Webinar: Cycles 4D for Cinema 4D

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hello ladies and gentlemen yeah wake up to our webinar about cycles 4G and my name is Mario Chan fog and I'm a staff member of nvidia m-- and today i want to show you how great cycle 4g is to create motion design let's have an overview about what we are talking today first one is a bridge to cinema 4d then we are talking about mcgrath and in the end we are going to talk about X particles and as you can see in these little examples this is all about motion design so I hope this is going to be useful for your motion designers out there and let's see what we are going to create all right so let's go into our bridge to cinema 40 so psychic forgive is a render engine that was bridged to cinema 4d by ins idiom and it has three major features I want to show you that is first of all the very unique material node system where you can build amazing materials from it starts very simple but it can be very complex and it's super smart and I will show you that it's quite actually quite easy to use and you can build on top of it later on then cycle 40 comes with CPU or GPU rendering solution so you can put a lot of graphic cards in your system and you can render with all of those cards at the same time and you have of course team rendering support so you can really speed up your renderings very fast and the third thing is that cycads is very complete system it can render all modules from cinema 4d it works well with mograph it has the best render solution for X particles you can find on the market and you have TFG or volume support as well so let's go into cinema 4d now and let's do a little bit of cycle fully rendering so here prepared our first scene that's open or typical car client scene and your client wants to have a vert frame for your car and let's see how we find cycles for D we have cycle so D and our top menu over here we have some objects you can create and for example the cycle for the camera and light with some properties so let's just create light over here let's pull it over there and then we have one of the best features the real-time preview let's open the real-time preview and here you can change the device from CPU to GPU and you can directly change that and this is very awesome to work with if you have a client sitting next to you you can just sit there and talk with him and move the lights and discuss how you want to change it and you can do everything in real time change the colors and see the final already quite the final rendered image in your life preview alright so let's change to a different view I've customized my layout to have this view over here so I can directly work with that and now let's go into our next feature the heart of cycles for the the material node system that is absolutely unique and you will see why to create a cycle for the material let's go to our material options and add an object material for now I just drag that out and so I can quickly edit all the materials later on and now we want to simply create some light materials for those measures over here so let's just drag the material onto the meshes all right and here is our note editor and the note editor you can move around as you are used to in cinema 4d viewport as well just move around and when you right-click you have a lot of options for your note you have like input nodes shader nodes and you can just select them and for example now we want to have an emission on our geometry and let's just delete this one over here and when you want to use this emission just drag it into the surface output all right and now you directly see our car render is getting light from those created lights over here and the very unique thing is you see everything on the nodes you can change the colors here you can increase the strength you can use the sliders so if you build a big node system you can follow the path of how the material works in here and now we want to create this very cool looking wireframe shader and the shader is a mix of glass shader and the wireframe and to do that we are going to create a material for our car and let's drag just on top of our car all right let's kill this and let's start with an emission again drag that into the surface all right announce our car is glowing that leave out the floor and we want to create a glass material and you can create everything within this material and now we want to create a mixed material let's go to shaders add a mixture and the mix shader' you can put your material and there in the mix shader' has a factor and the factor is actually a value between zero and one and the factor is very special you can either put in protections that are coming from cycles 4e cinema4d textures like noises as well or other image maps to separate your materials you can mix your materials with specific texture and everything that is color for example is going to be converted within within cycle for deep into a gradient between 0 and 1 and the other thing other inputs for example have input node spoon cycles for thee for the we will see later the fernell node then you can use object attributes like the speed or the radius of things the particles and yeah actually if you have all kinds of attributes from objects you can imagine can be used as a vector and it has a port to expressive as well but sometimes we have values that are larger than 0 to 1 and you have to bring them down to ones like if something is moving faster than 1 for example hundred centimeter just a very little math is required just a very little to match that let's go back to our scene we can now add our wire frame node seconds forty has a via from node and here we have the factor that is producing values between 0 and 1 and we can drag that into the mix shader' and now we see that the wireframe node is mixing our two materials and we can check that to have the pixel size and why why friend note is mixing now the two materials with each other and you had already a pretty cool wireframe mix between class and emission and you can do everything within this material you don't need to do that in compositing you can directly work with your client on this one and now we want to add some colors to our wireframe and to do that I'm going to use let's go to the emission only let's let's introduce a frontier node in the fernell node is creating a gradient the more angle of the camera view towards the mesh the lighter it gets and you can adjust the fernell over here like changing a little bit of the values and now we want to give that a color and to give that the color I will introduce you the most powerful tool in psychology it's the color end and it is actually one of my absolutely loved tools the color end node has a vector that's getting values from 0 to 1 that is recording like black to white and as you can see here it's remapping the values to a color gradient that you are going to set and here are some examples on the left side you have a grayscale texture and here at the color ramp the extra current that is meting the colors to this grayscale texture so the blue colors are more in this darker areas and the bright that gets the more colors from the orange palette is getting on this object here is another example where has a plastic material and a volume inside the plastic material and here I have a noise and I want to use this noise to separate these two materials and to clamp them and the color rent on this noise is able to clamp the values so you get this really nice shaped volume cut out and for motion design it's even more important that you can see here this is working during time and space so if you have an object that is changing its colors from black to white you can use the color rent in your material system to map those colors onto your objects this is going to be very important for mograph and forex particles as well this is pretty pretty useful alright so you have your mix shader' and now we want to just add on the right-click a converter and there we have our super tool the color ramp and cycads 4d node system has this auto snap that is pretty cool it's very useful you can just snap it in there and now you should be able to recolor your for now so just start with a darker color over here let's take something like a dark blue then we go into a it's going off here a lighter blue you see it's changing directly you can you can choose everything you want it's very intuitive you can really work like an artist alright then we going into orange color then let's go into a green for example like this sprite a green and then let's go into blue again alright that's pretty cool one alright and now you see that's already depending on the angle of the car and as we are going to use a glass material you can see if ruined everything that inside the car gets this free nail shade eraser and now let's see what happens when we go and mix all of that together and there we go you have now a very nice buy a frame material that is looking for the car depending on your fernell let's for example like this roads are pretty cool and then you go into your pretty nice material and you can adjust everything like you want for example let's increase the emission to have more intense via frame and now we have the floor just duplicate our material and let's drag the material onto our floor and maybe you don't want to have those orange colors over here just go to the ramp and kick out maybe just leave the green that's pretty cool already and that's actually how you can build this this very nice material and it's all within all within one material that's the awesome part you don't need to do that in compositing to render wireframe you don't need to change the colors there and render again you can just do it on the fly in the node system the next part is maybe you want to add some HDR I you know that from other tools and to do that let's just create an environment let's go into environment material and here you have the backgrounds you can change the color alright and now let's just add environment texture alright and here you can put in any kind of here's a pretty nice one and you see it's directly working in the scene and if you if you're ready with building material I highly recommend to use the cinema 4d content browser which is really awesome for the cycads 4d materials for example here look really nice list of things I might just quickly add the preset for here just go and add a new preset library let's call it webinar right and now you can just either you can drag in your materials or you can drag in complete objects so you can just drag in the environment later on as well again if you use it on another place that's a really fast way to use it and I use it a lot all right and now we want to maybe add some pretty nice depth of field over here to do that we can just add a camera let's go into the camera and here we have the camera tag and as you know it from cinema 4d core just pick the focus distance where you want and here you have this aperture size and increase that to have a very nice-looking depth of field it's pretty pretty amazing looking already and let's decrease it a little bit and before we close this first part here you can make the roughness larger then you ask this very nice-looking retro look of your of your car depending on the colors and it's taking the colors of the fernell and it's a pretty pretty nice one all right let's go this was the first part and now let's go and create some mograph first of all I will show you how we are going to get this very nice slice typography and as you can see we are mixing missus material and class materials again and we are actually using the mograph colors so let's go into our scene let's just close this one and open open the scene over here and here you can see that I just switch the view right in here I have a mock wrestle and you see the slice that property is is getting randomized with some random effectors and let's quickly see how I built this and it's going to create a new scene and let's go and add an O text change that to ABC and select a more cool font I like this one over here and now one of the best features the Voronoi fracture tool lets drag in the vault the mote X into the volunter fracture and then you have your fractures let's go to the sources kill the source and now we want to slice them by using a plane rotate the plane from 90 degrees move it over here and let's display the lines and we decrease the segments a bit for example like four and five and now we are going to use that as a source all right and hear this you have your typography sliced already and let's make the text a little bit more thin and let's just unhide this one and let's hit all G to group that copy that and let's move it a little bit back and now we can just simply take the plane and change the slicing little bit to have a more random look and now when you select both Evernote fractures you can add a motor if a vector right and it's looking pretty awesome already but maybe you don't want to have everything separate parts you want to have good looking slices so let's go to the more text caps and create single object all right now they don't have the segment's exploded you can go to the render modifier and just have the randomness in the Z right so this is how I build the the slice text basically and now we want to make create a cool shade for that using these colors over here all right so let's go to our scene I will change the view now and the first thing we do is the same as we did last time let's go and create the cinema cycles for the object material and you see that we have certain hierarchy over here just put the material on top of everything and let's change let's create an emission shader delete that and put it into here alright there we have our type and now I want to introduce you to the attribute node the attribute node is very powerful tool as well and that is able to read all the color information and also it can read the elections and vertex maps and bring that into the material editor as well so this is actually a very nice note and we're going to see how it works so now we have the emission over here let's add the input attribute node let's put in let's connect the colors no see it's not working we just need to change that to object color all right and there we go you directly have all the colors from mograph inside your material system and you can work with them so now I want to create an emission mix with between class and other stuff so let's just quickly add a mix shader like we did before a mix shader' then let's add diffusion that's the diffuse that's a simple simple material it's pretty much like the standard materials on cinema 4d and let's drag the emission in there to diffuse and now we have some kind of a mixed material and now I want to separate them using the colors so let's create our super tool the color rent again let's put the color into the color to feed the vector and now we put that into our mix shader' and with this color ramp we can now clamp and actually we can decide which range of colors are going to be used from our mo graphs so we can just say okay I go I want to have motor colors from the brighter colors over here that they are located more over here right the colors or more like the bluish colors and this is actually a pretty nice way to create a very nice look on the flight and we can increase the strength over here and the cool thing about cycles for years you can stack your materials and limitless so you can add another mix shader' then we want to mix that with a glass material so let's add a glass material let's add this into the shader connect the mix shader' with the next next mix shader' and we want to use a fernell again so depending on the angle of the camera lens to to the surface and now we should mix the glass with our diffuse and with our mission material depending on the infernal and the more I increase the fernell now the more classy put more glass shines through and we can add a little bit of roughness over here like to point to and we can now as we did as I save the preset over here let's just add an HDI all right over here and we can rotate the HDR I to make it really looking from behind or something all right and for gas I recommend to increase the next rate balances in the the red end settings and I want to just quickly go through the render settings if you like so here you have to divide you can change that for later on for rendering you can select all the devices we have in our wheat empty array of preview as well then in the transfer performance settings you have some tied sides rendering but the presets are already pretty good for rendering so no need to change that and here you have very important is your final samples this is according to the samples we have over here and then we have subdivisions for for displacements and here you have very detailed as in-depth options to change your bounces and now we want to have more bounds for the glass so and the cool thing is you can now go and remap the color values like we did before in a very cool way if your client tells you either I don't want this color palette I just want to have some different colors just drag in your colorant and you can select the nice preset from cinema 4d and just play around with your style as you like it's up to you what you want what you want to do and it's really awesome to work with alright so this is the attribute color and you can do a ton of stuff you can imagine how how many possibilities you have with such a node alright let's go on to the next example another mograph too because thing you have this anytime until you have typical more rhythm scene where we are controlling our our motion with audio and the more they come out the more orange they get and as there are all instances you can apply a different note and let's see the very nice object info node and the object info node has some inputs that are producing for example this in the background our clonise colored by the position when they were more on the left it's creating green or in these space they're getting more red and also you have a random vector so you can color your mograph clones randomly as well so let's see how that works let's open the scene alright and here i have my my honeycomb scene and let's just like we did before let's create a material let's go object material all right and put that onto our let's put that onto the caps looks great and let's add in a mission node all right and let's see it's working in real time again if the V port is a little bit sluggish you can just hide it from the clonise from the viewport and you see it's still working in cycle 3 it's pretty fast alright and now we want to add our object node object info and when you drag in the random node you can see that it's directly giving each object a random color or you can track the position into the emission and now you see that it's depending on the scene and where the scene starts its coloring your object and now we want to create a death effect so the more they come out the more color bigoted therefore let's add a little bit of math all right so let's go and let's add a converter separate X Y Z let's drag that into our position and we only want to have this set all right so now the more depth the deeper they are the brighter they get and we want to add an F note math and let's multiply that with a very low value so so we're bringing down disposition values to effect factor between 1 and 0 all right now you see it's getting darker when I increase that value over here you see it's getting brighter so you actually see that it's depending on the position within 3d space all right let's change the value to this one and let's add our super tool the color red and now you can create our ramp as we did before let's add a little bit of color over here blue one and two more we go out let's go into the orange color and you dial it directly see when you change the ramp see that's working already and we go into like a little bit more yellowish and then let's go into very very bright and we can increase the strength over here all right that's our material looking for the for the depth of your clothes and it's coloring your the clothes depending on the depth all right so now we can just add some more materials into the scene like create a glossy material a reflective one just delete this one add a shader glossy into the surface and let's drag that onto the body so we have a nice reflection can do a little bit of roughness over here alright and we want to add material for the splines as well so let's just I like the color ramp we did so we can just copy the color ramp over here copy that and we have direct spline support just add the cycle for the curve tag let's create a material knob track material here we want to have a mission as well you see I like the mission a lot let's paste our ramp and for splines cycles 4d has its own here info node and the intercept is actually the length of the of the spline and it's creating a factor as well between 0 and 1 from the start to the end and now we need to add that to our mocha ref clone and let's quickly deactivate the other stuff and now we have our splines over here and we can just choose a different color like this and you see they are getting the colors as well all right and we can apply our clone to I have some dozen dust particles over here just add material on there and they are getting the color as well then I have Cameron set it set up with some depth of field and our motion graphics honey comp cloner on sound are now ready all right and as you know it can just change on the fly the colors as you wish and try everything out you want and it's awesome and you see how fast fast it works right and now I want to go to my favorite topic X particles and as you know in cydia m-- is the creator of X particles anti crater of cycle three you can assume that it's probably the best bridge between those plugins you can imagine and in volume did a very well job on it so let's go and check out our what we are going to do and the first example I brought is with trails when you see that the trades are changing changing their colors alright and therefore let's go into the sea let's close everything and here I have the scene and when I play it let's change the view again so we see what's happening over here so if you want to build the scene I quickly just select the deselect the cache so I created some particles then I added the X P rotator over here with a fall-off so the particles that are inside are rotating faster than outside so it's like a gravitational rotation and then I use the xsplit turbulence and XP turbulence has a netting so the faster the particles are the non turbulence gets affected them and in the end I added some particle colors depending on their speed so the faster they are the brighter they get and this is what we are going to use in cycles for D as well and in the end I added some some trails and I cashed everything so this is very nice to work with all right this is our seam to begin with let's get back to our double view alright let's add a cycle for the material and drag that on to our trails and as you know that let's add an emission node direct it to the surface and you directly see the trades are seen by cycle 4d and we are doing this in real time now and we want to change a little bit of the shape of the trades let's add a cycle for D curve tag and in the curve deck you have this start and end like you know it from here just to select the start zero the end 2.5 or something to have a very nice looking looking trade alright and it's working pretty well and now we I may introduce the next powerful tool the attribute node but it's again the attribute node and you know that already from the from the beginning it also contains all this X particles generator like the XP scanner colors the tray colors then we have the bed that map support and the XP generator and the attribute node is is already built to read those attributes it's all within this node so let's go back and let's add an input attribute note put on the colors into the emission and let's change the mode to use trails alright and you directly have our particle colors projected on our tray colors that is pretty awesome alright and now we want to just add some colors on it so the faster they are the brighter they get let's add our color and put that in between and the slow particles are blue then let's change a little bit different take this one I like this one more and let's go into dark blue over here and then the faster we go it lets choose for example like this orange color and then let's go into a yellowish one and a little bit more yellow alright and this is absolutely unique you can't do that without any other renderer accept the standard render engine already with LEC's particles can do that as well but here you have it an unbiased rendering and let's just quickly add the camera I have the camera over here some depth of field and you see that it's looking pretty awesome all right and now we want to colorize particles and now I want to introduce to you the particle info node and it's probably one of the most powerful nodes and you see how large it is it's actually over the headline here and you have values like index age lifespan position the radius of the particle etc and to demonstrate how powerful it is let's try and create this scene over here all right and a sin let's go back to cinema 4d and let's open the scene I switch again my view and in this scene I have an emitter that is moving with some keyframes and it's the emission is connected to the velocity of my object so the faster it is the more particles are getting created you can do it with a little bit of expresso here then the particles are getting color from the speed of within the scene and then I added the exp domain and the XP domain loves very thin images when you have very thin emitter you see that our flip forces are doing very well job on those particles and then you have this very nice nice-looking fluid simulation and now we want to color them so let's back to double side view alright and let's add a material and first of all let's add it cycles for D X particles tag it has its own check for X particles of course let's add that and you directly see that the particles are our life and it's create actually creating instances little spheres for each particle so you can have some options over here the particle sphere segments so if you have millions of particles you a cube you want you don't want to have so many segments over you can just decrease that to has much more speed so if you go to three you have triangles that just takes like 11 or something to still have them all right and now let's track our material onto the emitter all right and then we want to go into the material we have a diffuse over here and let's add our input particle info node and you see it's a very large node and you don't need all of that so let's just select the color over here drag that into the views and you directly see that we have two colors the word the black black colors are getting black and white and you can actually right click on your node and hide the unused socket all right and now the the node is smaller and it's much more easy to use it and now we want as we as we did before let's do a little bit recoloring again color ramp and you know my colors already going from blue to orange and then let's go into the green this time somewhere over here and let's make the colors a little bit more natural it's just pick them in between and delete those ones so you're getting a little bit more natural-looking colors all right and now I want to have some glowy particles within them to make that we let's add a mixed shader again all right and let's put in our diffuse then let's create an emission node let's put it over here then let's drag that into our surface and now that particles are getting this light emission node I'll let the colors and we want to have the color the colors in the emission as well and now we want to create the material color ramp for the fact-check tourism again let's go to create and add a colorant let's put the colors of our particles into the factor and put the drum into the mix and now you see that we can adjust the ramp where our particles should be bright and this is how you select ranges within your particles in time depending on their speed and now you can create particles over here light them up over there somewhere over here now let's create the third one alright it's pretty nice alright let's increase our emissions so they are more even more bright and now if you play that you will see that this one is a little bit too bright again you see that the particles are only brightened up in those certain ranges and this is really really unique you can actually do with the cycads material more than you can do with the X particles material in core so for for a lot of purpose you can imagine how many stuff you can do with that and it's it's really awesome to work with alright and the last thing I want to show you today is that you can all actually use different kind of object over here and this change I don't like that color so much let's go into blue again and this is the cycle for GTECH has an option to use objects as well so here in the background you see particles that are using a custom instance geometry an arrow let's quickly add that to our scene as well so let's go and create a cube and let's put the cube just drag it inside our object alright and now you just need to decrease the scale of it the size all right and you see that it's already let's put this cube aside so all the cubes are getting the colors and you see that we are going that it's like similar to ma grass we are creating instances and right now the cubes are looking all in the same direction so let's change its go to the experimenter let's add to use rotation and we want to have a tangential rotation so when I simulate that our cubes are looking into the direction of the particles and you see how fast that works this is pretty amazing all right now we have created some instances and you can still change the size of the cubes even smaller and cited 4d is able to project the particle colors onto our instances and to do that you just have to drag your material onto your source object and there we go now we have all the attributes we created in our material on our cubes good I think so thank you covered quite a lot yes yes thanks again for attending
Channel: Maxon
Views: 58,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: c4d, cinema 4d, r18, release 18, sculpting, bodypaint 3d, maxon, modeling, modelling, 3d, animation, rendering, Cinema 4D, Cycles 4D, Motion Graphics, Vfx, particles, MoGraph, webinar, 3D, Mario Tran Phuc, Inysdium, X-Particles
Id: XY6yS5wA-Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 31sec (2851 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2017
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