Welcome To The LARGEST Koi Fish Farm In The USA!

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in this video I travel to New Jersey and visit the largest koi farm in the United States at this place you will find half a million gallons of water thousands of koi from Japan aquatic plans and Brian the owner of fit fish ponds today I am visiting the largest Japanese koi farm in the United States my name is Evo and I'm the koi partner and on my channel we visit the most beautiful koi ponds Gardens and koi Collections and we also meet some amazing people who share the same passion for the Japanese koi fish and for today I got some really really exciting news to share with [Music] you what's going on guys I'm Brian from Fitz fish ponds the founder and CEO and I want to welcome you to the largest koi farm in the United States definitely watch this video to the end cuz we have some really exciting news and some awesome giveaways but come with me inside let me show you the barn all right guys so right here we're in the heart of the whole operation this is the headquarters on the farm we have offices and conference rooms on either side but this is actually where we store all of our product for all the PM builds and all of our online sales all over the US so come with me I'll give you a quick tour Evolution Aqua filters here Atlantic product over there guys live fish going out today we ship koi all over the US and these are some online orders headed somewhere in the United States Virginia California yeah we ship everywhere so come with me I'll give you a quick tour of the upstairs This Barn is actually 50 years years old it was a dairy barn and we inherited this beautiful 30 by 150 Long Barn but here got to check this out all right so this is where we keep a lot of our lighter product filter media UV lights bof fall skimmers we build koi ponds water gardens every type of water feature we do that here at Fitz fish ponds so we keep all this inventory in stock at all times for our stores and our customers so if you're pump brakes you have a problem with an air raater we have that stuff here we can get it out same Day to you really amazing space I love this spot if I had to pay for real Warehouse spacing it would cost me a fortune so I'm really grateful to have this beautiful barn and this is just half of it this is the hard Goods but all this product keeps these amazing koi fish alive so let's go see some koi all right guys welcome to the defender my Farm's so big I've getting a little tired walking around so we have this 1990 Diesel right-and drive Defender imported from England and a couple K trucks so let's go see some small koi and we'll build up to some massive 100 cm fish so come along for the ride all right guys so right here is our quarantine Greenhouse where we keep a lot of toai and new fish that come in so we've over 19 tankes in this greenhouse all with individual filtration for biocurity most efficient here are Nissi and toai sometimes a little bit bigger depending on the shipment but currently just niss and to here all right guys so I say quar and I refer to toai and Nissi toai means koi that are in their first year and Nissi means anything after toai before their second year so a one-year-old and 2-year-old koi generally about 20 in and under so and also quarantine the fish come in from Japan directly so we have to get them healthy and strong and used to the water here in America so getting them in here acclimating to our current water conditions is a big part how we can make sure you get the healthiest koi for your pond and 19 tanks it just would fit in this 150 long foot Greenhouse this greenhouse was actually built just in two weeks a few years back before Co one of my buildings burnt down and I found this Farm to buy after that happened and I had a koi shipment coming in 2 weeks and I was like all right guys wooden tanks pond liner let's get it done as fast as possible but as we get to the green houses with the bigger koi you definitely have to see these massive fish you can see how the greenhouse has improved over time and uh the wooden tanks are great and fast to do if you want to get into this as a dealer or just a hobbyist in your garage build some wooden tanks but I can't wait to show you guys these massive koi and maybe some really cool surprises and giveaways in the other green houses I mean here are three of my favorite breeders that I deal with in Japan shintaro marsay and Shinoda maybe I did it in the right order I don't know but we are one of the largest importers into the us so we have great relationships with all the Breeders out there and we're really happy to work with them and bring some of their best koi into the US for your PR on all right guys we're on our way to the second koi house uh this koi house has mostly TOA in it one tank of Nissi uh and you'll notice we have a lot of tosa here that's one of the largest parts of our business yeah it's fun selling 100 cm koi every day but every single week we have hundreds of small koi going out so right here we call this greenhouse sauna Greenhouse we name it that because it gets pretty hot here in the summer in Jersey so it has four 4,000g tanks with multiple different fil filters on it cuz we want to keep that water Perfect all year round for the fish every tank is heated and um yeah this is this little 16,000g Greenhouse where we has a lot of fish so let's go check it out all right so this is a toai and Nissi house here so many little fish every year I think I buy too many and then we sell out every year so I'm in Japan yeah I'll take 1,000 here 2,000 here 3,000 here and we load up the tanks and then we get them out the interesting thing about buying this many COI from Japan is the best time to Shi these coys in the winter months because it's colder and that's also when the Breeders have the fish available so it's not like I can just call them up and be like hey guys I'm out of 5 to 6 in toai what do you have they they're done right they don't have space in Japan they want to get these fish out so they can focus on keeping their taoy so we buy all the toai in the winter months get them in here get them nice and strong so then we can get them to our customers we do a lot of wholesale business as well as a lot of retail business so if you're a hobbyist looking for that like really special koi I definitely have it so when you place an order with us we have one of two things we have Pond packs available on our website for small Koy and we also keep koi as little as 5 in that are higher quality available on our website so they're listed there for sale individually or if you're looking for something really special just let us know we take the koi here we usually only feed a few days a week right now so we're not feeding on shipping days and then pack that KOA in the summer time we put a little ice pack in there and we ship it next day air right to your front door all right so you saw the one-year-old fish which we refer to as toai these are two-year-old fish Nissi you can see the size difference here really big some of them are almost 2 ft but a nice mix of koi here and these are wholesale and Retail fish so these will be available on our website or anywhere but you can definitely see the size difference and the pattern and the quality of these koi we are daily scraping and checking our koi for any parasites and we're always doing preventative maintenance we want to make sure that we're always selling and shipping healthy fish we're scraping regularly once a day to make sure our KO are healthy stay on top of all the water parameters here we have three full-time people in the fish department and then we actually have a licensed fish vet that comes to our farm every other week just to do a once over and check on anything we have over half a million gallons of water here and a ton of fish so to stay on top of it it's an undertaking so this greenhouse here is two 15,000g tanks temperature controlled on either side right now we have all these Co from dichi koi farm in here SanSai and up and then we have a mix of a few different breeders in this tank this is one of my favorite green houses I just come in here at night with no staff is here I can actually relax a bit and I feed some of these massive koi so if you want I can pick a few koi up and we'll have have a good look at them all right guys here we have a Sansa yellow monkey almost 70 CM yellow monkeyy read by daichi koi farm it's a really high quality ginrin karashigoi I've never seen ginrin so deep on a koi and the body structure other breeders would wish their four-year-old koi got this big so when I say SanSai that means three cuz in Japanese s is three and then yansa Yan means four so really cool to have this many dichi koi in one location in the US check out this beautiful showa from dichi this is the Mona Lisa bloodline it's 4 years old 75 cm really gorgeous fish great pattern all right guys so this is Champion 2 we have Champion one behind us we keep more of the traditional Goan stuff here's the maritina Sagi aagi is one of my favorite varieties it's such a really cool Koi but having a nice tono spot with this other orange or Benny on the back of the fish so we'd call that a Marian aagi it's a Nissi 2 years old uh really beautiful fish good pattern and uh very symmetrical but how cool would it be to have a little tono maritina Sagi swimming around in your pond but really cool it's almost like a KO gin on it you see on the very edge of the scales but it's not a perfect koi without a doubt because it wouldn't have left Japan but it's a really cool little fish to have in a water garden or a pond and it's awesome I love it this is a really special koi and it's from a breeder that normally does not breed butterfly koi in Japan if you can guess the name of this breeder Below in the comments you're going to win a prize so comment below who you think BR this beautiful butterfly koi and I'll give you a hint it's not suda and it's not yamasan all right guys on to the next Greenhouse we call this greenhouse the ICF Greenhouse it stands for insulated concrete forms this greenhouse is 80,000 gallons it's home of six tanks all individually filtered uh we actually won an award for this tank uh last year it was a national award for most creative product built with insulated concrete forms so this this greenhouse holds temperature really well every tank is heated in here and it's really good for keeping large koi so let's go see some beautiful large koi the First Pond here has has all fish that are Sansing up so really nice stuff from Maris koi farm spectacular really nice Kai showa there just came in ginrin red karashi we make it so easier for people to get qu they want they're here in the US they're healthy and they're in a 20,000g ton that's the size of almost a swimming pool but these green houses go 20,000 4 10,000 gallon tanks and then at the very end another 20,000g tank but big koi will need a lot of water to stay healthy tank has dichi Nissi 2-year-old and suda 3-year-old koi but look at that daichi power the Nissi are bigger than the suda SanSai and huge bodies on these koi all of them come with certificates and they're really good strong koi some are just under 24 in so they're perfect for like a young koi shell and a lot of the customers have been looking at some of these fish for a few of the young koers that are happening here in the US but some of my favorite fish are actually in this Pond all right guys so we have some amazing news today fit fish ponds and the koi partner are teaming up we have a new partner on our channel it's going to be very cool we're going to do some very amazing stuff we're going to promote our pond and koi hobby all around the United States uh we have this amazing farm where we're going to record content for all of you and as a big surprise Brian is willing to give to do a giveaway and he is going to tell us what is going to do yeah guys so just below click the link subscribe to our newsletter check out the website and then two lucky people are going to win a gift card of $250 each and I think it just makes sense the largest YouTuber in the coin industry and the largest coin Farmer in the US decide to partner up uh and we can't wait to share all this amazing content with you guys
Channel: The Koi Partner
Views: 18,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: business insider, business news, koi fish, koi, japan, fish, expensive, luxury, fish breeding, fish breed, carp, jon b., blacktiph catch em all fishing, rawwfishing, joey slay em, paul cuffaro, pond, catch em all pond, largest koi, best koi, dream koi, buying 5 dollar koi for my mini pond!, fish trap, feeding koi, buying koi, koi in japan, fish store, tour, koi partner, koi breeding, fitz fish ponds
Id: c6xSDA_FEkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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