Weekend Update Rewind: Garth and Kat (Part 1 of 3) - SNL

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-♪ Oh, there were 47 reindeer ♪ ♪ Running up and down the mountain ♪ ♪ There were 40 evil reindeer ♪ ♪ Running up and down the mountain ♪ ♪ But ♪ [ Laughter ] [ "Weekend Update" theme plays ] -Christmas is almost upon us. And tonight we have a very special treat. Debuting their own holiday songs is one of my favorite musical duos -- Garth and Kat. [ Cheers and applause ] [ Laughter ] -Hey! -Hey! -Thank you! -Thanks. -Okay, is everything okay, guys? -No, we just, uh... [ Sighs ] We forgot we were coming here. -I mean, we knew. We just thought it was, uh, next week. -Alright, are -- are you guys not ready, or... -Oh, no, we're ready. -We're ready. We got songs ready to go. -Oh, we're ready. We're ready to go. -Yeah. -Okay, good, well, I am really excited about these songs. I hear you guys have been working on them for months. -Oh, yes, yes, yeah. -Yeah! -Practicing, rehearsing. -Yeah, we're very prepared for this. -Okay, well, that is great. Let's hear it. -Alright. -Okay! Alright. -Okay? -Okay. -♪ Bum buh ♪ ♪ Don't worry about that fireplace ♪ ♪ Because when the children sleep ♪ ♪ They wish they had four presents for Christmas ♪ ♪ And then Santa said, "I hope you've been good" ♪ ♪ But Mommy said ♪ -I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, guys, was that even the song? Do you guys know the words? -[ Scoffs ] -We're kidding, Seth. -Oh, okay. -We're kidding. -It's a comedy show, right? -Yes, alright. -We know the song. -Let's sing the song about the, um, the Christmas stockings and then the tree. -All the trees. The Christmas stocking on the tree. I love that one. That one's great. -Okay, ready? -Yeah. -♪ Oh, there were 47 reindeer ♪ ♪ Running up and down the mountain ♪ ♪ There were 40 evil reindeer ♪ ♪ Running up and down the mountain ♪ ♪ But ♪ [ Laughter ] ♪ I forgot my hat ♪ ♪ And I'm freezing from ♪ -Guys, I'm very -- I'm very sorry to interrupt you guys. I didn't mean to interrupt. -No, you didn't interrupt. -That was the end. -That was the end? -When I talked was the end of the song? -Yeah, yeah, that was it. -You perfectly timed it. -The end of the song -- The middle of a sentence was the end of the song? -Yeah, yeah. -Now, look, guys, I just think maybe we could bring you guys back when you're ready. I just don't think you're ready. -Come on, Seth! -Whoa. -This is serious. Want to get our songs out there, our music. -Took a very long time writing and arranging these songs. -We are gifted singers. Understand that? -This is our chance. Music producers are watching this. -Okay. -Come on, Seth, please? I've never asked you for anything, sir. -It's the first time I've ever even met you. -Please, we drove all the way from SoHo. [ Laughter ] -Alright, well, then, in the spirit of Christmas, let's do it. -Okay. Actually, you know what, this one is for real. -This is real. -Okay, good. -Hit it. [ Piano plays intro ] -♪ Christmas is on December 25th ♪ ♪ It's a snowy miracle ♪ -Oh, this is really pretty. -♪ But when the ♪ [ Laughter ] ♪ When the postman makes a stamp on every ♪ [ Laughter ] ♪ From Santa ♪ ♪ Then we salute nation ♪ [ Laughter ] -This is my favorite song. -♪ Postman ♪ ♪ My, listen to the little snowflakes ♪ ♪ Falling on the ground ♪ ♪ We hide underneath the snowman ♪ -Thank you very much, for "Weekend Update." This is Garth and Kat. -♪ So ♪ -Valentine's Day is approaching, and tonight we have an extremely special treat. Here to sing some love songs off their new album, American musical duo Garth and Kat. [ Cheers and applause ] -Hey. -I'm sorry. We are just literally running in here. -Get out of the shower like 15 minutes ago. -That's how your hair looks when you get out of the shower? Look, did you two forget that you were coming here again? -No! No! -No, no. No, no, no. -No, we have been preparing. -And rehearsing. -Yes, at the studio six days a week. -Practicing. -We're brainstorming. -Lyrics and melody. -Vocal exercises, brainstorming. -Well, that is great, because the last time you two were here, it seemed like you were not prepared at all. -Seth. -That's kind of the past. -Okay, great, I agree. So, why don't you guys just take it away? -Okay, great. This, uh -- This song is called... -"Box of Chocolates." -Mm-hmm. -Here we go. -Two, three, four. ♪ Milk chocolate, milk chocolate ♪ ♪ Milk chocolate with cashews in the middle ♪ ♪ Milk chocolate and dark chocolate ♪ ♪ I heard a rumor, I heard a rumor ♪ ♪ That you gave me chocolate, old girl ♪ -Enough. That is enough. You -- No. [ Cheers and applause ] -[ Chuckles ] -I think I know, and everyone in this studio knows, that you two did not practice. -Oh. [ Chuckles ] -Gotcha. -We fooled you. -We fooled you. [ Chuckles ] We got you good. -See this in your face. You're like, "What's happening?" [ Laughter ] -Seriously, seriously, we're gonna sing our song now that we wrote about the Cupid and his arrow. -That's right. First song on the album, I think. -Yeah. [ Chuckles ] -♪ Well ♪ ♪ Hey, Cupid, the boy's trying to do his thing ♪ ♪ In town again, in town again ♪ ♪ But don't open all the things at once ♪ [ Laughter ] -I'm gonna stop you guys. -♪ Don't open all the packages at once ♪ ♪ Because they say little things on ♪ ♪ Like "I love you" ♪ -Yep, that's enough. No, no, no. -♪ "I love you" ♪ -That's enough. -♪ "Be mine" ♪ ♪ "Be mine" ♪ -And stop. [ Laughter ] Stop, stop. Stop, stop, stop. I was under the impression that you were coming here to promote a Valentine's Day album that you had already written and recorded, but now, at this point, I do not believe exists. -It does, sir. -Okay, if it -- [ Laughter ] If it does, what's it called? -[ Scoffs ] -It's called "The..." -I'm sorry. Go, go. -"The --" "The Valentine's Story of Yesterday." -So, that's what it's called? Real quick, what was it, again? -No. "Garth and Kat Once Again Doing All the Valentine Songs." [ Laughter ] -You are not prepared at all. This is offending -- You offended me. I think maybe you guys should just leave. Drucker, come get -- -Please, please, please. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please. -We came all the way from Colonial Williamsburg. -I thought you guys were from SoHo. -Please, Seth, I'm begging for my life. -Please? Six more songs. -Eight more songs. -Eight more songs. -Eight more, then we're done. -Alright, fine. Because it's Valentine's Day, why don't you sing the last song on your album? -Perfect, great. That is the one the band is actually ready to play. -It's a real song. -Yeah -Hit it. [ Piano plays intro ] -♪ February 14th is for lovers ♪ ♪ But every day is Valentine's with you ♪ -Okay, this is pretty good. -♪ For Garth and Kat is was good ♪ ♪ For the bridge gone ♪ ♪ Sonny said, "No!" ♪ No! No! No, no, no! ♪ Because Valentines are ♪ ♪ Valentines are ♪ ♪ Valentines are from the heart ♪ -Garth and Kat, everybody. -Well, summer is just around the corner. Here to promote their outdoor summer-concert series is musical duo Garth and Kat. [ Cheers and applause ] -Hello. Hi. -Whew! Hi. [ Chuckles ] Hi, we're here. -Sorry we're late. We literally just woke up. -Kind of -- Kind of kind of late for a nap, isn't it? -We sleep 20 hours a night. -Oh, okay. Well, for a second, I thought you forgot you were coming here again. -What?! -No way. No way, no way. -No, we have been looking forward to this for a whole while. -And we are prepared. -Okay, so, what can people expect from your summer concert series? -Um, summer music. -Songs about summertime. -It's all prewritten. -It's all prewritten verses and choruses and endings. -Memorized. -Well, that's -- that's great. That sounds great. So, why don't you to give us a little sample? -Of course. That's absolutely... -Sure. -Good. -This one will be a classic. -I think -- Hmm. -♪ Let us play some volleyball on your beach ♪ ♪ On your beach ♪ ♪ Let us play some volleyball on your beach ♪ ♪ But don't call the police ♪ ♪ They're gonna yell at us ♪ ♪ And kick us off the beach ♪ ♪ But, man, there's a couple of people out there ♪ ♪ They better get off out of our beach ♪ -Okay, stop, stop. Stop, stop, stop. Stop. No. -♪ Oh ♪ -Stop. Stop. [ Laughter ] That, uh -- That was not written. You know it. You just made that up. -Oh. -Gotcha. -We gotcha. -Goofin' around. -And [Chuckles], oh, man. -Your face was priceless. You were like -- You're like, "What? Hold on a minute. Hello, you guys, stop." -Well, I don't know. -Well, this next one is a real song. And it was actually composed by a very famous songwriter. -Oh, great. Who? -Glen Catrolst. -Glen Catrolst? -Glenn Catrolst. -He wrote this one, and it's called "The Lobster and Crab Blues All Over the Place." -"The --" "The Lobster and Crab Blues All Over the Place"? -[ Imitating hard rock guitar ] ♪ Ow, I got a sunburn ♪ ♪ Nah, nah, nah ♪ ♪ Ow, I got it all over ♪ ♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah ♪ ♪ And we march, and we march up and down the street ♪ ♪ Looking for sales ♪ ♪ Of Hula-Hoops ♪ ♪ And Hula-Hoops ♪ ♪ Hula-Hoops will make you dance around ♪ ♪ Hula-Hoops are like the '50s ♪ ♪ Hula-Hoops are like the '50s, like the '50s ♪ ♪ Like the -- ♪ -Okay, I want to -- -♪ Like the '50s ♪ -I'm gonna stop -- -♪ Like the '50s ♪ -I'm gonna stop you guys before you say "Like the '50s" again. Do you guys even have concerts coming up? -Yeah, we do actually. -We do. We're performing live. -Are we're gonna be performing at the arena. -The arena. -For the Amphitheater of Summer Fun and Playground Time in the Park. -The arena for the Amphitheater of Summer Fun and Playground in the Park? -Brought to you by Team -- -Mobile. [ Laughter ] -Okay. Once again -- and do not take this the wrong way -- once again, you guys did not prepare anything. It is an embarrassment to me. -You're embarrassed? -I'm embarrassed by you. Why are you even here? -Oh! Because we were trying to make it, Seth. -We are begging you, sir. [ Laughter ] -We came all the way from Epcot. -I thought you... [ Laughter and applause ] I thought you just woke up. -We were sleep-driving. Just don't tell the police. -Oh, just let us sing one more. -20 more. -No, one. One more. -Okay. Thank you. And this one actually has music. -Yes. Hit it. [ Piano plays intro ] ♪ When the sun is shining on your shoulders ♪ ♪ And the birds are chirping in the sky ♪ -Oh, I like this. -♪ Because you know ♪ ♪ That it's gonna be the time to count dune buggies ♪ ♪ Dune buggies, where did they go? ♪ ♪ Where did they go? ♪ ♪ I'm gonna count dune buggies, sittin' on the beach ♪ ♪ There's one right over there ♪ ♪ And who's driving? ♪ ♪ Who's driving? ♪ ♪ It's Mister ♪ ♪ Buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh ♪ ♪ B-B-B-B-Baby Baby ♪ ♪ Boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo ♪ -Garth and Kat, everyone! Garth and Kat doing songs. -♪ Boo boo boo boo ♪ -I think everyone could agree, the only things that's more exciting than Halloween is Halloween music. Here tonight, to talk about their much-anticipated holiday album are the two best-looking people I've ever seen in person -- singer/songwriters Garth and Kat. [ Cheers and applause ] -Oh. -Oh. Oh, my gosh. -Thank you. Sorry we're late. We have literally just got off of a hayride. -Like two seconds ago. -Okay, don't worry about it. So, Garth and Kat, you guys are gonna sing a few songs off this album. Are you ready to go? Do you need a minute? -Oh, no, we're ready. -Yeah, we're ready and prepared. We're gonna do it. -Well, I cannot wait. I'm very excited. Let's hear one. -Okay. -Alright. Okay, our first song is, uh -- -Here we go. -"Halloween Party." -That's exactly right. "Halloween Party." -Ready? And ready, go. -♪ Dracula ♪ -♪ Brought for... ♪ [ Laughter ] -♪ Made corns for breakfast ♪ ♪ He's from California ♪ ♪ California, man ♪ ♪ California ♪ ♪ Oh, man ♪ ♪ Dracula's surfin' ♪ ♪ Where'd... ♪ [ Laughter ] ♪ Where'd he go? ♪ ♪ Dracula's surfing ♪ ♪ Where'd he go? ♪ -Okay, you know what? I'm... [ Laughter ] -I am gonna stop -- Yeah. -Yeah. Thanks. [ Cheers and applause ] -The reason I stopped you there was I just wanted to ask, are you sure that you guys practiced these songs? -Come on! -Yes! What?! -Yes! -It was a long time. -We wrote them. We know how they go. -Okay, well, I mean, I believe you. Do you want to try another one? -Yes. Great. Okay. Actually, we're gonna sing a song that we perform in schools. -Okay, good. -It's for children, Seth. This holiday is actually for children, Seth. -Okay, I know that. -It's not all about grown-ups, okay? The song is about Halloween safety. -Right. -Okay. What is it called? -It's called... -"Kids, Don't Smoke Fake Cigarettes, Because, You Know, Every Time People See You, and They Think You're an Adult, They Know It's the Most Unhealthy Thing Ever in This Town or Any Town." [ Laughter ] -I'm actually -- I actually missed a little bit of the title of that song. Could you say it for me one more time? -Ughh! -We said... "Guys, Don't Smoke Cigarettes If They're Fake, Because the Moment a Sheriff Sees You, He's Gonna Pull You In and Kick You Out and Say, 'You Can't Go Trick-or-Treating, Ever, For a Week!'" [ Laughter and applause ] -"You Can't --" "You Can't Go Trick-or-Treating, Ever for a Week"? -That's right. -Yep. -Well, sounds like a great song. I would love to hear it. -Okay, great. -Here you go. Ready? -♪ It's an owl alert ♪ ♪ It's owl alert ♪ ♪ You got to jump under the piano ♪ ♪ Duck under the piano 'cause grandma's playin' again ♪ ♪ I said grandma's playin' again ♪ ♪ I'm begging you, everyone I know ♪ ♪ Ohhhh, the-e-e -- ♪ -Okay, you know what? I'm just gonna -- Nope. -♪ And the '60's band ♪ -Nope. No way. [ Laughter ] It was really good. I, uh -- I just -- I love you guys. -Thank you. -I love you guys. You're the two most attractive people I've ever met in person. But it's obvious to me that you -- that you didn't prepare anything. -[ Gasps ] -We did, Mister! This album is very important to us. -Okay, we even had a famous artist do the cover artwork, Okay? -Oh, really, what's his name? -Glen Thieves! [ Laughter ] -Okay, you know what? I-I-I just don't think this is gonna work out. -Mr. Miners, please! -Mr. Miners, come on! -Please, Mr. Miners? -We need it, Mr. Miners. -It's Mr. Meyers, and you know that. -That's what we said. We said Meyers. -Something's bouncing in here. -I don't think you did. I think you guys should go. -No! -We came all the way from Camp David! [ Laughter ] -I thought you guys got here by hayride. -Oh, yeah, yeah. -We did. It took forever, the longest time. -It was so bumpy. -So bumpy, you guys. -We lost, like, half the hay. -Okay, you know what? I'm gonna let you guys sing one more song. -Okay. 50 more! [ Laughter ] -One more. -Come on, man! -Don't take that tone with me. -All right, fine. This one is called... -"The Wackiest Witch." -And we even have music, actually. -Okay, great. [ Intro plays ] -♪ The spooky house on Halloween Hill ♪ ♪ Knock on the door, and what will you see? ♪ -This is great. -♪ There was a chocolate factory that closed down again ♪ ♪ We knocked and ran ♪ ♪ And asked them, "Please let us in ♪ ♪ To sample the chocolate, gobble gobble gobble gobble ♪ ♪ Gobble gobble gobble gobble, gobble gobble gobble gobble ♪ ♪ Gobble gobble gobble gobble, gobble gobble gobble gobble ♪ ♪ We want the chocolate, the chocolate milk ♪ ♪ Chocolate milk? ♪ ♪ But everyone said it was sour ♪ ♪ Sour ♪ ♪ "Sour once again," said the king ♪ ♪ Sour ♪ ♪ Boo-hoo ♪ -Garth and Kat, everybody! Happy Halloween! [ Cheers and applause ]
Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 175,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, snl, saturday night live, snl 45, season 45, supercut, garth and kat, garth, kat, snl garth and kat, weekend update, colin jost, michael che, kristen wiig, songs, fred armisen, christmas, valentine's day, summer, halloween, live, new york, comedy, sketch, funny, hilarious, late night, host, music, guest, laugh, impersonation
Id: _6w2L9t9FQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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