Weather Station Recommendation Tempest WeatherFlow

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hey everybody Michael Snyder here everything weather so today I got the pleasure of testing out this weather station here from Tempest called the weather flow you can see here it's got no moving Parts zero maintenance and you can instantly get it online it was really easy to set up I mean much easier than some stations I'm used to I'm kind of a weather station snob I've worked with some of the most expensive weather stations really in the world extensively I was a National Weather Service weather Observer for some time so I was quite impressed that you can get something with this much data in it and it's actually pretty darn accurate as well it's got an ultrasonic anemometer it's got a UV index solar radiation on top as well it's got a haptic rain gauge center it's got temperature and humidity it's all solar powered you don't have to add batteries to this thing at all it was easy to mount on the pole as well Totally Wireless there and it was up and running just in minutes so taking a look here you can see all the stations I grabbed this screenshot here and you can see all the weather stations around and they kind of learn from each other and they give you a better forecast data here and they also use other stations to kind of give you a better idea of how much rain has fallen for example they'll also use other stations around it to kind of try to triangulate lightning strikes and at least make sure that their legitimate lightning strikes things of that nature the app is pretty nicer you can do it online or on your phone it's really easy it will give you a lightning activity and Rain onset how hard it's raining all kinds of good stuff and you can click on any one of these individual things and get a chart and whatnot and it stores all this data for you in the cloud as well so I'm actually very impressed and I am in a huge weather station snob I spend thousands of dollars on weather station stuff and I've got huge guy wires and Big Time anemometer setups and this is a really cool weather station I'm very impressed here and I highly recommend it here and that's that's that's saying a lot from from me honestly so um yeah it was really easy to set up there's no moving Parts it reports all these things we talk about solar radiation UV humidity pressure wind speed direction dew point lightning rainfall and it does it quite well actually and you can see the only thing you have in your house is this plug-in here and it plugs into that and you keep it within about 300 meters of the station and it should be just fine that broadcasts all to the internet there stores in the cloud you can visit it anytime you want from any phone or whatnot also here and it talks about here the nearcast technology uses other stations it'll actually even use my professional station here since I have it logged in with c-wop and it'll use that data here to kind of try to show you a little bit more accurate rainfall for example and now looking at this you can see here's the app what it'll look like on the phone here and here's another nice picture of the instrument itself just all contained right there again solar powered no batteries whatnot and now if you want to buy one of these too I'm going to put a link in the description below and it'll be West Coast weather and I'll show you how to do that here on the website in a moment so you know you're getting the discount and whatnot if you use my code there but you can see there's um yeah there's all kinds of History that's going to be kept there and you can access that again on the phone or on the website there my kids love watching this and you can talk to Google with it too so watch this hey Google talk to weather flow foreign hi what can I tell you about the weather what's the temperature outside you act says 37.8 degrees Fahrenheit so yeah it'll tell you like all kinds of information on the station there to it I asked it to give me like a forecast or I think a current weather conditions and it like listed off every single thing it took it a little bit to do it but yeah my kids love watching that they love watching the anemometer real-time wind speed and whatnot and I'm really looking forward to watching the slightening detection go off it'll give you notifications on your phone if you want same thing with rain onset as well now this is another weather geek thing here I like to know exactly what the anemometer is sampling at I know that my devastations do 2.5 seconds a lot of other ones do 2.5 as well Asos does five seconds the professional won the FAA and the airport weather stations do the five seconds there there's some with like AccuWeather that actually do one second wind readings which is kind of considered an instant gust it's not official for example but this three second is right there on line with official Gus so I look forward to that the UV index and the solar radiation tells you how strong the sun is how much sunlight's reaching the Earth and it's very accurate as comparing it to my professional stuff here at the Davis instrument station and it was almost exactly the same as I watched it through the day so I'm actually very impressed there and I'm I'm curious to learn more about the the haptic rain sensor it gets different rain intensities it measures the vibration of the raindrops as it hits down on top of the rather station there so it's very it looks like it's pretty promising and the lightning activity within 25 miles shown there and of course air temperature pretty standard there and those update every minute or so now you can see here I highlighted that for the three seconds there's the UV index solar radiation you can see the rain intensity goes from very light to extreme and you can do load of high sensitivity it'll tell you there as well as far as the rains start when it started raining so lightning detection is you know Compares data from your Tempest with other nearby Tempest weather stations and some other third-party lightning data sources so apparently it gives a pretty accurate reading here as I tested after a few months I'll get a better idea of just how accurate it is but it sounds pretty promising also and you can see it goes out to about 25 miles there as well and it'll tell you the distance of each individual strike the nearcast is unique feature there too you can see It'll you know this rain varies over small distances here so anytime an individual Tempest device might not be the best estimate makes sense usually here but it'll go over different weather stations within your neighborhood and whatnot too and even other professional stations nearby the ultrasonic anemometer is another really good thing there too it doesn't have moving Parts it just kind of measures the air as it passes over the transducer is there and it's very very accurate here I've been watching it and it looks like it's right in line with the other weather station anemometers that I've been testing on the deck out there as well so so now taking a look here this is a live look at my weather station you can see has the wind speed here you'll notice that switching around every three seconds that'll update obviously it's the temperature like you saw every minute the pressure you can see it's falling we got a storm coming in here the rain is currently falling moderately we've got just over a third of an inch of rain today and you can click on any one of these things here and you can see that's the wind over the last couple days that I've had the station you can zoom in and customize the chart tells you what the exact wind gustery in these times were for example or if you wanted to go to barometric pressure you can kind of see how it's been falling as we've been going on since this morning here but yeah great stuff and you can click on the map there it brings you to your location you can see all your neighbors that have these weather stations it's really cool and if you don't want to have it on here too if you want some privacy or whatnot you can do that as well but you can see this is a very popular weather station here and I see why now I highly recommend it I've been really reluctant to buy um weather stations that we'll just say that aren't that expensive I've kind of been somewhat of weather snob admittedly and I kind of just have put it together that you have to spend a lot of money to get accurate weather but it's not always the case I do use some lower end products here but this is a really good one here and that's the only reason why I'm doing this I normally wouldn't really do this here I'm kind of like really picky with what I choose to do but as far as not setting up a huge elaborate professional station on your home this is really the way to go and I highly recommend it so now as you go in here and you'll click on the link below you'll see you're now shopping with Michael Snyder trying to make sure you get the actual discount here so you'd go down make sure you see that you're now shopping with Michael Snyder you'll see that when you click the link you'll click on the weather station for example if you want to buy that and you'll add it to your cart and you can see here the quantity make sure it's one or however many you're gonna buy or whatnot you won't see the discount yet but when you click checkout you'll go up here and you'll actually see the discount there you'll see West Coast weather the coupon code entered there and it takes off the 10 of the station here and then you go ahead and put in your payment information and whatnot and you check out and you're done and it'll be on its way and I highly recommend the mounting device there as well I believe that's on this website also here if we go back all the way out and there it is the universal Mount works pretty well because it just fits right on top you don't need any tools to even do that it just screws right onto the uh the actual pole there and you just screw the pole into wherever you want to mount this here and yeah so the only thing you have inside the house is just one little plug-in sensor that actually reads the information from the sensors here and then broadcast that online and in the cloud so anyway just thought I'd put that out here click on the link below if you want to order one of these I highly recommend it I'll be talking about this more again in the future during some of my videos a little bit too as well um but yeah they they throw me a couple of bucks here if I sell one as well as it helps the page also on that aspect so anyway um yeah I'll talk to you guys tomorrow we'll do our normal weather briefings here active weather on the way here across West Coast and North America and yeah so I'll talk to you guys then and I hope you guys can get out and get one of these and enjoy this enjoy watching the weather so I'll talk to you guys later
Channel: Pacific Northwest Weather Watch
Views: 8,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WTzhJ-wOpXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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