Wednesday 1x04 - Wednesday Addams Dance Scene (1080p)
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Views: 49,895,749
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Id: AE2bY2gOBhk
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Length: 2min 25sec (145 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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JFC that bald black chic is ugly af.
and of course there was some girl with danger hair.
Watched the whole season. Woke lines were met with eye rolls from the other characters.
Show was meant for teens. If u watch it with that context its decent. Ortega wasnt the issue if u have a problem with the show. Its always the writers.
Oh man, i liked the dance scene.
Lol whats the problem here? She killed that role and this scene. Are we footloose parents now?
I watched it. I thought it was ok - like many others, I think Ortega killed the role. Some of it was campy but I enjoyed it. Didnβt seemingly try to force agenda down viewers throat besides the βmomsβ
If there is any woke-propaganda to be found in this show, it was meant to target the more impressionable demographics.
According to an Interview she claims that was her Interpretation of what people in the 1980s danced like.