Webcast • GitHub for Project Management

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(Cynthia) Hello there everyone, we're about one minute before the start of our webinar, and we'd like to do a just a quick audio check, make sure everyone can hear us ok. So, I have put a poll up on the screen about our audio levels, if you could please just let us know. (Allen) Okay. (Cynthia) Great. It looks like we are in good shape then for our audio. So we are right at 12:00, and we will go ahead and get started. First up, I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Cynthia Rich. I am a trainer with GitHub and I am joined today by Allen Smith, another trainer...from GitHub and we're going to trade off today as we go through this topic and share some of our relevant experience with you. Today's session is about project management and how we use GitHub to manage projects within GitHub. So really quick, just so we know who we have on the phone with us, on the webinar with us, excuse me, a little more about you, I've put a poll up to tell us a little bit about your project management experience. While you're doing that I'm going to tell you a little bit about what we hope to accomplish today. So during today's webinar we'd like to share with you some of the best practices that we've found for managing projects using the GitHub architecture. So we as a company we manage all of our projects within this platform and we store all of our conversations, communication, everything goes here, and so we want to share with you the secrets that we use to make this effective and to ensure that we can collaborate and communicate effectively across our team. So it looks like, okay great... So it looks like we have a good split of folks who do a lot of project management and then some folks who are interested in the topic. If you have someone on your team that you'd like to share this webcast with we will be recording this and we'll send you a link after we finish up. So I'm gonna go ahead and close the poll. And, I'd like to jump right in and let's show you what we're going to accomplish today. So the project we've set up that we'd like to show you today is a very basic GitHub Pages page. Now if you're not familiar with GitHub Pages GitHub Pages is our, essentially free web hosting, if you will, platform. It allows you to connect your GitHub repository directly to this GitHub Pages and set up a project webpage, something that you can communicate with the outside world about your project. So again, these are free to set up. There are instructions on this page that we're showing you here so pages.github.com You can go there, it'll tell you everything you need to know for how to set up your repository to communicate with this page. The page that we have set up is actually a little cookbook So let's go back over, and if you'll, there we go... Our Project Management Cookbook, and you can see there this is a really simple page just something we set up for example sake with a few links to some different recipes, hopefully this isn't lunch time for everyone, we'll all be hungry when we get done. But like I said, a really, really simple page 'cause what we really want to show you is what's under the hood, or what's behind the scenes that's helping us to manage this project. So, as you know, everything within GitHub is managed within a repository and that repository is the collection of everything relating to your project. So your project files, your project communications, all of the metrics involving your project. Everything within your project is stored in this repository. Now in order to do some of the things that we are going to show you today, we had to make a few assumptions, and one of those is that you're an owner on the repository that you're working on. So if you're not an owner on the repository there may be a few things we're gonna show you along the way that you won't be able to do and so you might want to either look into changing your permissions level or how you can work out getting some of these tasks accomplished with someone that has the appropriate permissions. So, I'm gonna start by just walking you through the interface showing you how we use some of the different sections within GitHub and I'm gonna start on the right-hand side. Right now you can see that we're on the Code tab over there on the right and the Code tab is exactly what it sounds like, these are your source files. This is all of the content that belongs to the repository, that is then shown on that webpage. Below that we're gonna see Issues and Pull requests. We're gonna talk a lot about those in just a minute, so we'll come back to those. But one of the things that's really useful within the project is the Read Me file. The Read Me file... There are a couple of magic words, the Read Me file being one of them, and with the Read Me file, this is a page that's automatically gonna render on the front page of your project. So when someone comes to visit you they can see all of the information in your Read Me file just as its shown here. Now in our Read Me file we've decided to put some more information about how to add recipes to our cookbook, so a little information about how to contribute to it. We've even provided a recipe template so if someone wants to contribute a recipe they can just copy and paste that into a text file, put in their recipe and then commit it and do a Pull Request back to us. We tried to make it really easy for people who wanted to join in. There is another type of file that you may see commonly, called a CONTRIBUTING.md, and that file, that file tells people how to contribute. This page is a little bit different because this page is only going to show up when somebody tries to submit a Pull Request, to actually contribute a recipe to the cookbook. So we'll see that in action in a little while. Now you'll notice that we do have some really basic formatting on all of these pages and if we click the little pencil button there, we can see... that all of these pages are written in a very lightweight language called Markdown. Markdown is really basic, really simple as you can see the header there is just a hash mark and a space and then your header. Our bullets are created with simple dash marks. There are actually guides on using Markdown we won't get into that in the course but we will include a link in the course notes for you so you can go in and find out how to do Markdown on your own. So like I said, really simple language to use and we're gonna show you a couple of pretty cool things you can do with it in just a little while. So, another option I'd like to show you that is particularly useful for project managers is the wiki. Not gonna get into this too much, I think most of you probably know what wikis are, just a collection of pages, but these are really good for if you want to store a project schedule maybe, or a budget, or maybe a team charter, something like that you can put that here. And like I said, we won't spend a ton of time on that. On the top bar, lets look up there where we talk about watching and starring and forking, and what are those things. One of the things as a project manager you're probably going to be pretty interested in what's going on in your project, so you'll want to watch the communications and conversations that are coming through any of the actions that are happening. So if that's the case, then you'd want to select this option here to be watching. So you would get literally a notification any time someone creates a Pull Request, commits something, closes something, you're gonna get a notification. But maybe you decide you don't want that much information about your project, you can choose Not watching, and if you choose Not watching, notice there that you'll still be notified if you participate in a conversation, so if you add something to a discussion you'll continue to get notifications about that discussion. The other key there is if someone @ mentions you. So if someone is entering an issue and specifically says, "Hey, I need your help with this Bill, can you give me your opinion", then you'll still get a notification. So Not watching doesn't mean you never find out anything, it just means its a more limited set of information. And then of course, you could ignore it, which I don't think you'd want to do as a project manager, but I guess that's always your option. The other option there is to Star a repository. Starring is a little bit more like bookmarking. So we get this question a lot, what is the difference between Watching and Starring. Starring essentially will add these stars to your homepage. So if we star this page and then go back and look at GitHub Teachers homepage you'll notice down here on the left-hand side there's a Starred and you could click that link to see any of the pages you've starred. So this is just a way to keep track of pages that look interesting to you, and a nice way to bookmark those pages to come back to them later. So, what I'd like to do is run back to the main repository and we're gonna jump right in to talking about some of these core communication tools we use within our projects, And we're gonna start with Issues and Pull Requests and I'm gonna ask Allen to jump in here and help me with these and I'm gonna have Allen tell us a little bit more about Issues. Before I do, I just want to say the difference between these two to conceptually think about these, if you think about Issues as "I have a question, or I see something that's wrong, but I don't know what to do about it", then you'd enter an Issue. If on the other hand, you have a question you know how to fix it, or you already have fixed it, then you're gonna use a Pull Request. So that's how we think about these to kinda separate what goes in each of these buckets. And now I'm gonna turn it over to Allen, to give you more information about Issues. (Allen) Alright, yeah, thank you Cynthia. So let's dive right in and take a look at our Issues here, on the Issues tab. And, its right there under our Code tab, so we'll go ahead and click that. So traditionally when you think about issues, you know, in terms of software development you may think that issues represent problems, represent bugs, and that's certainly the case. Depending on how your project is set up, you may be using Issues to track bugs, or possibly even enhancements. If this is sort of a general project you may want to use this to track your project requirements for instance. And that's sort of what we've done in our example here. So if you notice in our Issues list, we have several different recipes that are to be added to our cookbook. So we have recipes for Mexican hot chocolate, or holiday punch, but then we also have other Issues that have been entered by other people. For instance, this one is a problem, so the Lemon Icebox pie directions are missing steps. So in this case it is an issue, I'm sorry, it is a bug, or an error that needs to be corrected, so Issues are very flexible and you can use them to manage different types of issues. (laughs) But ultimately what we're talking about here is workload management, right? So Issues track the work to be done. and GitHub has tools that let you manage that work both at a high level, and then also with a kind of fine grain focus when you need to. So, I think the best step for us right now is to dive in and create a new Issue. So, we click the green New Issue button and we're presented with this screen here where we enter a title for our issue, so we want to have something that is descriptive, or as descriptive as possible, so we would say for instance, maybe, "add new lunch menu items", something like that. And down below we have a comment section and just like other areas of GitHub, this comment section does support Markdown so we're gonna leverage that power to do a couple of things to help us manage our tasks related to this Issue. So for instance, I think we need to have a lunch section, so here are some ideas. And we can use the Markdown syntax to create to-do list items within this Issue. So, for instance, we have hoagies, we have, oh, I don't know, strawberry salad, everybody likes strawberry salad, so, we'll create our checklist here of items that are suggested and, uh, you can even, if you'll notice at the bottom there, you can drag and drop images directly in. So, for instance, if you are reporting an issue, you can take a screen shot and drag it straight over to your browser window and it will automatically upload to GitHub and post it to the Issue. It kinda lets you communicate the issue as you see it, in a little bit better way. Just like other areas, if you @ mention someone here, GitHub is going to send that person a notification as well, and that feature is useful for pulling people into the conversation, like Cynthia said. Especially people who are not necessarily watching the repository. And so we'll enter another comment here, and so in this case, GitHub Student is going to receive a notification that they've been pulled into this conversation by GitHub Teacher, and GitHub Teacher is requesting input from them. So... If we go back to our Issue screen we can see that the new Issue has been created at the top there. Now one thing I want to show you here, is that you'll notice to the right of that Issue description, we have a little check box, and then we have 0 of 3. So let's hop into that menu item one more time, and if you'll notice, GitHub did create these check boxes based on those we created in Markdown. So let's check hoagies off for instance, so let's say that hoagies have been added to the cookbook, if we navigate back to that Issues page we can see that GitHub has updated that task list to show us that one of the three tasks from that Issue has been completed. So, if you think about it, that's a really powerful feature for digging down into these Issues, that may have subtasks associated with them. It lets you break your work up and manage it, but still, track the progress, which is super valuable. Let's take a look at how GitHub lets you manage this list. Because we have how many items? We have 20 open items and 6 closed items, so let's say we wanted to track certain things about certain items. We can use Labels, and assign them to Issues. So let's hop back in to our new lunch menu item Issue Over on the right-hand side of the screen we have a Labels option. So Labels are pretty powerful because what they let you do, is essentially tag an Issue with a particular category or context, that you can use for filtering later. So there are a couple different examples you might use for this, You could use it to track progress, so for instance in our repository here, we have different labels for marking how far an Issue has progressed, if its in the backlog, or if its in progress, or even if its completed, we can label it that way, and then filter by that tag, I'm sorry, filter by that Label later. Other ways you might use Labels You can use it to track priority. So for instance, if you have a critical issue, or something maybe that's low priority, you could use Labels for that as well. You can also check Labels for the nature of the issue, and in this case we have different departments. So we have Content, or Design, or Editorial. So we can check those Issues and then filter by them later, which is what we will do right now. So, if we navigate back to our Issues page and click on the Labels header, and then let's see everything that is maybe, in progress, that is also critical. So if we click the Labels header again, we can see that these filters are additive. So, this is terrific because there's nothing in progress that's critical. But it could be bad, because there could be critical issues in the Backlog. So, lets take a look and see if we have anything critical that's in our Backlog. So, nothing there, so that's definitely good news. So you can see how you can use these Labels to kinda filter your Issue list down, and manage a large number of Issues, in a very small way, to kinda focus in on where you want to work. So, another thing we can do with GitHub is we can manage those Labels in bulk. Which is really helpful, right? Because you wouldn't necessarily want to go into every single Issue, just to change one Label on say, 60 different Issues. So if you use the check boxes to the left of the Issues, you can select multiple Issues, and then you can assign a label to all of those Issues. So for instance, if we wanted to mark these as in progress, we could click In Progress and it would add that Label to any of the Issues that don't already have it. And you can do this for unassigning Labels as well. Another thing we can do when we select multiple items, is we can assign multiple items to a particular user. So this is one thing that's helpful if you have several issues that have reached an end point where they need to be escalated to a different user. So for instance, if all of these Issues need to be viewed or managed by GitHub Teacher now, instead of both GitHub Teacher and GitHub Student you could click that and it would reassign those Issues, uh, it should, to Git Hub Teacher. But it looks like anything that was assigned to GitHub Teacher has now been unassigned. But again, you can use the Bulk Add feature to go in an reassign it to GitHub Teacher, and in this case GitHub Teacher will get an email notification or a notification on GitHub that they have been assigned to this Issue. One more way that we can manage our tasks, over on the right-hand side of that top bar we have a Sort option. And it let's us sort by a couple of different criteria. So, we can sort by newest or oldest. So this is a great way of letting us see what's coming in. If we sort by newest, we can see these new Issues that have come in. If we sort by oldest, we can actually see the Issues that have stuck around in our repository for a long time. So maybe if there are Issues there that aren't getting resolved, we can sort by that and see what's been here the longest. Another way we can sort is by Most or Least Commented. And a great way to use this, is for instance, if you see an Issue that has a ton of comments on it, but it's not really progressing, that might be an opportunity for maybe potential conflict resolution. Maybe people are talking about an Issue that needs to get resolved, but nobody has really moved that Issue forward. So that's a great way to drill down into those Issues that a lot of people are talking about but not necessarily solving. Alternatively, if you sort by Issues that don't have a lot of comments, that means that those Issues are maybe not getting the attention they deserve. Maybe you need to @ mention somebody in some comments and say "Hey, can you guys weigh in on this". And the final way we can sort, is by Recently Updated, or Not Recently Updated. And this is a great way of seeing which Issues are active which have a lot of activity on them, and also which activities don't have a lot of activity on them. Again, maybe they're kind of stale, and they need to be moved forward. So, we'll mention GitHub Student here, and we'll ask GitHub Student to work on this. So let's go ahead and take a step back and talk about what we're working toward, in a bigger picture view. So we've kinda drilled down into the way that you can manage individual tasks on Issues. But now if we wanna step back and look at our larger goals or our objectives. We use a feature called Milestones. So, if we click the Milestone link, on our Issue, we have a couple of different Milestones I guess we just have one Milestone here, its our Third Edition. So, Milestones let you organize your Issues into groups that satisfy objectives within a particular timeframe. So this kind of dovetails nicely with project management in general because that's a typical workflow that you would have. You'd have milestones that have to be met with a certain amount of work that has to be done, by a deadline. So let's go back to our Issues list, and up at the very top we'll click on Milestones, and get a better view of this. So, in our repository we have one open Milestone called Third Edition. And what we're using Milestones for in this case, is to manage publication editions of our cookbook. So in this case we have four open Issues that need to be completed by March 21st of 2015. So if we click on Third Edition, this will drill down in and apply filters so that we can see all of the Issues that are assigned to that particular Milestone. So we have our Lemon Ice Box pie directions are missing steps, the recipes are showing up duplicated, there's a request to add more side dishes with vegetables. So let's say that Holiday Punch Issue down at the bottom, that's in our Backlog right now, but maybe that's too much work for us to get into this Milestone by mid-March here. So what we can do, is we can change that Milestone, and what GitHub let's us do is actually create a Milestone on the fly from this page right here. So if your Milestone doesn't exist you can type in the name, so we'll say Fourth Edition, perhaps. And if you'll notice GitHub automatically gives you the option to create and assign this Issue to a new Milestone, which is a terrific shortcut. So if we go back to our Issues page and let's go back to our Milestones page again, and take a look. So we now have our Third Edition and our Fourth Edition Milestones. So we can click into our Fourth Edition. Oh I'm sorry, let's go back to our Milestones page. We'll click Edit under our Fourth Edition. So if you'll notice when you create a Milestone you can create a title, and add a description, and you also have an optional due date. And the description itself is optional as well, but its helpful to add it because again, coming back to project management we're always looking to increase communication, just to communicate our goals clearly and transparently. And so we see that deadline has now updated. So one way to apply this, you know, depending on the context of your project, you know, if you're working maybe in an agile environment, you might use Milestones to organize your Issues into sprints. So you could have a sprint for the month, or a sprint for the two-week period. However you have it organized. And that let's you as a project manager come in and see what types of Issues still need to be completed for that particular sprint. And then again, if you have completed all of your Issues, you can always close a Milestone. And then if we go over to our closed section, we can see all of the Milestones that we've closed out. In this case, it looks like there are a few Milestones that didn't get completed and that's okay for demonstration purposes, but again this let's you see what was completed and what wasn't. So its a nice way of looking at your work at a higher level. And so with Issues, we've looked at ways to manage the work that needs to be done. Right? So, I'm gonna turn it back over to Cynthia, and now we're going to explore some ways to review and approve the work that is being done. (Cynthia) Great, thank you Allen. So we're gonna jump over now... we've reviewed what to do when we don't know how to fix the problem but now let's take a look at what to do when we do know how to fix the problem. Maybe its something really simple, You know, 'I'm a project manager, I can add instructions to a recipe', 'So, I don't need someone, a developer to do that for me', 'I can actually go in and fix this problem.' So let's go back to that recipe, that didn't have instructions, and we can find that in our Issues. And we can see that its our Lemon Ice Box pie that's missing directions. So we're gonna keep in mind that we have an Issue open on this for just a second, and let's navigate over, using our code view, let's navigate to that Lemon Ice Box pie recipe. So we're gonna click on recipes, go to desserts, grab our Ice Box pie. Now you can see here this is the actual file, its again written in Markdown GitHub allows you to write all of your content in Markdown and then it uses Jekyll to display those on the web for you. But in this case, we're just going to edit this Markdown file. So you can see that on the top bar there, there's a pencil, and we're just going to click that. And here's our nice Markdown, again you can see some other formatting options with Markdown here, you've got the double asterisks which provide the bold text, the triple hashmarks, which create a third level heading. So let's go down here to the preparations and oh yeah, we definitely need to fix these. Put all the ingredients for the crust together and bake it. I think we're missing a couple of steps. So let's make sure that we also combine the ingredients for the filling, and put those in the crust before we bake it. (Typing sounds) Perfect. So now that we've made some changes, the nice thing about GitHub obviously is that its going to version control everything that you do. So, we've created a new version of this document. In order to save that and put that into version control, we need to commit these changes. So, it's really nice, GitHub knows that we've made a change to this document, so it's automatically gonna give us the option to commit those changes right here, you don't have to go anywhere else to do it. So, it even is nice enough to give you a recommended title for your commit so this is where you're going to put a descriptive title there, so that everybody else knows what you did in this commit. So for this commit I'm gonna say something simple like 'added preparation instructions'. The extended description is optional you don't need to use that we are not going to use it today. And then I want you to notice at the bottom there's two different changes, er, two different options. Notice that the first option says that you can commit directly to the GH Pages Branch. Well we haven't talked a lot about branches just yet, but essentially the branch is the set of code. And for this particular example GH Pages is the set of code that's actually displaying on our external website. So if we commit this directly to the GH Pages Branch, then its gonna go live right away, and everyone who's visiting our recipe website will see the changes that we've made. Well we don't quite want to do that. We actually want to have some other folks, maybe our cooks are going to look at the recipe, and make sure that we got this right. So what we're going to do instead is we're gonna create a new branch. What a new branch does is it isolates these changes from our live code from what's displayed on the website, so we can make changes to the code maybe have a conversation about it, discuss what we need to do, but we can do that completely separate, so that we don't harm that code, that's out there on the website. We can even decide, you know what, we decided that we don't want to do this after all, and we can delete this branch and those changes will never go to the main site. So in this case, we're gonna create a branch for this, we can call this branch 'Updating Recipe', and we can go into proposed file change. Now the very next step its going to ask us to do is create a Pull Request. And you remember a little while ago we looked at that CONTRIBUTING.md document, well you'll notice in the yellow box here, you'll see some guidelines for contributing, this is where that file appears. So if I wanted to click on that link, which we won't do now, that's where you would see those contributing instructions. So in this case, we've made a change we want to have some discussion about it. The next thing we need to do is we need to ask for feedback from our coworkers. And the way we do that within GitHub is to create a Pull Request. And so you can think of a Pull Request as sort of pulling in comments, pulling in feedback before you make a change. So we have the option here to write a comment, we could perhaps put a comment here like, 'I added some instructions please take a look at this'. (Typing) There you go. And so we can even, if we wanted to here, notice we can still drop images just like we could in the Issues, like Allen showed us a few minutes ago. So I think this note is pretty good. We can go ahead and click the big green button that says create Pull Request. So notice that GitHub has automatically created a conversation for me. It has added that original commit. So if you'll notice there is says, "added preparation instructions" and there's that number over there at the side, that's the commit, so it saved that version, and it has added some comments so that your peers can come back, or so your friends can come back, and they can give you feedback. You'll notice that we have to option here we can immediately merge this if we want to, but we actually want to get some feedback, we want some discussion. So if you scroll down, you'll notice there's the option there to leave comments, just like you saw in Issues, and we can continue to comment, make changes to that file, and it'll all stay in this safe place in this branch, where we can get it absolutely perfect before we publish it to our main page. The nice thing about the Pull Request is that it also gives us the option to see what has changed. So if you go up to the top and you look at the Files Changed you'll notice that it shows you a view here that is the original file on the left and then what's been added or changed on the right. So in this case we've just added a couple of things so that's highlighted in green for us to show that its new. If we had deleted anything it would be shown in red to show you what was taken out. So this is just a really nice way if someone puts a Pull Request in, to see what actually changed, what are they doing that's different. This is also really good in a more complex project to do code review, Where you might want to show... You might want to be able to look at the code and understand what's changed on that. You can integrate other tools with this. There are tools, continuous integration tools that will allow you to automatically check the code as soon as you submit the Pull Request to see if its gonna build or not. So those are some really nice tools. You can find out more about those at github.com/integrations So in this case, you know what, I think maybe we need more instructions here. I feel like putting the ingredients in the crust and baking it isn't the end of the process. So I'm gonna put a note on this line down here So, 'putting ingredients in crust, feels like there needs to be more here', and so by clicking on that line I'm able to insert a line comment. Again, really helpful if you're commenting on code. And again Markdown is supported here. You could also enter pictures if you wanted to into this comment, and then just click Comment. So in this case we really do need to add some more instructions, so let's go back over to our file, (clicking) and it's gonna give us the option here, to change it again using our online editor. So in this case we need to put the ingredients in the crust and bake it, but then we probably need to make that meringue. So let's go down to the bottom and let's add some instructions there to make the meringue topping. And... Here we go, add the meringue. Now you'll notice that this time its asking us "Do we want to commit directly to that Updating Recipe branch?" So it knows because we went to this file through that Pull Request, that we're making these updates on the branch, and not on the main GitHub Pages website. So in this case, yes, that is exactly what we want to do. We want to update that branch and we're gonna commit those changes. So now we're back at our view where we can see the difference between the two, and you can see that we've added this meringue topping. So I think this looks pretty good now. So let's go back to the conversation. And one of the things that we like to do to kind of sign off and let each other know that we think something is ready to go, is we'll go down into the comment field we love emoji, and so we'll enter a little +1 emoji to give the thumbs up. And Comment. So perfect, it looks like we're ready to take the next step. So in this example, let's look back up at the top, back up for just a second, we can see the complete story of this recipe. What's happened to this recipe since we started making changes to it. So we can see that GitHub Teacher added some preparation instructions, then someone made some comments on those instructions, that says, 'we feel there should be more information there,' there's been a second commit that added those instructions. So at this point we're in pretty good shape. So I feel like we're ready to go ahead and merge this Pull Request. So let's click the big green button. And by merging this Pull Request, what we are doing is we're actually taking this recipe now and we're moving it back to that main GitHub Pages branch, so that it will show to the world. So everyone will be able to see the changes that we've just made. The other really nice feature here is GitHub wants to save you some time. So if you reference that original Issue, so you remember we had that Issue that said we needed to add instructions to our lemon merigue pie? There are a few keywords you can use, Fixes is one of those. And so you can say, 'this fixes or this closes', and then you can use the hashmark, and you'll notice now it pulls up the open Issues that you have. So you can find the Issue, that's related to this Pull Request or the Issue that you were trying to fix, you can, if the list is really long, you can type in a word that you remember from the Issue, like we've done here so you can see. There's our Lemon Ice Box pie directions, its Issue number 32, I'm gonna click on that, and I'm gonna confirm merge. Now it says the Pull Request was successful, its been merged and closed. We don't really need that branch anymore, there's nothing on it, its empty, so we can go ahead and delete that. But not to worry, you can always restore it if you need to as you can see the option there. So let's see what's happened, to this Pull Request. So if we scroll back to the top of the Pull Request, we can see that the Pull Request has been merged. So that's done. But what about that Issue? So let's go back over to the Issues, and we'll have to go to Closed, and there's that Issue, so that Issue has now been moved into Closed as you can see up there on the left-hand side. So that's just a really quick walk-through of how you'd handle making changes. As I mentioned its very intuitive as you go through, it'll tell you exactly what you need to do for the next step, its just a matter of following along and remembering your primary steps here. You're gonna edit the file. You're gonna commit those changes. You're gonna create your Pull Request, and then after the changes have been finalized, you're gonna merge that Pull Request back in with the main branch. So with that... We have a few more things that we want to show you for managing your project, and I'm gonna hand it back over to Allen, who is gonna take you through how to add team members, and see how the team members are progressing. (Allen) Yeah. Thank you Cynthia. So with the time that we have left, I wanted to take a little bit of time to walk through some of the tools that you can use to manage the human resources on your project, as opposed to the code resources, and the tools that you have at your disposal. The first way that we can help manage this increased communication, as Cynthia said, is by using teams. So in our example we're assuming a few things. We are assuming that you have an organization account, as opposed to just a personal account. So if we go back to our repository and we click on our settings, over on the right-hand side, there's an option for Collaborators. And, I'll type in our password here. And you'll notice on our repository right now we have one team associated with it. So that's our owner's team, and in that case the owners control everything on the repository. But let's say we want to create a new team to kind of group people together. And that's one of the ways that teams really shine. If you think of teams, they're kind of a hybrid between a distribution group in something like say Outlook, and an Access control group from something like maybe, Active Directory. So you can use them to control access to your repository. But what's really awesome is they let you group people together, so you can bring multiple people into the conversation all at once. In this case we gonna create a Vegetarians group, who has read access to our repository. And we're gonna see how you can use that to further a conversation, or put it in a different direction. So let's navigate back to our repository, I'm sorry, I jumped ahead here, let's add some people to that team. So let's go back to our settings and Collaborators, and we will choose an existing team, and we see Vegetarians here, so we'll click Vegetarians and add team. And it looks like we have one person in that team, but we'll add them to our repository. And so now we'll go back to our cookbook, or we could add people to this team if we wanted to, so maybe Cynthia, do you want to be on this team? And maybe we'll add GitHub Student. So really easy, GitHub just autocompletes these names for you, it makes adding people a breeze. So now we'll navigate back to that PM Cookbook. And let's take a look at an Issue, and see how we can use Teams to push an Issue forward. So down here we have Issue 26 for "Add more side dishes with vegetables". So, it looks like Cynthia here has proposed new recipes, so she says maybe we should add some dishes with carrots, green beans, or maybe artichoke. And I commented back, and I said, "Well, I'm not really sure an artichoke is technically a vegetable." What would be great in this instance as a project manager, you can loop in those vegetarians, and say "Hey, can you guys weigh in, since you happen to know a little bit more about vegetables in this case?" We can @ mention our vegetarians. And we say, "Vegetarians, what do you think?" And so we'll comment, and everyone in that distribution group, that Team, will get a notification. And if you mouse over vegetarians, you can see who that went to. Its a nice way of seeing who all is on a team, who you actually just pinged, and who you can expect to hear back from. So the next thing I want to talk about is a tool called Graphs. And there are a lot of different pieces to this Graphs tool, but the one we're gonna look at today is this Contributors tab. This is a really great way of getting a better sense of who's doing what work on your project. So you can filter this graph a couple of different ways. Right now its filtered on commits but we can also filter it on Additions or Deletions. So if you think about Additions, these are people who were adding code into your repository. If you go to Deletions, the same deal, its people who are removing code. And then if you filter by Commits, that shows you people who are making changes, whether they're additions or deletions. Now, I have a tab open here in this browser, because we don't have a ton of data here in this repository, so if you see up here, Contributors to GitHub Training Kit, this is the repository for our public training kit, these are open source materials, we have a much bigger timeline, and you can see how the activity fluctuates. We have a much larger group of Contributors, and so we can see who is pushing code into this repository, right now it looks like Jordan McCullough is our rockstar because he has added 236,237 lines of code to this repository. Now this is a big long timeline but let's say we just wanted to look at the activity in 2014, from let's say, February through March, if we click on the graph and drag across it, the green one up here at the top, if we drag across, it will actually dive down into that timeline and show you a zoomed in view of that particular selected timeframe. So if you want to examine some of these curves a little bit closer, you just drag across, and GitHub automatically shows you that timeframe. So its a nice way to see what activity is going on, but more importantly, who is doing it. So finally, lets take a look at the Pulse tab. So we've dove down into our repository, we've looked at all the ways to manage Issues, manage Pull Requests, at a very highly detailed level, especially through the Graphs tool, we can dig down and see what those changes are that are actually going on in the code. If you think of the Pulse tab, its a way of stepping back, and viewing your project, sort of at a distance, but at a higher level so you can get a better sense of what kind of activity you have going on. So let's hop back over to our GitHub PM Cookbook repository. And we'll go to the Pulse tab here, 'cause there's a little bit better activity going on. It shows you how many Pull Requests and Issues have been opened and also been closed. So you may use this for instance if you have a lot of new Issues coming in, but not a lot of Issues being closed in this time period, you may want to dig down in and see, you know, what's going on there. Down below, it breaks these numbers down so you can see which Pull Requests and Issues are contributing to the numbers at the top. And so, as an example, let's take a look down at one of our open Pull Requests. And I'll show you how you can use this tool to kind of dig in and look at workflow issues that you may be encountering. For instance, one of these proposed Pull Requests, we have side recipes for review. So it's been open for four days and there hasn't been a lot of activity on it, it hasn't been closed since it's been opened, so let's see what the conversation is on this particular Pull Request. Somebody had submitted ideas for side recipes, and GitHub teacher has commented back and said, "Hey, I believe Crockpot may be a trademarked name." So as a project manager we can see that this has stalled out, what we might want to do is comment back, and we can actually loop in our legal team, we have a legal team here in our cookbook repository, and we'll just @ mention our legal team. And ask them if they can weigh in and see if they can let us know just to clarify this so we can move that Issue forward. Because that's what we're really aiming to do here is to increase communication, we're looking to identify issues that may be blocking us, and help our developers get their work done. So we've commented back we're saying "Hey legal department, can we use 'Crockpot'". And hopefully the legal department would comment back after they receive their notification, and that would help us move that issue toward resolution, we could get that Pull Request merged in once that had been resolved. So, let's just kind of review back, we're just about out of time here. But, we're talked about a lot of things, so we've talked about the high level view of our repository, what goes into a repository, how you manage your files. We looked at using Issues to manage that workload as it comes in, you can, you know, filter your Issues, you can sort your Issues, You can assign Labels, or assign staff members to individual Issues. And then you can even use Milestones to take a step back and see what those Issues are contributing to. We looked at Pull Requests so that we could see the flip-side of that equation, we've managed the work that's coming in, and now we need to manage the work that's being done, so that we can control it, we can review it, we can approve it if necessary. And then we looked at a few tools that you can use, to kind of report out on your activity. Just to get a better idea of the pulse, to steal a phrase from GitHub here, of what's going on in your repository, to see what that activity is. So I think with that in mind, we definitely want to open it up for some Q and A, if anybody has any questions, if we went to fast over an issue, if you'd like to see something repeated we're happy to do that. Feel free to type your questions into the question box, and we'll try to answer as many as we can with the time we have available. (Cynthia) And just before everyone signs off this course is really just meant to be a taste of what's... what you can do in GitHub, we actually have open enrollment courses, that we offer once a month. They're online, so you can take them during the workday, and they do a much deeper dive into how to use GitHub, and how to really work your workflow, or your team's workflow, into this so you can be very effective and collaborative. So we encourage you if you're interested, take a look at the schedule, sign up for one of those classes, and we hope to see you in one of those classes soon. And I am going to put up just one last little poll. This is our first time doing this class so we hope that you will give us some feedback on how we can improve it in the future. But if you could, just give us your general opinion, of how you felt about today's class, and we will stick around for a little while, and answer any questions that come up in the questions tab. Thank you so much. (Allen) And Cynthia, I wanted to chime in here, looks like we have a few questions that have come in, so we'll try to get to those. It looks like somebody has asked, "How can I integrate GitHub with other services." The short answer is yes you can, you can definitely integrate with other services, so for instance if you are wanting to integrate GitHub with maybe your favorite CI tool, if you use continuous integration for code review or code testing, or something like that. GitHub supports integrations with a lot of different platforms. So if you go to... and I'll put it up on my screen here, github.com/integrations we have a site here devoted to all the different integrations that are possible, with all of your favorite tools. So you'll notice that we do integrate with Asana, or PivotalTracker, or even Zendesk. We integrate with Travis CI, CloudBees, Circle CI, a lot of different services out there, and GitHub integrates with them. At a very high level, I will answer the question to say that you can integrate with other services, most of the use GitHub web hooks, that's gonna be the topic of another webinar that we offer, 'cause it needs a little bit more detail to explain it properly. But in general that is the process, is that you would use GitHub webhooks to integrate with these services. Uh, let's see here. So we have a question, "What is the best place to go to get an idea of how to populate complex repositories with different file types." And in this case, I'm not exactly sure, what you'd be asking. If you'd mind restating your question? (Cynthia) I think one answer to this question might be, you know obviously GitHub has a huge open source community, and so one way that you can find new information on GitHub is to look at trending repositories. So if you go to GitHub and you sign in under your user name, let me just go over here, and we'll look at GitHub Teacher, so let's see, Alright Allen, trying to drive on your screen is a little challenging for me, do you mind-- - (Allen) Yeah. - (Cynthia) just going to github.com? (Allen) Yeah absolutely, sorry about that, isn't technology great everybody? (Cynthia laughing) I think what we're looking for is to explore these trending repositories? Yeah. (Cynthia) Yeah, thank you. So on this you can look at a bunch of different types of repositories, these are just ones that have a lot of activity on them. So these might be a good place for you to start looking to find some of the more complex file types. Does that help? Or were you looking for a more specific example? Uh, okay perfect. (Allen) Very cool. So I think that kinda concludes the session, we're just about out of time. I will put our contact info back up on screen. So again, Cynthia Rich and Allen Smith, we are both trainers here at GitHub. You can reach Cynthia on GitHub, her handle is @crichID her email is crichID@github.com My handle is @loranallensmith and my email is loranallensmith@github.com We're available if you have questions via email if you want to follow up, feel free to reach out to us. (Cynthia) And real quick, since we have just a couple minutes left, we got a great question about what options GitHub Enterprise has. And well that's a huge question. We do our best to make sure that we have feature parity between GitHub.com and GitHub Enterprise, so you'll find that a lot of what we showed you today is also available on Enterprise. That said, you know, there's obviously some logistical difference with Enterprise. You know GitHub.com we can send changes out to anytime, with Enterprise, you know, its kind of dependent on the Admin to load the next, the most recent updates, so you won't always see exactly the same issues because of that, however we do our best to make sure that anything we've put in to .com is also available on Enterprise. If there's a specific feature that you're curious about that we covered and you're wondering if its also in Enterprise, just let us know and we can answer that specifically. (Cynthia) Okay, well we are right at the hour, so thank you everyone for joining us, for your great questions, and like Allen said, if you have any follow up questions feel free to reach out to either one of us directly, and thank you so much for attending today.
Channel: GitHub Training & Guides
Views: 25,085
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Keywords: git, github, github training, github foundations, collaboration, git basics, VCS, programming, version control, open source, software development, mercurial, bazaar, perforce, subversion, CVS, octocat, project management
Id: 6fByt0o4UYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 32sec (3572 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2015
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