West Highland Way + Ben Nevis Thru-hike | 103 miles, 7 days

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[Applause] all right where the hell is Lee gone where's league on where's Lee [Music] and that's the final challenge after 96 miles oh which way are we going oh that way we're lost already me Rufus and Lee from the West Island Way hope to do it in a week and Ben Davis at the end it's good but yeah you can dog pop please don't have ratchet all right the only thing about Scotland you've got a pack for the cold weather absolutely freeze in here not this in Jurassic Park huh welcome to Jurassic Park five miles in seven to go Sonic uh cooling down a little bit they knew what they were doing when they made nuts called the company Big D ude oh thank you thank you very much loads of signs here don't feed the ponies it says professors on the second wind yeah he's we just cannot keep up with them he's absolutely booting it bro oh what's he found let's have a look oh yes oh my God like excuse moment we'd be warned about expect this karate it's called Corner kill this is Chronicle that's Connor kill a bit we were planning to sleep on the top of it but there's a Woods right next to it so we're just gonna see how close we can get tonight look for campsite now it's not bogs everywhere if it comes to it we're going to pitch next to the path because we are allowed to Camp around you um I'm just going to try and press on for a bit we'll go but now we're a light 20 past eight which is like the one standard one we've got seven hours 15 miles can't find anywhere to Camp yet no uh half hour after light one o'clock is Saturday night we've been walking for four hours and 58 minutes 15 miles 10 miles five hours have a piece on food from the tent wow ah look at this guy cheers 15 miles smashed out since dinner time pick the Fantastic spot yeah just thrown it in time before the sun's going down Lee's new Zed packs he stopped in Glasgow for literally bought it today is brought out for the week I'm gonna zip unfortunately it's not good it looks like it's going to be a good sunset tonight look at that so it's lava coming up over the horizon droof is doing some essential checks here where the hell's League on six o'clock in the morning and Lee's gone I don't know how long he's been gone we're guessing uh Zed packs didn't work very good and he's gone to the local shop to buy a van Gogh that's the only thing we could think yesterday we got a hell of a piece on so we started about one o'clock in malgai come all the way this was a nice part through the country Park got a little bit more boring then um a lot of quite straight routes again nothing to see but I don't know anyone too bad came up here the road walking went to dry man when we got there then we decided instead of coming back up here we followed the Rob Roy picked up with it yeah and we are somewhere up here I think just before Connor kill it looks like we can resupply our water there now and then onward following the lock curry pot noodle for breakfast just gone down who knows coffee time a bit of a grim morning I think Lee has plowed on ahead just to uh have a little pimple slowly but we're doing the same thing today we're not going to uh push ourselves we might not catch up with them with us right Lisa calm down man calm down you're sticking up here you're sticking up this app right conical down on the Loch Lomond and we're following that all day we're just coming up chronic hill now it's steeped in mystery some say the first time Snoop Dogg visited he took this holy smoke that's been covered in Mist ever since welcome to the most walked Hill in Scotland look at the repair job we've had to do on this all right you've got to ride it on the bike oh you know why I should be doable man it's done in this is uh Tom Weir Scotland's most loved monkey man apparently the legend one yeah what an amazing spot these guys are up can't even see the end the lock one them Islands out there is full of wallabies I thought you said koalas he likes it all right the koalas they're the ones are called media are they they're all bees right there we got A plus one now Eunice has joined us where are you from uh I'm living in Switzerland but I'm from Germany ah right there you go extra one for the trail corner we waited until we got to the car park and there was loads of people about until we started changing we go into our kegs and uh that girl left us then so I don't know if it was because of that I'll catch up to it later we're going to quite slow today so these roots are mad for a little bit of energy drink following the lock going up and down a couple of really steep bits yeah it keeps you in the same old faces quite a few different people on the same route as us so uh are we gonna get a camping spot at that body we'll see if not we're just gonna cram inside I think first proper break really sat down for a chill as hell for you that's falling down here it's prop ruled right stopped in the road down and hotel we're on the Pepsis all right stealing a bit of electric getting on their Wi-Fi for a minute why not 10 feet [Music] in time at the zoo coming up foreign [Laughter] a Kill come all the way along the coast and we are where are we here bro we're down on hotel room so we just need to get sugar fell away mate up to you so sad one two three four five kilometers right without meal fish and chips it's been 75 quid in two days I need to slow down the spend ah look at this made it on cakes and stuff oh they look nicer stuff in here mate I do I'm on the spend lately it's lovely now we're on the beach again topmost hands yeah the feet out take care of them tots this guy's found a mint spot right next to the beach keep going still looking for a campsite mile till the body it's gonna be something nice it's been hard go on this track got steep drops all the way around those are steps it's good fun though feeling a bit greener on the girls slow my Pace right down you see that or I lose my lunch there's a mountain up there it looks insane look at it take some climbing together oh look at this time in yay for 10 seconds on one two three four [Laughter] don't look like he's enjoying it that's it [Music] he's having a lovely little pad Leo he's enjoying himself here oh my God all right sir about 15 seconds all set up from this nice little spot just right for three Christian girl crazy that looks really good at this don't I yeah I whacked some white meals yeah nice there's something better than mine I think I put a little bit too much water in there I'm gonna have to simmer it again now pulled pork no I can't go wrong with that they are nice man banging mince beef hot pot I have to put in here to simmer at night I haven't even tried this yet and I can tell you I'm not gonna buy this again it's literally just mashed potatoes some of the smallest meatballs you've ever seen in your life a tiny bit of edge just putting some pictures up on Instagram don't check his Instagram [Laughter] this is unbelievable scenes some speed that right here's the camp I was so not gonna jump into bed and realized I didn't even get it on the camera both the boys are watching Colin Russell attempting the West Island Way what's happening syncing the videos together you know watching this separately I think we've seen the best of the sunset now it's been amazing views get my head down start all over again tomorrow D3 the warm for yesterday is walk on the midgies up they're not crazy bad but yeah although uh bodies are a bit broken this morning calves are very tight it's only a 10 mile left today so just plod along with just on the flat all the time hey there's some hilly bits from the body I think originally you go do the knock every time you go on a body oh nobody yet the smell of fire has been on last night all the gear no idea so some Smirnoff Ice there a party for someone tonight there you go just sign the book oh this is looks like everyone's added something to this save the life of a friend yeah it's not all smooth today then because yeah this is where the old bridge was we should go over there what is it really can't be maybe it's a dock or something got like holes in it there's a holes bear something screwed on the top of it I've done good authority from a lone Explorer the inverse nade Hotel gives you the squats so I'm on the orange blueberries cooking in the beer garden Why Not Who want the bag I'll keep the bag I'll drown some bowls for breakfast [Music] Burger they tried to get some Break Even they're not serving so I'll show you your balls up they might have dodged a bullet well I am for breakfast Pepsi a on sweets I found a bit of traffic no nice little cave if it's raining got some proper dramatic bits now coming up and down through these boulders now we're getting the views beautiful this is the main path you've done it just walking past this big beast now I'm not for sure what this is foreign this is what we're having to deal with today it's supposed to be the easy day this is the kind of walking we got all day you gotta stain your toes there's about going those little bits Bear right I just sat down for five minutes ended up with two ticks on my arm lucky I spot them before they sunk their fangs in I feel a bit itchy all over huh [Music] literally to the end of the lock give me um Gloria Sunshine down here we're in our t-shirts top of that Peak right in the distance that's snow I feel like a smiley face aha all right he's not getting another shot actually it looks a bit nicer mindless sleeping platforms right next to fire we have to sign the other book huh any more spoon of ice yeah empty bottle of wine that's a that's good [Music] perfect campsite look at this reviews we can see the pub it's across the road across the river we're just hoping there's a couple of pictures in this campsite now if not it's a long walk back to go there's no cabinets on finding the look at this spot don't worry about that Bean glass campsite the tents are up hold up now hold up who's serving here now we're gonna find out you can always adds around you could have seen it yeah [Music] can't stamping is out the window now it's what this game is called class class it's USB fire can scan standing's gone to my Sweden days it's dead no one I can't stand something oh oh [Applause] two down it's gonna be a white wash ER how's the Gentle Touch yeah I try to get him oh yes that's the pro version of it oh yes fine did you put my nut before you even not now that's what that's gone up since they're ducked down all right without it oh yeah oh it's that game over bye-bye swallows going in out there hey you know Nest up in the corner yeah quite taller this now so we would have started off down here somewhere we came up I think camped up somewhere here I know we fight the rest of it right at the top one of these has got the wallabies on I don't know which one is the old hagas nearly hunted to Extinction these days you know that's right that's pretty freaky ever I have mucked with it a bit but found some burger bags of cheese so exactly a big package I also need that guy long before Nebraska yeah that's the only reason that's me yo what are you doing man where's League on it nice man we're hunting Lee we found a track smells like it could be within yawa yeah so fresh going down North is he keeps sitting on that door it's harder when you're holding poles and a camera okay she did some epic views today catching up with Elite sorry sheepies look I stopped off for breakfast now possible porridge is our Banshee drink nobody tasty those huh like like the peach one is lovely it does a job it's looking a lot more Scottish now I think being treated to the scenery today morning geez [Music] still no signal Lee we're slowly plodding on I think it's a town halfway now I might get a couple of supplies and then onwards to Tin Drum right we're in a little camping pod and charge everything up wash your clothes or shower just live in luxury it's a lovely little Forester how to identify trees from a long way away number 14. the large the lodge I've come in for a little look at this graveyard um it's on like a big burial Mountain and they found markings on some of the rocks from 7th or the 8th century there's not even any church nearby or anything it's a weird one okay so there's a graveyard this is an old ruined church next to it like it's been to strathfieldian with grams can a Coke bananas and fudge Lee's already in the pub he said but we're not far off now a legend of the Lost sword could it be in this lock all these Zen rocks here I have to add one to the top of this now Pat shop it's back in business thank you what the hell like keep your finger forward here we are staying in Nevis Tower oh yeah yeah I mean oh we got a microwave man could have cooked a microwave meal up yeah on a fridge you want to be a walker I drew first yeah spike ball in the Posh shed I am absolutely blitzed I could easily go to sleep it's about five o'clock foreign these two boys are fresh so yesterday we came from being glass Farm just follow this River gave a lot more nice views when I was hoping to expect came through this lovely little Forest oh fathers that's a better point though actually over here in the syndrome it's nicer than the map makes out you know it looks like you run next to the road and stuff I didn't enjoy that I guess see yeah I enjoyed it today we've got a big day possible big old beasts all these have overtaken us already at least 15 or 20. oh he's putting up the pace yet but to be fair they're all day pack I saw there's a big mama up here on the same height of snow done there's my enemies but that they're off the pass today so I might've got a plastic bag with two white patches on the side Andrew made this I'm getting treated some wide open Vistas today I feel very sleepy now craving a bit of breakfast I could do with the coffee and orange juice I think an egg roll we're walking down the bridge of orky I got a feeling it's just going to be four houses there something fingers crossed for the burger van look like a dice Bridge of orky come on Bruno on the cafe don't hold that much hope I don't want [Applause] to Waddle down the steps ah look at him giving it the big one yeah there's something I know morning let's hope vegetable eat don't bother I couldn't get served went to the bar she's had to go with the table the guy just ignored us and walked back and forth 10 times go somewhere else take your business elsewhere we've lost Lee a bit of a claim was like 300 meters and uh we got a bit of a turn of speed done anyway feeling quite fit now bursting into little jogs huh look at it Wild Wild West [Music] absolutely stunning the views just keep getting better and better this is amazing over the top of that one stop there for about snacks a little bit I feel like we're about to get wet so got the old trousers on rain is properly now just the Scotland we all know or love can I suck an outside and we need to press on I was commissioned under 1803 to build New Roads yeah pretty cool this is his road then [Music] just another little Texas in between the fingers there feels like he's bitten me because uh and feels a bit funny you know third one I've had the road me on my arms huge huge landscapes it's getting Breezy down here we might have to pitch up in the woods tonight we'll see how it goes stop for a break for 10 minutes we've been chasingly for the last hour we think he's trying to beat just the pub he's showing his competitive side yeah the boy's got hot but there he is we nearly got him you can smell this scent it's getting very close you're silly gone by [Applause] Covenant snow clown is spread out and he's just a heads just behind all that to scramble the yellow coats on again throws it again a bit soaked I should have got my trousers on as well Glencoe Ski Resort silver snow on the top even though it's me and we're looking for the king's House hotel now hopefully he's gonna be somewhere to camp nearby [Music] Glenn Court hello what's this foreign [Music] the whole way down we'll reach uh Glasgow tomorrow evening and then on to Eden off well done good luck too [Music] try again Rubble after the best view in the house yeah there's a deer just chilling out in the hotel car park yeah just don't give a stuff man let's examine the damage below yes uh about 15 ducks gang rape and a female duck down there just now he's probably sniffing like what the hell's gone down yet well well look what I just pulled up my leg perfect yeah hold it off is Worthy gross man it's a madluck already but yeah it's like a massive fight what have we got uh Christmas is how you play they're all in this go all in the middle there's a piano but yeah but all I know is Still Dre I better not bring them shoes now yeah I did learn that yeah yes he's a big boy knee geez I want to meet them on the trail you and your rights I tell you that's an interesting book foot path no I don't know laws are changed it could be 1980. okay let's figure this out date but finds may have gone up slightly I was like taking eggs out of a nest 50 Quid per egg which is nothing sir this is Lee's new z-pack which model is this huh oh the blacks yeah the blacks the ones I've seen they've just been Velcro so that's a bit bad though I suppose nice plenty of room Nifty little spot there's meat Leslie there's the pub unbelievable spot all the facilities on the cost also in this little uh tip bit that's probably good man basically chiquitika with rice what do we think of Lee's campsite here it's basically cheating when you're gonna bring a pint to the campsite they're not I don't know Drew for living it up with his real tour Matt and we got my Expedition Foods is our neighbors now apparently this beer and Wi-Fi at this world campsite [Laughter] [Applause] oh yeah where's Lee yeah I think you get the gist of this trip 6 45 nearly packed Lee does seem keen on being on his own for this trip oh well um truth is just packing up now I may as well cook up my breakfast I think hang about for him as well now today's bracky all right Tin Drum to King's house started here on the campsite and we went past some big mountains then being all draft uh been oddha been Doreen past bridge of Oaky don't bother with the hotel that we found this one instead much better nice little shop some Jay's coffees uh ring kicked in about yeah and Lee overtook us somewhere here and we spent the next hour chasing him down um caught him on and we were going up the hill came around to Glencoe Monkton across the road and we stayed at King's house there just across the bridge [Applause] thank you Glenn Court you are a stunner have fun this morning headed for devil stickies going up to about 500 odd meters I think we drop it down the other side down and pause let's just keep getting bigger a lot there he is man Ure get that tour any boys it's devil staircase that's not too hard so far I don't know if it's gonna get steeper or what we just came across Lee he's explained that he's in some severe pain and uh he's gonna try to get the next tone and obsesses his next choice his next move we got 29k today Ben Nevis tomorrow if I was him I can't tell what to do but if I was him I saw a camp halfway tonight 15K and unless he can finish the trail tomorrow and another 15K give you guys deeper sleeper guessing that's a megalithic rock looks a bit too well placed tonight outside the hill now coming down the outside of the devil's staircase that was ten if you're going about three hours chucking down rain I'm staying nice and dry anyway they've burnt all this it looks really fresh and new passing these huge hydroelectric color pipes shoot the water down the hill as fast as they can spin the turbo and make electric Al I think is it gonna blow it's a water coming out of the power plant wow dumped a few extra tons of water in the river aren't they shows we're nearly that anyone know what this beautiful looking plant is smells exactly like pee another little technical bit after kinlock 11. we got message from Lee saying uh he's gonna make it to Fort William no matter what happens whether it takes him one day or two days so that's good I'm glad he's not trying to back out haha but you might not do Baron Davis tomorrow so could just be still doing that we'll see we're gonna do a time check here starting 12 27. see how long it takes us to get the bottom there now time check all the way down here 12 55. 28 minutes and look what's ahead same again oh we'll get it in the end please keep out I am bored of this track of this track of this track oh my God goes on forever they don't tell you about the yesterday the boring bit well I think we're on the final Valley now should be heading towards the forests and pitch on one of them tonight we think we may have the first glimpse of Ben Nevis there our campsites just before it but when we find one hopefully it is oh it goes up higher than I thought because apparently remains of an Old Fort on there almost try attacking that with it that was an idea for a potential campsite tonight whatever think about this huh that's tomorrow's challenge you can see the path going up the side there set up at last in the woods we've got to just Chuck a tense up dive inside because there's uh midges ever foreign [Applause] that was a long one don't know Lee how far Lee is going to get but it hopefully meets Us by tomorrow now I've got one more meal I feel like I want it now I might have to go the youth are still mind for another meal starving yeah and if I don't fall asleep look at this Wii scanner oh my God that is a serious sized tick I'm lucky he's outlining the outside of this I'll check my legs and stuff now this is the state you get in when you're trying to organize your tent but you don't open the door for the midges and ticks King's house to benevis we came up here fold this route to the Dell staircase and this was a big day as you'll see so um this felt quite long to get back down it started getting quite chilly up here we came down into kin Loch Levin oh no I didn't realize it's two different times King Lockmore King North 11. bought a couple of things in the co-op resupplied uh we walked up through the woods this was the most boring section of the root when we got these trees it got a little bit more interesting so they have chopped down a lot of this came all the way around all the way around we camped we walked up this little path there tiny bit ready to smash bananas tomorrow just to warn you I'm about to show you my feet not too bad but what the hell is going on with that looks like you're full of potholes blisters starting in there not too bad otherwise really laughs it's the point of saying these socks up to driving it uh nice look look who's crawling about on my jacket half six chocolate box for brackney breakfast they will be hitting the slopes little Forest location served as well and plenty of bugs we've just hidden the tent all day 1300 meter climb coming up come on let's throw the tap outside this restaurant we open this fresh water that's us for the trip I think head in this Arena a lot of people do bear nervous who brings all their kit though tentness sleeping bag the lot you've got to push it one more foreign up to 600 meters weather starting to cool down we're just about to hit the clouds someone's told me the top is above the clouds but with some epic views now cruise ship coming into Fort William replace the camper that lock there you change your drink not sponsored by realtor man but if you want to I'll be happy come above the clouds I found the snow very surprised to see that in the middle of me troof has burned me off now he loves flying up amount then it's taking it slow so I'm going a little far off the top we've been there restaurant there was a couple arguing behind me just now because you don't even touch my feet anymore when he said I well there's a time and a place reverse in the glass yeah I think you better start picking your own route all right that it is the Buddhist temple is a monk up here he'll tell you Fortune if you pay him uh in Blood Money there's no hanging over the edge yeah first time I've mentioned this on this trip but I bought this on D1 intend to take it to the body I've carried it 100 miles she has a drop yeah highest drunk man in the UK well I'll be drunk falling off I'm On Top Of The World Mark I'm on top of the world after the snow in the middle of me come on he's got high up now Sam foreign you were struggling yesterday and we were saying to him cut it into two days instead of doing one long day because he wasn't going to do Ben Davis so I think he's come a long way yesterday um now instead of meeting us at the hostel tonight he decided to go the extra two kilometers into town and he said he's gonna book a hotel or get a train back um I don't know he knew we were staying in that hostel so I'm not sure why he wanted to do that but that's up to him finishing up at the Ben Davis in cheers come on I need the bathroom this is where we camped last night yeah it came up the mountain track the zigzag the only way up in the snow I'm just talking with the camera uh 13 45 yeah covenants no I was surprised at that back down we went to Ben Davis in for one come back when we're at the hospital tonight foreign [Laughter] best food I've seen on the trail so far Glen Davis restaurant good value big portions home stretch two miles to go got a massive banana I think that's mine I'm just going to weave her all the cars I've seen huh yeah I got tricked into a sing song by the uh Switzerland boys add a bit more energy than I'm used to in the morning as you can see I'm not looking too fresh this morning but you did have a bit of a party last night could be that let's get the Fort William in yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] all right job done um I'm gonna say the best bit was being glass Farm campsite there was really good a few new people the worst bit was after the foresting kinlochlear run I found that bit really boring it took forever to get to that uh probably you should have brought a better quilt because I was using my baby bag every night I think everything worked pretty well expense for me it would have been the up and down steps and coming along yeah yeah Kings Hotel I'm out there by the bridge in King's house yeah that was really good that was it'll work well it didn't use a few things um my dumb crouchers we've got a good laugh damn in the Elks we'll add them packed over the tree top 10 with really well yeah zombie the hardest part for me was probably the second leg of the locker room climbing over the rocks and stuff like that that was quite hard going getting off moving out yeah absolutely wrecked my feet um best bit seem to do that but from the my glass sorry Elvis Farm seeing everybody good food beer everything worked at all my kids were absolutely well nothing like well except for my Australian Brothers way way way too thin like like a Terrain I think but anyway still topped out still not Tapped Out still got to the end on top of the old man on his head what's up yeah really enjoy oh and the uh at the hotel in Glasgow was fine yeah well enjoyed good effort from everybody all right thanks for watching don't know in the next adventure is going to be not for a while let my feet recovering shout out to these tada I think we're gonna have a good Sunset LOM yeah Andy romond yeah hello m o n d o r d lock Lomond all right [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Adam & Cat Bushcraft
Views: 2,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: West highland way, Ben nevis, thru-hike, thru hike, thruhike, wild camping, camping, Scotland, wild camping Scotland, 100 mile hike, ben nevis hike, west highland way thru hike, scotland camping, the west highland way, loch lomond, hiking scotland
Id: uc_GoQF3u58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 25sec (4165 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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