Weird Yet AMAZING Products That Only Exist In Other Countries

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- [Narrator] From an electric heated carpet, to a crazy inefficient keyboard, sometimes it seems like other countries get all the cool stuff. So I've compiled a list of the top 20 weirdest products you need from other countries. (calming music) - Amazing. - [Narrator] Number 20, condiment tubes in Scandinavia. In Scandinavian countries like Sweden, a wide variety of foods come in toothpaste-like tubes. Mustard and mayo are two examples of things I'm used to seeing in bottles. You can even get several kinds of cheese and bubblegum in a tube. As it turns out, the Scandinavians have the right idea. Because the product is squeezed out very little air gets into the tube, making the food stay fresh for longer. This leads to less waste and less of that dried mustard crust on the outside of the bottle. However I'm not sure I'd wanna eat all the things they put in tubes in Sweden. They can keep that anchovy cream, sounds a little fishy to me. Number 19, funky drink flavors. Japan has an interesting selection of sodas I'd like to try. Particularly Pepsi varieties. A few years ago they introduced a salty watermelon Pepsi. Which would sound like an expensive cocktail if it wasn't for the Pepsi part, just the name makes my mouth water. The soda giant also thought Japanese consumers might enjoy ice cucumber Pepsi, introduced in 2007. It's definitely one I'd like my taste buds to experience. Then in 2011 they released Pepsi pink, a strawberry and milk flavored beverage which I'm guessing would taste glorious, a little like a carbonated strawberry milkshake. Another popular variety in Japan is Pepsi White which apparently tastes like yogurt, now that's something I've gotta taste. Number 18, Japanese Vending Machines Sodas aside, Japan is known for the wide variety of other products you can purchase in vending machines. Called jidohanbaiki these vending machines offer everything from eggs, to hamburgers, to beer. Forgot your necktie and need to get to a meeting? Just grab a new one from a vending machine. They even sell a barely legal mix of dappo herbs that promise a few hours of interesting experiences. Stay away from these machines though, as one woman died after smoking a batch in 2012. Number 17, candy Here are two popular candies you can't get in America. But they taste absolutely delicious. First up, Guayabitas. Which are chocolates filled with guava jelly and happiness, from Costa Rica. Apparently they're sweet with a little sugar crunch. But if you'd prefer the chewy sensation you should try percy pig gummies from the UK. They're seriously one of the tastiest things I've ever eaten. Number 16, clever ironing board When I'm short on space I often solve my problem by kicking everything under the bed. A South Korean inventor had a better idea, an ironing board that folds up and hangs on the wall. But it's not awkward because the bottom of the ironing board is actually a mirror. Users can iron their clothes, then see how they look in them. Number 15, clever bench. South Korea's also home to the rolling bench. No, it doesn't roll away like a bed. The bench itself is made of wooden slats on a cylinder that turns with a crank. If it rains, you simply turn the crank and roll away the wet side, exposing the dry surface. Now if only I could get a floor that did that every time I spill something. Number 14, amazing cake cutter Cake is a big deal in Finland. But the Finnish people don't have to deal with cutting a piece of cake, then struggling to get it on a plate before it falls apart. The Magisso Cake Server is curved and even though its closed on both ends it acts like tweezers so you can squeeze the slice of cake as you remove it. It also cuts a piece of variable sizes, perfect for when you're on a diet, so you only want a little piece. Number 13, champagne-flavored stuff I like to live a champagne lifestyle on a beer budget. That's why I have to move to Denmark where they sell champagne soda. Even better, you don't have to be 21 to buy it. The bad news is, there's not actually any alcohol in it. And what if you're in the mood for a frozen treat? Champagne and chocolate flavored popsicles are also common. Denmark may have just the right amount of luxury for my budget. Number 12, whisky flavored condoms For a slightly more sophisticated and adult gift go to Scotland, land of scotch-whisky flavored condoms. They're called McCondoms even though they have nothing to do with the place that sells burgers and fries. Come to think of it, that would make a great prize to put in an adult happy meal. Number 11, utes I've heard of the mini cooper, but what about the mini pick up truck? In Australia, these are known as utes. Much smaller than the typical truck they're similar to an El Camino. Which fell out of popularity in America decades ago. They remain trendy in Australia and eventually evolved to have a pick up style rear. Often this has a cover so it operates like a trunk. Some utes have even popped up America thanks to a Colorado company that pitches them as modern El Caminos. Some critics call them the mullet of the automobile world. But fans love the design and the size of the cute ute. Number 10, mosquito oil One thing I don't find cute, mosquitoes. Neither do people in Spain, where they have a handy plug in mosquito oil device. With prallethrin, an ingredient that keeps a room free of bugs, its like night light to drive away those flying monsters. Number nine, heated carpet My bedroom would also be more comfortable with this electric heated carpet, available in Japan. No need to step on a cold floor, it's made by Panasonic, and the temperature can be adjusted up to 114 degrees. Not only is it stain resistant, its also waterproof. Number eight, home dry-cleaning machine I can't tell you how many times I've wished I had a dry-cleaning machine at home. Usually right after I spill something on a dry-clean only shirt. In Japan, my clumsiness would be easier to deal with because they have the Aqua Home Dry-cleaning Machine. It's front loading and uses bacteria killing chemicals to clean your clothes. So despite the ironic name of aqua, there's no water required to use the machine. Number seven, futuristic door. This Japanese door looks like something you'd see on Star Trek. An automatic door that doesn't just slide out of the way, but opens just enough for your size and shape to get through. Designed by Tanaka Seisakusho, the door is made up of strips and uses infrared sensors to determine the size and shape of the person, animal or objet about to pass through. The door also has a security feature that identifies people and can refuse to open for those not on the owners list. Aside from keeping out people you don't want to deal with the door also reduces the amount of pesky things like pollen, bugs and dirt that can get in through ordinary doors. Number six, chestnut paste If you love Nutella, get ready for the French version, chestnut paste. Called Cremes de marrons de l'ardeche. It's been popular in France since the late 1800s. The paste is made from steamed chestnuts, chestnut flakes, sugar, and vanilla. Like the hazelnut spread known as Nutella, it can be spread on toast or crepes, since this is France. It's also sometimes used as a topping for ice cream or spread between layers of cake. While it does have a delicious taste on your tongue, unfortunately its name doesn't quite roll off the tongue like Nutella does. Number five, funky chip flavors I thought American potato chip flavors were getting ridiculous with Lays encouraging consumers to submit new flavors like chicken and waffles. But apparently they've got nothing on British potato chips. Walkers makes a cheddar cheese and bacon chip as well as a sweet chili chicken flavor and builders breakfast flavor, which apparently tastes like a full English breakfast. Wait, does that logo look familiar to anyone else? If so, it's because Lays bought Walkers and rebranded it in 1989. They decided to keep the old name to ensure brand loyalty in the UK, but that didn't stop them from sending some of their famously crazy flavors overseas. Meanwhile Yorkshire crisps offers chardonnay wine vinegar chips because that just sounds so much more sophisticated than salt and vinegar, like we call them on this side of the pond. I'm not sure I'm suave enough to eat those, but I'll definitely be avoiding the haggis and black pepper flavor from Mackies. Number four, toilet sinks I have to applaud Japan for a few more amazing products. Starting with their toilet technology. Japanese toilets are known for having lots of buttons and this one even features a bidet that plays music to drown out the sound of the user taking care of business. There's also this amazing sink toilet combo where the sink is built on top of the toilet, and the waste water flows down and collects in the cistern. When you then flush the toilet, the water you used to wash your hands is recycled into the toilet for your next flush. Now that's smart. Number three, smart trains Japan is also known for its fast, efficient and comfortable bullet trains, which we really need. Some even have on board spas that help people relax during their trip. In 2014 JR East launched the first bullet train with two foot spas, each of which seats four people. Travelers are allowed to soak their toes for 15 minutes per trip. Number two, street crossings. This is another thing the Japanese have figured out pretty well. At home we can usually only cross from one street to another, so if we need to get across to another street diagonally, we need to cross two streets. In Japan though, they have diagonal street crossings, to make it all so much more efficient. The most famous one is the Shibuya crossing, which is Tokyo's most iconic intersection. And you can see why they need it, because it gets bombarded by thousands of people every day. Number one, crazy keyboard And the first prize goes, once again, to Japan. For this drum set, wait, what is that again? No, it's not a drum set, its a keyboard. This is a bit complicated and was developed by the Google Japanese input development team in an attempt to make the keyboard more efficient. Although not currently widespread, the keyboard may be helpful if you type in Japanese. According to Japanese reports, banging on these sets of keys in a pattern is so much simpler than using the standard QWERTY keyboard. The keyboard uses characters in the Japanese language, that can be entered with a single key stroke. So instead of having to press conversion keys all the time, characters can be inputted much faster. It also supports emoticons, so you can easily express your feelings with a single shot. And to save you from stretching to hit the keys, they use a set of drum sticks to hit the keys. But forget that, where do I find the delete key on this thing? Because I'm pretty sure I'm going to need it. So if you stumble upon a Japanese office of drummers, they're likely just using the computer. The team explains that they plan to start selling these things directly as soon as possible. Which product would you most like to have? And what weird products have you seen in other countries? Let me know in the comments section down below. And thanks for watching. (soothing music)
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 1,090,487
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Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, japan, japanese, amazing, only in japan, japanese inventions, weird things in japan, facts, japanese things, strange, weird japan, crazy japanese, weird yet, weird, inventions, inventions you must have, awesome, actually exist, country, crazy, bizarre, viral, japaneese culture, list, japan stuff, japaneese inventions, tokyo, japanese culture, Products, japanese food, crazy in japanese, japan inventions, genius inventions, crazy inventions
Id: pfeqcswflUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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