We've Had Enough (building a house is HARD)

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for the last few weeks we've been hard at work  building our shipping container home from clotting   in the roof with this gorgeous matte black metal  to figuring out how to maximize The Outdoor Living   Space by building a rooftop deck off the upstairs  living room there have been a lot of balls in the   air today we're tying up some loose ends before  we start to tackle the next big project if you   find yourself enjoying today's video make sure  you hit that subscribe button and come along with you good morning we are hitting the ground running  today it's only 7 30. Corey and Blair just got   here and they're going to be finishing up that  roof slope that we didn't quite get to yesterday   and while they do that Todd Michael and I we're  going to keep working on that rooftop deck we   really got to get this done the spray foamers  are going to be coming tomorrow and in order   to get that whole area finished for them to do  their job we gotta have all of the framing all   of the like platform built so that's the plan  hopefully we're going to be able to get it done   but we're just gonna get to work on it oh this  is gonna look sharp is it the width of the deck   changes oh it's a slope for the brackets on this  won't go in flat it's on a bit of an angle uh finish by a karaoke machine  because this is like a stage sing a song to light the Moon so tensions are  running a little high right now Remember When   Ty and I had to shave down the boards to make  the substructure of the rooftop deck we had to   do it so that we had a two percent grade over  the deck to allow the water to run underneath   of it and away from the house well when we did  it we didn't factor in that they're going to   sit in Joyce hangers and not directly on  the container so when they're sitting in   they're not flush so yeah I guess we couldn't  have just had an easy win with this we have   to shave off just a slight little bit  more of every single one so here we go such a beautiful day we're making incredible  progress there's nothing better like a beautiful   summer day productive like love it love it love  it love it so for lunch today I think I'm gonna   Leverage The Garden look at how big the spinach  and the lettuces like we have got major major   production and if we don't use it soon we're  gonna lose it hi what are you doing hey buddy   wish we could have the dogs out but we just don't  want to risk the roofing or anything slipping okay   auction Zone hey Buddies you  want to help Dad cook lunch   okay yeah all right well I shouldn't really say  cooking I think I'm just gonna do sandwiches   with all the fresh vegetables I think it's a good  idea a nice fresh refreshing meal let's do it boys hey look you can have the ends of the Tomato  that's your treat oh that is so good there you   are I was wondering where you snuck off to yeah  just making lunch Charlie's been preserving his   green pepper I gave it to him a little while  ago he's just been like holding on to it are   you having a little treat buddy hi I see you  too sandwiches yeah look at all the lettuce   I got from the garden isn't that exciting yeah  they're doing so well the planter boxes here our   dogs are really weird they like vegetables oh I  don't know what the story is on that but they're   loving the raw food too hey do you want me to  go let them know Lunch is ready yeah I am I'm   pretty much done now all right cool I'm gonna  go let them know all right you had your treat   oh so many hot dogs and meat products  yesterday it was amazing when we got back   I was in hard shape where are you oh well I  ate seven of them probably for too many yeah   I find on days but like this when it's so hot I  don't really have an appetite no you gotta force   yourself to eat yeah I was busy picking all the  vegetables they grow faster than we can use them   that was way too good I don't know why but we've  been really into sandwiches lately I think it's   because there's just nothing quite like it on a  hot summer day anyway now that we're all fueled up   fingers crossed we have all the boards shaved down  enough and it's smooth sailing from here on out going at an angle or going straight  they want to put these sneakers on   I'd hurt my toe oh you just hurt  your toe you said that earlier too it's gonna be one solid deck oh yeah  I feel a lot better about this one   than the other one yeah this one's going anyway it's warm I'll hit these ones there  you want to take a break from the Sun wow this corner is just like a sauna the  black and the metal how are you doing oh   my God it's hot it's so hot out there in the  sun it's looking really good though oh yeah   it looks really good insert the picture it  yeah it's gonna be so solid like very sturdy   then when the spray foam goes in and like  really makes it original it's gonna be good so we are just putting in the last board  this is awesome very very warm today   and the sun like just beams down on there  but what we're noticing is not very much   sunlight actually comes in this room so  I think it's going to be a lot cooler up   here than we thought yeah and it's also really  cool in here because the outside layer of the   house is insulation but it also makes it  really warm when you're out there because   it's just tin foil so it just beats the sun on  us yeah we're sweating messes it looks awesome   though oh yeah like it's gonna be such  such an amazing stage for karaoke night probably will happen it feels so good that we're finally ready for  insulation tomorrow it may have not looked like   a really complicated project but making sure  that all of the boards like had the exact right   slopes so we didn't get water in it was way more  complicated than we thought it could be you guys   swimming we decided to take the boys to the  river yeah they're loving it it got warm so   kind of nice for them to cool off plus it's  the middle of July and we haven't taken them   swimming yet isn't that hard to believe yeah we've  just been like so busy with projects it's I mean   that's no excuse but this is the first day in  a while that we finished work early enough that   we can actually go enjoy the Sun a bit Yeah  there's swimming circles hey buddies what do   you think do you notice the beach is gone though  yeah yeah the river's really high right now yeah   all right you drinking the water buddy a couple blocks you okay there bud okay  scratch on your back hey buddy well I think it's official we've got some  special children on our hands oh yeah Charlie   is playing this game where he goes up the  river and then rides the current down swims   against it for a little bit and then runs up  and rides it down again meanwhile Eddie look   what he's doing he is obsessed with this game  where he tries to find rocks from the bottom   we've said this before but I think it's  Charlie it's just too much I think it's because   um Eddie's found clams before and I think he  thinks all rocks are clams well you never know   you know yeah so you never know what you're gonna  get I wish that we prioritize more time doing this   with the dogs and just like actually relaxing all  we've been doing it feels like it's just building   I I just feel really burnt out yeah well it's  been such a long go that's a nice rock Eddie um oh sounds about right thanks sweetie go  play um look at Charlie's going again   they are too much yeah it has been a  lot though like it's hard to believe   it's summer I mean that's where like it's  the first time taking them and I just feel   like time is flying by right now and I just  yeah it's like slipping through our fingers   it's weird yeah not to quote Mamma Mia but  slipping through our fingers all the time leave it to Todd to get up a bit but yeah it's  just like it's just been so much lately and I   think we were like really excited that this year  we'd be living in the house not like this deep   into construction right now yeah so I think that's  kind of what's been tiring it's yet another summer   of working but yeah not to discourage you and  I I want to preface this by saying I think in   maybe like five years when we're out the other  side of this I'm gonna be like so glad we built   our own house and I'm going to be grateful for  all of these memories but truthfully we're just   kind of like in this in between like lull where we  are tired like we're so tired it's a lot of it's   just a lot of work and a lot of consideration  and figuring things out and this piece fixes   or this piece ties into this piece and yeah yeah I  don't know yeah but we're getting through it we've   got really good trades that are helping us and  like really supportive as we're figuring things   out like it couldn't be better it's just like  right now we want more from our life than just   like building all the time we want to build our  life so yeah yeah that's kind of where we're at   I don't know if any of that made sense but we're  getting there we're getting there it's like the   Whiteboard says smile we're closer this year this  we're closer now than we were this time last year   you want me to come swim with you if  you don't mind I found a really big   rock but I think we need all three of us Charlie don't go inside don't leave me that coffee smells so good oh yeah I figured you  would need it because you're pretty Grumpy in the   mornings yeah well that's not entirely true it's  been 14 years I know now to just get up and make   coffee yeah Todd does normally make the morning  coffee I don't really make breakfast though yeah   it's a good trade-off yeah you get your Go-Go  juice because I don't like to cook so I can do the   coffee you know it's kind of exciting we're just  talking about this so this is probably going to   be our last morning coffee at our regular spot and  we're going to be able to have it on the rooftop   patio tomorrow we're hoping if things go well and  we'll be able to like it's going to be sapon talk   to Fran it's going to be nice it's gonna be like  it's it's I know it's gonna be so sailing yeah but   we do have some work to do before the insulators  get here so that's why we've got our Go-Go juice   and we're going to have a positive attitude  and we're gonna get it done we're gonna get   it done yeah we gotta head over now and move the  ladders around we're also insulating all around   the perimeter of the containers um where like  the addition that we built meets the containers   I don't know if we explained that but yeah well  we figured we might as well insulate the whole   house instead of having like underneath our floor  and above our ceiling downstairs cold you know   yeah there's a lot to figure out but anyway  let's go over and all right let's get to work but it'll take some time to feel okay there's the top and the bottom to this right so  that's a gay couple Tyler which there's more than   just rolls which one is which it doesn't matter  it's the same okay can you help me put it up   there I think we didn't paint well where like for  where they're gonna spray foam in there yeah yeah   it's actually just text me so I had a brake line  blow on the foam truck on the way to your job so   I can't make it today so a slight change of plans  while I know things come up this is just really   frustrating we can't keep putting our life on  hold we have wanted to visit Todd's brother and   our niece and nephew and his family for so long  now and things just have constantly come up that   hasn't allowed us to do it we're taking this as  a sign we booked a flight and we're getting out   of here for a couple of days we have a few hours  before our flight so Tasha's grabbing his coffee   and I'm getting set up and trying to get all  of the paperwork and the boring admin that   goes behind the scenes of coordinating next week's  projects so we can actually enjoy the next couple   of days and not do any work at all but we are  in an airport so I'm not just going to connect   to the free Wi-Fi but thanks to surfshark the  sponsor of today's video I don't have to worry   about it with literally thousands of travelers  all around me I can guarantee you that there   are hackers here trying to get my confidential  information but with surfshark everything from   my identity to my true location are all hidden  with my internet connection being routed to over   100 countries around the world I can browse a  peace of mind knowing that my email passwords   my credit cards my banking information it's all  completely confidential and secure a few years ago   while traveling we connected to a coffee shop and  had all of our credit card information stolen let   me tell you being in another country and only  having the cash in your pocket is a very very   uneasy feeling and it doesn't have to be surfshark  literally costs the price of a cup of coffee so   for that peace of mind I could have never had  to worry about it by using our custom code   Tyler and Todd you'll get an exclusive deal plus  three months for free and here's the best part   if you don't like it you can cancel in 30 days no  questions asked you literally have nothing to lose   make sure you click the link in the description  box down below and check it out but I'm going   to connect in get this work done so we can enjoy  our trip for the next 48 hours we weren't really   on our phones much at all we took a quick flight  from Halifax to Ottawa and let it just in time to   catch our nephew's soccer game although he was a  little more interested in eating watermelon than   playing the next day we walked around the local  fair and then took the kids swimming my brother   was convinced he'd beat me in a race so naturally  I had to prove him wrong sorry about that Travis   and then we flew home although we wish we could  have stayed longer today is the only day that the   insulators could reschedule us for so it's back  to the Grind we got up really early this morning   and we Leaf blowed the upper deck the reason for  that is we wanted to get all this sawdust and   debris off of there to get really good adhesion  with the foam to the metal they've been here for   a few hours and I have to say they are making us  feel so much better about how long it took Tyler   and I to prep and cover the windows for painting  a few weeks ago it is a lot of work they've been   here for hours and they're just getting ready  to start foaming which is super exciting because   we're really ready to see all these cavities  start closing up and this foam going in foreign why do we need to insulate this deck space  to begin with it's actually a really great   question so normally in a deck you wouldn't but  because below this deck space is the kitchen and   the main floor living room area we have to treat  this space as if it was any other roof slope of   the house so we wanted to go a little bit Overkill  which is why when we built the deck we used two   by twelves it's going to give us 10 inches of  insulation that's going to be r70. that is so   extremely insulated that when this afternoon  sun is beating down on this deck it's going   to keep the house cool which means our heating  and cooling system is not going to have to work   as hard we've said this before but being off  grid we have to be incredibly mindful of the   energy we're producing as well as the energy  we're consuming so I'm really really excited   about this project it's going to be toasty warm  in the winter and nice and cool in the summer he doesn't sleep for it so it's a few hours later and they are all wrapped  up over there and things are looking really really   good so exciting yeah it's so exciting the fact  that the deck is all insulated and they got the   perimeter of the air gap between the containers  and the addition done so it was pretty wild though   like once they got going it was like 30 minutes  and they were done oh yeah hours of prep just for   that but I mean it is good that they did it there  would have been foam all over the containers oh   yeah it would have been a huge mess totally worth  it but yeah it's just nice because that's one more   thing off the to-do list one more of the little  tiny details there's so many like puzzle pieces   that can't go in until something else is done  and this is just one of those steps marked off   so definitely feels good we were feeling um for  a moment a little bit less stress but our plumber   and electrician called and they've been booked  solid like it's just it's summer right like it's   a busy time yeah and they both have space in  their calendar next week so I don't know what   we're gonna get up to yeah but we're gonna keep  moving forward that's what that means so got 10   projects up in the air and we're just rolling with  it exactly but we are just gonna enjoy a little   bit of down time right now and we will catch up  with you next Sunday have a great week guys bye
Channel: Tyler and Todd
Views: 186,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tyler and todd latest video, tyler and todd youtube, tyler and todd latest, building a house, homestead, homesteading, cabin, cabin build, we've had enough, life uncontained, wild wonderful off grid, simple living, house renovation, lone fox, lone fox home, lone fox diy, xo macenna, xo macenna vlogs, tyler and todd, todd and tyler, kara and nate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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