese friends yes oh yes where did you guys meet them just like out in town like just out and about meet new friends they wanted to learn english and we could try to learn japanese i think i met some like working i've met some working and then just going out and about in town and stuff so uh where are you from uh united states united states wayne state uh portland oregon oregon how long have you been here one year one year yeah one year and what are you doing japan i study at a university university at american university american university yeah uh you work in japan no no i'm trying to get a job but it's not happening i don't work at all i'm i'm trying to get a part-time job but since i don't know japanese it's like damn near impossible uh okay today's this question do you think it's uh japanese people and then foreigners in japan like work too much like you have any friends like that oh no no no it's hell it sucks uh i know a bunch of people who just do work from like morning till night and then like it's kind of stressful because i kind of like i was just i was like this one time we were at like uh some kind of restaurant but like there was this old uh japanese dude dude looked at least like 80 and he was still working and then we were like talking to him and stuff and he's like why are you still working at that age i mean like japanese really have like this work ethic thing they take it way too seriously but it's kind of lame to be honest it's like it's kind of like and i feel like the formal attire that is a must for like literally all jobs nah i don't like it i don't i don't think i would ever like take a job just because of that you gotta dress for more because you see everyone in suits nowadays yeah yeah yeah except for like the teens and stuff just hanging out you gonna work in japan do i want to work in japan yeah yeah no also you're gonna leave oh yeah i'm gonna bounce i'm gonna bounce in a couple of months i'm gonna leave japan yeah so you prefer like working foreign country like i mean like other countries the other countries it's not that i prefer working there it's just that the way the work uh culture is it's not as strict and dead as like the one in japan the one in japan is so heavily enforced that i don't i don't really like that i don't like that everyone i know is actually just trying to leave japan right now my my my cousin is about to go to canada he was like nah nah he's done with jaffa he's gonna go somewhere else because like you know the work he's just like too much no time for family no time for your kids no time for your own health like in the morning you got to go early you like have a bento you come back you have another bento you just keep doing that until until you're fired or you die i guess so yeah there's some bad stuff okay this is the last question you speak japanese no i just know like uh the greetings like basics yeah like that's it thank you so much thank you so much for watching sopa how was it that was interesting uh like yeah for sure i think japanese people and then like including foreign japan work too much that's why i want to work in japan so i decided to learn english and then decided to go abroad and work abroad yeah anyway thanks for watching if you like this video click button please subscribe to my channel thank you so much
Channel: TAKASHii from Japan
Views: 678,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bOCBDfufous
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Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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