we're leaving the farm

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[Music] do [Music] well we're about 99 sure someone's been stealing our chickens we started with four they were all producing eggs each giving us one egg a day and then all of a sudden one went missing and then about a week later another one went missing and we've had to keep them in their chicken tractor full time now we're pretty sure they were stolen because we've walked in all directions and haven't seen a feather we haven't seen anything they haven't seen any signs of a predator and chickens are actually one of the most commonly stolen things here in panama so now we have two left uh we're planning on getting a lot more but this electric fence is going to be the key to giving them a good life but also keeping them safe exactly so i just want to give you guys a little update a little little pregnancy update felt a little nauseous this morning so feeding myself some eggs and tomatoes it's interesting i thought eggs would be like like totally turned me off during pregnancy but it's one of those things that i've just been craving like crazy so i just need to put some grinding rods in can they say something no i will i see that so bro are you gonna be our tester to make sure that the electric fence works yeah you sure about that yeah that's it just 4 000. i won't die no is that what the heck this is just one of those days it's very very frustrating i have the whole charge controller apart so just one of those days where we're not making a ton of progress these guys have still been doing stuff they've been cutting up wood and getting some stuff done that we've been kind of slacking on but my whole day's kind of just getting chewed up by trying to figure this thing out and i'm calling it quits just looking at it makes me want to just sister this is your bagger you have a good time with kake all right so even though this whole project has been pretty frustrating we haven't really been sweating it because it feels like i've felt this in a while but you know when it's like the day before you go on vacation yeah and at work and you just get nothing done you don't really care rodrigo has never left cherokee which is kind of like the equivalent of a state in the united states so we're gonna take him we're gonna take him east we're driving about six hours which is about five and a half hours further east than rodrigo has ever driven in his life and we're taking him to the beach so kake is actually gonna be staying here with his girlfriend adriana is she chasing us chasing us no she's good so kake's staying here with adriana to kind of hold down the fort take care of the animals and all that good stuff and he's actually pretty excited to stay up here because they're going to be building a house up here one day so it'll be nice for them to kind of get a feel of kind of how everything works for a couple days [Music] this is this is the real highway bro how does it feel it feels good i feel like it's just like oh that's amazing look at that i'm going around [Music] how many times have you ever stayed in a hotel in your life first time was your first time in a hotel oh there are still so many parts of panama that we haven't seen yet so we're trying to take one weekend every month to go on a little trip and just get away for a couple days and just go and explore a little bit traveling is still something that's so important to us it's something we love so much so we're trying to travel as much as we can so we came down to kambutal which is on kind of the center of the country but it's on the pacific coast just to explore see what this place is all about we've heard a lot about it but we've also heard it feels like the edge of the world like there's absolutely nothing here and it's totally true oh he's shouting you're getting a lot showering bro so the name of the game with us starting this farm and living off grid and working hard is we we we play hard too so as amazing as it's been to take a couple days to just reset kind of gain a new perspective a new appreciation we're really excited to get back go see the animals go see beau and get back to work [Music] i was coming to put them inside it's okay hi sweetie tell me all about it tell me oh it's your weekend honey we're not dressed for the mountains we're not dressed for the mountains they're weird beach clothes right now we gotta get we gotta get our thick clothes sounds like fire come on honey so we got patacones which is basically just smashed plantains rodrigo is this your mom's recipe or what yeah that's my home's recipe it's with garlic it's just like it's really good you crushed her bro i don't think i ever i got a better night's sleep than i got last night we went to bed at nine and woke up at seven and we usually i'm usually too excited to get stuff done i can i get up and i'm like slept five hours i'm like yeah there's good to go yeah yeah yeah for me i'm total opposite i'm just like let me sleep another hour today we're gonna get started on the table on this side so we have our workbench over here made out of metal this one the top of the workbench over here is going to be made out of wood we're actually going to be making our own butcher block at a two by fours first thing we need to do is just take these two by fours and cut them to six feet [Music] here we go baby you guys might remember last time if you saw us build this countertop here we had a hard time with this seam because there's only one seam with glue on it so what we're doing for this one is we're using 16 pieces of 2x4 with 15 seams so it should be much stronger it shouldn't break apart [Music] [Music] it's going to move it closer [Applause] kilograms you got really nauseous i i just keep everything out there that's not right i thought salad would make me feel good made you feel nauseous kaylee's dealing with a little bit of morning sickness this morning it's just not it's not morning it's like three in the afternoon kaylee's dealing with a little afternoon sickness this afternoon one day at a time it is i heard that morning or nausea and any sickness is a sign that things are going in the right direction and i also hear it's more likely that we're gonna have a boy i heard that too you know in the beginning kaylee and i both wanted to have a boy at first we're like man we're really hope it's a boy we came up with the name starts with the j we're going to keep it a secret but we've been calling it baby j to try and like talk into existence you know all that stuff over time we've kind of like accepted the fact that if it's a girl we'll be just as happy i kind of kind of won the girl now so it'll be fine if it's a girl it's going to be baby s we're not going to tell you what it is but it's either baby j or baby yes so now we just need to wait unfortunately we're not going to know until tomorrow so all this glue needs to dry and then hopefully we get a good bond on it all i don't know why we wouldn't i wish we could have one more clamp right in the middle we're going to build the base of the table out of metal kaylee and i are if you guys know we've been watching for a while we're much more comfortable building with metal than with wood because we built a lot of stuff out of metal so i have this 2x2 square beam this is going to be it's going to be a lot lighter than the other one that we built this table is going to be on wheels so we just don't want it to be as heavy so i'm going to make the base for it out of this two by two i haven't welded in six weeks since really i found out that i was pregnant and i it's been it's been killing me a little bit it's been killing me so we we bought these masks but um they weren't good enough for like protecting from from chemical gases and stuff like this so i got this one specifically so i could weld and basically do anything else that has chemical gases because this completely is going to protect me from all those no-no's that i don't want get into baby j or baby or baby yes [Music] [Music] so with the coffee company that jordan and i have down here in panama we're really trying our hardest to oversee every single step of the journey of the coffee journey so there's basically three steps there's the growing there's the processing and then there's the roasting so right now we're currently doing the roasting but we're starting to get ready to do the processing so we have these four black tanks and arturo's on his way now with some freshly picked coffee [Applause] that's why there's so many uh panamanian coffee farmers you guys got to dance you know [Music] you guys this was picked today from the tree today it smells so sweet and like everything's like so sticky like sugary yeah and then in here is the coffee let this guy work in a coffee farm [Music] so the first step well the first step was growing the coffee but now the next step is going to be fermenting the coffee so basically what we're doing is just putting all of the fresh coffee fruits in these tanks and we're going to let them ferment for i'm not going to tell you how long because that's a secret is it a secret it's a secret sauce it's a secret kitchen yeah you can't tell anyone you know otherwise people will start doing what you do next time let's put it on before we [Music] screw yeah i am covered in coffee fruit i'm so sticky we're gonna go take a cold shower it's 58 outside but i just got to give a shout out to my boy ryan breaking out of barbara's soap he has a soap company shout out to you ryan we'll link to him down below the name of his salty virgin soap and he's a friend of ours so if you guys want some good soap some good handmade soap i'll link to it down below i just want you guys to know that you know i know i look dirty a lot of the time you got the beard and the hair and whatever but i shower probably about twice as much as kaylee does look how dare do you want honey what are you talking about that's dinner that's just dinner it's been on your face all day no it's dinner i'm telling you you were wilding today sweetie yeah but like i don't get dirty when i well my hands get dirty my clothes get dirty they always make all these excuses honey i don't like showering in the cold wind oh i gotta sleep next year and smell your armpits all night they don't smell you want to make a bet yeah goodnight honey sleep well hi sleepy beauty good morning i just want to give a quick thank you to the sponsor of this video today which is surf shark surfshark is one of those products that we genuinely use every single day and what surfshark is it's a vpn company that keeps all of your important information safe so we've actually had our instagram hacked multiple times so surf shark is something that kind of acts as an extra layer of protection that we keep on all the time 24 24 7 running in the background on our phones we're not exactly sure how our instagram got hacked but a really common way is if you connect to a public wi-fi so what surf shark does is it acts as a middleman between all your information and anybody that's trying to steal that information so another little quick fun tip that jordan and i use surf shark for is watching movies on netflix and hulu so for instance if we're trying to watch a movie on netflix that's available in the united states but it's not available here in our location of panama so we can connect to a surf shark server in the united states that allows us to watch the movies that are available there if they're not available here in panama so if you guys are interested in checking out surf shark and giving them a try they actually have a really good deal going on right now that's 83 off and three extra months for free so if you guys are interested just click the link in our description box below and thank you so much surf shark for sponsoring this video it's the moment that we've all been waiting for the moment that will either lead to celebration or absolute the last time we did this was absolute sadness i have a good feeling about this one i have a really good feeling famous last words moment of truth i'm scared mesa it's glued to the table let's go to the table oh my god are you trying to pull it there you go you did it we're gonna spend a good amount of time working with this now kaylee and i are gonna go back and forth but the idea is to turn this into something that looks like sixteen two by fours glued together into a beautiful [Music] countertop [Music] [Music] we've now gotten to the point where we know this is going to look decent in the beginning you don't know yeah like this could turn out really really ugly we were just hoping that the thing would stay together so now we're just adding a little bit of sawdust or a lot of bit of sawdust to some wood glue and this is basically gonna act as a wood filler for us and the good thing about it is because we're using the same sawdust that from the from the actual wood that we sanded that the color is going to be exactly the same just taking a couple extra steps and just doing all the little things really makes such a difference so we filled all the cracks with just a little bit of wood filler and it made it look so you almost can't see where each piece of void begins and ends so now we're just going to change out the 60 grit sandpaper for 100 and get the excess filler off [Music] now we're going with 150 grit sandpaper on the orbital [Music] and now i'm just going to finish it up with a little bit of 220. so we actually made the butcher block a little bit longer on each side just so that way we can make a nice clean cut so it's perfect perfect perfect on each side i'm scared ready keep this back good job every two hours i've been coming over and documenting the temperature of the tanks uh just because we're trying to keep a log and so next year when we do this we can learn i have some sawdust in my hand right now but when you're fermenting coffee what you want to do is just you want to keep the temperature consistent you don't want high spikes and low valleys that's why we put it up here in the jungle and underneath the shade and i can't wait for four days until we can open these things up kaylie is just staying the table for the last time it's got to have her final mark of approval look how cute she is with her mask on while kaylee's finishing up the sanding i just took a minute to grind the weld smooth now i'm going to put the legs onto this table top that we built the thing i'm most excited for right now is to use this workbench we built this because we knew we were gonna do a bunch of welding on it and to have a flat surface to work on something that we've really never had since we started working on this land we've always been working on a hillside when a weld cools it actually pulls the metal a little bit as the weld gets colder and something that i've learned is rather than weld the whole side like doing a big fat weld it's good to just tack each corner so it helps the metal fight back because it's getting pulled by a bigger welt [Music] we should set up our hammock somewhere [Music] else [Music] there's the table about 90 done couple more supports to put in but we're running out of time the sun is setting quick and i really want to shower and it gets cold so the longer we wait the colder it waits and if you guys know kaylee has a shower problem so i'm trying to get her in there i'm done i'm so proud of you i don't want to say it's not that bad because it kind of sucks although we have hot water it doesn't feel like a hot shower because you're just being blasted with freezing cold wind all right but in the rainy season you know it's gonna be good we need to put a wall you need to come over here and feel this it feels like a like an ice rink honey i'm just like skating across an ice rink yeah that's so nice oh we got the second coat of polyurethane down the other ones are gonna happen tomorrow and we're gonna finish the table tomorrow but this is we're gonna leave you guys we're gonna eat some food relax watch a movie go to bed and then get back after tomorrow we love you guys see you next time
Channel: The Nomadic Movement
Views: 254,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the nomadic movement, nomadic movement, tiny house movement, tiny house build, tiny house, tiny home, diy, panama, living in panama, diy build, life uncontained, building our own house, timelapse, wild wonderful off grid, how to, minimalism, off grid power, child, building a house, wood stove install, wood stove, rocket stove, heating tiny house, farm, farming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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