weird german slang? | American's perspective

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hi guys welcome back to my youtube channel today i'm going to be talking about weird language differences between german and english as an american exchange student in germany i am currently going into the city at the moment [Music] a lot of these words i had no clue what they meant or what they were even like relating to it was really confused took me a long time to kind of understand them and some of these words i still don't really understand the exact meaning of them i know they people who like mean when they say it but i would never use myself because i have no clue what context i would use it in i have a different list of quite a few so let's go ahead and get into them the first one i have on my list is suck which is not necessarily really a word but it's more of like a sound effect that germans say and the weird thing is i've only ever heard german guys say this time i've never heard a girl say it so i don't know it's kind of weird but suck is like it means like kind of like a whoosh emotion so typically when i'm art class my art teacher will be drawing something on the board to represent like a sphere we're supposed to like do shading or whatever and he'll draw this and say and i never understood what it meant and i thought it was so weird and i would hear other people say it when they're trying to like give examples of like how something's moving they will say suck and i'm like what does that mean so i asked my friends and they're like oh it just means like whoosh it's just like the weird german way of saying whoosh so it's spelled like t s a c k kind of i'm not exactly sure how you would spell it because it's like a sound effect i don't even know if there's an official term for spelling for it this one is pretty common a lot of people in germany say this including me i sometimes do this too but it is azo and basically this word just kind of means so or like they're starting their sentence so they're going to start it with us there's really no way to explain it unless if you speak fluent in german or if you're kind of like experienced in the german language azo is just one of those words that it kind of depends on the mood and the context of the like the situation or like the context of like the conversation as well because it can have like a bunch of different meanings like the way you say it like it's you can say like azo and then you can say like azul like there's just two different meanings between those two words it's like it's the same word but it's got two different meanings depending on how you say it pretty similar to azo the next one i have is very famous in germany and i never understood it for the life of me for the past like six months is aso basically it's like when germans are surprised at something like used as a term of being like oh okay it kind of just means that but in a single word so but it can also have other meanings too and it's really confusing to kind of differentiate the meanings of the singular word it can be also really funny if you're in a room full of germans and all you hear is so it's really funny because there's just so many ways you can say it can have so many different meanings it can be a exclamation of surprise it can be like a confused like really um and it can also just mean like what a soul so it's it's a it depends on the way people say it so you kind of have to differentiate what they mean by how they're saying it which can be kind of hard sometimes i would actually not be surprised at all if i heard germans having a conversation entirely using the word also in no other words just like there's just so many ways you can say and i can't really express that enough and that's why it's so confusing sometimes as an american who does not speak german it is so crazy because people will say this literally in every single sentence it's really funny the next word on my list is stimt which basically just translates into the word right in english and they will say this to like everything if you're talking with them with a german and you're having a conversation and i'd just be talking about what i did that day they'll be like stupid it's almost like you know in english you would say oh right yeah right okay it's the same thing it's shtint so i found myself becoming addicted to this word actually and i will say even when i'm not supposed to say it in certain contexts another one that is kind of similar to aso and azo is oha and i actually really don't know the meaning of what this word means exactly i don't know exactly in what context you would use it i just know it's kind of like a the declaration of surprise almost and typically i only hear girls say this so i'm not sure if that's supposed to be that way or that's just like just for the only girl saying it but typically they'll have a conversation and they'll just be like oh and it's really funny because i have no clue exactly what it means so if somebody wants to explain it to me please do yeah so oha is kind of similar to asso and azul because it can be used in like different contexts like depending on how you say you can say like it's just kind of strange and i don't really know exactly how you should use the word though so don't ask me the same thing in english actually they just pronounce it a bit differently is okay in english like especially in american english we'd say okay like you pronounce it very strongly but in german it's kind of just like not pronounced as strongly it's just okay so i've i've kind of found a lot of germans when they're talking to me like okay okay and it's almost like you spell it with an e instead of an a and okay so it's kind of been strange to hear that because i'm really used to hearing the you know english american version of that and then i'm suddenly hearing like the german version and just everybody was like okay okay okay and it's kind of funny to me but i think a lot of other countries actually pronounce it that way too and i think maybe just america's the only one was okay another thing that i found which is really funny and my host family and a lot of my friends actually say this a lot is which is basically just the german way of saying i'm confused without saying it it's just like a sound effect and is like i guess you could spell it like h e h or h a h and yeah basically i will be talking to somebody and i'll say something very fast from german they won't understand it because i have a pretty bad american accent and they'll be like hey and but the funny thing is that germans typically really pronounce this very strongly very loudly too they're like hey it's very funny because they'll repeat it multiple times because they don't understand they're like hey and it's really funny to watch them because they will just keep saying hey over and over again this is something i actually found myself doing typically when i call my family in america my sister will say something and i don't understand what she says and i'll be like and then she laughs at me and she's like lizzy you're doing that weird german thing again but i can't help it because it's a very common thing to do in germany apparently another thing that this is kind of a universal language thing is having like weird sayings in english especially in american english we have a lot of really weird sayings but specifically in german there are some that just really don't make sense to me especially because i don't speak the language and i'm not a native and if you're a native then you kind of understand like the sayings and things people have tried to explain the sayings to me it just goes right over my head i don't understand it at all and they always think it's very funny and i'm just kind of sitting there looking at them trying to understand what the joke means or what the saying means so i'm going to listen to my favorite confusing sayings in german directly translates to i only understand train station in english which makes no sense but it just means that i am like you're absolutely lost or so confused german style that's kind of it for the list this will probably grow as i learn more german and i'm able to understand more german but yeah thanks for watching and see you next time
Channel: Lizzie Ross
Views: 20,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dnFVk2-XBiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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