Wes Anderson on Moonrise Kingdom | Film4 Interview Special

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[Music] dear suie here's my plan dear Sam my answer is yes dear Suzie one dear Sam where dear Susie walk 400 y due north from your house to the dirt path which has not got any name on it turn right and follow to the end I will meet you in the meadow where's the boy I'm told that he's just been struck by lightning [Music] the movie set in 1965 and that really uh that I don't know that it's essential that that that it' be that time period um but it sort of came about because um the island where we filmed the the story is actually since 1962 it's it's not really an island anymore it's connected by a bridge to to Newport Rhode Island um and it's changed significantly it's a completely different place from what it was there's another Island where we filmed part of the movie that that is still accessible only by fery and it's sort of a Time Warp so I wanted our movie to be in that America that existed you know that it's just one generation earlier the year is 1965 we are on the far edge of black Beacon sound famous for the Ferocious and well-documented storm which will strike from the east on the 5th of September in 3 days time I wanted to make a uh romance between the two 12year olds uh that was um more powerful than they really knew how what to do with and that even that the parents you know were kind of overwhelmed by it that it would that it was kind of out of everyone's control what kind of bir are you I'm a sparrow she's a dog I said what kind of bird are you and as I was working on it I ended up sort of having something happen where this I de said this girl in the story would be a big reader and in fact she's traveling with a suitcase full of um fantasy books and somewhere along the way I started thinking more and more that the movie should really be one of her books kind of um and that that really ought to be our form that the movie is the sort of story that the two characters in it would want to read where is your sister I don't know but she bought my record player for 10 days without asking what does that mean dear Lionel I need to use your record player I will give it back in 10 days or less do not tell Mom or Dad I will replace the batteries when I return signed Susie Bishop Walt where the hell are you here why are you cursing it does it concern you that your daughter has just run away from home that's a loaded question a 12-year-old with a crush is that's really the whole world for that person um and in the same way that I remember when I was that age I would when I would read a book that the book would be my whole world and I would sort of lose a sense of quite what is reality and what is the book and it was the same thing with it you know the um a romantic feeling at that age you sort of lose touch with what you it's like you're entering into a fantasy right then and I wanted to kind of do something that related to that were you followed I doubt it good is that a cat in [Music] there can you read a map uh-huh I do cartography people should go halfway today and halfway tomorrow since you're less experienced tiger and wearing Sunday school shoes they're not really Sunday school Sho oh thank you here's where we are right now i' like to pitch Camp here by 1600 which means 4:00 how I sound fine you want some beef jerky okay let's go the big thing with with working with children is finding them because you know they're not you don't you don't just say oh I want I mean sometimes you can say if we could get the kid from such and and such but most of the time you say we have to find somebody and both of our main characters the girl suie is played by Cara Hayward uh and uh Sam is Jared Gilman and they are people we found in their schools they hadn't been in anything before but in the case of Cara her audition which I you know the fir my first exposure to any of them is is a little quick time on my computer which I'm just watching hundreds thousands of these um and her audition she G gave every appearance of making up the words as she spoke them it it scene I'd seen done so many times that I had come to hate the scene and for the first time uh this girl is doing it just as if it's a documentary um so I was immediately taken with her uh and thought well not only can she do it she's already doing it um with uh Jared I saw his audition and his and it was more the conversation that the casting director had with him afterwards his personality his he made me laugh and he was appealing and funny and unique for them it's they're going to leave school their whole life gets set aside and they now have to be professionals they have to be actors and um report for work every day and there's a lot to prepare that's not just getting into character but I also feel like the best way for them to PR prepare for all the other things is to to get into character and to just sort of start doing it and get into a routine with this company and become a part of the company I can't offer you a legally binding Union it won't hold up in the state the county or frankly any courtroom in the world due to your age lack of a license and failure to get parental consent but the ritual does carry a very important moral weight within yourselves you can't enter into this lightly look into my eyes do you love each other yes we do but think about what I'm saying are you sure you're ready for this yes we are they're not listening to me let me rephrase it we're in a hurry are you chewing spit out the gum sister in fact everybody I don't like the snappy attitude this is the most important decision you've made in your life they they're dressed up in costume in Period costumes and they're in a setting that's unlike anything that they're used to but for me what I mostly want to see is them just being feeling natural in it and they usually are kind of quick to do that they get used to what they well this is the way I dress for now I'm not going to dress this way uh as soon as they let me go um but what's interesting though is to see a kid uh studying a typewriter like it is the most bizarre object how does it work and what what is this uh you know uh that to me uh you know that's the generation gap all right we know they're together we know they're within a certain radius of this spot I'm declaring the case with the county right now until help arrives I'm deputizing the little guy the skinny one and the boy with the patch on it I to come with me in the station wagon Randy you drop in and head up River with the rest of your troops split up on foot Becky called Jed tell him to Circle over this end of the island and fly low it's very difficult for me to see the whole uh picture at once I I I I gather together a lot of ingredients and I have an idea of how this element is going to relate to these other ones and that we're kind of finding some motifs and we're building something but I never have a clear sense of what it's going to be like when it's all together and I'm always surprised first I'm always surprised when I see the first dailies and it has all sorts of things that we've been working on and now there they are the way they're meant to be and and I'm so this is what it's like when you add them together and then uh as the shots start getting attached one to the next that's all that's another surprise scoutm Ward I presume yes ma'am your reputation precedes you you two are the most appallingly incompetent custodial Guardian Social Services has ever had The Misfortune to encounter in a 27-year career what do you have to say for yourselves you can't do this they'll eat him alive in there where what's the name of the place again juvenile Refuge juvenile Refuge sounds like jail just find the boy and deliver him to Social Services nothing else is in your power when I when I see them in in one in in in a movie that I'm working on I say this is a bit like something we've done before I usually am you know that that's usually a problem for me and I think well you know we cannot have another yellow tent the problem is that I then say but I but I don't really have any other color I like as much for this tent so so this movie moonrise well in the Royal tent moms there is a yellow tent that figures kind of significantly in the story there's a couple of scenes that take place in this tent and and this movie they're in a and and it's really um I think it's unfortunate uh some hard wiring uh that I'm not really able to uh to uh reconfigure um and um I don't mind terribly links between links among my films because um you know I like the idea of sort of building up a collection of these different pieces that are linked together but um but I don't but I would love I love not to have someone say well that's just like what you did before I'll be out back I'm going to find a tree to chop down
Channel: Film4
Views: 408,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film4, film4 interview, moonrise kingdom, wes anderson interview, wes anderson moonrise kingdom, wes anderson movies, grand budapest hotel, the royal tenenbaums, fantastic mr fox
Id: 5E6i53flbdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2015
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