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doing in my house and why is my innocent young child wearing that Devil's Squeeze Box that's actually our newest dude I told you to shut up I was like listen I do something crazy [Music] so for years people have asked Martin you're probably one of these people what's the story behind the greatest parody artist ever you know what and we're talking about Weird Al Yankovic you know what was the inspiration behind such Classics as eat it and gangsters no I'm sorry Amish Paradise [Music] it's terrible how Coolio stole that song and did not give him credit attract and that is why we needed this story right here today he died without ever apologizing you sure did a lot of people ask him what is the story the true story behind Weird Al I know the music but I don't know the man what people I'm here to tell you you're not gonna find it here as Martin I said we you know we choose to believe that this is a story but I can't and good conscience tell you that this is the story of the man right here uh what I can tell you is that this is a Roku original people that sounds like a parody of stuff um and you know Roku they have been making original programming that's out there but this one right here weird the Al Yankovic story that has been catching a lot of people's attention out there I think because from the from the the trailer that we're about to watch a lot of people thought that this was the real story did you know weird enough Donna she did everybody else even he would be like hey why is that so surprised yeah exactly exactly uh but we saw this we actually had a screener for it last week and I forgot to get to it do I regret not getting to it sooner or do I regret wasting my time let's go and take a look at the trailer the one I got everybody's attention for weird the Al Yankovic story and we'll be back with our reviews on the train wreck my parents wrote me off you guys when I saw this trailer I was like all right God damn it we know it's a joke stop it stop it the band you're all just a bunch of normal I'm the weird one you gotta take care of yourself I saw on you something special thank you [Music] [Applause] first of all people need to know that this is a funny art diet production if you know funny and die funny and die they do they do sketch comedy online on the internet now if you've seen funny or die or any of the skits you know what you're getting into here yeah this was a this was a skit from uh like nine years ago that they did and it was like they uh let me see if I have it because I was just reading how Patton Oswalt was in it in a different role yeah no they they they did this already it's almost like they went back into the archives and just saw this and thought you know what I mean now that we have streaming services and whatnot out there this actually work as a full-length movie [Applause] now what I want you to do is I want you to look at who's playing Weird Al so you can recognize it okay when they can hear the real thing for the same price two words eat it do you recognize that damn it I cannot Aaron Paul okay I was thinking I was about to say Aaron Paul but I was like I just need to at least see a little bit more yeah yeah uh Jesse Jesse pink yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it took Hey listen it took me like a few seconds too I was like who the [ __ ] I know that guy yeah yeah so they did this already man the only difference is is that that was a short now we have a full-length movie right here and you know when things are taken from skits and made into full-length films it doesn't always work except it does here well thank you man I just kept doing stuff I don't and not only does it work but it manages to be funny the whole time right because normally with something like that it gets tedious after a while you're like all right I got the joke and y'all are recycling them but this just kept being funny it kept being funny the whole time people I don't say this about a lot of movies this made my day yes I know [ __ ] about the movie so I'm like okay well no I was I was jazzed up after watching it because I like I said I thought it might get tedious or at some point oh yeah you got the joke or you you Cloud up your own ass yeah or the parodies run thin man but it just kept being funny and yeah it's almost two hours and it's not exactly because you got a long credit sequence but it's a song playing through the credits that's hilarious too so you can't turn it off yeah so this is gonna take up all your two hours right here but man this made my day it may I mean it just put like you said just put me in a good mood because I laughed the whole time this is so stupid this is so stupid and it's proud to be stupid you know it's this is just dumb and I love it I mean it thing is now it helps it does help if you know a little bit about Weird Al Yankovic going into it you know uh if you know if you know it's history know his songs and you know if you're a fan then but that that's probably gonna help you out more than the average viewer going in there who doesn't know about him also if you are familiar with the icons of the 80s yes yes but uh but the thing with this is that it it parodies the Hollywood biopics so well it does it so if you don't know Weird Al then don't worry about it because this thing this thing like just makes fun of the biopic so well that you can laugh at the format that they're poking fun of that was what kept impressing me over and over because I was talking about Walk Hard the Dewey Cox Story yeah and people like that you know it didn't blow up but I was like well it was really parroting mostly Rey and and um and Johnny Cash Would Walk the Line yeah yeah and it's like okay that's cool it's kind of Niche but this parodies all those musical biopics all of them like down to VH1 normally I praise absurdist comedy for how people played have played the whole thing straight because that's how it works the silly or crazier absurd something is the straighter the people play it the funny it is ain't nobody trying to play it straight here ain't nobody playing straight here at all man that you know the thing is none of these people are outrageous everyone is playing stereotypes and you know and you know if you go into this not understanding that you're gonna think these people are terrible actors wow you know these people are just corny but the thing with the biopic is that these people are playing these stereotypes the way they are on purpose and the reason why they're playing them like Bad actors on purpose is because the biopic has become such a copy and paste format right that the biopic knowledge is a cliche itself like people have to put you know now they got to put animation and just with something like this you just got to start making up [ __ ] because it becomes you know because I mean tell the true story just it just ain't that they ain't doing it no more thing with Bohemian Rhapsody where he's like you can't just tell a true story you got to make up a whole bunch of [ __ ] in here yeah so here they're like yeah we started from the from the from scratch it's probably more honest than by Bohemian Rhapsody all right what was the last Bob uh get rich and Dodge right yeah the times that these people do play it straight is when they had was when they do something just extremely crazy and then they'll just they'll they'll play it completely like they're in some sort of very straight laced honest to goodness drama I mean that's when they get serious the Dumber are crazy that are more the most insane have to do something the more serious they start taking the role you have got to buy this beauty and I guarantee it you're gonna have girls lined up around the corner that's actually our newest all right I told you to shut up I was like listen I do something crazy what's gonna happen now I laughed through this whole thing but man I laughed so hard at that I rewind that about three times I did too knocked his ass into the wall I know it's so extreme he's like you actually didn't tell me to shut up I was like yeah he didn't actually send it up you didn't say [ __ ] to him my innocent young child wearing that devil Squeeze Box that's actually our newest what I told you to shut up well he went flying back that's probably the truest part of the story in that they he did by his first accordion from a traveling salesman Oh I thought you said it again God damn [ __ ] he needed you he hit his ass sorry I don't need some therapy he said go to Better Health man weird out there hit me man why'd you say so we're not yanking the dead punch the [ __ ] at me I ain't been right ever since can I talk to somebody but Hey listen listen I know when you know we're having a good laugh and everything but um better help I want to tell you all about that they want to buy sponsors but Hey listen it's good to talk about better help right now because and we'll get this out the way real quick but I want to tell y'all about better health because you know everybody talks about therapy you know it's still the stigma that is for people who suffer from some mental illness or you're greatly depressed or you know uh uh suicide suicidal or you know no there's a there's a whole list of uh of the cliches that are out there for getting therapy and all wrong well technically you can go for that too but a lot of people don't know that man sometimes therapy is good for just getting your mind straight like for example maybe you were looking at your house you're like man I just cannot organize stream that's because your mind's probably not organized and maybe when you talk to somebody and be able to clear your head you know you'd be able to clear you know a lot of things in your life you'll be able to just simply clean up your house yeah a lot of people don't even you know they don't think about things like that that's true you make a good point yeah no man uh there's a lot of things that can be used for uh for therapy man and better help is a great place to start a lot of times again organizing is one thing but for whatever you want uh give better help a try you know it's very accessible very affordable I know that they are they awful they offer uh uh I think they're offer financial help with a lot of things too oh good yeah possibly you know uh also it's all online so you know there's some people who are very shy there's some people don't want to go to therapy because they feel nervous about sitting across somebody you know with better help you can either have a video session or you can do a phone session uh this is becoming the wave of the future in as much as people are having trouble booking appointments with actual you know their therapist one-on-one yeah yeah here you know you'd be surprised at how you know how much available better help can be at all times so that's another benefit right there here's another benefit for you I'm Gonna Get You 10 off your first month so as I said Don't listen if you if there's something going on with you whether you can organize you want to be more productive problem solving is a thing for you that you need to get done anywhere from you know serious things like depression and having uh suicidal thoughts and anything like that we'll ride range of problems that you can go to better help for but if you go to Double Toasted you will get 10 off your first month I want to thank better help for sponsoring this portion of the show and I want to thank you out there for all your support so in this uh in this this this mock biopic uh there's so many cameos there's so many appearances and everyone is good yeah yeah I like everybody in it it's funny it's almost an Easter egg hunt of celebrity cameos or celebrities that they're playing or things that link back to Weird Al's songs yeah yes so many a lot of a lot of watching this is just kind of spot The Cameo spot the actor is that who I think it is in that costume a lot of this is just almost a big long Easter egg of celebrities comedic celebrities and and then plus some uh that are that are in this but uh I was surprised by how good some of the people are in some of the bigger roles uh met Daniel Radcliffe he's nailing it man he committed oh that's the thing with Daniel Radcliffe is that Daniel Radcliffe okay so nobody has any doubt that Daniel Radcliffe is a great actor but being a comedic actor man he's very good he's very good yeah I was surprised at how well he's a he he does comedy and does a lot of you know just physical and visual comedy man so you know I don't know if it's enough to shake that Harry Potter yet I know he's trying to he's trying to I'm really at a point where I'm not thinking about him as Harry Potter after this I'm not yeah no I'm not thinking him I'm thinking of his Weird Al Yankovic you know like a small but big thing he did here was he that a lot of people can't do is that he nailed the the lip syncing yeah because Weird Al doing singing But mouth movements are perfect oh he and there are actually some movements that he does it's just like wear it out if anybody's ever seen the the edit video uh at any point there's very specific movements that Weird Al is doing at the end of that video and I'd be damned if uh Daniel Radcliffe didn't get it down man uh he's actually very good at memorizing a lot of things I ain't quick to give her a compliment because I'm still mad at what she said about Kobe but uh you know I give credit where credit is due oh yeah the girl that plays Madonna Evan Rachel woods man Hey listen I I sat up there and I said I ain't giving this additional credit at all that as it went on I was like she's man she's really good yeah I mean and the funny thing is I guess I got to get credit to the makeup artist because they did a great job at making her look like Madonna I mean she's dressed like her the the face structure is way different you know I know I know but it's enough to sell it as Madonna that's the thing I know that man she got a long ahead than Madonna and also for some reason I just like I still see Madonna though and the funny thing is I think I think she makes a better Madonna than Daniel Radcliffe makes it better because listen yeah that's what's funny about this he's not even trying to be weird I like now he looks like weirdo what the wig on if somebody was going as weird out for Halloween yes yes because I look at this and I'm like I don't know who the hell that is but that ain't weird out right right and you know it looks like it was funny because somebody said they said look at this picture of Daniel Radcliffe he's unrecognizable Chef as we're not yanking big and I said he looks like Weird Al Yankovic going trick-or-treating all right he looks like he's dressed up as would I get yeah yeah for some Hollywood uh uh Halloween party uh yeah that was always the thing for me with this with the casting let the stuck casting of Daniel Radcliffe from the beginning I was like all right this this is this is too absurd yeah yeah y'all just being goddamn silly at this point yet but they knew what they were doing no and it for something I mean this this is an absurdist thing [ __ ] tomorrow look at that you're not even like an adult he looked like somebody put that six-year-old out there him and Evan Rachel Woods as uh where I am and Madonna are actually great together Weird Al Yankovic um do I Know You Madonna what can I say I'm full of surprises that's what I'm talking about little comedic touches like that his little ass can't even pushed that door and I think that door really was heavy for him I think he just made it part of the actor yeah man uh no it's funny too because there's so many other people who are goodness and I can't name everybody but I do have to like give credit to people like rain Wilson yeah like he's great if you don't know who Dr Demento is Dr dimino is sort of the mentor inspiration for Weird Al he would play all these crazy songs on a radio station you know just weird stuff um also uh another person who was good it's Weird Al Yankovic well Yankovic is in the movie where he plays a record executive who you probably saw the trailer he's the one who's just kind of been an [ __ ] and turning weird out down and man that scene where he turned them down had me laughing so hard Ben get this young gentleman a record contract this very instant if you're gonna sign him for a 14 album deal really no do you think I am an idiot not an idiot not an idiot that's why I'd be like a Chinese menu Weird Al's no stranger from the camera as far as acting he's been in a movie UHF yeah yeah and yeah he used to do these uh these the uh these specials on MTV yeah then he had a children's show for a while getting his playhouse type show oh he did ah man I've probably seen it and didn't know if I had any criticisms I mean it's not like this is bad that's not what I would be criticizing this for I would just be criticizing this for people who might not like this as much or might not get as much out of it as some other viewing of other people view this um so I'm thinking of people who are younger and you mentioned this already there are people who are younger and never hold scenes in here where they have these people from they were they were famous back in the 70s and back in the 80s and if you don't know who they are you're probably gonna be lost or you're gonna sit up there with older people talking about who that yeah might not even do that you go like okay it's a party full of weirdos yeah exactly but at the same time man um you know it's it's so silly that it's not going to bother you probably will add to it for you in a way [Music] so all those people are somebody yeah all those people are somebody and uh especially now you know it's Jack Black is that guy that's supposed to be oh yeah of course yeah like that's about to tell you like I think this is the B-52s right here that's Gallagher who's a podcast listen Alex Cooper in the back Alice Cooper yeah Frank Zappa and this guy's supposed to be from Queen but even he says nobody knows the base he's from Queen they wanted to get Freddie Mercury and the band was like no no okay like but you could have you know but he's the one who actually wrote the song yeah yeah so I mean there's so much I want to tell you but just just watch it because that seems hilarious the guy blew that PeeWee Herman was amazing and he plays him so crazy because there's a scene where they walk in and he's like um he's like ah Master ninja and then he shake his hand he pull a fake hand away he's like he just disappeared he's just gone yeah it's gone and he comes back yeah Paul Reuben is actually like that in real life it's like he was never a true actor he was always like you go to a party and all these people are in character they're not being themselves I'll tell you when the movie really started making me laugh it's just when it stopped being a parody and it just started flat out just lying yeah the movie just lies I mean it was like man this ain't even a joke no more you're just lying now you know like make you believe that person stole it weird also like man he's just lying now this whole yeah it gets to a point where just kind of like man all right you know what man future Generations will find this movie and not know that it was a joke yeah they won't wow Coolio just jacked him like that you believe that [ __ ] and that's too bad because at the movies it's like [ __ ] we're not even we're not even doing entertainment no more we just straight up just lying to you what you mean which made me laugh me too [ __ ] it was a partner and when the first big lie in this movie came out and I man my wife heard me laughing all the way upstairs I said I know y'all didn't do this [ __ ] just lying you know this is like I said this is stupid boy this is this is just them being just uh as silly as they can be and the reason why it works is because you know it gets so silly to a certain point that they do start to stretch it and you do start to see it tear a little bit but then they bring it back they never take it to a point where it breaks I would say near the end it gets so insane and gets so crazy that's where it probably starts to you you start to see it tear a little bit but they have a great way of ending it like that it's uh it's just a section but that section actually lends itself to a great ending so even then it works but I would say it cuts off right before it stops right before you start to say okay this shit's getting older you know what I'm saying I know I know exactly what you're saying yeah because it was like all right there's there's really nowhere else to go yep yeah man this man this made me laugh so hard through the whole thing put me in a good mood what more can you ask for this is a full price for me I I love this man this is the this but really I might be going at limb saying this but this is the funniest movie of this year that I've seen just for the the laugh ratio the laugh ratio yeah I felt the same way that's why I was like I was bummed that we weren't going to talk about it right away and I just wanted to slip something in I was like I was not expecting this from this movie and it's it's rare to watch a comedy I mean it doesn't happen a lot but you see a comedy makes you laugh so much but it's so much fun you're like I'm gonna go watch that again yeah I I feel like I could get that experience if I watched it again yeah yeah and just picking out little things here and there you know whatever made me think of speaking of PeeWee Herman it made me think of peewee's big adventure it's not as silly as Pee-wee's Big Adventure but it's still up there all right to where it man the reason the Peewee is her peewee's sorry if he was big adventure yeah big adventure is so funny that I can just go back and like you say pick out little parts that are so silly and ridiculous and laugh at them all the time and I can go back and just pick out some of the most ridiculous parts of this yeah and laugh at this too the thing with biopics is that they again they run the same Gambit man you know they do the same thing which you know for making a serious biopic that's uh that's that's gonna be a hindrance for something that's making fun of a biopic that's lasting power yeah man this [ __ ] is funny I mean listen I don't care you know if it serves the purpose of what it was going to do and that is to make me laugh that's what it did I love this movie man so yeah it yeah right now I tell you yeah it'll go my best of list yeah I mean it's all Roku it's free if you got Roku so watch it you have no reason not to and I guarantee you it it unless you're just looking to come in here and be mad about something unless you just want to be an [ __ ] girl I watched the movie was stupid yeah exactly right yeah [Music]
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 51,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Weird The Al Yankovic Story, Weird The Al Yankovic Story review, Weird The Al Yankovic Story movie review, Weird The Al Yankovic Story trailer, Weird The Al Yankovic Story movie, Weird The Al Yankovic Story roku, Weird The Al Yankovic Story Daniel Radcliffe, Weird The Al Yankovic Story madonna, Weird The Al Yankovic Story funny scene, The Al Yankovic story review, The Al Yankovic story movie review, Movie review, Movie reviews, Movie, Double toasted, Doubletoasted,
Id: cSJuO2jBMeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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