Weather App Android Studio - Android Studio Project - API Integration, Location Services

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in today's video, we are going to make weather application so why are we going to make weather application Because till date we have made many applications for weather but till date we do not know how it reduces it, how it is made and in what type it shows us the weather and according to the situation etc. it also changes it. And the biggest motive behind making this application is that we need our own application, we run others' but we want to make our own application, so in this video you have to watch from beginning to end, so you will get a lot of information in it. You are also going to learn how the splash screen is divided, how the background changes according to the situation, how the eye can change according to the situation and how you can also know the weather of any particular location in this and while making this app, you can also learn this. We will learn how AP calling is done because now whatever data we will take here, it will come through AP only because we cannot go there ourselves and find out what is happening where, what I mean is that it is like mother lo. There is some other weather in Jaipur, there is some other weather in Ajmer, there is some other weather in Delhi, so how do we know what the weather is like there, so for these things we do that of AP, so in this video you will also know about Kalinga of AP. It will work and you can make many changes in this application and make this application very good because in this we will learn each and every thing, which thing is doing how, so that you will get the complete idea about the weather application from beginning to end. How is it divided, so stay tuned in this video from beginning to end and if you make this application then you can upload it on Play Store and after uploading it on Play Store, you can now earn some money, so if you If we create this application from beginning to end, then what we have to do is to tell us by following us on Instagram or in the comments that I have also created the application and if you follow me on Instagram and then post that the application has been created. So you must mention us, we will mention you, so let's start creating this application, once we see its flow, how this weather application of ours is going to be, how it is going to look and what functionality it will have. So let's go to our pigment for this, first of all you will be able to see which screen will come to us first where something is written and after that we will have a screen which will appear in different different screens. All these are the same screen, just its background and plus icon is changing here, the weather condition means changing, if there is rain then there is A of rain, if there is Saturn then here is Shankar and if there is cloud then there is cloud . It is fine and if it is no then it is snow and its background is also changing here, so all these assets etc. will be available to you here, you can download them from here. For nothing, control control and go here and select it and select it here, select the message you like in JPG SBC PNG but I prefer this, should you do it in SBC because SBC's The size is very less and then what you have to do is to see in the review what is the matter of extracting your extract, then you are going to extract it, now you do not have to do anything directly, as soon as you click on export, this PNG you have is the CV. Once you have it downloaded, you can download it from here, all the icons etc. included in it are available here and if you are adding some more icons etc. then you can download them also like by clicking on the flat icon. Go to any other website where you get PNG etc., you can download it from there, then once you see its flow, what you will be able to do here, you will be able to search which location do you need details or feather condition you want to know. So what is going to happen here , one is going to happen here, the name of the city is going to be an icon, what will we do in it and we will make a nice icon which will be animated, so we will see this in the video, I will not tell you right now. And here we will have temperature, after that maximum temperature creature, after that minimum temperature we have Sony's, okay and here we have today's day or today's day, we also have Sony's and date date. we also have a show here Don't mind, I have written this year 2021 and here we have some things that will happen which will be some information about the city like humidity, wind speed, rain condition, when will the sunrise be, when will the sunset be, what is its sea level, okay. So basically we are going to make all this from the beginning till the end, so we have seen the flow, now let's go to our Android Studio and let's start making it and now we will become the champion of Android. So I have gone to my Android Studio and We do not have to do anything here, first of all go to our new project and click on ETV Activity and we will not create this application in compose, we will create it in normal SML, then on this I do next and here the name of our application. It will happen that we enter the name of the application here, then I put it in the name. First of all, I have entered my name, now after this we have to select the language, so which language do we want, we are going to do it, so we have to select Kotlin. Let's select it, okay and after this you have to select in which mobile your application is going to run, so I will select it 7.0 space. If you want, you want to run it on old phones also, then you can select them. Mine is 7.0 which is about 95% done on the device and I click on finish at the end and this is my project getting ready and this is my project ready and the rest of it is gradually completed till then I see. I am giving you the assets etc. which I have already downloaded and kept, so these are some assets etc. which we have which we are going to take in our project at low cost, you will get these assets etc., you will also get them in the link in the description and by the way Also you will be able to download these from Figma, so these are some backgrounds: Rain background, Snow background , Display screen and Sunny background, okay and these are some, we have icons, okay and some things are going to be there in it, we have a font. It is going to be done and there is a folder of rock, I will tell you in the middle what is going to come and in the fonts, we have fonts, we will do them, so let's go to our studio , it might have been completed by now, but till now. This is finished, now let's go to the code of our SML and let's set it a little, let's make it smaller, let's go to the split, let's make it a little bigger and this is our text view, let's do Let's give the Snowfall Remove key which is of no less importance to us, so now let's see how our splash screen will be made. To make the splash screen, first of all we will have to do this create activity. So here we go to the race folder and after going here We have the layout visible. What do we do in the layout? First of all, we create as many screens as we want to create. To create a screen, we will first click on right click and then after going to New page, we will go to Activities here. What do we have to select in pay and activity? Don't view activity. Ok or you can also go to gallery and after going to gallery you will get empty view activity, so you have to select it and do next. If you want to enter name from name, then you remove it from the back of one and I am going to write here, I have written this place activity, and if we finish here, then we have another activity which we have in this place name. Now what are we going to do in this, let's design, so let's go to its split code and here, first of all, what are we going to put, look, first of all we have to put a background, on top of it will come an image and what will come on top of that, we will have a text and Another text will come to us, so what we have to do for this is we go to our Android Studio and first of all we put an image in the background, so to put the image in the background, I will put in my root layout the background and the selector in the background. I am the image but we have not seen the images yet, so where is the image? The image is in our driver's folder, but here there are only two of them, but we need a different one. It is white by default, that is. There is also an icon, there is nothing much in it, you are going to see something like this but we have to do it with different background, so what will we do for that, I had shown you the folders, so in this we have some folders of driver and in this we have If there is a background then what will we do with these, we will copy all of them and here we go to our Android Studio, after knowing here, we will paste it and After pasting, we will do OK and OK and here something is asking around already, there are these two things in it, so if you want to write it or skip it, then I can skip or overact anything, you are fine and this We have so many drivers inside, we have the background plus we have some SML files which are our icons. Okay, so now here we have to put in the background, first of all, which background are we going to put, the one on the screen, so let's put a slash. So here we have this placid screen and let's enter. Here we have a background. So this background is done. Now what do we need? We want an image here so what will we do for the image. Here comes an image view. So here we will put the image view and in this we will first tell what should be its height etc. So the height we are going to put is constant height because the size of the icon is sometimes small as well as big so I am going to see its height. And see how much is the width, then 11 is its width and 140 is its height, so we will take this much quantity, you are 11 with and put DP in it, give a comment picture, so you would know this, but whatever height etc. we put is We put it in DP and whatever height of text etc. we have to enter, we put it in SP and here you were 11 and one 40 DP, its height, now what do we have to put in it, if we want to show the image, then what is the property for that? We have put SRC circle and here we have got a lot of whatever is our icon etc. We have got everything, so first of all what do we have to do in it, we have to do that in it, we have a cloud image which is our There is a cloud, white white cloud, okay, so I will select it, so we have it, we have a white cloud, okay, we have it, now let's close it, now man, it is not in the center, we wanted it in the center, so the center. What will we do to come in, we will select it or select it from here and make it consistent from here and make it consistent from the left and make it consistent from the top. Okay, so it has been consistent from the top. Now what to do? Still, this is new among us, there is nothing else to do, we have to do this with drugs and we have it in the center, if we go to the center then you can make it constant from here as well, but we need it a little higher. So we have done till here, what do we need after this, we want a text view, so here there is a text with name text u, okay, what will we put in it, we will do wrap content and wrap content, what does wrap content basically mean, as much as your There will be text, it will be able to change its size according to it. If there is less text, then use less size. If there is more tax, then take more size. So now what do we have to put here? If we want to show text, then for text we put only text. And in this we have to write, whatever text we have to show here, so what are we going to write here, weather matters, they have gone details, okay, so let's put it here and make it a page, so this is what we have. But you can see here that this is what we have here in one line and what we have here is this in the second line after the matters in the double line so what do we do for this here we put backless and So what happens in this is that it goes in the new line and you like without here it is in the new line. Okay, now what to do with this, we have to change the color of the text too, so let's change the color of the text, so here. Here we put the text and here we put the color text color what do we want here we want white so we have made it white and we have it white okay no now what we have to do is we have to change its text first of all here If we want to show below it, then what do we do for this, first we close it, so we have it closed, now we select it from here and after selecting this, where will be its top and where will be its bottom. I will have a pocket, so it will come below it, so I have made its top at its bottom and I am showing you, this is already below it, now what I want is that I am in the center of it, so what will I do with it, move its right side to its I will make it constant with the right, I will make its left constant with its left, so it is now in the center below it, now you can see that there is a little gap in it, so let's go to development mode once and see from here. I selected one and here it was 67 . If there is a gap then I will put the margin from here. Where do we have to put the margin and margin in it? We have to put it from the top because we are putting the margin on its top. So here I selected it and gave it a margin of 67 and this is also in the DP. If you are putting it, it has come down a little bit, okay, but to give margin, remember one thing that it should be connected to its top or if you are putting it from the bottom, then it should be connected to the bottom, otherwise that margin will be applied. Okay, so this. Now we have a few things and one of them is that we have the text like this, whereas there our text is exactly in the center, so there is a property for it, here text alignment, so what will we do with the text alignment, we will center it. If we give it like I have centered it, then it has come to the center automatically. Okay, now one more thing to do is that the text here is small, so what do we do with it? We increase the size of the text, then enter the text size. Here, let's check the text size, how much is there, so here our text is 25 sp, so here we will put 25 sp, so this is also our size, its size has increased. Okay, now one thing and we will also change its font. If we want to do this then we have its font, we have medium one, so we add font family, font family and font family, we will select from here but we do not have any font, what do we have to do for the fonts, we do not have to do anything, we have the image. So that's it, now we have to side click on the dress folder, go to new and after going to the folder, we have to see here which folder contains fonts, so here we have this folder with fonts, nothing has to be done with it. We have to click on it and finish it here, so we have got a folder of funds, okay, so there is nothing in this fonts folder now, what to do now, we always have to do that, so what will we do in our folder. We will go and copy the fonts from here and after knowing it, after knowing it on Android Studio, we will paste it here and I have pasted it here and now it is here, we have done it and given it five points. You take pulses and do it, so first of all the font we have is this board one which is my weather change board, so I have done this, okay and let's do this here, okay, but when this is here, I have done it. If it is then remove its constant so that it gets attacked with whatever it is. Okay, now what do we do with it here, we take it to the bottom and make it constant from the bottom, make it constant from the left, make it constant from the right and inside this If we want to change the text of, then what is the text inside it, we have what design by date route, so if we copy it from here and paste it here, but it is back like ours, what do we have in a single line. So what do we have to do for this, we have to go here and put it here as Backless and so this is in two lines, so we have the font size of this , so I just remove it, it is not necessary, so this is We have got the text small, ok now but we have to add a little margin from the bottom, we will add margin from the bottom, we will add margin bottom and from the margin bottom, we will make it go above 32 dp. Okay, let's do it. Let's format control Alt L and OK, so we have the code formatted, so this is our splash screen almost ready, OK, what do we have to do with this, which is bold, instead of this I have to say medium because we have medium font. So this medium is done, so it is almost done, now what do we have to make of it, if we want to make this place screen, then what we have to do to make this place screen, we have to do a small code which we have in the name of handler, so we If we go to its back end code, then by controlling the click here, I have gone to its back end board or you can also select from here. Okay, so for this we have to do a small code which is the handler and In this we will put the gate mother, take it up and in this we will put the post delay and inside this we will put whatever we want to do. Okay, so now what we have to do here is what happens right on the activity, pauses for some time. After that we have a screen show in direct, so what will we do for this, we will create a variable here and how do we create a variable here, we have to write well and we are creating a variable named internet, we are slicing it to intent. Okay, so now we have given this internet intent. In this we tell from where to where we have to go, the intent is basically the same, so we say that we have to go from here i.e. this is where we have to go, on our screen, here we put the activity and Here we will put Okay, so after this, what will we do now? We will start it. We have started the start activity and here we will pass our variable. So the intent is there. Now what to do with it. So it is gone, but what happens after that, if we do a back up in our application, then what goes back comes back from the display to the screen, so we do not want that because the plus screen lasts only for one year. If it happens then we will do it here like if this activity gets over and goes here i.e. if it goes to its mother activity then what will we do with this activity, we will do this placement, we will finish it i.e. we will remove it, so we have finished it. Now what will happen like if it runs here, it will finish after that, then if we go back then our application will be in direct band and not on this screen, now here we have to put some time, for how long will it stop, so here We put this and here is the time which is in milliseconds, so what is millisecond? One second is equal to you, we have 1000, so what we will do here is that if we want to stop for 3 seconds, then we are here. If you enter 3000 then what will happen here, our plus screen will stop for three seconds, now this is done, now what do we have to do, we still have to go, if we run the application, then what activity are we going to have, isn't it ? We have this placid screen, so what do we do for this, we go to our manifest and after going to the manifest, we change the indent filter in it, then the function of inter filter is that which activity do we have to run first. So I cut it from here and which one should we go to, this place screen has to be opened first, so what do I do with it, after removing it from here, I do it from here, I do it in this after accent and life here. Page the intent filter and from here we make it true, so I made it true, so what will happen now, first of all we will have the plus screen running, so now let's run it and open the belt and let's tell the story, there is no error, no. So, this is our Android application going to run but before that the emulator is turning on and this is our application running. Wait for 1 second, 2 and 34. We have our application on the screen. Okay, now if I go back, then this is Direct application closed, didn't it go to this place screen? Okay, so now let's go to our main activity, let's close it from here, now we don't have any less, a manifest is going to come and now we have Let's do it on the activity page, I have shown you its design by code, now I will show you how to do it with my drug and drop method, we will do it from here and here also, so let's go to our design and here. We will do it, let's do it a little bit, set it according to our emulator, okay and here we are going to design the screen in which something is going to happen, it is going to come to us first, okay, so let's do it. If you are integrated then after turning here you will see text view buttons widget layout container help, there are some things of Google like maps etc. So first of all what we have to take is if we want to take a search view here then for search view we Let's do a search here and put it here, we entered the search, here we got a search, what to do with it, do nothing, come here, if we have to drop it, then we got this, here we have a search for it, and here From this I have made the component triangle , so the base layout, we have the constraint layout here, after that we have added a search view and from here I go to its attributes, open it, okay, so this is what we have, its search. Whatever attributes are related to it, what do we have to do in a constant layout? We have to keep everything constant, so first of all, I reduce its height and weight, which I did from there also. So from here, I make it wrap content, sorry, I make it zero match stand, that is, it takes as much space as it has and I make it break content, so we have something like this. Now I will contest it here from the right, here from the left and here from the top. Okay, so I will contest the top. Now from here I will give it a margin of 24 DP from the top and from the side I will give it a margin of ADP and from here too I will give it a margin of 80p so we have it in the center now. We also have a background for this, so what do we do if we want to put a background, let's go to this plate, let's go here and we will add the background here, if the background is ok, then I have added the background and the background is here, which show are we going to do first? Saturday, let's add Shani background and this is the background of Shani. Okay, let's look at the design. Now look at the design. There is nothing in the background, whereas in our design, there is a white background here and its icon is Also we have change and its icon is different, so what do we do for this, we create a sub drawer and we will put it here and we will also change the icon here, so what will we do to make it a driver. Let's click on it and after right clicking, we click on the new address file, here we select from, here we have a and here we will enter its name, we want to create its shop with the name 'g'. If so, then I will put it here, okay from the search view, and there is space here, capital words come in it, okay, so I will put this directly here and enter, so it is already with us and here I have to After designing, first of all we do this. For the background brown color, we go here to solid and in solid we put the color and color, how do we want it, we want white, so we have selected white, so we have this white color. Now let's close it, now we have to give it a little corner as you can see that we have round corners and how much of it is cordless, we have 10's, so what we will do here is go to the corners and We will select the corners and add 10 DP to the radius. You must have seen that this thing has changed here too. This radius has become 10 DP here also. What to do now, we have to close it and this. We needed two things, so now we have done these two things, now what do we do, let's go to our mother activity and we will put it in the background, so I search here, I will put it in the background and in the background, I will put whatever we have done. If you have created a shop , then what is the name of the search view here? So here I also put a search and it came to us from the search view. So if I select it, its background will be changed. I selected it and we have this as its background. There is a change, that too the rounded one, now what to do, we have to change its icon, so what will we do for the icon, search and if it is not coming from here, then we will reduce one, go to this plate, we will put here and here, we will search. And here the icon will appear as if we went to the search icon and here we will select the search drive here, so we already have its icon. Change OK. If some properties do not reduce here, then you can also click here. Now here we have to put some show in the hint, so what is it called? Here we call it query hand, so here we put the query and in the query hint, we will put whatever thing we want to show there, so here. If we put a city on the search then what will we have here in the very hint, this thing will be shown here, like if we click on the search, then we have this square a hind, we have to put a property here to get it shown . Which is the icon field we have by default, so I Kant field, we will make it water, so here we have one inside this, now below this we need a city, so we add the text of the city, so let's go here. And here we will put a text view and this has been inserted inside our search, we have to make it outside, so this has come to us outside and we make it constant, so this will be on top of this and on the left of this and on the right of this. And we will give it a little margin from the top, so we will give the margin of tops of ATP and in this by default, we do not want to show anything, so if we want to make anything Sony, then what will we do with the text, we will remove it and one on its side. What do we want to show, an icon, so for the icon, we put here driver and driver, we put it on the left side, so we select it on the left and here the icon we are going to select, this is the location icon, we will select OK. Have we and this we have an icon now What has to be done is that there will be a little pending between the text and it, so here we put driver pending, then we will give it the pulse of 15 DP from here, so now whatever text will come, it will be of 15 DP that will come from this. Okay, so this thing is set. Now what do we need? Now we need a today text and below that we need our temperature. So here let's add a text view and make it a constant. One is below this and one will make it a constraint from here. Okay and this Let's take a little bit here and give it a margin from the top, let's make it 24, so I'm removed from here, and from here, I'm going to put a margin, I'll give it a margin of 24. Okay, now below this, what did we need for the temperature? I am going to add a text view, okay and here I will write in its text, by default 00 and here also after giving zero zero and space, we have to show the temperature in centigrade, so here I will do it. Paste, so we have centigrade A. Okay, now I have made it consistent with it on its right, on its left and with it from the top. Okay, now what is the Sony one, we have a minimum temperature just below it and a Maximum temperature we are going to have so and before that what we are going to have is an icon here so first we set this icon and here we are going to do that animated icon so what we do for the animated icon is that Let's take a look at the loti file which is a lottery animation. Here I have put the link here, so we will do the lot animation in it. So coming back to the animation, what do we do? First of all let's go to the website of a lota animation. So let's see what is Loot Animation, so I searched Loot Animations and I went here and this is the website that we are seeing, we will click on it, so here you will be seeing what is Loot Animations or an animation. This is the website where we get animated icons etc. So we are going to do it in this, so like you want two weather icons here, then we will put it here, we will search for weather and here and as we searched, we will have There are already icons related to weather, they are also animated, so you can download many icons from here and use them in your application and it is not that we are doing it, there are many different companies doing it. Which is on a very good scale now, so you don't have to do anything to download it, click on it to download it and you have to download its Jason file, then after downloading it, what do I do, I copy them to my Android. When I am late in the studio, this was the Ra folder, basically this thing is in it, so I copy it from here and let's go to Android Studio, so this is our Android Studio, in this we have to put it in the folder of Rock. We don't have any folder with the name Ro here, so what will we do, we will create a folder with the name Ra, then go to New Pay, after going to New Pay, go to the folder, after the market of the folder, we will go here. Roses folder and we will finish it here, so this is the folder we have, what will we do in it, we will paste it and this is what I did, paste it, paste it, we have it in it, return it, okay file and I will do this. Cut from here, now here we are going to do that returning animation but before doing that returning animation we have to put a dependency which we get, so what will we do for that, we will put it here Lot T Animation Kit Hub Okay here I have And this is the first write that is coming to us, we will put it on this and copy its dependency from here and see how to do it, then see, you can do this type of animation etc. in your application, so see this . This thing, check the latest version of it, what is going on, okay, remember that and copy it from here, it is okay and after copying it, I have already written it here, so I am going to copy it from here and This is the returned animation, I have copied it and let's go to our Android Studio and here you have to go to Gradle and open the gradle modal up and after knowing the below, you have to paste it here. I will return, I have added the dependency of the invention, now let's sync it and open the build and see whether it is successful or not and it has been successful. What do we do now? Let's go to our activity. Now here we use it. Will we be able to return the animation to this? Okay, so I Here I add it to the story also, I am adding it here, so let's put it here, now we will write here as if we write the lot, then this is returned to us. Animation view is returned to us. If we do not add the dependency, then it has not come to us now. It also has some size etc., we can see how much we are going to do, so we will put the size here, so let's go to this and I have placed it on the inside side, we will not put it inside, we will take it outside so that It will look better as per your own preference, do whatever you want, so here it is 165, 155, so what am I going to do, I am going to do this in the square, so I put here 150 / 150, okay, so this is what we have, return one. View of animation which we have now we will make it constant with this, okay so one we have to make it constant from here and one we have to concern it with this so we have this constant and from here top The margin we have given to it will be 24, so we will give it 20. We want its text to be a little below us, so I will put it here, I will put the margin on top and from here I will put 20 DP. So it has come down a little bit. Okay, what do we do now? Let's go to this plate and after moving here, I will concern it. Okay with this and the margin given here, I will make it zero, so it has come to the center of it. Whatever space is there between these two, okay, so this is done, now what are we going to show here, Loti animation, so what do we do for that, let's go here and here we have some properties of Loti animation which we have here. If we are going to put it on, then if we want to show the icon in it, then here we put the one with loti and ro juice, from this we select whatever is our Jason file, okay, so we selected it here and here we use it. If we enter the text, then we go to which one, we go to Ra, look, now in Ra we have 49 clouds, rain and sun, so first of all we are going to do the one with sun, so I have selected the sun and we have this sun one paged here. Here too, by default, it will not be visible. When we run the application, we will have 100. Okay, now what do we have to do, we have to run it. We have to run the animation that is there in it, so what do we do for that? Here we have to write auto. We start play and auto play, so what will happen from here, it will go automatically, but what happens in this, okay, once the animation is played and after that what happens when it is finished, so we would not like it to play once. And once it is finished, we would like it to run again and again, for this there is a property called loop, so we put it in the loop and we make it true from here, so what will happen is that the animation will keep running in the loop again and again. Ok, so this is our set, now let's run it once and see what kind of show we are getting, so I ran it, now there is nothing here and this is our application has been run, it took three seconds. After this we will have it going on and look here we have an animation which is going on and look at this again and again it is repeating here, okay so let's set these also and set the things below them. So here we come here, let's go into the design in this plate, now below this, what are we going to show, one is going to be, we are going to have the minimum temperature and this is going to be, we are going to have the maximum temperature, I will come to this a little bit in the center. And this is the text, it will be a little below it. Okay, so let's do one less, let's set these also, so first of all I will add this one, after that we will add these two, so I will back it here. We will also have a text like this, just below the Sony one, I have made it constant from here and I have made it constant, I have made it constant from here and I have made it constant and I have made it constant from here to the center of it. Now I will give it a little margin which is we have ATP so I have put a little margin in this I have given ATP and here we have Sony's weather condition so here I have given by default Sunny is ok and here I want Yes, everything is capital, so here I will put the text and here what will I do with the caps after entering the text, I will start from here, so now all the words which are reflectors here will remain capital by default small. Now after this we have another text view in which we can show the maximum temperature, I am connecting from here and I am connecting from here. Connect and this is what is going to happen inside it, so I have connected it from here, OK, and here Soni, I will give our maximum temperature here, I will give fix from here, I will give collar space 00 and here we will give We have copied this here, so I give it the pulse of centigrade and here I paste it. Okay, so this is the maximum temperature and from that we need a minimum temperature, so let's go here and do this. We copy it here, paste it and its ID, we remove it and also its constant, we remove it. Okay, so it has gone to the top and I will do this. Below it, I will do the constant and I will do this. Constraint with this and I will do this, from here instead of constant and max, I will write here, I mean OK, so here we will have the minimum temperature, so this is also set with us, now what do we have to show below this, one show us. We have, first of all we are going to have give and after that we are going to have, so here also two texts will come, let's add this too and I have added this in this left right and let's do this . We will give it some margin on the left and top, so here I have selected it and give it margin, from here I will give it 24, okay give it 24 or we can give it only 32, okay so here we have If it is going to be given, then it is going to be a slave, so here we put Tuesday by default, here we have given Tuesday and the rest will keep changing here, for now here we are putting Tuesday in static, after this we also have another text. In which the cash is going to be given, we have given it for today, so I have made it constant from here and I have also made it constant from here and have given the margin, I have given it 16 DP OK, so I have given it for 16 DP and here I I am giving dummy dates which we have 25th January 2019. Look, as you can see this card, we have something else in it, so we will add that too and what will we do to add it, we will see how its flow will be. So first of all we have a background, there is a shop in the background like the shop we had created for this and what is above it is another shop, there are some properties inside it, so what will we do for this, first of all we will take a view and After this we will take a liner layout and in liner layout we will show all these three data, so here first of all we take a layout, then we take any layout, so here we take a frame layout, so we have I have added the frame layout and selected the frame load and this is the frame layout we have and in the frame layout we will put some properties because we do not want it to be in the whole so I want the property which is height. We will fix the height, that is, we will have 220 dp, so like I did 220, so it has become small for us. Okay, now we will make it constant, so we will make it constant, so we should have it below it and it should be on the left. And this should be constant in the right side too. Okay, and this margin which is given by ATP, we give it from here also, the margin of ATP, okay, it is decreasing. Let's give 16, let's give 16, 16. Now this is correct and this is the margin from the top. We will give 80's okay so this is done but now we have to put from this we will see what will happen so what will we do here we will go to new page after clicking on shop here we will again create one from it okay and in this Whatever name it is, we will put its name as background and here we will enter it and we will enter it and we will create one. So first of all what we need in the shop is if we want a color, then for color we will enter solid and we will enter it in color here. Pay white is fine and after clicking on white we will close it. Now look what we have to do here is to make it transparent. So after knowing the alpha in custom, we will make it 25% from here. So now what is this? It will become transparent. Okay, now what to do is we have to put the radius in it, so let's go to the corner. Let's go to the radius and here we will put the DP. So we have its corners. Let's close it from here. We have to put a Straw because here we also have stroke, okay so stroke, we will take the pulse, so go here and put it here, we will stroke it and whatever stroke it is, we will put the color white and after that we will put it with a width of 1dp, if you want, more. can you add 1 for me DP is enough, okay, so here one stroke will go to us, and after this, what else do we have to put in it and do not put anything else, it is already made with us, okay, now we have to do that here, so we will select it here. But we will go to search background and on the background we are going to put background and here we have selected the background shop and we have got it. Okay now what we have to do is we have to do this shop and inside it we will select them with some of our attributes. So what do we do for this, we take a layout which is going to be ours, so we search for the liner layout and here we have it, let's go here and here we take the vertical liner layout, so I have put it inside this love. I have added it and I have selected it and look, we have got it, now what is it from here, it is failing in the whole, so we need some height and weight of it, so it is 80 and 80, here we have 88. Its height is with, so we set it, so after knowing here, we will reduce its height, we will make it with, we will make it 80 and we will make the height 88 DB and A DP, I came here and wanted to make it 88 ok so this is our Pass 88 DPI is done, now let's add a background inside it so that it will be separate for us, so we went to the background and we also have to add something from the background, from the background, I have added it here, from the background, so we have this. This has been done, now it is at its very beginning, so we have to bring it to the center as we can see in this, so first if the second layout is done then you will be doing it then you will get it done with the credit but I Here, I am going to make it a constant layout, so first of all, what am I going to do inside the frame and then inside the constant play out, I am going to put this liner layout, so this is already done, now we do not have to do anything else, make it constant. There is nothing to be done , now first of all we will create a design, after that I will tell you what to do, so in this we need first of all an image view, so let's add an image view inside this liner layout and inside that we will Sony ones are for now, let's take this one for humidity and let's do this. Okay, so we have one thing already. Second thing, what do we need? We also need a text inside it in which our humidity is going to be shown, after that one more. We also need the text in which the gas is going to be, our name, what type of shop is this, so we have added these three things, now what to do, we set their properties, so their properties are going to be something like this. First of all, we have set its orientation, after this we would like that it is in the middle and not at the top, so what do we put for this, select this one here, go to liner layout and here. There are some properties that we will add, so first of all we have to show these things, so what do we do for this, we add gravity in it, so we have added gravity and this gravity is not with us, so the planet, yes gravity is with us. So what will we do in gravity, we will make it the center, first, what should we have, one will be from the bottom and how will it be here, we will have it in the center, so let's reduce one and make it the bottom like we did the bottom. So this is right at the bottom and if we center it, then all these things will remain in it, if any icon is small then what will it be, it will come in the center, so here we will make it center vertical and center vertical. Selected OK, it is not small right now, so it did not matter, but if someone puts a small icon, then that will also be fixed here, now what to do is, we have to show the text of this also, in which center it should be shown. I have selected both the texts and in this also we have to put here, after knowing in layout gravity and layout gravity, we will select layout gravity, sorry gravity and from here we will put center vertical like I made it center particle, sorry center. If you click on , then what will happen, we have it in the center. Okay, and now what is the problem, one more problem is that it is at the bottom, so what will I do with the last one, I will give it a little margin from the bottom. So let's go here and search for margin and after knowing the layout margin, we will give it a margin of 10 dp from the bottom and as I entered, 10 dp has already come up. Okay and 10 dp is too much, I will make it 5dp. I will do it friend, give five dp and 5dp more, these are off, now what will we do, we will copy them. And what do we do before copying, after adding life to this plate, we remove all their IDs because everyone's ID is going to be different and we can use only one ID in one SML, so I removed all the IDs and I did this after knowing the design here and from here how I did it, from here I copied it and there is a property near out to show it in the form of a constant , so here we go to the helper and here after knowing We have this that if the flow is ok then there is a flow then we will add this first and here we will put this and here we will add this flow so this we have a floor, okay so we have a floor but Now what we have to do is we have to make it a grid, so what we will do to make it great, we will select all these from the beginning till the end and what we will do with them is we will add them inside the floor, now we do not have to do anything Fox We have to select and flow has some properties, we have to apply them so that this grid will be created, so first of all we make the flow constant, so how I made it consistent from left, consistent from right and constant from the bottom and this is also better and Whatever they are, I make them zero, I make this also zero, I make it zero, okay, so you might be seeing it by default here, but it should have come to us, inside this constant layout, so I am adding it to this. We have this inside this constant layout and this is what we have inside this constant lot and this is what we have sleeping like this Okay so now what we have to do is we have to make it show like this three here will be three like this If it is here, then due to this we select Fox and wake up its property and set it, then first we do the flow again, from here, from here, from here and from the bottom, the margin has been inserted from the bottom, so do something to the margin. We will give 0 and we have this right in the center of A and let's do this. We will go to the tribute and make this one with which we will make it zero match constraint and we will make this also zero match consistent. Okay, so this is our A. The pass failed completely, now let's go down, here some common activities will come, okay, so first of all, I have told it the orientation, how it will go, will it go vertical or horizontal, okay, so here we want, so here we select the set. We will take it horizontal and after how much we have to wrap it, here we will give it and how we want to wrap it, here we will give chain, here if I select change, then it will become like this automatic embrace. Look, you are relieved here, we have embraced each other and now what do we have to do, we have to divide it into a flow of three, so what will I do here, I will put three here and like I put three, then I will put these three here . It has been arranged. If you put two then two goes here. Here it becomes two. Then two below goes. Okay, so this is also our line and this is also our almost donation. Now what do we need below this, we need a text view. So let's make a head, a text view, so this is what I added a text view and make it constant, from here to here and make this, we make the bottom a constant and from the bottom, give it a margin of 32 and make this Let's give from here the constant is ok and do this and from here let's do this and give the margin of 50 and 32 from here OK so this is absolutely perfect and inside this we put the text which we had put here. Let's copy this height and put it in the text. We will put this design by Neat Roots and here we will put it as backless. And so we have it in two lines and we will reduce its margin a little. So let's make it here. I am 24, now its text is correct, now we set all the texts etc. because here all these are small and but over there we have these which are going to look like big type, so let's go and see. Which thing will be set to how high, so I am lying here looking at it, we have its text also, 20 HP, after this, it is 32, and after that, we have 100, so let's go here, put it here, now let's search the text here and If it was there then here I do 20 sp ok after this we had 34 so here I will select 34 after this we have 100 so we will not do 100 and 100 will be too big so here we pulse Let's take it for 15 SP and 100 would also be fine but what did I do with it, I took it inside, it's not like we can't take it out. You can send it outside also but I will not do it here. Now after this we have this, we have 16 SP and this also we have 16 SP and this we have 20 SP and this we have 20 SP and We have this as much as it comes, so this is whatever we have and the text view inside it, we will select it, the one below and open all of them and how these six got selected and we will do them. From here, OK, this has also been fixed and the layout which is getting a bit spoiled, we are making it according to our ambulator, now it is absolutely perfect, now what do we do with its icons and text. Let's change it. Okay, so where whatever is going to happen, let's add it. First of all, we are going to have humidity, so here I will add it at the bottom in its text view and here we go, for this to happen quickly. So here we have it, first of all we have this and after this we have the frame and after that we have the constant and after that we have a line layout and this one is the center one so in this we are going to have If it is sun set, then here we will add it to its text. First of all, we will add it to the image. And here we will add it to the image. Sunset is sunset, so its sun set value has come to us and in the text view, we have it to change. So this. One thing we will put is ID ID and we will put it here and we will change it to 000. Now let us change it to 000. So we have the one just below this. What is going to happen in this. We have Sunrise going to be here so here we will put Sunrise Sunrise . We selected and here we have the Sony one from 00 and here we are going to have sunrise okay after this we go to this one here our Sony one is wind speed so here I put wind and here I Let's give the wind speed our Sony one is 0.0 in but second okay and this we give the pulse capital M and here in this text view we are going to have wind speed after this we have let's go to this and in this we are going to have Weather condition, here I will put Sunny and here the text of this will be with us and caps true and here I will change it to put and here with Sony we have condition and after this we have level so here. In the text, A will go to our C and this is what we have, okay, sorry, the text we had was this, and here we are going to have 00 space HP A, okay, there are units in this, we have this is called Pressure is also called, now we have another one, this is what we have, the one with humidity, so in this we will have the text message humidity, sorry, the Sony one here was humidity and here, how was the humidity going to appear, I am going to put 0.0 in percentage here. % Okay, so these things are going to be with us like this. Now whatever change is given to us, this is going to be changed with us, so here we give ID, we give it here, after this we have the change. Here we will enter the ID and here we go and in this we are going to have Sunrise, after this we have entered everyone's ID. Okay now where are you going to change, we are here so here we have the date for the people coming. This is the ID which we will put in its place. Now for this we go to the design and from here we will change the date. After this we have pay here. After this here we have time. After this we have next time. After this pass here. Weather, after this we have here, in this we take temperature and here we will enter today instead of text view, if there is a change here, then we will enter this, we will enter city name here and we have to change it here but in this our Let's search the text here, by the color we have, it has become white, now let's select all the text views together and we have selected all these and we will have the colors of all of them by blackening them . I gave them all black ok black now what to do now we have to change their fonts so our font is going to be in it let's search here we will change medium after this here we will make it bold and here also we will make We will regularize this, this, sorry, this, we will regularize this, we will do all these as many as we can from here We are black and all the text is complete and this is something like this, our application is sleeping, I have extended it a little bit to my emulator and look at this, we are looking something like this, now what we have to do is in this If we want to show data , then what we will do to show data is that first of all we will go to a website from where we are going to gate the data to the weather. So to gate the data to the weather, we have a website which we will open. I searched Weather and Open Weather and the first thing we have is a website, we will do this, we will open OK and now what you have to do is from here you have to sign in. I have signed in here . You sign in and on the mail ID you have, a confirm code will come, then you accept it. Unless you accept, you will not be able to do everything. You have 100 of them but you cannot do it. If you are able to do so then make sure you accept it and after that what to do is you have to go here on AP is fine and after knowing on AP you have to go to current weather data is fine so go here and click here. Let's do this and first of all you will go down and after knowing below we have this and let's go down and see so we are going to copy the city one AP, so here the city one which has city in it and the AP one has that. Let's copy this and after copying, go to New then and paste it here, okay, now two things are retired here, one is the name of the city and one is what, we have AP and AP, so we have If it is not there then we will give it here, for now I am giving the city name in the city name, Jaipur is fine and where will you get the AP from, so to get the AP, you go here and I go to which AP and after knowing which one. You will see that the AP key is fine, so you have to copy it and yours will be different, after doing this, I will remove it, so if you put this, then your make will not work, sir, you create your own and run it yourself, okay. So here I go to New Type and where AP is written, here I paste it and we enter from here, like I entered, then here Jaipur City Jaipur, note it as a City ID, something like this. It is telling that we have and here it is not happening because here we did not want this ID with the name of ID, we wanted it and we want it here and if we go to the current document and go down here, we will get one with the name of city. Okay, so let's go back one more time and look at this, here we have the one from City and from AP, what we had copied earlier, we had copied this one from City ID, so the one from City ID does not want, we need it here. I copied this one with city name and after adding here, we paste it from there and give pulses here. The name of the city is the name of the city, now you put it back to Jaipur and here we give pulses. Okay and let's do it. Enter and we have this sir data A. Now we don't have to do anything. We have to do this by controlling A and controlling C. We have copied this and this one which is our last one, let's copy it first and let's go to our Android Studio. Pay and go to the back and key code and paste it here because we are going to come here, I pasted it and now let's go and now let's copy it, okay and now let's go, what do we have to do now and Here we have to add the data of our AP, so here we will right click new and here we will do this extension. If this extension is ok then you will not have this extension by default, then what will we do for this? Go to Settings and click on Settings. Jaan is a plugin, so after going to the plugins page, you have to search for Jason and you have to install it. After installation, you will also get this option, so what to do here, you have to right click on New page. After this, on this and the code that you had copied, we will paste it here, OK, and here we will put its name, so here we are going to put Weather Up, Weather Up, I have put it and then click on generate here. Look here, some files will be automatically created like I created and we have 7 files added here. Okay, now check everything once, there is no error on the story, there is no error and now we Here we are going to convert the weather list but before converting the list we have to convert the json file so for that we are going to convert some dependencies which we have two dependencies one is We have the one with Retrofit and one we have is Jason Converter with Retro Fit so what we will do is fetch the data from the AP and what we will do with it is we will convert our data with Jason Converter and take it in so for this we will use these two There are dependencies which we copy and go to our grade file. After knowing it, we will paste it here. Ok and we will do it from here. After doing Singh and Singh, check the belt if it is successful, then what to do now. We have to create an AP interface through which we are going to gate the data, so here after clicking on new, make the interface class and write here that the AP interface is ok and let's enter, we have an AP made. Interface Now what we have to do here is we have to gate our weather forecast, okay so here we will put @ and here we will put weather and this weather we are putting here because the list that we have is in weather. Okay and we will create it here in which the ID of our AP will come which we are going to have, you also have to write the same as I am writing and you will get all this there on the Open Weather website of Weather Up, okay. This is also going to be of our string type and one last one is the D rate query coming in which we will do it for our city, we will have units and this is also going to be of string type okay so this We have this made and what will we do with it now, we will extend it tomorrow and here we will give it our Alt Enterprise and here we will give it by the name of Apna Ji, we had created this, okay so our name is Weather Up, so we have Here we have added the weather application, that weather up. Okay, so this is the completion of our AP interface. Now what we have to do is go to our activity, we have to do it tomorrow. Okay, so by doing more tomorrow, what will happen to us? If we go to data A, then what we have to do here is to pack our weather data. So we will put it here, we will create a function here, we will do dot builder, we will do it, from here we will close it, okay, we will put it here and here we will put it, create OK. After we will do dot base url which is going to be the base URL of our website so what is the base URL of ours we copy it from here so this is the base URL which we are going to have till here okay which is this weather This is till here, we copy it from here and after coming here, we will paste it in this string. OK, so we have told in this that this is our base URL which will be this, the rest of the data can change but our Base URL will not change, now here we will write tomorrow, so here we will do our api interface and here we will do class dot java, okay, now after this we will create a variable in which our response will come, so we have created a variable by the name of response and in it What will we do retro fit dot get which get weather data of ours here which we have created here, what have we done with it from here, did it yesterday, now what is going to happen in it, we have three things, we will add these three. First of all, we are going to have the city, after that we are going to have the ID of AP and after that we are going to have the units. Okay, so here we do it. To do this tomorrow, first of all, what will we put here which If our city name is also there, then we put Jaipur here, for now we will change it later and whatever is our AP ID, we copy it from here and here we will put the AP ID, it is ok and after this Last, what we have is units, so the reduction of units is that whatever we convert into string, for that we put the matrix here, here we have put the metric, so whatever we search, convert it into metric. After our search, it was found to be OK, so our response came here, it is also complete, now what will we do, we will put the response nk here and what we will do in n³, we will create an object and what will we do with the object, we will back it up tomorrow. And after doing this one, we will put pulses in it, where will our data come from, weather up, okay, so this is our list beyond this, okay, now what we have to do here is to create a function inside it in which we will have this thing. Here we implement its members, so these are our two members, we have implemented them, now we have one on response and one on failure whenever the response comes, whatever we had created here. What will we have if we get a response? And if the response does not come, then what will we have here? We will implement this here. Okay, so first of all, if the response comes, then we first lock it once and see whether our response is going forward or not. Okay, so let's go here, now what do we have to do here, first of all we need a temperature, so what will we do for the temperature, we will take our response and this is our condition, we will take it according to the condition, so here But first of all we will put the condition IF and here we will put it, first of all we will take the response which will be our response, here we will respond bell response body equal to you, we will make this the response body is successful, if the response is successful then what do we have to do. Here we will put the condition and here we will create a variable by the name of well temperature equal to what will we do in it response body dot here we will do what to do with the one which is our temperature get it here okay Now this is the error A, this is what we have for null safety, so what will we do for this, which is our variable in the function, what did we do with this, took the weather to us and here we have so Will get the temperature done, okay, so we have the temperature, we can take this thing from us, okay, so let's go here and you get it done, so where will we get it done, first of all, we will get the show done in our people, then show in the people. After getting it done, let's check whether we have the data or not, then here people give it and here I have done this, this is our @ yes dollar and here we will put the temperature, it has come to us and we convert it. You will do it in the string. Okay, so if our people put the tag in the di, then it will go. Now let's run it. Before running it, we go to the manifest and give it internet permission because whatever our data is going to come. It will come from our internet, so here we put the user permission and internet permission, close it from here, so we have given the internet permission, whatever permissions etc. have to be put here, we put it in the manifest itself, now let's do this . Once we run and go to our lock, whatever tag we had entered, we put it in our tag and check whether ours has arrived or not, then here we put it and here we check whether ours are still there or not. So here there is some A but it is not showing so let's see what is it and here we have given tag two del if it is not there then reduce the tag convert it into tag is ok and now let's return it back and check. Let's do this in our lock gate and we have put this tag and it has come, the response is 27 degrees, it is fine, so the response has also been received, that means our AP is reducing it very well, now what do we have to do with it, all the views we have. Okay, we don't have to do anything to get it set, let's see their idea and what is its ID here, its ID is time, so its ID is 10, in this we have to get it set, so let's go. We do this on our mother activity, from here we get the comment and here we set it to this temperature, so what are we going to do for this, to get its ID, we are going to do it with view binding. Let's enable view ending, for this let's go to our gradle and after that, go to the Android tag, we will also go to the story and write it here [Music] I have put the build features here and inside the curly braces, we will add the view binding and We will do it. The room is fine and should have come here also. It is fine and it has been built successfully here. It is fine. We do not need to find all these IDs again and again. What can we do directly here? We can gate their ID, so now to do the winding, we have to do it here also, so here we will put private bell Latin ware, I will put it and here we will put binding and in this we will put binding and We have this in the activity Wedding, we will select this and put it here by lazy and put it here, we will do the binding and activity binding and put it here and what we will do here is what happens here, now what we can do is as many We can directly get them from the ID in the XML of the activity, right here we show it, first of all, what will we do to bind it, now look like I pressed the dot. All the IDs we had, we have 100 here. Okay, so first of all, which one do we want? Where we are going to do the show, so I selected the temp. Now what will we do here, we will do dot text and equal. You will do this, whose temperature is it, so we put the temperature here, what will be in it, whatever text will be there, whatever response will come here, what will it do to it, it will go to the ID of this temperature and set it, but here it is not set like this. What we have to do is we have to set it from a string, what we will do for this is we will put this and this and here we will put dollar and now we will put our temperature, okay now let's run it here and now see in our application. These are sleeping us and we have this A but you must have seen that the C which was here in Centigrade is already there, so what will we do for that, we have to reduce it a little bit, we have to put a space in front of it and here we have We have to paste what we had written here, okay, let's copy it and after knowing it here, paste it and put it here, 'C' OK, now let's run it and see, we have got this, now what to do? We have to set all of them, so let's set all of them quickly, so let's go here and create a variable for all of them, which is whatever fields we have, we have one called Bell Humidity, equal to response body dot. In mother dot com and this is not in ours, we have this window speed one in wind, we will make a bell for sunrise, then sunrise will be equal, you will respond to it body dot and it comes in this and this temperature is minimum temperature, so this thing is this. I am taking it from Okay, so if you want related from here, you can get it here and directly, if you want, you can take everything from here also. Okay, let us know , equal to your response body dot, now it will come to us, put it in the weather string. Will give non ok, now here we will do it with tap, it is ok and here also we will do it ok because the condition has come from our type, so these are some of our feelings which will come less, more feelings you can add. If you want to do it then you can do it, here for now I am going to do these and those, okay so now let's do the rest of the set i.e. binding and now where we have to set it here, let's set one or two things and we are done. Maximum temperature and minimum temperature so well max 10 equal to response and one more where is what thing has to be set, on first number we have city, city com will be set in the last, after that we have temperature, we have set this, after this we have Pass is the condition and after that there is the next temperature and minimum temperature, so here we first put the condition and let's see where the condition is going here and this condition is coming to us here. Okay, here we have put the pulse. ID weather is ok, so let's go to weather and instead of condition, we will put weather dot text dot sorry equal here, we will make it equal to condition, so in this condition, our weather is coming, it is coming, it is okay. So here we have done the binding dot, after this what do we need next time, then on max temp we will go to dot text equal tu and here we will write and this which we had just created a variable with the name of next time, so here dollar word is copy. And here we give pulse control and here we change the minimum temperature and here also we will maintain it and here perhaps we did not put P, ​​ok let's enter and here also we put it P and Here also we search it in Temperature OK, so we have the minimum temperature also. Now what else has to be set? By putting binding dot humidity space, what is going to come here in percentage, so here we have given percentage OK. After this. We are going to have winding speed dot text and wind speed, so here we will do it, we will format it and we have everything changed, okay now let's fix some things like see this is sunrise. And we have sunset in a separate number, we will format it, plus we have not set the date and time, we will take that here and we have not set the city, we will also change it here and look here. Egypt has changed and this has also changed, this has also changed and here we have not even set the date, we have a condition, and we have not changed the condition, we will set this also, okay so our Near There is going to be one more binding dot condition, now let's look at the condition, this is the one, yes, this is the condition, what is going to come in the condition, we have dot text equal to response body, sorry response, so we have taken it above and in this also we Dal denge condition, what is this, we will have binding dot de dot text, we will make this more equal to you, we will give this to de, so for de, we will create a function in which we will find de and current time, okay and here. I am late , I am and absolutely binding dot city name dot text equal you and here we are taking the city name where here so here what we will do is we will create a variable okay which is our city name by name. Name and here we will add this variable dollar city and before that we will enter here and here we will enter by default city which is always ours and we are going to take it here and do this. History name and here we will have this thing set on city name. Okay, so what do we do now? First of all, we will create one format, create function, two in one, what will happen to us, we will set the date, format and in one, we will set function fan . In this we will write the name and what we will do in denim, we will do one tomorrow time at this time and in this we will put this will be our long type okay and we will extend it in string and here we will create a variable bell and here I enter HDF i.e. simple date format is fine and you make it equal, I enter simple date format and what will be its format here, what will we do with it, we will put this, whatever is the format of give, it is capital only capital. Hee capital hee and capital in ok and what we will do here is local local hd is not happening tomorrow because we had to create it here ok give the name we will bring it back tomorrow give the name and we will put it in system g Meaning, whatever is the current of our system, it will be system dot current time miles and this will be set to us, give it OK, from now on we will create another function here which will be our date, okay, so let's put it here. Date and we create this, so we will create this too and here we have a date with the name date and here we will put the string and this thing from here we copy it from here and here But we will paste this and here we will change its format, from here we will do simple date, we have the date yesterday, we have done it yesterday, so both of our things are set, now I have also set this and this. It is also set, we have it, let's run it once and check whether everything is being shown or not. Today is Sunday and 23rd July and here you see, here it is 23rd July and today Sunday is ok and the condition here has also changed and Jaipur is also sleeping here. Now what do we have to do? According to the search, we have to show the temperature here, so for this we will create a function. So let's go to the gate and walk up. After here we will create a function which will be our search city and we will create it and here we will create a function with the name search city ok and here it is already out, let me cut it and here we had to do Create Function: Okay, so we have created a function with the name of Search City. Now what will we do in it? Once we have implemented our search, what will we do for that? First of all, we will create two objects here and we will do search view dot here. Onquery Text Listener Okay and in this we will do and in this we will create and in this we will implement this so I will implement this later and this is what we are going to implement now so what is going to happen in this we will do one here so what will we do in this We will put the weather data here and what we are going to do here is we will put the query in it, so this is the query we have put in, okay and now what do we do, let us return it, return and here we will do it OK, so now we put it in this Let's give a normal return [music] and we have got the data of Delhi, okay now it is reducing our search but now what is it doing, we have to change the background and this too according to the temperature and or Then we will change the condition as per the condition, so for this we go to our Android Studio and here we will do one, we will setup the condition, then here we enter the change image as per our requirement. I am adding anything according to the weather condition. Okay and let's create this here. So here I clicked and create a function here. Another one, let's create this function here. Okay. We have this, now what will we do in this, we will change it and set the condition automatically. Okay, so we will put condition in it, one and here we are going to do it tomorrow, whatever our condition will be, whatever it is. We will have a condition, whatever condition comes to us, according to it, we are going to change our wallpaper etc. If it is okay, then I will tell the condition here and before that I will have to put the condition here which is our condition which is above and here we Now 1:26:55.734,1193:02:47.295 will be our string type. 1:26:59.280,1193:02:47.295 we will put the condition in it and before this also here we have to put a condition ear and this Here I do it and there are going to be some conditions here that what should be the condition then what background set should we have and Which one do we have, Loti machine, so what do we have , and if we have what, then what are we going to do, cloudy background, okay, and binding dot lot animation view dot, what will we do here, we will also set the animation race one. And here what we are going to do is R Dot and here what we are going to do is to make the cloud image show, so now let's run it once and see whether it is helping us or not, now let's see, right now it is fine in Jaipur. Now like I put Delhi here and enter, its background got changed, we have OK but we did not get the animation, so let's see, we have OK, understood and we did not start the animation here because we got it changed. After this, every time we have to start the animation, then where will we start, outside this block and here we will put start, sorry and here we put Delhi and this is here, we have the condition also changed and everything. Changed, OK, we will set all the conditions here, so there are some conditions which I have set earlier, so what I do here is by directly copying and pasting it, then I copied it from here and did it here. I paste it, look, if it is clear, it will be Saturn and it will be clear, then we will have this one from the background and this one will be from animation, if it is pretty cloud and clouds overcast etc. then we will have this one, it will be rain and moderate train, and what can we say? If there is snow , it will be soft and heavy, then we will have a background of train and rain, this is going to be from animation. If there is snow, then it will be from the thing we have. Okay, now what to do here, we have to make some show that if nothing happens. So what if we do it here , we will put a condition here, one more small change is what we have to do, this is the time, we have not set it till now, okay, so what do we do to set the time? We have this sunrise and this one here, what will we do, we will create one, let's make it like this, copy it and give it control and instead of date, write here we are time and here we will put we time. And in this we give pulses, paste it here and here we are going to have another minute ok and here the fan had disappeared and what will we do with it, we will give pulses from here to here, now here we have to do it tomorrow. Okay, so here we will do it, here we will put it, if we had to do it, here we will put the time. Okay, so this is our time and here we will put our sun rice in it, so what will happen now, Sunrise will convert to our time. According to the format we have made below, OK, we have to do one more thing with this also. With sunset, we paste it and write here, just sunset is fine, sunset is set, now this is the error. It is ours, we will do it from here, the car number which is ours, we will do it as tu long because we have this data of long type, so we did tu long here and will do tu long here, okay, there is no problem. So now let's do it and this time has come to us, it is absolutely perfect ok and right no now we will see that its condition has also changed, ok now let's see Delhi Dal, we are here in Delhi. Okay, and after the story, let's see America and look at this, the cloud is running in America right now, and its temperature here is 25.21. Okay, so we have created the application now. What you have to do is that you have to modify it as per your wish, here I have done it, you have added the animation and its background too, I have also done it here, you will modify it as per your wish and after modifying it, After this, you can also upload it on Play Store as per your convenience. If you have already created this application, then you must leave a comment saying that we have made the application successfully and whatever changes we have made in it, post it on Instagram and tag us. So that we can give it to you also and now you are going to do this application, then you can do it in a good way, plus you can automatically send the application to your friend so that he can do the same application, even Thank you for staying tuned, see you in the next video and if you want to give some suggestion for the next video then you can also give it in your check comment and you can also tell us what type of projects we should make more. We will definitely try to make all the projects for you on photo days video thank you for watching IF YOU FOUND THIS VIDEO HELPFUL PLEASE GIVE IT A LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO NEAT ROOTS PER ANDROID LATEST CONTENT IF YOU HAVE OTHER QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FULL FREE Dame tu city in de comment area way bill respond to your comment s hear s possible
Channel: Neat Roots
Views: 63,074
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Keywords: android studio project, weather app tutorial, location services in android, android weather app, android weather application, android development for beginners, android projects with source code, kotlin app example, build your first android app, android kotlin projects, weather app android studio in hindi, weather app android studio, kotlin project, android projects in hindi, android studio tutorial 2024, android development project in hindi, android development project
Id: QFGKV8j2ulY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 14sec (5654 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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