WEB EXTRA: Clark Fredericks Statement On Slaying Of Alleged Molester

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from the time that I was eight years old the time that I was eight years old until I was 12 years old I was sexually assaulted and raped by Dennis Peck it started out with him wanting to touch my scar that I had from open-heart surgery at the age of six it progressed wrestling matches and eventually led to him raping me time Dennis Pegg was a sheriff's officer a Scoutmaster of Troop number 83 in Stillwater and a close friend of our family then his peg told me that he had sexual relations with a close family relative and also my childhood friend Jeff Hall he described those relations in detail and I believed him he told me that he got drunk and naked with one of my close relatives and with Jeff he said he had taken pictures of them naked he showed me Polaroid photographs that he said he had taken up other young boys and men on clothes Jeff committed suicide on February 10th 1983 with a shotgun to his head I was junior in high school my brother Jay and I ran to Jeff's house after his sister Brenda came to our house covered in blood crying hysterically I remember standing in the living room of Jeff's house with my brother we got there before the authorities arrived I saw puddle of blood on his bathroom floor I will always believe that Jeff killed himself as a result of Dennis pegs abuse as an all adult I visited Jeff's grave at least twice a year every Christmas Eve I went to visit him I never told anyone I never told anyone about Denis pegs abuse prior to the night of June 12 2012 part of the abuse was psychological and this controlled me by torturing and killing animals in front of me saying he would do the same to me if I ever told anyone about our secret my parents subsisted my parents suspected that I had been abused especially after Jeff had killed himself but whatever my mother and father asked me if dennis pag had hurt me I denied it throughout my life I periodically saw Dennis tag around town frequently he was with young boys in the spring of 2011 I sold Dennis peg with a boy who was about 13 or 14 years old at the quick check-in knew I immediately suspected that he was molesting the boy it made me flashback to my own childhood I trouble breathing my heart was racing and I was paralyzed with fear for all those years after Dennis Pegg raped me he was still untouched because of who he was and what he represented he was a respected law enforcement officer he was an expert with guns it was a Boy Scout leader no one would ever believe my word over his in November of 2011 Jerry Sandusky from Penn State was arrested this also caused me to flash back to my childhood abuse at the hands of Dennis Peck I followed media reports of the Sandusky trial on fox news on the internet and in the newspapers I also watch the Bob Costas interview of Jerry Sandusky on June 11 2012 Sandusky's trial began I watched television coverage of Sandusky getting out of his car with his lawyer and I saw the smirk on his face my reaction to seeing Sandusky get out of that car with his lawyer was that Venice Peggy would never be held accountable for what he done to me close relative of mine and to Jeffrey the realization that Dennis peg would get away with molesting us destroying our lives and taking Jeff's life causing great pain the next day June 12 2012 my shell cracked my mind was flooded with images memories anger mostly shame I drank some beers and snorted cocaine to dull the pain I went to the restroom on Tuscany Bistro and had dinner and some wine while I was there I ran into a man named Joe Robina who I had an earlier dispute with over a harley-davidson Softail the dispute ended up in court I went over to Joe Robinho's come over to Joe Robinho's table threatened him told him I would come find him at his car dealership where he worked I left custody bistro drove to a bar down the road called the Greeks there I drank more alcohol then went home to my house located at 914 West End Drive in stillwater and I met up with a friend called Bob Reynolds roughly at 9:30 p.m. Bob and I drank a bottle of wine and snorted more cocaine while we were sitting at my kitchen table I remember sharpening a kitchen knife I was enraged after seeing Joe rube you know I was enraged about watching the Jerry Sandusky trial on TV and I was enraged all my thoughts and memories of them attack at one point mr. Reynolds said to me that guy meaning Joe Rubino he must be number one on your hit list I could no longer keep my secret inside I said to Bob no he's actually number two you scumbag the [ __ ] rate for me as a kid is number one Bob's response back to me was let's go get him then I asked him if he was sure his reply was yes I said all right let's go get him I felt like I was watching myself from a distance we cooked the kitchen knife that I had been sharpening and the very same hunting knife that Dennis taught me as a young boy how to sharpen I took the hunting knife and gave Bob the kitchen knife Bob drove us there and his spit van as I gave him directions we parked in the driveway of Dennis Peg's house at 9:03 Mill Brook Road in Stillwater New Jersey through the window I could see Dennis sitting in the chair the main door was open and we walked in I started stabbing Dennis I said over and over to him how does it feel raping little kids now I also repaid repeated it's not so fun raping little kids now is it at the end I slit his throat at one point I accidentally stabbed myself in the hand I did not even feel this I saw Bob standing in the doorway I told him to get the van we then left pegs house together and went back to my house from the time that I told Bob that Dennis would break me through the time that I went to Dennis paddocks house was less than a half hour
Channel: CBS New York
Views: 97,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBS, News, Evening
Id: 8ghgSBH7cQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2015
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