Wearing Clear Plastic Jeans For A Week

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Yes, yes! Oh crap. I have to wear these. Hello friends and welcome to another video. This week, I'm going to be trying out another questionable fashion item, and this time they are the completely see-through jeans. So Topshop created the "Clear Knee Mom Jeans" which I have previously tried out And I think that they were so pleased by the controversy that those jeans caused that they took it a step further [now] Now, I feel like I've used my fair share of alarmist language around these clothing items So I'm not going to call these jeans - if we can even call them jeans - the ugliest jeans in the world But I do have to ask. What the *beep* are those? "Topshop now sells clear plastic jeans and no one knows what to wear them with" "Clear plastic jeans and the end of pants" "Someone please explain the reasoning behind these clear pants" What is the reasoning behind the clear pants because I'm going to be honest - I don't know exactly why any person who's not walking a runway or perhaps going fly-fishing would need these clear pants. Shall I bring them out? Without further ado, the clear - if you can even call them jeans - jeans! My initial thought is that this Doesn't feel great. Oh my God. I'm also... I'm very mad about this tag this large tag inside Don't you know that your pants are clear you can't just put a tag in here?! another first impression Is that it doesn't look very long? Which is probably good because hopefully I'll get some ankle breathing, but you know what I want to know why? I Genuinely want to know why these pants exist. Let's try them on No No, no, no. - Are you seriously gonna go out in those things? I mean, I like little booty shorts right, so it's not like NSFW But my thighs are very exposed. Look at how they sound. - It's loud. - I'm gonna be honest. I'm completely speechless. You're actually trying to walk around with these things on? my first impressions are, they don't feel as bad as I thought they would. I honestly think though that I'm probably gonna have to Take breaks in the middle the day? Just because, like imagine if I get really sweaty I'd have to air them out. I mean, if we were talking about how my legs looked like ground turkey in a produce bag last time Oh, oh, we didn't know what's coming. Are they stuck to your leg? Just raise your hand if you've ever felt personally victimized by Topshop. The sound of me walking down this hallway right now is obscene. It's is not a good noise. So usually on the first day I like to take it a little bit easy, but I also wanted to style it how Topshop styled it, and they went full bare leg. This is a lot of leg, like my gams are really out and about right now. So I thought a good introductory place to go would be the mall that we usually go to. I don't know that I was right People are walking by and averting attention if you look over your shoulder There are people looking. The funny thing is I feel so covered because like they're so Definitely on my legs - like I can feel them. But like my legs are out like I am kind of naked. I also was making a lot of noise. (sound of jeans scraping) What I didn't think about was that the noise would alert Passerby to something happening and people would then look and then see my bear thighs. Well played Topshop. Well played. I did get some very vocal positive responses: when I was in line a girl walked by and said "whoa- Sick pants!" and I was like: "yeah!" Because she's so enthusiastic, and I was like now, I'm enthusiastic too! but then I did also get some Confused to negative responses; probably 30 seconds after I was so excited two older women walked by me looked at me and went: "huhaha" We've been out for a couple of hours in my clear pants I kind of reached the end of my rope, not emotionally my actual end of the rope is because of the chafing that's begun. Just my very upper thighs started to rub against the plastic and each other. A little diaper rash. A little bit of diaper rash. Maybe with some leggings underneath, it'll be better, but right now I just like I got a couple hours and then the chafing begins And then I got it just forgot the emergency pants I should have brought the emergency pants. So the next day I went for a nighttime Outfit Tyler and I went on a little date to get some Boba. I put some Fishnets underneath the Pants which I think kind of works minus the fact that the fishnet went all the way into my boots. All the lights of this intersection of reflecting off your pants! That's why they're kind of flattering is because like they do reflect like a ton of light you can't even get a good look at The legs. Are you cold? Not really I'm feeling kind of insulated. The only problem. Is that they're a little like sweaty? I did notice a small amount of fog around the crotch. Oh my God, that's inappropriate. We also did a spill test in which we spilled a small amount of my boba on to my legs: just to make sure That the one value proposition of these pants is in fact true. Oh, did you get it? oh it looks pretty good? It's running right off. Hey. I'm a messy eater. This like actually this could be legit. It's cold I can feel it. We also stopped by the grocery store And I hung out with my brethren the sausages. sausage or legs spot the difference. Okay, you guys, Crusty hates these pants. Oh they're so loud. These pants have made my cat hate me! The next day We just had errands to run and I wanted to try on a more like casual look. Okay Tyler What did you just say? I I think it is casual it kind of works. They're kind of cool. I'm not going to go all in in that It's definitely working today, but I do feel like wearing pants under these pants is a pretty good call. We went to Costco We got some lunch. My favorite part now that I realize is that when my hands are in the pockets you can see my hands just groping myself. It's not a big deal. I tried another spill test this time with mustard. Check it out Yeah it doesn't matter I can just pick it up off it. That was great; very satisfying actually. With leggings under the clear jeans at least in this situation I was pretty comfortable. I wasn't getting too many reactions except for a couple of reactions from middle-aged women who both really complimented the pants The woman was at the entrance of Costco kind of like checking your cards when you walk in Stops me and said that my pants really remind her of the sixties and seventies and when I told her that people thought these pants were ugly. She was like: "what? they're so cool!" So when she mentioned the sixties in the seventies I wanted to do some research into where clear plastic clothing has appeared in Fashion history before. In the 1960s there was a space-Age fashion trend that included wearing plastic clothes. The trend reflected an interest in space exploration Which was kind of a hot topic because of the space race between the USA and the USSR space travel and visions of the future were everywhere in the 60s from Newspapers to runways to TV screens and movie theatres. Though these clothes were maybe not worn as everyday attire Some designers were making clothes out of materials used by astronauts like vinyl, plastic and Velcro. These outfits were kind of like projections of what people believed Future clothes would look like. It seemed like everyone was pretty sure we'd be wearing plastic by now. Another instance I found of literal clear plastic pants being worn was in 1994 by [Park] [Jinyoung] or JYP, a Korean Pop star It's not clear exactly where he got the inspiration for the pants But he said that he wore them as a rebellious statement and he was actually banned from broadcasting for awhile after wearing them JYP and his plastic pants have had a Reemergence recently, so maybe Topshop got the inspiration for the plastic pants from him. Okay! So back to my plastic pants. You feel at home I found my people. We have groceries to get. Put me in the cart. Day four: after the success of the black leggings Under the plastic pants I decided to go for some camo leggings that I purchased earlier in the week. Today is actually the first of Like colors or patterns under the clear jeans and it is kind of fun I think it's fun that you can like get a window into the pattern. My only issue was that my leggings were very high Waisted and the pants were kind of falling down, so I kept trying to hike them up But besides that I was having a good time. I feel like the camo and the plastic kind of complemented each other like I am Not only in Camo. I'm also under an invisibility cloak. And we actually just walked by a guy who looked at my pants and said: "Oh my God! What?!" I like the camo pants though I'm standing by 'em. Day four was also the day that we Flew to Orlando for playlist live I actually had ordered these pants a while ago But I wanted to wait to wear the pants for this week, so I could bring them to you guys at playlist I am not going to be wearing these on the plane. I'm sorry guys I couldn't do it a five-hour flight and clear jeans is just not in the cards. It wouldn't have been a good look and by look, I mean sound. So outfit 5 was the first day of playlist. And I had a Q&A that day I was very excited to hear what you guys had to say about the plastic pants I hope it's not too like risque. I do have shorts and fishnet tights on but you know we'll see we're on the way to the Q and A and I just You can hear me comin'. By the time we get to the panel no one is going to be there. Yeah They'll be like: "Is that... a swamp monster?" A lot of you guys were very complimentary of the plastic pants; you guys were very nice about them I actually think there is something aesthetically cool about them when you've got something going on underneath. Okay, so we just finish our Q and A and a lot of you guys seem to like the pants in a certain way My friends Natalie and Dennis from Natalie's outlet and Dennis's outlet. We're also very nice about them Tyler and I are going to download this like decibel measuring app and we're going to see how loud these things are. I don't know [how] precise it is. It's an app, but it should work. I want to turn the microphone near your pants. Let's see now Oh my God. Yeah, I broke 80. Do you see that? Yeah, alright, go full... go full. broke 80 decibels, so Loud pants. So up until that point I hadn't washed the pants, so I thought they're plastic might as well try and just walk into the pool With these jeans on. I haven't looked at the tag. I haven't looked at the care instructions. I'm angry at the tag They kind of work in the bathing suit. Its like a pool party but you don't want to touch anyone else's legs. You know what I mean? It's actually perfect for waterparks! They definitely felt very weird in the water it felt like a plastic bag kind of like dragging me back You're like, Trash Island Funny thing is now that I'm in the water like no one else around he can really tell unless they saw me walk in And I'm just wearing clear pants! Can you see them? I'm not going to stay out here long enough any of the effect of a tan line You know what would you know what would probably *beep*ing happen, so I would get a tan line around the tag Did you just go in that you found that in the pool? And there's someone sandwich bag. So outfit six was me in my bathing suit and my soggy plastic pants. We'll see if this actually cleaned the pants I mean, they definitely got a good rinse, but I got a lot of compliments on the pants around the pool So maybe they kind of go with a swimsuit look even though they're not really for swimming. Speaking of the tag No I did not cut the tag out just in protest of the fact that there exists a tag on these pants and That honestly is the crime that Topshop should be charged with it's putting a tag in plastic pants So outfit seven so the final outfit. [I] feel like in the last couple of videos I've kind of been like building up the 'ugly' items together. I actually wanted to take it in the opposite direction and try and like make it as wearable as Possible on the way to our meetups I try to go for the space teen aesthetics back to the xenon references of course I'm excited I'm excited to meet a lot of you guys, but I'm also apologetic in advance if I ruin any photos. I think generally you guys like them. I actually do think that outfit seven is my favorite of all the outfits I think something about the top and the bottom being kind of space-agey and see-through worked together the meetup went pretty smoothly the only hiccup was when Natalie and Dennis noticed that I had some butt condensation. Is it at the back? Woah, you guys May be farting out here? I haven't! I think it's from butt sweat. Even though it's pretty comfortable inside the pants with leggings it can get a little warm So we're gonna go with that. Wow that's awkward. Because of the butt sweat I kind of like retired the pants until nightfall This is an indoor outfit. So I stayed inside for most of the day, but I'm actually going down right now. We're going to take my plastic pants and go to Universal. Hopefully the pants have a good time. The pants at Universal We're actually not super uncomfortable like I was able to like sits places with just a little bit of taughtness Around my thighs and knees, and I was actually feeling pretty limber That was the best I've ever done! I was kind of you know shuffling around having a good time There was a party afterwards at which my legs got super condensation-y because I was dancing a lot Feel like dancing amongst other people really brought on the condensation But just wandering around universal was like pretty okay. Overall, I think I've had a change of heart about these pants. I think [when] you're wearing them with bare legs underneath They're just too uncomfortable to really be worth it But when you've got tights or leggings or fishnets or whatever underneath It's kind of a cool effect it looks like you've got like static electricity around your legs or you know you are an astronaut like, it is a kind of Space-age look. I definitely think there's a practicality issue with these pants even with stuff underneath them They don't breathe very well, so you do get condensation now and again And that's definitely something to think about especially for planning on wearing them all day long the chafing in the condensation is bad But manageable the noise is unavoidable it attracts a lot of attention. You can hear Safiya Coming down the Hallway these are like borderline (?) with walls These pants definitely have flaws but there is something cool about them that I do enjoy. I also really love that I got to bring them to playlist and share them with you guys there. I think that you guys enjoyed it I hope. A little bit. Oh and one more thing. I don't think they're jeans I think they're just clear pants. So let's just start calling them clear pants. We don't think they aren 'pants', but they're not jeans they're not Denim, so Shout out to Emma Blackery who also did a video on these clear pants She wore them around London for a day and I've linked her video in the description So make sure to check that out also a big. Thank you to everyone who tweeted me pictures from our Q and A and our meetup I loved meeting all of you guys even if you didn't tweet me pictures I loved meeting you and you all made my first playlist so memorable And I can't wait to hopefully come back if they want me back, but I loved meeting you guys. Thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video, and if you did make sure to shamash that like button And if you want to see more videos like this make sure to shamash that subscribe button. And if you've already smashed that subscribe button make sure to shamash that little bell icon in the middle to turn on post notifications You get a notification every time that I post. Here are my social media handles and make sure to check out my next feed I do a lot of Daily vlogging and Q and A's on there a big shout out to Veronica for watching thank you for watching Veronica And it we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Safiya Nygaard
Views: 6,805,458
Rating: 4.933661 out of 5
Keywords: clear jeans, clear pants, topshop clear pants, topshop clear jeans, topshop, clear knee mom jeans, wearing clear jeans for a week, wearing clear jeans, fashion fails, fashion, style, clothing, ugly clothing, fashion donts, fashion police, safiya ugly clothing, safiya nygaard, safiya, safiya buzzfeed, safiya ladylike, wearing clear pants, plastic pants, plastic jeans, i wore clear pants, wearing the ugliest jeans in the world for a week, wearing the ugliest jeans in the world
Id: doCEDlMy0m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2017
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