Werkspoor TM 356, first run 8 november 2014
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Onderzoeker67
Views: 587,446
Rating: 4.6713285 out of 5
Keywords: Semi, diesel, vintage, hot bulb, combustion, engine, Dutch, motor, startup, SHVP, foundation, Reichwein, Berkel, Bolnes, Brons, HMG, Industrie, Kromhout, Lister, M.A.N, MWM, DWK, Rennes, Ruston, Stork, Thomassen, Werkspoor, museum, MAN, U-boat, WW1, hp, rpm, bore, stroke, overhead, camshaft, injection, cylinder
Id: 1xoE6LGVmv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 16 2014
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