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Gone are the days of investing platforms that  are absolutely impossible to understand! Thanks   to investment apps such as WeBull and robinhood  it allows people to get a little bit of a better   start especially for beginners and getting into  the stock market today I want to share with you   two very popular investment programs webull versus  robin hood the title of this video is don't make   this mistake and the reason i say that is a lot  of beginner investors jump into one or the other   and they're not too sure what they're doing and  they end up wasting a lot of time and yes a lot   of money and i want to make sure i help you avoid  that by giving you the detailed review what's good   about them why are they different and what's bad  about them so if you're excited to get ready to   understand the big differences between webull and  robinhood app smash that like button down below   welcome back to the channel my name is bob and I'm  glad to have you here if you're not part of the   sweet life family smash that subscribe button down  below so you don't miss the next personal finance   video coming to the channel now I am not one of  those people that give you a review on something   i have not already used oh yes i use both webull  and robinhood there are some good things about   these programs there are some things that you  need to be careful of when getting started and   that's what I want to share with you today so how  we're going to break down the video is I'm going   to share with you the similarities between the two  investment apps we're then going to go into where   they differ and right at the end I'm going to  share with you something that you need to know so   you don't make a huge mistake and what investment  app platform is best for you based on your goals   let's get started okay webull and robinhood here  is where they are the same they're both free to   download you can absolutely download these apps on  the app store the google play store anything like   that absolutely free does not cost and it does  not cost you to get started with either one of   these platforms they do not charge you a monthly  fee they do not charge you to download use or do   anything in the app which is great there's also  no minimum deposit needed for either one of these   and what's really cool is that they both offer you  free stock when you sign up so what you could do   is you can hop over to each one of these you can  sign up absolutely free claim your free stock and   let your free stock sit there of course it's going  to go down it's going to go up with the market   i don't know if that'll last forever so if you're  interested in doing that i will include links that   you can learn more about that option down below  with a special invite offer to either robinhood   or webull another similarity between both of  them is that they're available on the web either   weeble.com or robinhood.com or on the app now a  lot of people use them on the app so you use them   on your smartphone iPad anything like that that's  where most people use these platforms and honestly   what makes that nice is you can be out and about  you could be on vacation you could be traveling   as long as you got either a cell service or some  type of wi-fi you can pull them up on your phone   and see how your market activity is progressing  and they both offer option trading now option   trading is a little bit more advanced this video  is aimed for beginners that are just starting off   so option trading while they both offer it  we'll table that discussion to another video   let's get into the differences and this is  where it's going to break down which one is   going to be best for you webull or robinhood  and this is very important so make sure that   in fact what I'll do is I'm going to put over  here we're going to put robinhood data and over   here I'm going to put webull data that way you can  see the differences next to each other the very   first difference which is a big big thing that you  need to think about when you're just starting off   weull does not offer fractional shares robinhood  does what this means let's say for example you   have five dollars okay um you've heard me  say it before on the channel I you typically   invest five dollars per week into robin hood and  the reason I do that is I've cut out Starbucks   and then that way i can take what i was  paying for that and put it toward robinhood   but five dollars is the big difference between a  non-fractional share and a fractional share let's   start with robinhood if I wanted to purchase a  share of tesla with five dollars i could do that   now I'm not going to get an entire share of tesla  I'm going to get a fraction of what five dollars   equals so i simply go over to robin hood type  in that i want to invest five dollars into tesla   and then my five dollars will drop and grow  based on the overall share value of tesla   on the webull app a little bit different in order  to invest in tesla i need to put up the entire   amount to buy at least one full share you cannot  buy half of a share you cannot buy a share and a   half one two three four however many shares you've  got to pony up the deal so if you're just getting   started off and you don't have a lot of money to  put toward this that could be something that you   need to keep in mind by the way if anybody from  webull is watching this video you guys have got to   figure out a way to allow people to get fractional  share trading on your platform you could honestly   i think take over robinhood with a few other  things i'm about to discuss later in this video   by offering fractional shares so webull make this  video right here obsolete by offering it so that   people say hey you're wrong on this video they do  offer fractional shares yeah i want that to happen   so webull make it happen now another difference  if you're into cryptocurrency bitcoin litecoin   ethereum all those cryptocurrency things that have  taken off quite a bit over the last couple years   webull does not offer at the time cryptocurrency  traded whereas robin hood does so if you want to   dabble both in the stock market as well as the  cryptocurrency market robin hood would be better   for you next up is beneficiary webull offers  you an option for beneficiary robinhood does   not and i think this is important in robinhood if  you're watching this video you've got to get this   beneficiary thing going on basically what that  means is unfortunately if that scary day comes   and you croak and you die webull lets you assign  a beneficiary so you can say give my portfolio to   my significant other my children my brother my  mother something right you can assign somebody   to take over your account and if you don't  have a beneficiary basically it goes up into   probate court and it's a big mess so that is a big  difference there too so something to keep in mind   if that interests you what about free stuff  we all like free stuff i mentioned a little   bit earlier in this video they both give at the  current moment of this recording of this video   free stock so make sure you take advantage of  it if you're interested robinhood offers one   free stock and what's cool is all you have  to do is just sign up again absolutely free   and get yourself a free stock so they offer one  free stock when you sign up with the link down   in the description below so check that out you can  go on and it could be anything you have a chance   to win an apple share you have a chance to win  tesla i mean it could be all kinds of different   shares it could be something small and you know  like only five dollars but whatever it's a free   share of stock just for signing up webull on  the other hand offers up to two free stocks   sometimes more depending on the promotion they're  running so again link down below for webull if   you're interested in that you can check out what  their promotion is typically what they do though   is they give you one free stock for signing up  absolutely free they give you the second stock   once you decide to deposit a minimum of 100  toward your first investment opportunity so   you deposit 100 you get a second free stock super  easy to do it delivers typically within the first   couple weeks on either one of these platforms but  it's a great way to get a head start on the stock   market without having to invest any of your own  money pretty cool another thing i think is kind of   cool is is learning and i will say this is where  it's kind of contradictory to each other webull   i find is a little bit more advanced a little bit  more difficult for beginners to navigate all the   news and information that they're sharing whereas  i find robinhood to be a little bit easier in   navigating what the deal is a good example of that  is when you look at a particular share of stock   in robinhood you can scroll below it'll let you  know what the investor analysts are saying so for   example if most of them are saying if you should  buy the stock hold the stock or sell the stock it   kind of gives you a breakdown of that and then it  gives you an example of what the bulls are saying   again bull is when uh the market is going up and  it looks favorable and what the bears are saying   bears being the ones that say hey this stock's  on the way down and you can kind of weigh and   judge your opinion it's very easy and easy to  digest webull gives you all of the data and a   lot of times that can get a little overwhelming  if you're just starting off but either way they   both offer something i would just say webull is  a little bit more difficult whereas robinhood's   a little bit easier but the contradictory part is  webull offers paper trading and robinhood does not   paper trading gives you an ability what they do  on webull is they give you one million dollars for   free it's fake money to invest in the stock market  as a pretend which is cool because you get an   opportunity to say you know what I'm going to buy  this and that and this and that and the next thing   and then you can see how your portfolio grows or  not grows over the period of time and you'll get   fake dividends and all that kind of stuff based  on your paper trading abilities and i think that's   a cool way to especially if you're not too sure  you're a little bit scared to put your real money   into the stock market you can test it out with the  paper trading on webull and then the big one and   this is what is currently stirring up on YouTube  as well as the internet is a thing that's really   kind of honestly pissing a lot of people off  with robinhood that is contact information   the ability to get a hold of somebody if you have  a question if you have a concern if something's   going on with the app and you need immediate  attention here's the deal with robinhood you can   contact them inside the app via instant messenger  type of thing that they have on the app or on   email they don't have a phone number you can call  webull they can you can call them you can text   them you can email them robinhood come on get with  it get yourself outsource it for crying out loud   just get yourself an ability that if something  crazy happens in the app and i'm freaking out   i can call you anytime 24 7 and say hi jake from  robin hood can you help me uh that's all we need   so that could be a big disrupter for a lot of  you because maybe you're like yeah you know what   i need that i need to be able to call somebody i  need a contact i think it's a little sketchy that   i can't call somebody if i need help and i got to  wait on an email or some type of messenger within   the app i don't like that if that's a big deal  to you you're going to want to lean toward Webull   as opposed to robin hood because Webull will give  you that phone number that you can call anytime   again robin hood you now have the ability  to make this video obsolete get yourself   a customer service hotline very easy so this  is why i said in this video title don't make   this mistake because again depending on what  your interests are and what your goals are   by starting out as an investor yourself i hope  these two things help you because if you're   somebody that says you know what i have the money  to invest i want to invest in nice whole shares   maybe Webull's the way to go but let's say you  don't have a lot of money and maybe you want to   do the Starbucks strategy of five dollars a week  or something like that robinhood would be a better   option so you can invest in fractional shares and  watch your five dollars grow or watch your ten   dollars go or whatever that amount of money that  you can invest is this is all really important so   take a look at all this stuff i'll also include  all the details that i discussed in the video   in the description below so you can read them and  weigh and judge what you think will be a better   option based on your goals don't make the mistake  of just jumping into one because one sounds better   than the other on the surface do the research  dive down into what i shared with you today   and most importantly smash the like button and  be sure to share this video with others so they   can get awesome insider personal finance tips on  their journey with either Webull or robin hood   and if there's something i missed on this video  all you got to do comment below i'm very active on   the channel i will do my best to reply to you asap  let me know what questions you have or anything   that i may have missed on the video other than  that guys as always continue to live your sweet   life because you're worth it have an awesome  day and we'll see you next time [end screen]
Channel: Bob Sharpe
Views: 307,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webull, robinhood, webull vs robinhood, robinhood vs webull, webull for beginners, webull free stock, webull app review, webull review, webull app, webull tutorial, webull app tutorial, robinhood investing, robinhood app, robinhood for beginners, webull paper trading, robinhood review, webull app vs robinhood, robinhood app vs webull, webull app review 2020, robinhood app review, webull stock app, how to buy stocks on webull, webull trading, webull investing, andrei jikh
Id: E_m406Tx7tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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