Vineyard Dreams Come True - Build A New Life in the Country - S04 EP1 - Real Estate

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becky and ian shevling had successful careers  with big salaries but have decided it's time   for a change i feel like i've come home and i  do really truly believe this is where i belong   they've given up the rat race and moved to  yorkshire it's just lovely to be part of a   family again [Music] while trying to convert  a dilapidated farmhouse and barn ian and becky   are setting up a new business but are they  taking on too much we do fight and we will   fight as much as we can but you get to a point  where you need to say right forget it because   now i think we're absolutely bonkers but  we're too far down the line to go back [Music]   when you think of the pennines you think  of rolling countryside beautiful hills   sheep farming you certainly don't think of a  vineyard but i've come here to meet a couple who   have swapped a life of travel glamour and fast  cars for the more sedate world of wine [Music]   36 year old becky shevling travelled the world  working as the only female engineer in formula one   while 35 year old husband ian used to run  a manufacturing business in the midlands   but their high-flying jobs  meant they never saw each other [Music] they've moved from wolvey in  warwickshire to the beautiful   rolling hills of the home valley overlooking  the town of home firth in west yorkshire as well as seven acres of land for the vineyard  they've bought this grade two listed farmhouse   and barn at auction for 450 000 pounds  ian rebecca hello hello beautiful spot   it's amazing so why yorkshire why why up here  in the hills well i'm originally from yorkshire   and uh i absolutely love it up here and then i  ended up in warwickshire for about 15 years and   i just wanted to come back you know get our own  business and be in the yorkshire and get out of   the rat race really beck's desires you know to  be here so i wear the conversation in our old   house and he just said what do you want to do  and i just said i just want to pack my job in   and i want to go up north i said fine and he just  said right then let's do it so the house went to   the market the next day and pretty much the next  day and that was it so you decided to sell up and   move how do you get from that to this some girl's  dream of a big white wedding mine was always the   fire mouse on the hill with a little bit of land  and your family uh are very close to here yeah   yeah just over there's somewhere over that hill  sort of that hill and some of that here how does   that affect your your work life and your personal  life for me it's it's a lovely place to live   you know it's always been very friendly even  when i came up years ago and the people here   are fantastic it's been a great sort of get me  all the time yeah that's true i see becky now   24 hours a day as opposed to 24 hours in a month  what are you gonna call your um your vineyards   well the vineyard is called home first vineyard  what made you think that yorkshire was a suitable   location for a vineyard why not are there any  others well yeah well there's where there's one   in york and there's one in leeds do you know much  about viticulture well we know how to drink wine   but that's about it so we're on a very very rocket  science what is it you put a plant in the ground   it's got good soil it gets water it's sunshine  it grows all the farms around here they um all   raise sheep but we want to do something slightly  different once you've got your vines do you don't   have any you've got to have vats and presses in  the short term it's going to go back to winery in   york okay so you'll just ship it up yeah same day  yeah pick everything uh and then ship it straight   to europe it's just extraordinary decision you  don't have any experience yeah no one grows   vines up here and you're just going for it yeah  yeah you're either geniuses or slightly bonkers   and i suppose time will tell there's only a fine  line between a genius and another isn't it [Music]   ian and becky have been living in  the run-down farmhouse for eight   months but it's the barn that needs the most work oh my word look at that roof  it's absolutely beautiful   look at the timbers yeah queen trusses queen  trusses exactly they are aren't they and we've   opened up the windows they were all bricked  up like they were on the front of the house   so they've all been opened up and the walls  going back up so there's two sets of three   volume windows to go back in but how old is  this this part of the house uh we think it's   about 1851 don't we yeah and is it listed yes  grade two listed great too listen the barn and   the house but we thought that really applied the  listing reply to the outside property uh but we've   had a little bit of a chop because we found that  it's very much nicer well i think it's a common   misconception that people think just because it's  grade two they're only interested on the outside   but at least with a building like this they're  not gonna be as concerned as if it were grade   2 star which is better than grade 2 or grade 1  which means you can't really touch anything so   it could be worse ian and becky  have grand plans for the property   the barn will be entered through large double  doors which open out into a double height hallway and contemporary kitchen and living room  [Music] a staircase will lead up to a landing   with two spare bedrooms on one side [Music] and  on the other the master bedroom and ensuite they   will knock through into the farmhouse and create  a family bathroom and further bedrooms [Music]   downstairs in the farmhouse they want an  elegant dining room [Music] and office they   hope to achieve a perfect mix of old world country  charm with a modern high chic finish [Music] now   you bought the house for half a million how much  have you budgeted for the work our current budget   is around 60 000 for the house realistically  we're probably gonna have to put another 30 000   into the pot i think that budget's a bit tight  how are you gonna stick to it it's not just about   the elements that other people do it's also  about what we can do and the elements we can   put into the property hopefully will save us a  considerable money um everything that we can do   ourselves we're trying to ourselves and what's  your deadline the deadline is uh march next year   so you are actually doing quite a lot of the work  yourselves or how much are you planning to do   the builders are doing the main structural stuff  and the steel works and putting the windows in   but then we'll do everything else that we  can around so you're sort of sight laboring   at your point and project management exactly  project manager more than anything else so you're   you're learning on the job yeah and you're running  the vines and you're laboring and your project   managing yeah yeah that's pretty easygoing  though isn't it yeah piece of cake [Music]   ian and rebecca have got  everything that they hoped for   but with juggling a complicated build  and starting a vineyard in yorkshire   i've got a feeling this is going to  be a very tough year for them [Music]   becky and ian shevlin moved to west yorkshire  to be near her parents and to spend more quality   time together after she traveled the world working  in formula one i feel like i've come home i find   it very very peaceful here and i do really truly  believe this is where i belong they're living on   site during the rebuilding of their grade two  listed barn and farmhouse while overseeing the   build ian and becky are trying to establish a  vineyard with seven thousand vines that's it   that's it if successful hove firth  vineyard will be the highest in the uk it's early summer and their team  of builders are hard at work   we've got the steel girders coming in  to make the first floor so we've got two   going in in the lounge to make the bedroom  our master bedroom upstairs and we've got   three going in on the other side to make the  kitchen and the two upstairs spare bedrooms we   got it done today absolutely hoping to get it done  in the next couple of hours really yeah definitely if it'll be messy correctly it'll  all be nice and level and uh   and we'll have a level floor as opposed to the  bed sliding down the side of the room right now   it would be a great test actually we've  got the spirit level ready we've been   teasing the builders all week about  making sure that the bubble's in the   middle becky's parents martin and june  have popped over to watch the action yeah so this is the tester look at that spot on with the steel work safely in place it's straight  down to the vineyard for the whole family [Music]   seven thousand vines have now been planted and  it's time for the next stage so what we need to do   is we need to keep the top two buds and get rid of  everything else so then you get all the goodness   going into the two buds and just leave it yeah  pretty good for the bum muscles this bud rubbing   isn't it becky's dream was originally for the  farmhouse on the hill but with the vineyard now   this has been very much my dream um especially  with the idea of generating an interesting   business from it i've always been business-minded  and been self-employed for quite a few years now   so to do something like  this is um quite interesting   becky and ian hope to produce three types  of red and three types of white wine with   a vineyard producing 30 000 bottles  a year vineyards are not at all easy   it's hard work and it's labor intensive i think  it's amazing what they've done they really do   even if the vines grow successfully they won't be  ready to harvest until 2010 so to fund the build   ian runs a business from home well i own a company  called urban junkie which is basically a boys toys   gadget online shop and i bought it before we came  up here and hope that would sort of generate some   income we've moved here and i'm absolutely  shoehorned into a tiny little office now and   just about able to still function all the money  that comes in for um for urban junkie goes on   the build in the house and it pays all the living  expenses the money is important but for becky this   move home means so much more life in formula  one meant she missed her goddaughter imogen   and little sister jasmine growing up i've been  coming ever since she's caught she's lived here   isn't that easy isn't it yeah to come and see me  now i just like helping with their jobs and stuff   and i like woody because they like animals when  these two get married there's a wedding present   we can actually bottle their favorite wine and  put their own label on two hands thirsty [Music] with the barn starting to take shape ian  and becky decide to change the specification   and their sixty thousand pound budget rises what we've decided to do is uh improve the design  uh put more design features into the property   uh and by doing that means more cost the budget  increased um in the staircase the staircase has   tripled and the kitchen's tripled we suddenly  realized that we're going to be here for a long   long time and if you're going to do do it you  might as well do it properly you know and the   house deserves it you know it's a great two-listed  bill beautiful building it deserves it [Music]   it's the height of summer and the build is  four months in the builders are cracking   on and they've already built the first  floor and the interior walls [Music]   it's going really well it's all coming together  now with different space cooking and everything   it's now time for the window  frames to be installed [Music]   but as the builders tackle the  windows becky's realizing that   7 000 vines take a lot of maintenance when i ate  this job this must be the worst job in the world   i think we're just both knackered at the  minute you know you start out with such   gusto and enthusiasm and then reality  dawns and sugar you've got a lot of   vines to maintain and it's just like oh go  at the minute everything needs your attention but while they're working hard on  both the vineyard and the build   there are exciting moments today the builders are  knocking through from the barn into the farmhouse wow that's quite amazing as one job finishes  there's always another that needs doing   the window frames now need painting but at least  becky's parents are on hand to [Music] help   it feels really good so windows in  minus the glass obviously well you   got to keep on top of these jobs because  obviously the glass covers in tomorrow   you're going to your jobs are going to be mounting  up i think playing is key part of becky's dream   is for her parents to be fully involved in her  life again well i've always felt proud of bex   i mean i felt proud of her when she was when  she was working for formula one but i just   feel proud of her for who she is because she's  absolutely super it's very nice to have beck's   back because she she toured the world three times  before she was 28 we haven't saw anything of it   it's just lovely to be part of a family again  be part of my family again it'll be nice when   you can come round for dinner or for lunch and  we can just sit and do nothing because we don't   do that do we just the next stage when we get  everything done and becky's not the only one to   rope in family ian's dad has come up from the  midlands to help with the under floor heating   i've got loads of decorating and things to do with  them which i've dropped to do this the smashing   cup where they get unveiled well together and as  far as how i feel i'm very proud of both of them   he's doing a fantastic job  even if we had a million quid   ian to be sat sat here doing nothing he'd still  be involved because that's just the way he is i can be happy anywhere in yorkshire but it's   it's important that ian's got what he  needs as well because he has to live   in it you know he's moved a long way he's  moved a long way from his family [Music] no matter how hard working  and organized in and becky are   they've still got a tight march  deadline to meet hi charlie hello   how are you doing good to see you good to  see you all right progress really impressed very nice set of doors yeah quite good wow  look at this look at that roof isn't that   lovely come along hasn't it isn't it i love this  hide these windows look fantastic as well i love   the little squareness of them so how how are you  getting on relative to your timetable are you   on twitter are you yeah we are really yeah just  because we're pushing all the time you know we're   pushing the builders the window men the sparkies  everybody are we doing all the plumbing but   um really yeah well then the fly heating  done downstairs and upstairs we've got all   the underfloor heating under us now so we're  halfway there because we've only got the other   half to do the cottage the barn's really taking  shape but ian wants my help in the vineyard so   we're basically going to hammer in a load of posts  and then put on these cables and tighten them up   spot on ian has the unenviable task of putting  2 000 posts into the ground to support the vines [Music] let's get back up here get cracking couldn't  you have built this thing on a flat bit of field   up and down up and down i'm  impressed he's fit he's doing okay he's doing fine so you're here you're running  the internet business yeah you're then   labouring around on site and then after you've  finished that you're down here knocking in what   couple of thousand posts yeah a couple of thousand  posts that's right attending how many vines   seven thousand vines the whole project  seems to be growing yeah how many places   since we started the vineyard um yeah it's  really slightly accelerating in a direction   we never thought was going to happen the whole  amounts that we've actually put in here the whole   quantity of vines means we've had to change our  strategy slightly we obviously have now decided to   look at processing all the grapes on site we want  to get a good quality wine at this these vines at   the end of the day and to do that we need to  have our own processing on site that's vital   it's it's certainly helps because it means you can  literally pick your grapes and get them processed   straight away so um we've decided to look at  the investment on that and potentially put it in   we've got to obviously get through planning yet  which is a big issue but if we get over all those   hurdles it could be fantastic their dream for  expansion could prove costly so i want to find   out how the build finances are what was your  original budget the original budget was 60 000.   we've gone slightly over that we will um be going  up to 90 000 pounds for the total budget um things   like we weren't planning on putting underfloor  heating up stairs for example you know we're just   going to use normal radiators but we decided to  um go within the floor he's upstairs and straight   away that's a very expensive problem we found  it's so good downstairs didn't we when we got   the guys here and everything you know we decided  that it would be a lot better i'm just amazed at   the amount you're taking on because what i see  is that the vineyard which started as a bit of   an adventure you know not to be a massive thing  has just gained this enormous sense of momentum   what was your original budget on the vineyard  we put 10 grand in each savings and then we   were going to see how far we could get with that  but because it's snowballed and there's so much   interest we're having to look at and getting the  planning permission for the winery it could be   seen as a quite a big gamble i mean if the vines  just don't produce we get lots of wet summers   there's always going to be a gamble involved with  you know putting the vineyard in and vines and   growing any crops how can seven thousand fines  just not work because no one's ever grown them   this high in this latitude before you shouldn't  have negative thoughts you should be positive [Music] just like the vines here this project  just keeps on growing the specification for   the house has gone up the plans for the vineyard  well they've snowballed and most worryingly the   build is already 50 over the projected cost and  they're just over halfway through now as ever   ian and bex are being very enthusiastic  and confident but i can't help thinking   that they're significantly underestimating what  this project is going to finally end up costing [Music]   ian and becky shevlin are midway  through the renovation of their   grade 2 listed farmhouse and barn in yorkshire as well as project managing and working on their  build they're also attempting to establish the   highest vineyard in britain but it's a steep  learning curve neither us know what we're doing so you've got to have a go aren't you such a big  project they're trying to get on top of either   the house or the vineyard is quite difficult  [Music] with autumn approaching all work is now   focused towards the barn but the recent heavy rain  has given them their first build headache [Music]   kind of well i would say a flood but it  is a flood actually the waters come coming   up through the barn well to resolve the um this so  doesn't happen again we're just starting to trench   out all around the house fingers crossed it'll  stop the problem happening they've managed to   dry the barn out just in time for the arrival  of the new kitchen and handcrafted staircase we've been working seven days a week you know this  seven o'clock in the morning so whenever we finish   at night and to actually see something a room  that's going to be finished and clean and tidy but as they progress inside the heavens open again which means the unfinished drain outside could  flood the barn once more just started pouring   it down so we've got a bit of a bit of a flood  and we've got to quickly get some um digging   going on to actually start getting rid of this  water if we don't get it done we could be in a   right mess and we've assumed the kitchen's  just started going in can be real problems the plan of attack is to get this little  digger which has just arrived in the nick   of time hopefully and just start  getting a new drain put [Music] in   with no let up in the weather it's  imperative the drain doesn't overflow it's going to work otherwise with kitchen's  not getting staircases nothing as well [Music] after an anxious few hours the new trench carries  away the excess water and disaster is averted a really nice end to what started after being  quite a rough worrying day you know with the   water praying that it wouldn't come in thank  you feel better for that now all right come on [Music] it's bonfire night and ian and  becky are throwing a party to say   thank you to all involved in the project we've got about uh 50 people coming got  loads of fireworks but loads of hot dogs   so most of the family are coming and the  friends and workmen have helped us here   they are all invited the guy  fox's head has fallen off [Music] oh it's a fun night for all but there's still a long  way to go before the house is finished [Music] the onset of winter means  the vines are hibernating   on the build the plasterers  are tackling the farmhouse but ian and becky are nowhere to be  seen that's because they've jetted to   monaco it may be time off but it's no holiday  they've got a previous commitment to fulfill   they run a go-karting team consisting of friends  from becky's old days working in formula one and   today it's the annual monaco karting competition  you know often people don't get away when they're   doing builds and things we have been working flat  out you know we've only been here about a day or   two and already i feel completely relaxed and  chilled out and it's nice to get away from the   farm and the vineyard it is like  a mini grand prix weekend it   it's very representative obviously the used  part of the circuit where you've got the pits   we've found we always need to be challenged you  know like this coming to monaco it's a challenge   you know we don't just go and sit  on the beach that's just not us being in monaco at least gives them a  chance to appreciate how much time they   can now spend together we obviously didn't see  each other quite as much as most couples would   um which was difficult at times but it  also brings you closer together so now um   now our relationship we were together pretty much  24 7. it's absolutely fantastic so it's actually   made us stronger sometimes i do feel it's like  it was against the world and to have somebody   like that is you know it's phenomenal because  that means you can keep going 100 miles an hour   because you've always got someone to catch and i  do feel that there's always someone there to catch   me if i fall and i think that you know once in a  lifetime relationship that's really nice i mean   i've told you that before haven't i yeah but it's  nice to hear it i'm usually drunk when i tell you after a couple of days in monaco  and a reminder of their old life   it's straight back to the  business of their vineyard   their ambitious plans for a winery on site means  they need to do some research ian and becky are   visiting an established vineyard and winery in  gloucestershire for some expert advice hello three choirs have been established for 36 years  and they now produce on average over 300 000   bottles of wine every year so to produce the best  possible wine then it to have winery on site is   probably the better way to do processing the  grapes yes it has to be the ultimate the sooner   you can get the juice out the better we bring our  grape juice into here fundamentally english wines   in general are trying to retain fruit character  and therefore the quicker you get it into bottle   the more of that you're actually capturing i mean  myself and becky both sort of vineyard virgins   so you said it's like not an exact science how  long do you think it's going to take us to sort   of really pick up on how to actually make this  wine well i've been making wine here since 1988   89 i've never seen two years that have been  the same and i learned something every year   so i think when you think that you  know it all you're probably in trouble   if you use the advice that's around you'll  make good wine it was a very inspirational   trip i thought it's nothing that we can't um  achieve that i don't think do you know definitely   achievable just gonna take a bit of time a bit  of planning a bit of time bit of money [Music]   with the march deadline looming all  work is focused on the farmhouse   and ian's keen to get his new office set up it's very very tiring you know sometimes  i don't know a date is we just want to get   finished now we just really want to get as  much done before christmas as we can [Music]   stay outside becky is recycling  the old stone from the barn   this was dry still while in course i went  on in here for 10 weeks i absolutely love   it it's really good even becky's dad is working  round the clock to help get the house finished   i have coated the gates the three gates the  outside wall and [Music] crush stone the yard [Music]   hey hey charlie how are you busy as ever yes how's  it all going it's going really well thanks yeah   what about the build is that is that on track  is that going well well yeah the bill's a bit   earlier actually you're ahead of schedule yeah how  on earth is that possible we just haven't stopped   to be honest we just you know seven days a week  12 hours a day just on and on and on and on and   on and we've obviously got really good contractors  here so they've pushed us along a bit as well so   we've got the bar and the house going so how's  the the planning application for the the wine   making side of it going well we've currently  we've put in a recent application uh but it was   um thrown out on a technicality we've got to push  it's just proving to the council that we actually   do need the winery which we will do we need to get  in and get practice to make sure everything works   and we know what we're doing and the flavors  and the alcohol levels and the sugars and   everything else we don't know about  yet and so we need to get going with it   don't you ever just just find yourself going how  did we end up in this situation i mean i i think   it's amazing but you know you've got to go and  buy bats how do you make wine do you know not yet so where's the proposed place for the winery oh  it's up there come on we're going to show you   and how big is it go down keep going bit  further closer to that wall pretty big   yeah it's going to be a good  size bet go a bit further down   like that yeah that way like that it's  going to be around that sort of size   and then around five meters tall and and  dug into the hillside that's quite big yeah and it seems it's not just their business plan  that's developed first place is for the backyard   becky's dreams for the future are growing too really so it's like it's nice being back up here  with you know lots of families and kids   around and everything yeah it's great kind  of makes you want you to have your own really   that would be the next step and the house is  done once the vineyard and the winery is set up   think about a family and think about filling some  of those bedrooms i'm incredibly impressed with   ian and bex who are working really hard but what's  concerning me is this vineyard they've put an   enormous amount of money and effort into this and  there's no guarantee they're even going to produce   good grapes and what's more without this planning  permission the whole scheme could be in jeopardy the worst snowfall in 18 years has swept britain   but that doesn't stop ian working to get  the house finished for the march deadline yeah we're we're certainly uh getting on with  the build it's it's just taken absolutely all   our time in all our energies to get this  far but uh just gotta keep going the girls   stayed over last night and they're uh i think  they're busy giving back some birthday presents   are these for me yeah god daughter imogen and  little sister jasmine are visiting [Music]   oh wow look at that thank you thank you  very much in here that's brilliant that's   my new desk have a lovely day becky happy birthday   lots of love helen and julian imagining  oh that's super duper thank you very much   it may be a celebration downstairs but ian is  losing confidence in the vineyard and winery the winery looks pretty um remote at the moment  uh the planners just make it quite difficult at   the moment hopefully they switch on a bit more  to it it's just one of those things it's a big   worry you know and when you've invested tens of  thousands of pounds in a project and to think that   somewhere down the line that you're not going  to get what you need to actually carry the   project through it's a bit a bit disheartening  and it is it plays on your mind a little bit if we don't get planning permission for  the winery yeah we've got a real problem   and potentially the whole project could be off   you know i'm only going to battle so much you  know we do fight and we will fight as much as   we can but you get to a point where you need to  say right forget it so at that point you'd have   to just dig all the vines up sell the stock  on and let someone else have a dream [Music] a year ago ian and beck set themselves  the ambitious target of restoring and   converted a listed farmhouse and barn and  establishing a vineyard here in yorkshire   incredibly everything is finished on time  i can't wait to see how it's turned out   it's hard to believe that 12 months ago  this building was a wreck but ian and   becky have managed to turn a dilapidated  shell into this luxury five-bedroom home hello hello ian hi there hello bex how are  you fine how are you this looks wonderful   you pleased very pleased yeah  come on then show me inside wow it's very grand isn't it [Music]   i mean it's very sumptuous and luxurious in  here but you do still get a sense of the old   bar in the old building and how does it feel  every morning when you wake up you come out   of your bedroom and it's it's kind of done that  must just be an amazing feeling it's absolutely   amazing you actually walk around and think ah  we've done this you know and it's it's how it's   how we designed it yeah it's great now actually  not just the sort of finishing touches but just   having like the heating working the the end  of floor heating's fantastic you know that's   one of the biggest pluses for me so uh yeah  i'm really really happy about it's all gone   i should walk around and think oh  that's my kitchen my dream kitchen and then you go in the lounge  and the lounge is just as nice [Music] where the balm was knocked  through into the farmhouse   there now stands a grand dining room [Music]   becky has blended country cottage charm with a  modern finish to create a striking look [Music]   fantastic the roof is beautiful i can just imagine  lying in bed and staring at this fantastic roof   structure it's a very calm quiet room and then  your beautiful views yeah the view is special   i have actually officially got view envy that is  something else isn't it yeah it's stunning what   do you think your secret was in order to keep  on schedule drive i think driving determination   blood sweat and money you just got to keep going  it's great now to look at the building and think   you know we've really preserved the building  hopefully for the next hundred years to me it   she looks like she's smiling again you know you  you have a bond in with the house and it's like   your own personal um friend you know you feel  like you've taken her and dusted her down and   put her makeup back on and then she's all all  cute again with the house you managed to stay   pretty much on schedule but what about the  budget realistically um i think we've done   okay but we've spent just on the house around  120 000. i mean in hindsight clearly the sixty   thousand pound budget was was never no it was no  we were never going to achieve sixty thousand not   unless we just did it on complete developers sort  of mentality not spent any money on any extras   at all you know just gone budget all the way and  we could have kept to that but we didn't want to   but i mean it's a lot of money but it's a lot  of house that was in very poor condition [Music] their budget may have doubled but this was a  substantial project and they chose a high spec   finish throughout that is a special view isn't  it [Music] over the last year ian and becky   have toiled over the land creating home firth  vineyard but after some serious planning issues   it might have all been in vain the last time  i saw you the big question mark hanging over   everything was whether you were going to  get planning permission for the winery   has that happened well at the moment we won't  be granted planning permission just for a winery   uh the council want us to prove ourselves uh and  develop the business further um so at the moment   we can only take sort of baby steps we're hoping  to get planning for our agricultural building   this year well in the next sort of few weeks and  get that put up so we can at least house the new   um tractors and things that we need to yeah start  harvesting the grapes and then hopefully from that   then move on and get the uh winery set up are you  both still confident about this venture given that   you're one of the if not the highest vineyard  in the whole country because when i first heard   about it i thought you were mad we've been able  to do some comparisons now between other vineyards   which is slightly lower down and surprisingly  we're on a par if not better so your vines   are growing faster and better in vineyards  lower and further south that's right yeah   that's extraordinary yeah but for ian and  becky this move wasn't just about a vineyard   how have you found working so closely together  this year oh it's lovely isn't it fantastic yeah   this is like hours together and i wouldn't have  wanted to do it without him how do you feel when   you come home come down the driveway you see the  farmhouse on the hill it's quite amazing really   they've always had that dream you know just  being a little girl and seen you know the hat   the farmhouse on the hill and a little bit of land  and doing a barn up and everything and then now   we've actually achieved it then there's a great  sense of satisfaction a real inner like you s   my soul is at rest here this is where meant  to be this is where i feel like i should   have always been and it's been brilliant to do  everything we've done but this is this is where   this is where your heart is it's all just  worked out perfect it's like a dream i often   feel like i have to pinch myself  you know it's like am i dreaming   this have i really got everything i've ever  wanted you think god yeah we have wherever i've been constantly amazed by ian and beck's  sense of adventure combined with their work ethic   and organization in an epic year they've planted  an entire vineyard and created this fantastic   house in its stunning location really bringing to  life bex's dream of the farmhouse on the hill now   as to the success of home for vineyard well that  is in the hands of mother nature and the plans [Music]   next time the taylor family swaps  suburbia for rural adventure in wales are you ready for this the egg has landed [Music]   wow [Music] wow [Music]   you
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 102,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: architect george clarke, architect guidance, barn conversion, country living, countryside living, diy home, family home projects, george clarke, home makeover, home renovation, house restoration, interior design, property conversion, property development, real estate, rural life, rural renovation, vineyard establishment, yorkshire farmhouse
Id: 0aKcmEXOplA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 22sec (2662 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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