We're About to Witness a Once in a Lifetime Space Explosion Visible From Everywhere

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so even though the biggest astronomical event of 2024 is I guess the solar eclipse on April 8th of 2024 at least that's the one that everyone is talking about technically for astronomers it's not that ear it's actually the event we're going to be discussing today and it's a recurring event that happens every 80 years and so basically in 2024 we get two separate opportunities to observe something that we usually don't get to see obviously the solar eclipse but also what's known as a recurrent Nova and so how wonderful person this is Anton today we're going to discuss this astronomical event that actually might have already happened when you're watching this video or it might have not we don't actually know the exact date yet but it's happening really really soon or so thees scientist think but first let's actually talk about what it is and how all of this works and it all starts with wide Wars these very unusual objects we're going to be discussing again in a video very soon because something really important was discovered about them but also a type of an object that the sun is going to become as well this is what's known as a stellar Remnant in some sense the core of the star itself that becomes extremely dense and collapses on itself but is unable to produce a neutron star or a black hole because it just doesn't have enough Mass but it does have enough Mass to form what's known as electron degenerate matter on the inside that's able to prevent further collapse in other words it's actually been compared to a kind of an ocean of electrons that because of various Quantum effects such as the inability of electrons to be in the same place prevents the object from growing smaller and maintains the overall size and shape and most of the stars in the galaxy including our sun are going to become one of these and they're actually going to stay this way for billions and billions of years wide Wars tend to stay this way and don't change much over a very long period of time but the thing is about half of the stars in the galaxy are binary and that means that sometimes you'll actually get two stars growing older at different times one might have already become a whitew Warf and one is still in its red giant stage and if these two stars orbit close enough they actually tend to interact producing very specific very unique effects one might have already become a whitew Warf but the other one is still going through its red giant stage and so here as the red giant starts to expand and starts to basically become larger and larger sometimes it's our layers start to interact with the wide dwarf and in those cases wide dwarfs will actually start absorbing a lot of this mass and essentially create an accretion disc around themselves forming something similar to what you see right here and in those cases when these accretion discs become thick enough or actually acquire just enough Mass they reach a kind of instability period where at some point within just weeks or sometimes months they reach a point of a nuclear detonation literally a massive nuclear bomb explodes around the wiw warf as most of the acction disc suddenly turns into energy and in essence this is what we call Nova not super nova just Nova it's cool that because back in the days from a distance it looked like some kind of a new star and Nova means new and this is basically what we're going to be observing sometimes in 2024 but the thing is I've actually discussed this particular prediction almost like a decade ago I think possibly in 2016 this is when originally some initial predictions started to be made and so back then researchers actually realized something unusual about a system known as T Corona Borealis A system that we already knew was actually a Nova previously possibly at least twice the most well-known eruption was back in 1946 and it was obviously studied and observed by a lot of different astronomers but originally this particular star was found back in 1866 80 years prior because of its previous eruption and because normally you're not actually going to be able to see the star without at least binoculars or a small telescope but in 1866 and 1946 suddenly we had a new star we had a Nova with this lasting for just under one week and this was a pretty bright star it suddenly became one of the 100 brightest stars in the night skies Technically when it happens again it's even going to be visible in a typical City here white pollution is not going to hide it and so several studies from years ago essentially analyzed the active state in 2015 and 2016 realizing something really strange here the star suddenly became a little bit brighter a little bit more active produced more radio light produced more x-rays with the overall increase in production extremely similar to what happened in 1938 basically 8 years before the 1946 eruption moreover additional observations and additional studies from just a few years ago revealed an unusual dip or unusual demmon event sometime in June of 2018 and then a much larger dip in March of 2023 basically last year and this was extremely similar to a very sudden dip in 1945 as you can see here it was May to June 1945 and literally 9 to 10 months later we suddenly had this very large very explosive event as a result that particular paper predicted that this Nova will probably happen in January of 2024 well it didn't but I think it's more it didn't yet in the past a lot of predictions of various Nova usually involved large timeline errors and so in this case it's probably going to be at least plus minus 7 months now because this particular star is approximately 3,000 light years away from us being able to suddenly see it with a naked eye is already pretty impressive but what's even more impressive is actually if you compare this to other Nova and specifically are the recurrent Nova here's a very short list there's basically like a dozen or so and most of them are really well known and moreover pretty much for most of them the predictions so far have been relatively accurate the most recent one was just over a year ago and it was a recurring Nova in U scorp here the peak magnitude was approximately eight then just a year prior to this we had an eruption from a very famous Nova RS of fokai and this one is known to have happened many many times but here the brightest it's ever been was magnitude of five sore visible with a naked eye but kind of difficult this though the Nova that's about to happen is going to be 2.5 magnitude and if you know anything about magnitudes that's pretty bright it's extremely close to the famous North Star or Polaris meaning that it's going to be extremely easily visible not as easily visible as serus which is a little bit brighter and actually does contain its own wiw Warf right there but definitely bright enough to be visible from a typical City and moreover once again this is one of those once in a lifetime events it seems to happen every 80 years and intriguingly one of the scientists wanted to find out if the period is really 80 years or not and so Bradley Sheffer essentially went through various historical records looking for signs of unusual stars in this region and he did find writings from Reverend Francis Williston who back in 1789 reported an unusual star appearing for a few days in the location of Corona Borealis pretty much exactly where we expect this NOA to happen likewise sixth Century before this in 12177 there was an eyewitness report by Abbott Berard of absur of some kind of a stellar source that suddenly produced a lot of light and lasted for many days back then he saw this as a wonderful sign today we also see it as a wonderful sign but for a very different wonderful reason scientific reason it basically reminds us that modern science is super correct and helps us predict events we knew nothing about just a few hundred years ago and so I guess the question is okay so when exactly is it going to happen since we only have a few days to observe it how do we make sure we don't miss it well right now the prediction is set for April plusus 3 months so basically April May June July maybe August maybe September and so by September of 2024 we should see something the Nova should have already happened because right now the observations are very similar to various PR NOA events in 1946 and just to make this a little bit more interesting let's turn it into a game try to predict it leave a comment below with some kind of a date essentially starting today up until I guess anytime in the future when you think this might happen and if one of you wonderful prophets succeeds in guessing the actual day of the Nova oh there might be a surprise or present or something I didn't really plan this one yet but I don't know you might get something possibly a t-shirt possibly something else I'll think about it but anyway I'm going to start I'm going to go with a date that's kind of important for me personally September 27th I'll explain why a bit later so yeah as long as you predict this before it happens not on a day and not after I'll consider you a winner and if a bunch of you predict the same date I guess you're all winners kind of anyway either way when this happens it's going to be very important for the scientific Community being able to observe these events in real time and studying what happens to these Stars the red giant and the whitew warf which are the same two stages our son is going to go through as well we'll probably teach us a little bit more about what happens to these St and what might happen to the Sun as well and in case of this particular system it already has a few mysteries for example for some reason there seems to be an unusual lack of oxygen inside the red giant currently it's unknown why on top of this the scientists want to understand why there are so few of these recurrent Nova out there now previous research suggested that all Nova are recurrent they just have very different periods some of them happen every few years some of them might happen every few centuries so we basically don't live long enough to see any of them nevertheless because there are only like a dozen so far known to us in the Galaxy that by itself is a really small number and that of course highlights how exceptionally rare this particular event is way more rare than the solar eclipse and way more rare than anything else we'll see in the next few decades okay except for maybe Certain comets but most comets are pretty common and so basically in the next few months we'll be hearing more about this binary system 3,000 light years away from us with two tus orbiting each other every 228 days in case you're wondering the distance between them is approximately half as much as the distance of Earth from the Sun but because the transfer of material is about to reach its peak which is probably why we're seeing these unusual dips it means that the exposion itself is pretty much imminent it's definitely going to happen any time now and the reason I'm saying this with so much confidence is because previous predictions from for example us Scorpio were also spot on as well this was predicted years ahead had and it happened within just a few months of the predicted date same thing for this particular Nova and for many others but because this is going to be the brightest event ever possibly the brightest one we're going to see for at least another Century that's why it deserves its own video in terms of science and astronomy this is going to be much much bigger than the solar eclipse and so once it does happen we'll come back and talk more about actual discoveries and if one of you guesses the date we'll probably talk about the winner and the prize until then thank you for watching subscribe share this with someone who loves learn about space and Sciences come back tomorrow to learn something else support this channel on patreon by joing Channel membership or by buying the wonderful present tshirt you can find in description stay wonderful I'll see you tomorrow and as always [Music] bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Anton Petrov
Views: 1,425,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: t corona borealis, anton petrov, science, physics, astrophysics, astronomy, universe, whatdamath, what da math, technology, steven universe, rs oph, rs ophiuchi, rs ophiuchi nova, rs ophiuchi location, CK Vulpeculae, nebular cloud, nebulae, nebula, nova, super nova, supernova, anthelme voituret, red luminous nova, classical nova, star collision, when stars collide, strange explosion, space explosion, mysterious nova, unexplained nova, recurrent nova, what is nova, nova vs supernova
Id: W4z5ovC5kQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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