Weird Al Yankovic - Fat (REACTION) with my wife

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hello and welcome back my name is Andre and  I'm Dominica and we back again with another   reaction to Weird Al yanov with fat [ __ ] oh  my God I cannot wait for this song all right I   cannot wait so we know weird out from two songs  we know that this one is the parody you can say   of the Michael Jackson song bad but judging by  the songs we've done from where with I I I have   so high expectation of humor and creativity if  it comes to lyrics I cannot wait to listen to   it all right and we're doing it thanks to Jolly  giraffe so thank you very very much um for your   request thank you for your support and always  kind words and thank you for uh remembering   about Arnold he always enjoys your belly wrap So  yeah thank you so so much I'm bad well and I'm bad okay got yeah you yeah why you supposed to say  all of this I don't know just came up yo homeboy where you been man we've been  looking for you yeah we ain't seen you around   Burger world lately so where you been huh oh  you know around want a piece of pizza think I   got extra pizza around here somewhere no  that's okay okay thanks yo ding dong man   ding dong ding dong yo no thanks really yo eat  this man it's good for you I'm not really very   hungry right now hey man what it is with  you you on some kind of dad is that what   they teaching that little [ __ ] School of  yours back off me man back off the question   is are you fat or what leave me alone I said  are you fat get off me man stop it you ain't   down with us no more you ain't f F you ain't  fat you ain't fat you ain't nothing you ain't nothing I love it your is wide well mine is too just watch  your mouth or I'll sit on you the word   is out better treat me right cuz I'm the  king of cellulite h on H on on all right my zippers bust my buckles break I'm too  much man for you to take the pavement   cracks when I fall down I've got more chins  in chinat but I never Ed the pH booth and I   never SE my toes when I'm going to the  movies I take up seven because I'm fat   fat you know I'm fat I'm F you know it's  you know I'm F I'm F come on don't call again oh man okay you know what let me let me I'll  let you I'll let you okay this is going to be my   I I I need to make some changes in life spring is  coming this is going to be my workout song I think   you know it's just so motivation I can my yeah  exactly it hurts me I you putting humor aside of   course what the first thing that hits you the jie  giraff mentioned that the similarities to Michael   Jackson's and bad and bad uh it's definitely the  video of course the music but the video is so so   similar I still cannot believe how clever you  have to be it's so difficult to take something   from someone else right and changeing it something  so so popular because the the we all know Michael   Jackson was so popular and then changing it and  make it your own but it still sound like old but   with the new I don't know how to explain it but  he's such a clever intelligent human being to be   able to and creative to be able to achieve what  he achieved it's not the first song but I still   cannot get over the fact how you can do that it's  amazing I just love it I this is going to be my   my song I I love it too I'm exactly like you say  I'm really not surpris but so impressed with his   kind of skill ability to do it's it's such a  creation I'm I think even now Amish Paradise   with Gangster everything why he's just transformed  is from something so good anyway the lyri clever   again in something like a gold again how you do  this the lyrics are so clever clever video and   everything the I I I did like that interaction in  the beginning that CH you not you're not with us   anymore this I don't know how you come with these  ideas unbelievable I do like the I don't know it's   just good I would say he's absolutely amazing  wow I'm bad let's go St tell me again who's fat when I walk out to get my m it measures  on the scale at the be I'm a Man I'm the only   one who gets a t if I have one more P I'm  going to need my own ZIP code when you only   have seconds I'm having 23 when I go to get my  shoe shine I got to take their word because I'm fat you know I'm fat I'm you  know it you know I'm fat I'm   fat you know and a shadow weighs 42  LB let me tell you once again who's fat if you see me coming your way better give me  plenty space if I tell you that I'm hungry then   won't you feed my face because I'm F I'm you know  I'm fat you know you know I'm I'm you know when   I around the house I around the house you know  I'm F I'm f you know I'm B I'm B you know it you   know it you know you know know come on and you  know by myself I'm let me tell you you know I'm   huge I'm bad you know it really B You Know I'm  Fat you know really really you know I'm fat you   know you know and the whole world knows I'm fat  and I'm PR just to tell me once again who's fat unbelievable wow unbelievable I I still cannot I  how many he drops in there with the I know every   kind of verse is is something new and my I I head  my head is hurting my face is hurting and you know   he he stick to original the video he stick to  original just changing this this one word and   changing the I I don't know I such a clever guy  such a clever guy and I you know I wonder because   we know that he's getting the permission always  getting permission from the original author of   the song to to take that song and make it um  his own way I wonder what Michael Jackson said   after that he seeing that unbelievable he love it  probably he love it probably he laugh if someone's   not laughing at that they they kind of no I don't  know he's really really cool the way he just he   write his lyrics is really clever exactly like you  say you have to think of this I know it's still   you feel that Vibe of the original song but it's  just completely you do whatever you want I think   majority of people who know the song you know they  you this song was so well known of Michael Jackson   you kind of you hear it and you know it just  like that exactly and you always so it's very   brave thing also to do because he could go both  ways isn't it uh could be bashed for it but how   can you be he's done it in such a clever way I I  still cannot you know there's some people I just   like that they born to be you have the brain is  wired a little bit different and um they able to   achieve some level of Excellence you know in life  look at you I know it's so it was so my God I love   it yeah that's my my kind of P my how you call it  an yes let's say an I said it in Polish so I do   apologize H not to our polish viewers because  they know what I said so all right I they put   me in a in a such a weird weird exactly weird  mood anyway thank you so so much Jolly giraff   I enjoy that so so much sometimes you just need  a laugh in your life and this was exactly that I   I think he always do like that he put you in that  spot with a I don't know all right hope you enjoy   our reaction and see you again next time have  a lovely day and all the best take care bye bye
Channel: MerchantOfAlba
Views: 5,718
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Keywords: weird al yankovic fat reaction, weird al yankovic fat, weird al yankovic reaction, music reaction, first time reaction, weird al yankovic, reaction video, weird al reaction, weird al, first time hearing reaction, weird al yankovic reaction fat, reaction channel, weird al fat reaction, reaction videos, first time hearing eminem, reaction to weird al yankovic fat, reaction to bad, weird al yankovic - fat (official music video) reaction, reaction to fat weird al yankovic
Id: RGnr9jZpmXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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