Hi everybody Welcome to a new day A new video, a new.. ehm That was it actually, there isn't any more news We hope you're good We feel great Apparently not We feel great I just want to give some credit and say that we've had such good views on our last videos And that means that you've liked them And we just want to say thanks Yeah, it's so much fun Right? It was some type of .. Wave upwards Exactly Than usual Wow Wow Shall we? Yes Today we're doing something that we've never done before This is a trend that was popular on YouTube a few years ago I think You don't know about this This trend It was a trend that was called "What's in my bag" And that was basically showing what you have in your bag Your everyday bag It was super popular apparently, so I got an idea the other day I thought that we could call it "What's in her bag" And that you'd go through my bag and see what's in there You can fins anything in my bag I'm thinking this, it's so typical for you girls You have a million things in you f*cking bag What do you need? You need a phone, keys and a wallet And I need my inhalar We need deodorant, we need hair ties, we need chargers We need a calendar, we need lipgloss There should be this, there should be that, there should be everything But why? Because every situation that happens you need to be ready Okay.. Okay are you ready? I'm ready Are you ready? Let's go Yeah, let's go Here we have my bag That I usually have on weekdays I mean, you can hear how heavy that is The entire table is shaking This is.. What is it? Like 40x30 cm And I bring this with me every day No matter where I'm going Let's look what's in here Firstly, calendar I get that, I really get that You need the calendar I need it Some people have it on their phones And some people have it like this And why I can't have it on my phone is because when I write it down, I get it out of my head So I have to bring that everyday You can't ask me if we should meet on tuesday I can't answer you because I need to check my calendar Hairbrush Yeah, I have extensions So I have to brush my hair like 30 times a day So it'll look good So It feels a little like being on your friends birthday party when you were little You need to fish Fish, the fishinggame, yeah! What do we have here? Perfume But .. Therefore I wonder Why do you need the perfume? Because I need to put it on during the day maybe? Then it isn't weird that every girl walking by smells like a f*cking perfume shop No you know what, I'll tell you something You spray it on and you smell good during the day I'll tell you exactly why Mens perfumes are so much stronger than girls I wish I could use mens perfumes because they stay on You could have sprayed on Axe last week and you'll still smell good next week Yeah but the people using Axe spray it on their entire bodies But these, I don't think girl perfumes stay on as good as the guys So I like to bring it and spray a little before a meeting or something What do I know No, doubting it, doubting it Birth control pills Birth control, you don't want to get pregnant That you can have in your wallet Yes I can I can feel immediately what this is What the hell do you need this for? Are you telling me that you're just gonna sit on the toilet and do a little reading? Can I explain myself? I bought this book before I was going to Nice No Wait I have a tendency to buy books when I'm going on a trip Because I'm want to finish them on the trip But now I didn't make it What do you mean tendency? You just started doing this Yeah I started, and I think it's really nice I started because I want to read more books And the thing is, I wasn't able to read this during my trip so now I have it in my bag Because I think that I'll have time to read it sometime It's been three weeks You know what? Everything that isn't approved is going on this side This one too Deodorant, you can't say anything about that. I need that But it's not like I'm going around with mine... Give me it It's not like I'm walking around with my doedorant in my pocket But spray me, go Not like that, that's not my armpit Isn't it approved? No it's not approved Omg Oh it smells so much Snack A bar Yeah, and do you know why I brought it? You're allergic to nuts There is almonds in this, what is that in Swedish? It's almonds and you can't eat that So I can eat this when I'm not with you I can eat almonds though Oh.. Screw it, I'm still bringing it Nope, that one goes What? Baby!? You don't want me to get hungry right? Put it on the right side What the hell is this? What? It's pussy spray Yeah So sometime during the day you just think "Shit I smell bad down there " and just... Yeah No, look, It's preventive You use this after you've showered What? You do it out on the street? No Can I explain? You can't explain this It's always good, I haven't had a deodorant On my lower region before It's a really new product I think you're the only one that has it actually No I bring it in my bag, you never know Oh that sounds like I'm gonna sleep with somebody else I didn't mean it like that, you need to be fresh down there You know But for real Hand gel? Hand gel? Hand sanitizer Hand desinfection But honey, you people that know me.. But this is great You need to have clean hands when you eat So please put it where it belongs You can't tell me thats unnecessary It's agains bacteria Baby I need it I wish I could put you in my bag Let's see then Baby, it'll fall out It'll fall out God I'm sweating You need to let me have a pen We got it when we bought the car What is wrong with the pen on the calendar? We got this when we bought the car, it's always good to have two pens.. You never know No, it's gone Are you kidding me? You have one already, why do you need two more? Are you.. No, like this No, that's gone And for that, this one is too Now you have nothing It's not approved, none of them I'm dying What else is in there? Gum, okay You can have that I get it That's nothing strange But why the hell do you need this? What the hell is this? What do you have in here? This, wait let me explain before you open This is like my pharmacy bag I have everything in here You can have any disease, I have everything Quick, Strepsils, great Nose spray, great Tampons, always A little mirror Always Painkillers, always What the hell is this? Perfume But you had perfume Enough Can I have one? You have two But can I have one in my bag at least Chapstick, always Birth control, but this is empty Pain killers, always Cuticle oil That's awesome I can have some actually Did you bring the entire f*cking closet? Yep Lipstick, you never know What is wrong with this lipstick thing? Just another color And this? Another color This is actually my new favorite Hair tie, always And AirPods Always, was that it? Look and I'll explain to you This, totally unworthy That you can bring, AirPods you can bring The tampon Hair tie I need pain killers I can get a big head ache Than you run to the pharmacy and buy some We already have it I need chapstick I was gonna ask you why you have a sock here but.. Now you decide Either this or that Wallet Yeah that came last Another hair tie Now you choose again That Oh, but this was important This was really important A kuna No that's 20 lipa It's 20 cents in Croatian currency It's really important I need that, it's to clean my glasses NO Baby I need a brush for my lashes and one for my brows I can see you holding it there Which is which? They're exactly the same "Uhm I need a brow brush and a lash brush" Look, they're exactly the same, you can use one of them for both things One stays and one goes Omg, that gets me kind of sad I need to have another one Wait Gum More gum How many do you chew a day? Zero Well damn Was that it? That was it Look ladies and gentlemen and you'll see All of this she had in her bag This is what you'll actually use in one day, maybe Okay, but can I just take one thing from here? No I need to smell nice Both in my armpit and down there No you don't I need one, I need a hairbrush for my hair I have f*cking extensions Thanks This I can manage without I think The chapstick, and this is so important I want to know how I look and I can't have chapped lips I can manage without that I think This is just something you throw No, are you insane? What do you mean throw? Never Now I'll just put everything back in my bag Did you think that I'd have all of this in my bag? No Both yes and no maybe? But than I wonder is it you who has this stuff or do all girls have these things? Every girl, trust me you can check in any.. That's what I think anyways, maybe not the same of anything But believe me, all have tampons All girls have perfume I bet a hairbrush, gum, hand sanitizer Lipgloss, lipstick, everything Everything That's why us girls are at the toilet in a bar and ask "Does anybody have a tampon?" And every girl is like "I DO" Because everybody brings tampons in their bag What if all guys went into the bathroom And asked like "Does anybody have deodorant?" And every guy is like "YEAH" And I just get 25 different Axe sprays and just Omg And than somebody asks if anybody has some deodorant for balls And everybody is like OooOoo That's the most insane part Once I had a banana, peanut butter and a spoon in my bag Because I had cravings Go into 7/11 and buy a f*cking banana then No I have it at home Yeah and you'll walk around with that rotten banana in your bag all day Yep I'm kind of ashamed Like you moved out from home, It's like you think that every time you leave the house the world is going to go under And you're prepared That's awesome Please out there, comment What doesn't Antonija have in her bag that you do Because I need to know this now Or do you have nothing of these things Is Antonija totally.. We need answers You still love me Yeah Why do you get so annoyed? I don't get it It's who I am and you need to accept it I love you baby Thanks for watching this video, it's done right? Yeah I hope, you don't have more things in your bag? No I don't, I thought this was really fun And I hope you think the same You have a bunch of stuff Say what we usually say Hope you liked the video, comment if there is something missing in Antonijas bag Or if you think that she's crazy And I want you to press this little button where it says "Like" And then you subscribe And then you tell you mom, dad, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandmother and grandfather You name it That there will be a new video soon And you need to watch that And we'll see you there Bye! BYE!