Weight Loss Vlog: I Tried A Salt Water Flush

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[Music] what's good guys welcome back to my youtube channel it's a girl Kayla Lachey and today we're gonna try something that I have researched a lot about because one I'm low-key interested to see the results for myself I'm excited about the taste not so much but what are we doing today Kayla this is what's up so I've been looking into salt water flushes for your body so I haven't eaten anything today and it's already 11:30 a.m. it's best to do a salt water flush on an empty stomach before you've eaten anything so the last thing I had to eat was dinner like an early dinner yesterday so my stomach is rumbling she is ready for this flush and I'm excited to make it with you guys it's super simple but what is the purpose what is the point why don't people do this so it's kind of compared to like a colon cleanse but a more natural less expensive way to do it and obviously you can do it in your own home you don't have to have a tube stuck up your booty cuz I'm not about to do all that I'm not doing that okay but I've always wanted to have the effects of like a colon cleanse without the pain of it so I'm gonna get a jar out right now so that I can make the salt water flush you're gonna need a size like this I think it's about a liter of water is what you're supposed to chug in five minutes the whole point of this is to have an empty stomach to flush everything out and we're gonna use pink Himalayan salt so I have some here which I will grind you're gonna need at least one to two teaspoons I believe it is but let's hop on Google so I can give you guys all the tea all the facts on a salt water flush so you know more about it so you know more about it less you a Google has to say a salt water flush is used to cleanse your colon a treat colon constipation and helped you talk to your body a salt water flush involves drinking a mixture of warm water and non-iodized salt drinking salt and warm water has left effect so yeah like I was saying earlier is it's kind of compared to a colon cleanse but instead you're just drinking this liquid to work in about 30 minutes to get you in the bathroom now they say it's best to be close by a bathroom do this on a day when you're going to be home you're not going to be out running errands so I don't know if this is gonna work is it going to have a great effect like I don't know so I'm gonna start by getting for 30 seconds maybe less you want it to be drinkable so you don't want it to be too hot keep in mind you have to drink this mixture in five minutes like under five minutes that's the whole point is to literally flush out your system so I don't know if I can do this only because when everyone's think I have a sore throat the first thing I do is gargles salt water I think it's gonna be like that like a sense of drowning so I'm a little bit nervous I don't know so I'm hoping it's tolerable this is two cups got the rest of the water heating up I think it's gonna be warm enough so I'm going to start grinding this salt [Music] reduce dishes really fast I don't know what's wrong with me why do I decide to do things like this I mean I do on one hand love the natural aspect I've talked that it's two ingredients you can do it from the comfort of your own home whenever you want I like that it works immediately like the articles I've read videos that I've watched people so that they run to the bathroom within 30 minutes after drinking this mixture so myself what's up this is gonna be a lot to drink you guys so now this just the freshly dried some pink Himalayan salt which is honestly the best G news don't use table salt permits it is not going to be the same effect at all and do not recommend it so the quality of yourself it's definitely the most important part to this whole salt water flush oh my god my carpal tunnel hates me so I'm gonna do what 2 teaspoons of pink Himalayan salts you just saw me grind it up oh my gosh and my water is pretty one I'm like I can drink it just make sure it's not hot because again you have to drink this within 5 minutes and then we need to mix this all together but the article said don't use metals I have this Chipotle fork that I stole so just what it makes all that salts I hope they can dissolve a little bit so you're probably thinking hey lo why do you want to do a salt water flush I feel like everyone's purpose is different I just feel like I want to start fresh I want to get out all of the stuff that has been stuck inside of me like all the great seafood the fat food and all on that stuff just so I could have an empty slate or a fresh sleep so I could start eating better I can make better choices so in a sense yes this is a good detox but also I feel like my digestion has not been the best recently so I'm hoping that this will definitely be a big key to help me get regulated and also I just learnt to try it out it seemed very interesting to me and I'm a very curious person so why not I am going to I guess set a timer because I don't know realistically how quickly I can just chug this down and I want to make sure that I do it within the timeframe that you're supposed to Lord help me she's going [Music] it is like I'm drowning in the ocean why did I decide to do this today on an empty stomach some people simply get nauseous okay stop stop I'm just drinking I already feel bloated like also if you're bloated it can help you but all this water going in my stomach at one time oh my god 47 second to hit I'm sorry you try to drink saltwater okay is not that nice almost time it's pink we all the salt is literally at one spot I hope this thing works I don't want to waste my time for nothing it's like when you start to taste it you can't mope okay we have about three more minutes left I'm surprised I drink this much oh my god wait I kind of have to go to the bath whoa wait hold on Oh mental I really don't like this I feel like a drink enough I just don't understand like all the salt layers in one spot and I don't want to get one gulp of like all that sauce oh that's it I'm not Wow okay so I drink that in about three minutes and 20 seconds better that I thought I was going to do so now I have to wait the article has said that between 30 minutes after consuming the salt water to about two hours you would be in the bathroom I already feel like I have to pee but that's not the point here the point is to go number two and to literally flush out all of the toxins in your body all of the built-up food that you've been eating and the waste and like literally cleanse everything out it's also great for bloating if you happen to be really bloated it could be because you're constipated sorry TMI but that's the truth I don't really felt bloated recently I just felt a little bit like the foods I was eating it comes to me we're not the best whoa fast food here and there so I just like to kind of get that out and just have a clean slate so I can get my food like the healthy food options in order and eat more of like whole healthy food diet I feel a little bit full for sure my stomach my stomach is just like full of liquid right now and not in a good way some side effects are nausea so definitely be careful about that I'm gonna probably check in with you guys in about 30 minutes or so and see how we feel or until I have to go if you know I'm saying and I'll let you know if it worked and is it worth it it's not something want to know that's what I wanted to Nicole but I'll be right back update I was just cleaning up the mess kid you not it's 11:46 it's been like three minutes I already feel like I have to go my stomach is rumbling inside like you know like when you're hungry you can just like feel your stomach so you can eat meat that's what it feels like is the salt like it's doing something there oh my gosh well hasn't shirt off it was getting hot it's been too hot so I just like to give you guys a little body update I don't have loaded I just feel a little bit now because I shoved all of that water it was a false alarm I didn't actually go it was just like literally I just felt like my stomach was grumbling and it was turning and something's about to happen but I haven't happy to you but anyways I'm not bloated I just really want to focus on like leaning out and getting rid of this stuff that's stuck inside like you know like I make you feel bloated and you feel like you feel your last meal like that's just how I feel right now alright guys it has been not even an hour it's currently 12:30 and I said I finished drinking it around 11:45 I've already gone to the bathroom twice the first time was like regular and then maybe like 5-10 minutes later I was now ready for that but the second time was when I just felt lighter and I felt all the toxins coming out I don't think it's over for me I already feel like I have to go and it's 1231 I'm hungry but I don't know if I should eat right now or just wait until I feel like I got everything out of me so I'm gonna give it that two hours like the articles were saying but they weren't kidding when they wrote in those articles make sure you're buying bathroom because if you're driving and you do this and you like leave the house immediately god bless your soul if you have to be at work don't do this if you have to be at work do it on a weekend or something when you are home and you don't have to be anywhere because I feel like everybody's gonna be different you know I'm kind of happy that I did this because I do feel like I've gotten things out that normally weren't there like I said earlier in the video my digestion has been horrible horrible like I mean it's not the worst but it's been not the best like I know my buddy to know when I feel good and when I so in that aspect I'm so happy that I did it my stomach feels really flat so if you're bloated this might be a great option for you to help relieve all of that excess gas that you're holding on to the excess of water and stuff like that so that would be a great opportunity to do a salt water flush and honestly if you just want to try it out to try it I would say do it at least once in your life I don't know how often I would do this but I do know that it's working and that's crazy considering the fact that people pay so much for colon cleanses and stuff and you can just do this at home for a free 99 you feel me I'm all about saving my points and doing things that are more natural on the body but other than that like I don't feel nauseous I thought for a second I had to throw up after drinking it but I'm fine okay now I have to go Lyra is like what is wrong with you at this point it's just a waiting game it really honestly is a waiting game but it's working I already feel so light surprisingly enough I feel like I have more energy I didn't have anything to eat no coffee nothing so I feel very energized I feel lighter I'm just waiting for this to be over when I say I've never my life experienced anything like this I am never in my life experienced anything like this I don't want to be like - TMI but it feels like okay the way it came into my body like the salt water that's how it feels coming out of my body take that for what it is for you but that's the best way I can describe it Wow like what an experience so it's 12:45 it's been officially one hour and I've gone to the restroom four times we're time in an hour um crazy who would have ever thought that I'd be doing a video I'm pooped But Here I am I love to try new things out for you guys so I'm gonna give it another hour and see if anything happens and I'll come back with my final conclusion on this experiment okay I was try to keep myself busy by doing some chores around the apartment since it is Sunday that's my cleaning day I do have a clean with me video if you guys want to see my full-blown routine on what it is that I do so definitely check that out I'll put the link in the cards and in the description box below but this was so interesting first of all I didn't expect this salt water flush to work as well as I did so my advice to you guys doing this again I'm gonna reiterate to do this fasted so don't eat anything before you consume this flush to get the best results so like I said I didn't have anything since dinner last night like an early dinner I'm so hungry right now I feel like my body is just empty like there's nothing inside of it so I feel like my stomach is flat flat I am hungry but I also don't know what to eat I'm scared to leave my house I don't know what to do because I don't think that I am done with this little detox achoo a ssin so if you're gonna try this please do it at home on a day when you're not gonna be at work like a weekend or something like you need access to a bathroom ASAP ISA there's no time to run okay so that's the biggest thing and tip I can give you guys try it out like I said it's 399 you probably have the pink salt at your house to do this and make sure you use pink salt do not use table salt that is not going to work it's not that things being as processed so pink salt is your best bet or just raw sea salt okay anything but table salt and that blue thing no don't use that but I really have to say about this experiment would I do it again I don't know I don't know how I'm mentally ready for that but at least I know the thing works so if you're trying to start a new diet and you want to transition this will be a great thing to do if you're fasting this will be a great thing to do just to clean everything out if you're looking to D bloat and you want the effects similar to a colon cleanse this would be great for you to do I think there's great benefits to it of course I'm not a doctor so I'm not gonna sit here and tell you you need to do this just you know your body better than me thank you guys for watching this video sorry for the TMI but I thought it would be something interesting to share and again it's natural it's easy you have the ingredients at home to try it out yourself so if you do try it out let me know if it worked for you I would love to hear your experience if you are as open as I am about sharing your life like why do I do these things I don't know but thank you for watching thank you for subscribing I'll see you guys next time bye just having a little snack I guess you could say I'm not ready to eat like a full-blown meal so I wanted to do some sprouted toast with some fruit I have a peach some grapes over here I'm gonna put some almond butter on here I feel like my system is as cleansed as it can possibly be right now to the point where I am just empty like I can feel absolute nothingness in my stomach so I'm gonna spread some of my almond butter my raw almond butter on my toast this is actually when I favorite things to eat is just fruit with some almond butter toast I don't think I could ever get sick of it it's because it's savory and sweet from the fruit I think that's why I love it that looks so good you guys I'm gonna munch on this and get some editing done for today but I just wanted to see there you go something tells me that this food it's gonna run right through me and I'm not ready for that I'm really not ready for that [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kayla Lashae
Views: 249,854
Rating: 4.7667747 out of 5
Keywords: akaydoll, akaydollx2, kayla, lashae, beauty, guru, vlogger, fashion, makeup, cosmetics, howto, style, stylings, routine, hauls, salt water flush, intermittent fasting, how to stop bloating, natural remedy, constipation, colon cleansing, weight loss, how to lose weight fast, lose fat, get rid of water weight, summer body, flat stomac, first impressions, expierence, is it worth it, does it work, healthy lifestyle, natural detox, benefits, what is salt water flush, how to do a salt water flush
Id: B1iq3HjYBjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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