Weird New Miniature Art MOVEMENTS

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in this video sponsored by the new solo and co-op expansion for rain and hell the oculus spear i'm going to talk about some new thematic movements within miniatures so as any kind of um let's say art form starts to move along starts to pick up steam over time there will be different uh kind of stylistic movements that will happen within the overall kind of structure of the idea behind the art okay like think about how there used to be painting there was the impressionist movement and it had a definite look and feel and an idea behind it and there was the cubist movement and there's been post-modern this and whatnot and all that kind of stuff and that's stuff that fancy schmancy folks who paint on canvases and and and think big thoughts like to do it's a thing that happens it's happening in pretty much all different forms of art and to some degree it even happens in the type of stuff that we do which some people don't really think of as art but i like to think of it as art so here's some art movements within uh tabletop miniatures wargaming painting you may not have heard of if you've ever played a little game called warhammer 40 000 you may have heard of the term grim dark it is a term that gets thrown around a lot and it has to pertain to the theme of the overall everything frankly within the story the artwork even within the game as far as like the way that um most models die in one hit kind of sort of situation that's kind of a grim dark sort of thing the actual definition for grimdark uh it's a sub-genre of speculative fiction with a tone style and setting that is particularly dystopian amoral or violent so that's how it gets thrown around in regular literature that kind of stuff but within gaming it also really covers a lot of what's going on again predominantly within the world of warhammer 40 000 but there are other games that are also kind of grim dark or grim dark in slightly different ways but if you're going to take the story out of it you're going to take the the gameplay out of it and and that kind of stuff what does grimdark mean in the actual visuals what does it mean when we're talking about the models grimdark is a term that gets thrown around also very frequently with something that's sometimes known as blenshitsu now blanchitsu is named after a guy named john blanche who is an artist who has worked for games workshop for a number of years i'm not sure if he still works with them or not but he did a lot of stuff earlier on in um you know warhammer and uh i think even more fantasy and all that kind of different stuff and he's got a very very specific art style and people started to try to sculpt or paint or sculpt and paint models uh kit bashing and things like that to make the stuff that was coming out of the company of games workshop start to actually look that was coming out of the artwork of john blanche and so blanchitsu uh was born i think i don't know if it's a term he came up with or not i know there was an article a column that used to be in white dwarf called um i think it was called the art of blenchitsu or something like that and that's where i first heard the term initially but it may have come from someplace else but it's very um grimy uh a lot of warm dark colors a lot of uh nothing bright very little shiny metal either everything's kind of corroded and grungy and stuff like that now frankly i kind of stumbled into grim dark slash blanchitsu myself just because um that's kind of the way i like to paint i just like it it's not only is does it give a visual that i really dig but it also um i just like the process i like i don't like painting things clean because when you goof it up you have to go back and start over again you have to try to figure out some sort of fix it but if you kind of goof up a little bit when uh you're trying to do something that's real grim dark something blanchett suit you just put more layers on top of it and probably no one will notice it's it's it's all about the grunge which is a good big again and i've got lots of videos here on the channel about how to kind of do that kind of stuff and so well here's a playlist actually pachao um so definitely you know it's something that i really enjoy and you can you can find out you know more about just kind of looking online just type in hashtag grimdark or hashtag blenshitsu and to say like i don't know how about instagram and you'll find a lot especially if you type in the blanchetsu one you'll find a lot of things and you can just start to get ideas behind how to do it just by looking at it but there's also plenty plenty of youtube videos about their how to do the same thing closely related to the whole kind of grim dark blanchitsu sort of thing is uh inc 28 or inquisition 28 you see the ink inq you see that a lot out there on the internet again twitter you know instagram wherever you want to look so what inquisition 28 is is um it relates to a game that games workshop actually put out back in the early 2000s just called inquisition and it was a skirmish game that was about uh inquisitors and their kind of war bands their retinues and whatnot and it was a fighting game you know like a small skirmish style game the thing that was weird about it well there was a couple things that were weird about it number one the miniatures were 54 millimeters high so instead of being normal 28 millimeter dudes they were twice as high which is weird i mean it's cool you could do a little bit more interesting things maybe with the paint but then your terrain needs to be twice as big and everything else and and so it's it's very easy to say to somebody hey i've got this new game and it's the same scale as all the other games that you play it makes sense people dig that kind of stuff when you go hey i made this new game but it is twice as big as everything that you like to play then all of a sudden um people are going well yeah especially when you have to again you have to then get bigger terrain and that's kind of a problem for folks but that was not the only problem with inquisition also it kind of required a game master because it was really straddling the sort of line between 28 millimeter kind of war game well actually australian line between fit now 54 millimeter and then also rpg it had a lot of you know wargaming but also rpg elements in it and so because of that it sort of actually required um some sort of game master and uh turns out that didn't work out so hot um but it was a very interesting book i've got a copy of it somewhere i know i do i didn't actually i actually bought it only just a few years ago it had been on the shelf at this local store since the early 2000s and then i finally came along and plucked it up at retail price but the the thing that's interesting in my opinion about it is that it has spawned a bunch of people who were like i love where you were going with this but and i think that that's one of the great things about tabletop wargaming is that you can be you can look at a product and go hey this is great except that we're going to fix it because it's not as great like you're going in the right direction but we're going to fix things and that's what's great it's hard to do that frankly with video games um you can do it with a lot of different types of pretty much any kind of tabletop game but yeah it's it's a little bit harder to do when then you have to get into the code so what people have done with ink28 is trying to figure out ways to make that game that they can play at normal 28 millimeter size but also kind of get rid of a lot of the rpg elements of it and there are people who are playing a bunch of different versions that are inquisimunda which is basically kind of blending the inquisitor aesthetic and all that kind of stuff into the necromunda rule set um whether it's the new necromundo what they refer to as necromanda 18 meaning it came out in 2018 or or is it like grant 17. i think it's 17 actually 18 was kill team because there's also um inc 28 kill team kind of rules that people are putting out there i've talked in the past about a game called planet 28 which i enjoy quite a bit um and that game is designed basically to be a very simple rule set for people who are really a lot of interested in the modeling in the painting and the doing all the weird kind of kit bashing that you see in the very interesting inquisimunda stuff but don't want to necessarily have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to figuring out a rule set so boom you know you pick up planet 28 and you've got something to play with um a really good example of the whole kind of inquisimunda thing which also gets into the grim dark and the blanchitsu stuff uh definitely take a look at 28 magazine um and i've talked about 28 magazine in the past here on the channel i think it was in the tmx or sorry that the tabletop millions awards maybe 2018 or 2019 i don't exactly remember when but um yeah it definitely check out planet 28 to see all the amazing weird-looking stuff if you want to see new types of um ideas within tabletop gaming stuff that doesn't look like the front of the box then yeah definitely check that out last thing i'm going to talk about is something that's called turnip 28. now turnip 28 is a interesting thing i had just heard about it within the last year or so and uh i was very confused about it until i kind of did a bit of research so turnip 28 is kind of started by a guy named max fitzgerald and the concept behind turnip 28 and it started out as he's like i'm making a game and the game is in progress and it's been going for quite some time i don't know that it's necessarily ready to go yet but people are working on models for turnip 28 again the the the the movement if you will the the style the thematic uh you know just kind of exploration of the medium and the idea basically is that it's post-apocalyptic though we don't know exactly when the apocalypse happened but it was sometime after at the very least let's say the kind of like napoleonic era so it's post-apocalyptic napoleonic but the apocalypse came not by nukes or an asteroid but by some sort of crazy freak out of all the plants and roots and stuff like that so um if you look about it if you look it up on his patreon it'll just say that it's and it's about turnips like that's literally kind of the explanation but what this means is kind of napoleonic his historic miniatures that you can then take and tweak you're kind of making them grim dark also but you're also very frequently having plant matter sort of kind of growing out of them and looking weird so they've got frequently uh muskets maybe with bayonets there's a lot of pointy beaky helmets with also pointy beaky uh heads and stuff like that and then again not a lot of bright colors not a lot of like shiny metal we're talking again about a lot of kind of grunge and it's very interesting to see now um uh sean sutter who made uh relic blade has also produced a rule set called sludge which is designed to be played with turnip 28 type miniatures these games that are kind of dropped into these different sort of miniature movements planet 28 sludge you know all that kind of stuff these are really interesting in that they're giving in my opinion to some degree specifically with planet 28 it really gives me an excuse to work in that kind of medium it gives me like i could just make a bunch of really cool models and there's nothing wrong with that but when i can make a bunch of really cool models in a really interesting style and kind of stretch my overall like this is how i like to do things but then also go well i'm doing it for a game though i'm gonna actually play with these i'm not just doing them just to look at them i'm actually it gives me specifically at least another kind of motivation and makes me more interested in not just doing this for display or for funsies but actually to get onto the tabletop so this is just a small selection of some of the different kind of weird almost kind of indie diy type movements in the art of um you know making to uh terrain making miniatures um people making artwork that's about the miniatures all kinds of stuff people making games about the artwork about them it's there's a lot to it and this is just like i said uh depending on how you count grim dark and bland shitsu it's like three or four of them right so um if there's a uh a miniature kind of movement out there an art movement within miniatures that's maybe actually turning into a game maybe turning into something else that i didn't talk about put it down in the comments below because a i'd like to learn more about it and very frequently uh the people who read the comments also want to learn things as well so i think it's fun if you're interested in any one of these just do a bunch of research not real hard just go into google just start typing in keywords and you'll find really interesting stuff go on to instagram like i said go on to twitter do keyword searches you will find really interesting looking stuff that will hopefully kind of maybe reinvigorate you into your painting and get you to start kit bashing and using weird colors and weird stuff and uh and doing something fun with it you folks asked for it and now it's here the oculus spear the solo and co-op expansion for rain and hell the game that vince venturella and i uh produced back in the end of may and uh this expansion is about 28 pages it's pdf only and it's pay what you want so you can get it uh go to to check it out and uh it's a it basically it gives you six scenarios but they are designed to be played in series it's not just a roll of d6 and play whichever you play the first one first and then you get through that and then you go to the second one third etc and it tells a story that may change the face of hell and it's something you can play solo you could just basically build yourself a very simple 100 point uh cabal like you would for a normal like campaign style thing in the regular game and then take that as you traverse through these six different scenarios if you can because they're not easy um and then hopefully you'll um come out the other end with um something new and something different that may change the way that hell uh goes forward in the future so if you if you're interested if you haven't you know pulled the trigger on uh rain and hell yet because you're like well i've been looking for something i can play by myself or i don't have anyone to play with now you get yourself ready to hell and also get yourself the expansion the oculus spear and um it will give you the ability to play solo or co-op with a friend and you both you can go through this uh six part kind of story of scenarios and um i hope that you get to you know reign in hell [Music] hmm
Channel: Tabletop Minions
Views: 63,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tabletop, minions, tabletop minions, gaming, wargaming, miniatures, turnip28 painting, inq28 conversions, inq28 models, blanchitsu painting, blanchitsu style, grimdark painting, miniature crafts, miniature artist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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