Welcome To Enlightenment | Beavis And Butt-Head | Comedy Central Africa

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uh where are we I think it's like Arizona or something greetings Travelers and welcome to Enlightenment I am the Buddha uh okay let me introduce you to the others who are here ganish so few humans make it here welcome Jesus bless you my children Zeus Kudos and uh Bill Gates hi I've been meditating for 5 years he also donated a lot of money to some Buddhist nonprofits this place is neat huh a lot of money so now you are here at the end of your lifelong journey Enlightenment the place of Serenity true wisdom and Freedom From Desire so we have to be here instead of attention yeah that sucks is there anything cool here at all would you like to hear the meaning of life uh no sounds boring but it's the meaning of life you do realize that's the reason people come here to learn the meaning of life that cloud looks like a butt it's a butt in the sky it's a butt what are we going to do about them do not worry none may remain here in the state of Enlightenment unless they can keep their Serenity and focus well so when they lose their Serenity and focus they must leave never to [Laughter] return hey um in Arona do you have like food food does not exist here here we are free from all desire uh that sucks yeah really yes it's enough to make you lose your Serenity and focus is it not although technically you can manifest anything you want here with the power of your will so uh uh and these are fantastic those bows were given to me by the first Dal Lama in the year 1392 yeah yeah Mr vanre has the same ones his are from Cost Plus World Market yep same warmth yep whoops someone should clean that [Music] up oh
Channel: Comedy Central Africa
Views: 50,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: skqFJXZGhc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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