We're Still Confused About How to Sail Our Catamaran (Please help)

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all right so basically yes so this morning editing editing editing editing editing editing editing bacon get the anch go sailing over there morning everyone from a very uh Gusty four deck on Ruby Rose 2 Nick is unzipping the S bag which means only one thing we are going sailing today as always we are currently in uh Co I think and we're heading to co cup or Co I don't know behind me here only 17 Mile passage today so not too extensive but I think it's going to be a good sale actually we've got quite the breeze so should be nice Sun's come back out which is always Pleasant and I'm sad to leave this island cuz it's stunning we really hello Nick's repping the old uh Aussie Bunnings situation today heading off again before we do all that I think we're going to have some breakfast funny feeling it's uh bacon sandwiches on the menu which is very exciting I'm tresa this is Nick and this is Ruby Rose 2 our floating home join us as we settle in to life on board our brand new cataman documenting our adventures and never shying away from the reality of Bo life subscribe to our Channel and leave a comment because we love to hear from you and a big thanks to our community of patrons happy Sunday everybody um so what have we got today it is Sunday morning we we had actually a great night anchor we beded the anchor in hopefully we can break it out so let us just show you what Sunday morning is like on Ruby Rose duh the Admiral the admiral has sat there making her breakfast demands we ended up on this beautiful little island yesterday and we just zipping around on uh moped and found an artisan bakery so we have freshly baked rolls and the best thing to do with freshly baked rolls bacon so we have bacon sandwiches for [Music] breakfast apply the sauce Australia tomato sauce with everything on PES you buddy Heen I sa yours all right well all right good M sad to be leaving all right we're putting the main [Music] [Music] up [Music] Jim's just getting blanketed by the main not really settling down I don't think it's going to settle down unless we change the it's okay I don't it's not giving us any drives yeah okay all right jibs filled Main's up and this is a bit where everyone in the comments goes but what about that asymmetric spica that you guys have perfect conditions you're absolutely right um but you know we're Cruisers and when we have like 10 miles to go I'm sorry we don't put the symmetric up that's just way time we get it out the time we manhandle it out the locker get it up finally it will take us half an hour to do that get it up bring it there get it up get it down because we've got the lines all pissed yeah and we'll be there yeah if this was a 50 m passage we needed to make oh we would have it up yeah not on a 10 m p no we're doing five knots that'll do although I'm sure there are plenty of Cruisers out there who just would get that thing up at any opportunity and this would be a great one but at the moment we've got lovely downwind conditions we're doing uh 5 and 1/ half six knots just with the main up and we've got about 10 knots of parent wind what's our true wind babe wind is 14 true wind is 14 apparent wind angle is 143 we just realized we've still got a reef in from yesterday uh so we'll shake that out and see how we go yeah that looks better we just need to raise the hel a little bit more yep we we should be good all right we're putting the preventor on for the very first [Music] time [Music] [Music] don't know if I love that you have to go to the end of the boom to get the preventor on although I suppose could usually be fairly like good conditions when you I have just found out that you can't have the preventor there so it's going to have to be brought forward and TI to the m end yeah the reason is that if you if you have it there because it's obviously uh spliced yeah like it's a lot thicker that end and it's stuck in the boom yeah because the cord is thicker so it jams in there yeah the preventer needs to be brought forward but I don't love it because that's got snap shackle on it yeah and an accidental jive with a main cell that size 15 plus knots of wind that snap shackle will just go what is a better option actually running um a nonlocking a non-lock in EXO not on it I know but we've only got a little cleat oh no we don't have a big CLE but you know it's all a learning I I think on this and I'll refer back to this and also write a note in my extensive Google keep to do when we get back to talk to se about is uh how that prevent of system needs to be modified well I mean this is something we can easily do we can take it back to the U MK surely ourselves we can but we need a clip on point and also we have to make sure that it doesn't foul anything yeah cuz there's a lot running around there but I assume this is a prevented system that they use for all their Vats they don't have one for the best on the 1260 apparently is the same as a 1600 I will not cruise at deeper the 150 the May up never this we need that we can't let's put this out on the internet because I cannot get an answer SE on this this boat is uh it's Mast head rigged it's not 9/10 fractional talking to James the chief engineer on the whole c370 project he said that this boat is not meant to be sailed with just a for sale a Col s big asymmetric without the Mainer because you risk Mast inversion because essentially you're not Distributing the load on the M using the sliders on the main sale that kind of like distribute everything so he said do not sail this boat with without a main sailor but yet that is completely at odds with running a parasor which we have tried on a monole many many times to sail with the just with the main sail up and it doesn't work so there is there are two schools of thought I cannot get clarity from sea wind one the owner of whole five Phil is a whole you know there a whole love in for Paras saers so I still don't know the answer to this I still do not know uh whether a mast head rigged sper or a parasor would invert or could invert the Mast I still don't know from sea wind whether this is likely whether they will cover warranties on any Mast inversions I still do not know whether or not you can fly a paror with the main up on a catam ran I have seen pictures of it it may be that on a cat is different I don't know so yeah this is one of these whole learning things that's where we are so anyway we are doing four head knots all right we're coming into the Anchorage not sure whether this Anchorage is going to be particularly well protected or not from the swell uh it looks calm from here though so fingers crossed fingers cross so we got our 6.9 M of depth I think we'll just go to we've got about what 4 and 1/2 5 and then we'll bring her head to Wi we're at 5 and 1/2 M just wait until she's stationary okay go got 15 M out got 38 M out hey y you beautiful little birdie where's your mommy hey just like a on the deck and then leave something has occurred to me and I kind of think that one thing is that we do everything in this boat kind of half by muscle memory and half by kind of how we used to go with Ruby Rose and the monol before that and the mono before that but one thing that is bleeding obvious is the amount of space that we have to actually walk around and check stuff you know anything less than 25 knots of wind going up on that on the on the hard top is easy yeah going up to check stuff is easy going up to pull going forward is easy and on Ruby Rose we always like don't leave the cockpit don't leave the cockpit this is a lot easier oh yeah and I kind of think I just have to get to the mindset of go and check it just get up on the coach roof as long as a SE state is I mean we've been I've been up there I'm like this is not good but you know coming into an Anchorage dropping a main yeah it's pretty easy no so Chas you listening to me I'm talking to talk to you you seem to be scrolling through Instagram sorry I'm I'm not scrolling through Instagram at all what are you doing I'm looking at places to go this is my life I researched everything what are you doing this is why we do all [Music] this yeah so there's a resort here which has a restaurant this water is crystal clear and I wish the sun was out so we could see in all its Glory but we can't choose the weather it's water Clarity I think is as good as we've seen anywhere in Thailand ever it's probably the [Music] best may you like prly salad and something and some corns or something oh okay even without the sun shining this place is incredibly beautiful I mean look at this water look at those trees those palm trees on that beach we have crispy pork we have a sour tide corn salad perfect some coconut soup coming I appreciate that they give you your Pap a soup spoon such a vandalo I do like my soup vand it's a family tra I remember the first time you tolerating my soup was when you had the flu and you were so I've never seen anyone's so sick not used to be paramedic the only thing that you would eat is like chicken soup oh this is good yeah really nice I definitely got to come back here we unfortunately we can't stay this time we are a little bit time constrained for various reasons we're going to have to head back to Paya very soon but we're going to come back here as soon as possible and spend some more time down here this Resort is called Captain Hooks and uh they've got a dingy dot which is great very handy for us and it is just so beautiful so if ever for whatever reason you find yourself in uh where are we cut cut then and you need somewhere to say then this looks like as good a place as you're going to get on the entire Island it is [Music] stunning there we go you can see Ruby's tree behind me she's there this camera probably doesn't pick her up too well but anyway and if you can hear like what sounds like an alarm going off in the background is that actually sadas and we found that out last night so we're like what is that noise it's just the insects in the tree well this has proven to be one of I think our favorite places I don't know whether we're quite doing it justice on film because it's been kind of like a gray day and it's you know the colors are all very muted it's very kind of desaturated because of the cloud cover and the fact that we haven't had that beautiful kind of direct sunlight but there's just a Vibe here that I can't even put into words it's just so chill so relaxed and beautiful and tranquil tranquil is the word if you like the sound of that then please subscribe to our Channel and leave us a comment down below let us know what you think give us a thumbs up we'll see you next week take care bye
Channel: Sailing Ruby Rose
Views: 70,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sailing, sailing around the world, sailing ruby rose, boat life, life on a boat, sailing couple youtube
Id: gB23EoZUAkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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