Welsh FMQs | Tuesday 11 June

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into the future and the need to build confidence across this chamber and acceptance of the reality that I am stood here as the first Minister needing to work with different people to make the institution work for what we have done in Devolution it has required different people to work together last week we celebrated well becoming the second best recycling Nation on earth that is a deliberate choice we have made in the government Partnerships within this place and outside for it to happen we can be really proud of what we have done in Devolution and I certainly am so I'm committed to behaving in a way that allows this institution to carry on meeting the needs of people in well to respect the choices they make at The Ballot Box and to think about all the things we can still do to make Welles an even better place for all the communities we are privileged to represent in this place first Minister last week you went from this chamber and gave an interview you questioned my self in that interview the time that I took off for my illness I was told at one point in that illness to put my Affairs in order first Minister your Deputy also questioned that on the politics show and highlighted it the chair of the labor group went on Sharp end last night and cited my absence here as well from illness I can tell you I was ill and I had numerous interventions from Hospital doctors and other clinicians to go out from that debate last week and accuse me of not honoring the pairing system and then citing my own illness is the lowest of low now it is a fact first Minister that in confidence votes in confidence votes all members would be expected to vote there is the facility in this institution to have hybrid voting to have proxy voting and in person voting and that are three options that would have been available to any member you have subsequently said that those two members who were absent last week would have voted for you are you convinced that they would have cast their vote for you first Minister absolutely outrageous I think I think we need to take a step back and to reflect on some of the facts it is a fact that in previous conference votes there have been pay I can tell you that directly in March last year when the conservative apply compy voted in a confidence motion against aled Morgan I made clear my position in full support for the job aled Morgan was doing but I did that remotely because I was paired for the debate I was in America leading a trade Mission so confidence votes do have pairs around them that is an established convention and the second Point around what had happened I was I think referring to the facts the fact is that for more than for around about 3 months we paired in every instance on every vote and it was the right thing to do because I accept completely that you were not well not well enough to take part not well enough to turn on a screen and that's as it should be it's exactly as it should be but that didn't take place last week now it's not for us to have a running commentary on the two people who are not well it's really important we think about that and that isn't just an issue for my own political group it is an issue for us as an institution I want those people to be able to come back when they're well and able to do so to be reintegrated not into just my own political grouping but actually within the institution and I think a lot about the choices I've made in trying to protect other people in trying to make sure there's room for those people to have a route back because I think that matters and it's why I've been prepared to take blow and to not respond to different things that have been said because that's part of my job in being a leader so it's how I have behaved it's how I will behave and I think everyone should reflect on not just what was done last week with the vote but actually everything around it and the comments that were made as well it is a responsibility for all of us and in the future I will want my group to carry on where people are real to make sure that pairs are provided in all votes of consequence as we have done in the past on the example you gave I believe standing orders indicate that if you're out of the country you can't vote anyway you can't then then so you couldn't have voted in that vote anyway so that's a very poor example to use but it is a fact that there were three different modes of voting that was available to those members if they were incapacitated and able to come in here I put the question to you I put the question to you I appreciate the I forget what role you have at the moment M Swansea West but the point I am making to you is that there is three options that were available to those members to vote they chose not to CH exercise their confidence in you first Minister the issue you have here is there was a vote in this chamber on confidence in you as first Minister you and Senior London labor figures have chose to tarnish this institution by saying it is of no consequence it is irrelevant and in fact your comments around the referendum for example when it comes to issues around the current UK government having two referenda for Devolution should mean that there is a level of respect for not just the institution but for our individual role as members the previous first minister is on the record of saying if a motion gets the support from the floor of the Senate then that will be the Democratic will of the Senate itself you clearly aren't taking the will of the Democrat the viewer this into account when you're not respecting that vote last week and it is causing huge damage reputational damage to this institution you need to act on that vote and that's what I'm asking you today what are you going to do to respect that vote that was taken here last week that withdrew the confidence of the Welsh Parliament from your tenure as first Minister I go back again saying of course I take proceedings in this place seriously I always have them I always have done and I always will I've been the first Minister for a limited period of weeks I take seriously what was said in the debate and the fact that people cast their votes I'm rightly concerned I believe in the fact that two of our members were not able to do so and that is the point Andrew arti Davis they were not able to do so and actually the the the the commentary that runs behind it trying to second guess how unwell those members are I think is deeply damaging and again think again on what those people are now listening to yes not the opportunity to come back and be reintegrated into this Parliament when they are well enough to do so but actually wanting to reach judgments in their name I don't think that helps anyone and I don't think it reflects well on the argument that you're making I do believe that the proceedings of this place should be respected I do believe that the two referenda that have gone into creating the powers for this place should be respected it's why I'm so generally offended by what this the conservative Secor state for Wales has had to say about wanting to take Powers away where the truth is he simply disagrees with the approach that we have taken the idea that there is a general Law and Order reservation that allows a conservative minister to override the will of this place uh it Beggar's belief that's been said and it has been in the election campaign in addition to the dri's bill proposal how can anyone come to this place and say our proceeding should be respected when that's the manifesto that you're supporting the leader of the Welsh conservative group supporting a proposal to take away powers from this place because you haven't won an election now that can't be the way that the future of this place works it just can't be so I will go on making the argument for the future we could have the future I want us to have after the 4th of July the future that I will be happy to argue for right up to and all the way through to the senate elections in 2026 a reformed Center that will be returned by the people of Wales and not just a record we'll have of the of the next two years but the period of devolution what we have done for our country in part partnership with others in this place and Beyond that's what I will be doing and I'm very proud to carry on making that case lead thank you very much since the Senate passed that motion of no confidence labor members have sought to excuse it away even yes saying that it's other members from opposition parties who are to blame for insisting on exercising our rights to votes yeah the pairing issue is an absolute red herring the first Minister knows that and he needs to stop pulling the wool over people's eyes there's only ever been one vote of no confidence in a first Minister before that was 24 years ago and there was certainly no pairing on that day now we've even had the labor social media team using the party's credit card to pay for ads that imply that opposition parties should somehow never agree with one another even though labor and the conservatives vote together all the time here in this sen and that labor were perfectly happy to link up with the Tories on a recent no confidence issue in Scotland he can't have it both ways it's a pretty Hollow sounding moral Crusade from the first Minister now let's get back shall we to the substance of this issue the first Minister wants a new start but it doesn't work like that does it I'm sure Rishi sunak would love to have a new start too but I'm not going to forget 14 years of destructive Tory policies and yes you know the first Minister can't may want to wish away the £200,000 Don Scandal where the Welsh public clearly think he's shown such poor judgment but he can't but for any kind of reset he must first address the problem does an apology in any way fit in with his idea of a new start so there I think three points to respond to uh the first is of course I regret the way that the last three months have been uh covered and supported and I regret the impact of the choice I made within all of the rules at the time and I would not want either myself or any of my colleagues to have had to go through that again I recognize there has been uh real damage caused to a range of people in this place it's why I've agreed immediately to an internal review within my own party to look at how we run our Affairs it's why also asked the standards committee on a cross-party basis to consider the rules that should apply to all of us regardless of which party we're in and that is me taking seriously the position that we find ourselves in and I think on your second Point around pairing pairing is not a red herring the pairing that takes place is to maintain the Democratic Judgment of the public at The Ballot Box and that is what pairing achieves uh when you go back to 24 years ago the arithmetic was very different in the chamber if pairing had taken place in the way it has done and normally does then actually we'd have had a different outcome but the vote took place and the numbers are the numbers on the day and I don't think it is an extraordinary thing to want to have a new start for a job that I've been in for two months that I've been proud to not just win a leadership contest but actually to come into this place with support of people from across the chamber and indeed within my own group and it's important to recognize that we came together after an an internal leement contests are difficult but I recognize way that different people have come together to want the government to work and to want to do it in a way that is Unified not just for our party but actually the job we have to do for the country and within that I know that the leader of PL cry points and claims about us regularly voting with others last week the vote to take down a Welsh labor first Minister took place the attack on the government that took place was a cooperation between his cry and the conservatives that's what happened and I don't and I don't think there's any any challenge in pointing that out as we go through the heightened polic politics of a general election campaign and as what you might want to do in the future I'm interested in how this government works and functions and delivers on the manifesto we've already been elected on and the promises I've made as a leader as to how we can improve the country that's what I'm interested in doing it's what I'm committed to do I wish the first Minister could see himself I really really do and and I'll read his words back to him I regret the way the last three months have been covered and reported I regret the way the last three months have been covered and reported so it's the way this has been covered it's the way it's been reported I'm a former journalist still a member of the national Union of journalists are you blaming journalists for this you blaming opposition members for the way that we voted in in that vote last week um what we have here is the first Minister's judgment repeatedly being called into question we've got the donation from a convicted Polla but then there was the issue of how a minister was recently sacked too one of the was not here last week it's been confirmed today that no formal leak inquiry was held before the first Minister decided to sat canab Blen in a letter to the Public Accounts and public administration committee the Welsh government's director of propriety and ethics also suggests that no proper investigation was held under the ministerial code either sacking a minister is a serious matter but it seems that the normal safeguards of natural Justice weren't afforded to the former deputy minister in this instance I think we need an independent investigation here to determine whether the first Minister did act with the required due diligence and within the rules which govern decisions of this significance at the very least will the first Minister explain on what evidence and on Whose advice was he acting when he did sat kind of BL one of the challenges in making choices a leader is you have to not to think about what the right choice is but you also have to consider that it's only you that can make the decision and you have to consider and balance a range of different consequences in coming to a decision I did take advice from the permanent secretary about the process to make sure it's acting within the ministerial code publishing evidence will actually uh be something that I don't think helps people involved and engaged around this and I have always been trying to protect other people from the consequence of what takes place if unredacted information is published fully I still think that's the right choice to make it makes my life difficult but it's the right thing to do and that's what your job is as a leader so the redacted information has been published the evidence such as it is is relatively straightforward and that's why there wasn't a need to go through an additional process that's the the advice I took from the permanent secretary I'm confident I've act within the ministerial code and the cabinet handbook and if you think this is a route to helping the member who isn't able to take part in Senate business at present I think should reflect again on where this leads and the different responsibilities we have I do not think this is a helpful way to want to reintegrate that member as I wish to do so into the active business of this place everybody's meant to reflect about from himself it seems now I I can't let this question session pass either without highlighting some troubling attitudes from labor towards the Senate uh in recent days the first Minister we know is totally dismissive of the democratic view of this Senate as seen in that vote last week and the contempt frankly from Labour's London headquarters was in full show on Sunday by Emily thorre senior member of K D team would be attorney general it was as dismissive an attitude towards this Senate and its procedures as I have ever heard to be honest but perhaps the most revealing interview was that given by transport Minister Ken skates on on politics Wales the priority for the labor Welsh government he said was to support uh the UK labor election campaign now I want to get rid of the Tories more than anyone but surely their priority and government should always be to serve the people and communities of Wales rather than their own elector interest doesn't this make a mockery of Karma's claim to put country before party no and if you look at what we have done just since first Minister's questions last week uh I've been part of the manifesto process within my party and I'm confident that we will put forward an offer that will make a significant positive difference for Wales and Britain I'm confident that will help us to gain the confidence of the people of Wales at The Ballot Box on the 4th of July and all of the opport OPP unities that will open up for us more than that just in this last week I've been meeting my duties to the government and the people of Wales not only the announcements that we' made on the progress we're making so I've earlier pointed out that Wales is now the second best recycling Nation on Earth no mean achievement given where we started at the start of our Devolution Journey I've done the right thing and done my duty in attending the D-Day events in Normandy a real privilege to do so and to see the extraordinary sacrifice of others I've had the work with the BMA and the health secretary on making sure there is an offer that all three branches of the B are in dispute are recommending that offer that is not an easy thing to do and we've managed to do that by working through all of the noise in public the serious work that has gone on with the health secretory to get to that point and that will make a real difference to people in every Community across Wales if that strike actually permanently comes to an end and yesterday I was in P Albert yet again making the case for jobs in the steel sector not just in batala but in Shon trra lanor and capn in cilly as well making the case for the company to look again at where we could be in just a few weeks time the reality those jobs do not have to go there is a different way of getting the best deal for steel I was proud to be there with the local member David Reese proud to be there with the economy secretary Jerry miles and two members who could be part of a future UK labor government we have responsibilities in the here and now that we are meeting and I also am absolutely positive and confident and make no apology for looking at what we could do for our country in just a few weeks time with a different partnership for Wales and Britain I believe people will vote for that Partners I look forward to the verdict of the people question three CLE Griffith de thank you CL how is the Welsh government working with the UK government to tackle child poverty Jo a question Welsh ministers an official engaged with the UK government through a range of bilateral and multilateral fora on a range of issues to try and help tackle poverty and improve outcomes for low income families we are always Keen to stress the importance of tackling poverty in all its guises as our priority unfortunately we do not believe that the current UK government has been a positive partner in reducing child poverty uh we know don't first Minister that 29% of children in Wales are living in poverty that's one of the highest rates in the UK and we've debated here uh in the past how labor in Wales scrapped the 2020 goal of eradicating child poverty uh and how we have a child poverty strategy without statutory targets uh but as you say the situation here has been made worse by the UK government particularly the conservative cruel two child benefit cap on families which leaves the uh the poorest families thousands of pounds out of pocket and adversely affecting more than one in 10 children in Wales now unbelievably Sakia starma has said that he won't be scrapping the cap um and at the same time he's saying that he is committed uh to providing over 200 billion pound for the Trident nuclear project now that clearly shows does it not that the UK labor party's priorities are actually in weapons of mass destruction and not supporting struggling families are those really your priorities as well first Minister I think that's an extraordinary analogy to draw I think when you look at where we will be with a Manifesto that'll be published in the coming days across the UK with as usual a Welsh labor Manifesto as well to accompany it I think you will see real ambition for the future of families both to grow the economy to have a positive partnership through the high quality jobs that we could and should have in Wales you'll also see ambition to ensure that people don't have to live with the indignity of low pay what that will mean across a range of different sectors and I think you'll see a genuine reforming approach to what has happened in the mess that is our current uk-wide benefit system I think when the Manifest was published the men will have good cause to think again about the ambition of what a future UK labor government could do in partnership with this government in addition to what we already do to directly put money into people's pockets the way that we look to help and support families beyond that not just the universal preschool meals that we should all be proud of that we are delivering more than 20 million of them delivered here in Wales the help we provide whether it's prescriptions or a whole range of other areas on schooled uniform as well we do those things deliberately to make a practical difference our means to make that difference need needs to increase and we need a different partn with the UK government that understands why child poverty is a Scourge with the commitment to address and tackle it as indeed the last Labor government did in lifting hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty I'm proud of what we did in the past I'll be proud of still to play a part in making a difference for children living in poverty here today and good afternoon first Minister um a few of us have raised the issue of child poverty here in the Shambo and I just wanted to perhaps take another angle on it which is linking the green agenda with tackling child poverty here in Wales the children's commissioner calls in her latest report that we should be providing free public transport for all under 18 year olds as part of the child poverty plan the youth Parliament here in Wales has also supported free public transport as well as a way of promoting the use of public transport throughout the whole of whes and finally Scotland has shown the tangible benefits with its free bus scheme for 5 to 21 year olds generating over a 100 million Journeys in its first year so first Minister would you agree that providing free public transport is a means of tackling child poverty and therefore will you do it Dean uh there are many good ideas we would like to take up now and in the future um there are also things we're already doing today of course so there are a range of schemes offering discounted and free travel for children young people that we constantly keep under review we have discounted uh bus tickets for under 22s so our my travel pass scheme we also have free travel on rail services for under 16s in a number of circumstances where they're cumed by a fair paying adult in Wales already but more than that we have contactless payers you go tick near across the southw Metro era will be delivered later this year I'm interested in how we have more means available to us I would like to be able to live on a whole range of areas but I need the resources for us to do so and we' just gone through an incredibly painful process to get a budget that balances I think in the future we may able to do something along the lines what the member suggests but I need the resource that I don't have at present and in the pragmatic Choice we've made choices at how and where we target our resources to make the biggest possible difference that's the budget that we've passed I look forward to a different Horizon with Greater Hope and greater means to achieve our objectives in the future and look forward to see if that will be enabled by the public votes on the 4th of July P will the first Minister provide an update please on the Welsh government's legislative program yes I will set up the government's legislative priorities in my July legislative statement the annual debate understanding orders covering policy objectives and the legislative program will provide a further opportunities for members to consider an update on progress the turmoil that has faced your government in recent weeks has made people question whether you would stick to your word first Minister there are many vastly important bills which this government has promised to deliver from best reform to ctip safety and from tackling homelessness to the Welsh language but people are nervous because since you took office your government has backtracked on reforms to council tax 20 mil an hour and changes to school holidays you've signaled time and again that brave Progressive changes won't be made if it makes you and your government more and popular so what certainty can we have that you will bring forward these bills and that they won't be watered down or be made less ambitious in any attempt to preserve your own leadership the reason why we've reviewed a range of the areas of activity uh is partly because we've made pledges to do so 20 m hour is a good example we'd already pledged to have a review of implementation to see whether we need to make any sort of changes and we're listening to the public in doing so I don't see that as a weakness it's a strength and if you look at the first set of data around the changes in speed limits it does show as we said there are fewer casualties it's about the refinement of that to make sure we're getting it right in all the different areas after more than 6 months of experience if you look at what we have been doing and the legislative program we're actually creating more space to make sure we can deliver on the radical reforming legislation that will come forward in that legislative program it will be a strength to see the space given over and the ability to deliver on a whole range of areas now I won't go through every single one of them because I have a leg statement in early July to do so but I believe the member will see the ambition of this government to radical reform that makes a real difference with and for the people of Wales that goes back to our Manifesto and looks to deliver it we be there bright as ever and I'll be proud to leave a government that will actually deliver that and make the difference we have promised to do so samel CTS since being elected first Minister you've urned on reform to the school year delayed the sustainable farming scheme and attempted to change the rhetoric around the default 20 miles per hour policy without actually changing anything so this is a labor government so bere of new ideas that is now changing policies that it itself introduced that we've been campaigning against so thank you so wouldn't you agree with me first Minister that this is a Welsh labor government out of ideas and led by a first Minister who's Hanging On by a thread well it's it's interesting that the member now decries AC he was asking for the fact actually that last week we had the first round table on taking forward the sustainable farming we are committed to a scheme that supports high quality food and drink production and meets our obligations for the climate and nature emergencies that we face that is what we are doing and we're giving oursel the space to do so and what it then comes to the rest of his comments I I admire the fact that he's advertising for a future vacancy to his group I actually think that when the public come to vote they will look for a positive partnership for Wales and Britain they will look to what his party has done they will look to the way that his party has assaulted Devolution taking our money and taking our powers and reflected that cannot be the right answer for Wales I look forward to what we will do in the future I look forward to the member retaining his place in the benches of opposition where he belongs pasm first Minister the Welsh labor government was resoundingly reelected by the people of Wales in 2021 to deliver a stronger fairer and Greener Wales first Minister as you contemplate your first legislative statement that you're due to deliver to the Senate before the summer recess on behalf of my constituents in isone can I ask you to consider how the Welsh labor government can best legislate to improve their lives the proposed bus Reform Bill is critical and crucial to improving public transport throughout isine but in particular to the surrounding communities of pontan FR and Blackwood served only by bus and this is to be placed firmly at the doors of the policy of the UK government the utterly failed thatcherite system of deregulation from the 1980s must be consigned to the strap scrap Heap by this Welsh Parliament the cold tip safety Bill the cold tip safety bill is a positive step forward in addressing those industrial scars on our Environmental Landscape albe it still at present totally unsupported by the UK Tory government however as we have seen in communities like anesty in this line with very strong concerns around the bedworth tip proposals cold tip remediation cannot be done at any cost so first minister with both the bus bill and the cold tip safety Bill what dialogue will your government have with Progressive authorities throughout the rest of the United Kingdom including the new UK Government after this critical general election thank you now I think the member sets out again the case for reform that we've committed to in the past I look forward to delivering a legislative statement that shows how we will take forward measures that we're committed to uh the bus bill and the Culp safety Bill those won't be the technical um titles of the bill but both of those will deliver a real difference I believe in providing a leged statement to allow us to invest in a future that makes sense because we do know that for all of our investment in rail it is making a real difference in the community served by rail there are many others including in my own constituency but all around Wales that are only served by bus we need greater sense in how the buses are regulated and how we invest then in a system that is truly sustainable workers already taking place in some other parts of UK I look forward to working with a future UK labor government to do so on the bus Bill and indeed on coal tip safety the legislation needs to come alongside the willingness to work together and to recognize some of the responsibilities are reserved some some are for us to deliver a partnership with willing people who recognize the Legacy we are now dealing with is exactly what we need for her community and many others around Wales question pimp Natasha ashka pres officer will the first Minister make a statement on the provision of health care services for children and young people in southeast Wales company is committed to ensuring high quality healthare provision for children and young people in Wales a comprehensive range of policies and programs implemented AC Ross the government play a pivotal role in improving Health outcomes and promoting child health and well-being for children right across Wales thank you so much for that response I was recently contacted by a constituent with a plea for help regarding a heartbreaking case three-year-old Luna from cheper has recently been diagnosed with a rare and life-limiting condition known as mps6 her specialist doctor under an iron B University Health Board recommended enzyme replacement therapy as the most viable treatment option to prolong life and maintain a good standard of living and whilst the funding request for the treatment was initially deemed not costeffective by the relevant authorities I was delighted to learn that at the end of last week Luna's family officially received approval that ER would be provided to her through the NHS Wales now they of course are absolutely over the moon however this did not come without an official appeal against the authorities Decisions by Luna's doctor and her family having to campaign for Luna to receive this treatment at an incredibly stressful time while speaking with campaigners I discovered differences in treatment from different strains of the condition Welsh government had previously given approval for MPS 1 to4 to be treated with ER in Wales however MPS 5 and six are not yet officially covered so first Mr can you commit today that the Welsh government will look into future options for expanding ER treatments for MP5 and six as a first point of call so future families that going through this do not have to campaign for treatment for their loved ones thank you um I don't think I can at first Minister's questions give commitments on individual conditions and individual treatments I do the rec Iz the members uh right to raise matters on behalf of her constituents what I'd ask is that if she'll write to the cabinet secr of Health with the details so we can understand if there are policy issues to address at the start of my time as a member some time ago in 201 we were still having debates in this place about individual patient funding requests for treatment uh and how consistent those were across the country it's the reason why during my tenure as the health Minister we introduced uh the new treatment fund that is still making a difference in making sure that new evidence-based treatments are available on a more consistent basis and crucially on a more rapid basis across NHS Wales now I can't tell from the information the members given and nor could I realistically about whether this is an issue that falls within an individual patient request whe something that could be covered by our approach to ensuring that evidence-based uh treatments are available that's why I'd ask her to write to the cabinet secretary for health so we can get a properly considered response to her and indeed any of the families who may in the same position question my CES thank youing officer what assessment had the first Minister made of river and pollution River pollution levels thank you the Welsh government is taking an integrated C and approach to combat River pollution cooperating with all sectors involved we are closely with other arms of government regulators and others including through our River pollution Summit the next Summit is in July which I will co-chair with the cabinet secretary for climate change and Rural Affairs thank you for that answer River pollution is a problem across W the Y and having serious problems with pollution with the river Tower we have raw SE discharge agricultural pollution and microplastics agriculture is are leading cause of water problems globally fertilizers pesticides and animal waste from farms and livestock operation can easily wash into River during rainfall contaminating the rivers except nitrogen and phosphorus in water is a significant threat to water quality these nutrients can lead to algal blooms including toxic blue green algae which could harm both people and Wildlife I'm requesting the government commissions an independent review of Riv pollution starting with the tower to ask and why know the member raises an important point that I believe goes across party lines uh our challenge is how we take effective action to reduce River pollution that is having an is an active problem uh for biodiversity within our Rivers but also affects land use as well uh it's why the river pollution Summit is such an important process I've seen uh the evidence on the Imp portion of phosphorus loading into rivers and the evidence that's been peer reviewed does show that it's rural land use that has the biggest impact it's why we've got to have a conversation around this not just with uh people that make use of rural land but actually with a range of other sectors too that's part of what the river pollution Summit process allows us to do we're also going through uh nrw's fourth cycle of River Basin management plans that's a key mechanism for improving water quality I do think as we go through as we get to draft stages it would be worth a conversation with the cabinet secretary for climate change and Rural Affairs about whether there's an opportunity for an independent peer review at that point around the plans now that's something that I think it's well worth the conversation between the member and the cabinet secretary to understand how we get some objectivity into not just what the plans are but how effective they're likely to be and then how they get reviewed as they are implemented James Evans first Minister there is a worry in lack of accessibility when it comes to reporting pollution instances to Natural Resources Wales numerous constituents have contacted me about the difficulty reaching their enforcement teams especially via the phone with one person when they finally got through being told by natural resources whales we physically don't have the people here to respond to emails or answer telephone calls this communication barrier is actually undermining public confidence in the regulator's ability to tackle water pollution so can you outline what plans do the Welsh government have to support nrw to address these communication issues so when River pollution is seen it can be reported and dealt within a timely manner um I I think it's it's a fair point the member raises about how members of the public can contct nrw and actually have a response that demonstrates that the issue they raised have been taken seriously and then the ability of nrw as the regulator to be able to act on that information as well there are always challenges about resources it's it's an undeniable fact that over the last 14 years we have uh we have taken money out of services we'd rather invest in uh I'm interested in what a new partnership could look like but equally how we get the best out of the resources we have which I think is really the memb point the member's question again I'd be grateful if he'd write to the cabinet secretary for Rural Affairs and climate change to understand the particular issues his conss have to see if there is more we can do within RW to make sure they're able to respond to the concerns that his conss will raise and I'd expect if there his concertive raising issues and others will have similar concerns that we'd want to understand how we can take for question Scythe Peter Fox what assessment has the Welsh government made of the number of children on NHS waiting lists in Mia uh I don't have data for Misha specifically but comparing an iron Bon Health Board data from April 22 to March 2024 the number of Children's pathways on referral to treatment waiting lists uh over two years have reduced by nearly 78% despite total weights for children's Pathways Rising just over 2% for the same period of time so progress is being made thank you first Minister I know you would agree with me that that um children we for treatment should be prioritized certainly for certain conditions and but recent case workk is showing that that isn't the case in my constituency a young boy um who has been experiencing knee pain uh um was advised by a senior phys physiotherapist that he had significant damage to his ACL and M MCL ligaments and needed an MRI scan his GP also was concerned at the boy's lack of movement and made a referral to the orthopedic specialist the family received a letter that their son was on the waiting list however even though the boy was class as urgent there would be a 43 week wait time for an initial appointment first Minister I was shocked to hear this and I've obviously written to the Health Board my concern is that timely and fast treatment should be a priority for young children who are in a phase of physical development they need to be dealt with quickly for long-term consequences could be profound for them so what uh action is the government taking to assess the scale of this problem um and what is your government going to do about it yeah look again I I can't come on the individual circumstances I'm pleased that the members written to the Health Board directly about it to understand uh if the wait times are accurate or indeed what could be done bearing in mind the condition he describes there is always a challenge about a number of the different things we need to do in and for the Health Service one is the ministerial oversight and the member will know the cabinet sector for health um regularly scrutinizes uh waiting time's performance in health boards uh and actually is a key part of driving improvement within that the other parts are resources and in our budget the member will know the NHS was the biggest uh area of additional spend with a rise in more than 4% which a member knows the relative figure England was about 1% so we are putting within our reducing real terms budgets more money into the NHS but it doesn't mean that it's flush with resources cuz actually most of that spend goes under staff and that comes back to my second point which is about what it's been so important to have an offer that can get the three groups of doctors back to work and resolve the industrial action you need your staff in the service able to treat and look after people but alongside that not just to pay there's a commitment to reform and productivity a point that the cabinet secretary has regularly made and she's right we need to make sure that the product activity levels we saw before the pandemic are reacquired and then further improved that is just about having enough people to do the job it's how they work alongside other people to reduce the long Waits we have got and then to get away from putting lots of our resource into reducing waiting times almost always for Hospital based treatment into the service we want with more investment further Upstream in primary care and preventative service have a genuinely sustainable service into the future that is exactly what we are doing we need the resources we need the reform and we need to have staff who are in work and being productive around that to do the job that they want to do as well I can all our question and finally question eight Luke Fletcher so with what discussions has the first Minister had with Brien County B Council regarding support for residents adversely affected by the ad bed scheme I have not directly been involved in these discussions our officials are in regular contact with briend County burough Council the Welsh govern awarded a 2.65 million Grant fund to the council for remedial works on affected homes a fully accredited contractor has been appointed and mobilization works are well underway to address the issues of very real concern thank you for that uh answer first Minister and I understand uh that warm Works has been commissioned to deal with the installation repair scheme um but residents in kaida uh in the slby valley have been contacting me with concerns they've uh lost faith that anything would will be sorted given the amount of time that this has gone on for they're concerned that there's no talk of compensation despite residents needing to Fork out thousands of pounds on repairs to their homes this is of course a saga that has gone on for over a decade and one constituent has told me that her daughter is 12 so for almost her entire life she's lived in a home plagued with damp and has no known nothing else now I wouldn't accept these conditions you wouldn't accept these conditions so can I get a commitment from you to today uh that the government will provide whatever support is needed to expedite this repair process in partnership with bcbc to put this right but also as well to consider compensation for residents who enter this government's uh scheme in good faith but ended up getting burnt but it's it's worth just reflecting on the history and the reality of what uh the affected group of people have gone through um this was funding on the arbed 2 scheme from 2014 15 course arbed 1 was in introduced in the one whales government this was building on the work that was done and most homes under that scheme are seen a real benefit where the work is not done appropriately it does have a very real impact on conditions in the home so the external wall installation that was instored in K uh was funded by the UK government's Community energy saving program and the real mief at the time is there was no requirement for guarantees uh for the quality of the work now that has meant that people haven't had an individual remedy to go back to the installer it's why the council through its own resources and with a Welsh government grant is now undertaking the remedial work that was agreed previously by the then Minister for climate change judie James who still retains responsibility for housing and the work is now being undertaken uh it is important the work is done and under high standards and we then need to see if there is a future remedy for the individual home owners the challenge always is if either the council or the government provide additional resource for the people affected that's resource that can't go into other areas but I recognize there a very real Injustice for those people so I'd want to keep an open conversation with residents the council and Le our own housing department but the priority must be to make sure the work is done to a proper standard and people receive the benefit they thought that they were signing up to thank you first Minister the next item is the business statement and announcement and call on the tra treven to make that statement Jane Hut thank you SL two oral statements have been added to today's agenda namely on the context for and approach to the next spending review period and on six goals for Urgent and Emergency Care two years on draft business for the next three weeks is set out on the business statement and announcement which is available to members electronically Dar Miller the also is TR I'd like to call for a statement from the cabinet secretary for climate change on household recycling I'm delighted that due to the hard work of residents across Wales Wales has one of the best recycling rates uh in the world that's great news but we also need to make sure that recycling is easy for people and that local systems work uh label Ed demer Council uh has just spent Millions on scrapping its popular easyto use and high- Performing uh blue wheelie bin uh co-mingled recycling collection service and instead it's replaced it with a very unpopular trolley box system which has been making recycling a nightmare for local residents uh and it's cut down uh the residual waste collections to every four weeks now the roll out I have to say has been an absolute shambles waste collections have been missed there's beenin clutter all over the streets uh and litter everywhere too and it simply isn't good enough so can I urge the Welsh government to instead of promoting curbside recycling only can I urge you to promote simpler household recycling systems such as that which was previously used uh in dener to require bins also to be collected at least once a fortnite in the interest of Public Health and can we have a statement which confirms that that is the approach that the Welsh government will take thank you thank you very much uh Darren Miller and yes uh I'm glad you welcome this fantastic announcement that Wales is now second in the world for recycling Testament I would say to the partnership working I mean it's partnership working that supported our journey including the vital role of our local authorities including demire uh County Council of course uh and increasing that amount and quality of resources that local authorities collect for recycling um just in terms of the introduction of I am demish of their new recycling service we welcome this introduction it should put them in a very good position to achieve the 70% minimum Target which begins this financial year um and you know I recognize they launched their new recycling West was service on the 3rd of June demish have moved to a service which is in line with the Welsh government's best practice set out in the collection's blueprint you ask for that be confirmed I can but also just to say in terms of preparation demish have been working on the implementation of the new curbside sort service for the past couple of years that's working with their public the people they represent in preparation for that 70% minimum recycling rate uh that came into force in April 2024 and also in implementing our collections blue print which is aligned um to the new workplace recycling requirements and let's just remember what this is going to achieve for us for the the planet left alone for Wales it means that we collect high quality recycling which can then be fed back into the economy and wales's high recycling rate has already contributed to a saving of around 400,000 tons of CO2 every year so I'm grateful for the question that I can put all of that on the record this afteron afternoon I'd like to request a statement from the cabinet secretary for culture and social justice outlining the discussions that have taken place with South Wales police following the rest last week of 19 Pro Palestine activists in less than 40 48 Hours an extensive list of signatories have signed a statement with calls directed to southwales police but also calling on the political establishment to respect the right to protest one of those arrested in Swansea was a 12-year-old Palestinian child and many others here in Cardiff are students the police approach is obviously directed by the cruel UK legislation regarding protest but I'd like to know the Welsh government's position on this and how we ensure that people are able to protest and show support when that is very much needed a and you you raised a really important question um obviously as a Welsh government we have stood up and spoken for and really embraced the the right to protest and right to to protest of course which has been threatened and undermined by UK government legislation which indeed we resisted um and as you recall um when I was in the role as Minister for social justice um we we we addressed those points and the impact it would have on our Democratic this is about our Democratic right to um protest but also um in relation to the the specific incidents and you given um you've given an an example today well I will ask the cabinet secret for culture and social justice to to look into this particular uh circumstances and situation uh and perhaps just to say that you know we recognize that throughout not just Wales but um across the UK there are these protests there's peaceful comings together um of of people raising the issue of what is happening in the in the Middle East um and to recognize how important this this this means to the people who are infected because of course it's Community cohesion and recognize recognizing that this is um a an area where you know we we want to engage with the communities um the community all the communities that are are affected G Davis um can I also ask for another update from the Welsh government on the disastrous trolley box uh uh Bin roll out in denishire this course comes within
Channel: Sky News
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Keywords: sky news, sky, news, live, wales, fmqs, Vaughan Gething, welsh first minisiter's questions, welsh, welsh politics, welsh parliament, welsh nhs, welsh news, welsh tories, welsh senedd, welsh labour, welsh minister, welsh first minister, welsh conservatives, welsh liberal democrats, nigel farage, the labour party, british politics, wales healthcare, davies healthcare, politics, uk politics, parliament, government, westminster, andrew davies, andrew rt davies, davies drakeford
Id: hRei_ghn3EI
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Length: 54min 10sec (3250 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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