We Were Liars by E. Lockhart | REVIEW

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hello youtube today I want to talk to you about we were Liars by E Lockhart the most perfect book I've ever read so this book had a lot of hype around it and sometimes that makes me sort of nervous in fact it's kind of funny the way that I actually first found out about this book is that months and months ago a book publishing company that is putting out this focus um someone working for this book emailed me asking if they could send me a copy to do a review on my channel and promised that this was going to be like the blockbuster book of the summer that it was gonna blow up and everyone's gonna be talking about it and I was like yeah I would love to review that and then I never got a response and that never happened and so I sort of forgot about the book until it blew up and became the crazy hit book of the summer so I ended up buying the book myself because I really wanted to read it and everywhere I looked people people were warning me don't find out anything about the book the twist oh my god and sometimes especially like an M night Shyamalan movies or something like you know there's gonna be a big twist and you waste part of your journey with the content trying to figure out what the twist is and expecting the twist and that just was not my experience at all with this book I sort of read it cautiously wondering because people people were like when the thing happens ah I kept waiting for the thing to happen but not in a way that it took away from my experience with it I felt like it was done just so masterfully that I don't even know how to explain what reading this book is like you just have to do is first of all this book is written in this beautiful like poetic form it's honestly more poetry than it is novel but it works it doesn't feel like pretentious this book does it in a way that feels like the best way to tell the story because this book is so in the main character Cadence's head that that's that's the way that it comes out of her head and it feels so right also it's got these little fairy tales intermixed with the story it's it's really interesting because they start really vague and it's always sort of you know the three daughters the three bears the three Billy Goats Gruff and then it it like sort of mirrors a situation happening currently in the novel and as as you go on the the fairytale has become more obviously about what is happening to her which I really liked I want to get to the part where I can talk about spoilers I'm just gonna wrap this up by saying if you want to read one of the best books you'll ever read not to overhype it this this is definitely my favorite book I've read this year it definitely hits my top five books ever I just was delighted every time I turn the page even when what was happening wasn't necessarily pleasant or positive it was just so good it was just so good I don't feel things the way that this book has made me feel them very often and it was very awesome and refreshing to get to do that so if you haven't heard this book yet please go read it and stop watching the video now because I'm about to talk about what actually happened okay so first of all holy crap holy crap so I love I love that they give away that they've that they burnt the house down before you know what's going on I love that people keep asking her is that all you remember like what else do you remember and in cadence is mine she's like we burnt the house down the the dogs are dead like what else is there to remember so much of this book makes so much sense looking back but it wasn't when I was reading it I didn't feel like there were all these needless things it's funny because all of the little clues were done with such precision I can't even I can't articulate how well done in this book was because as I was reading it there were there were like little things that stood out is like odd but they done such a good job of making this family seem so like weird and crazy that they didn't really seem out there so the Sinclairs are this family that I hate I hate them reading it you know you feel bad for them and you like Katie and you you want the Liars to be able to be together and all of this stuff but Katie paints them in such a negative light and the liars are so against what they stand for that like you're totally on board with her when they say they're gonna burn the house down you're like yeah yeah that's a great idea that's a really great idea I mean I did get a little uncomfortable when she mentioned that they drank all of the aunts wine before bringing the house down but again you you just dislike the way that the sitting Claire's are so much that like you're kind of on board with it being a good idea and then it takes a while for you to put the pieces together obviously about like what actually happened but there are so many things once you find out that the that the other Liars are dead I'm talking quiet because there's people in my how to have read this book and I want them to be able to read it without being spoiled once you find out that the other Liars are dead so many things suddenly click into place I thought it was so crazy when she walks in to cuddle down and the other Liars are pretending that they were playing Scrabble but all the pieces are just on the floor and I remember thinking like how stupid and like messed up do they think Katie is that they think that she's gonna buy that they're playing Scrabble when the pieces are just all over the floor I remember being angry for her that they were being so careless with their lies and it just makes so much sense that like they couldn't touch the pieces they couldn't actually play Scrabble and that they were trying to give her little tidbits about like what they were up to and she just keeps mentioning that they aren't doing anything all summer and you just think that like oh there's apathetic and angry at the family no big deal and the fact that like that it's because they physically can't do things and they're actually just trying to help her remember without overwhelming her by telling her the truth and all the times when Kat was like I can't do this we shouldn't do this I shouldn't be here there's such a tonne of granddad not liking GATT and not wanting him with Katie that you never once think that GATT shouldn't be kissing her or being there for her in that way because he's dead you think it's because he doesn't want to upset grandad and all the times that grandad is calling her Mirren was this like really awesome thing that the book did that like threw you these bones so that it didn't seem so out of place that the liars were never coming to dinner and that nobody's talking about them you never see them interacting with anybody the only person who also acknowledges them that whole summer is granddad which at the time is enough for you to be like well obviously they're here just they aren't being social but granddad is like just as messed up in the head as Katie and you don't totally put that together Oh just so good it was just so good I also love the part where all of the ants you think that all the ants are just really in bad shape because the house is gone and because of their continued bickering and because of all of the drama of being a Sinclair but I love how you realize that it's because they're all grieving for their children and the other kids but I love the part where aunt Kerry is walking the island at night she's walking beechwood and she's looking for Johnny and that doesn't seem that weird and and even Katie asks you know the next day well did you ever find him and Kerry just gets upset and she doesn't want to talk about it and I remember thinking oh she must be embarrassed that she like can't sleep at night because the Sinclairs need to act normal all the time but really she's upset because they're all trying to move on and grieve and Katie keeps bringing them up as if they're still here which I can imagine is one of the most horrible things after the loss of a child oh I loved when Katie goes to that little swimming cave area with the other Liars and the boys are up jumping off the rocks like it's no big deal they're just having the time of their lives because obviously there's no immediate danger because they're already Zen but when Katie decides that she needs to do it and everybody just stops and freaks out and they're like no Katie don't do that cadance get down and at the time you're like she's just trying to like live again she's trying to be alive let her have some fun let the girls jump off some rocks but you realized that the actual situation is that she's doing this incredibly dangerous thing by herself where there's nobody to even save her if something happens and it's good the book it's just so good I don't think I could ever write anything about amazing I never once considered that the others were dead I never oh and I also loved I loved how the whole book you're kind of trying to figure out why they're called the liars and I kept waiting for The Lying portion of this book to like to like figure out what it was to figure out like what made them liars and the fact that everyone's lying but especially them they're lying to her to be there for her because she's whether or not I'm not really sure if they're ghosts or if they're hallucinations I kind of imagined that they were more hallucinations but they're lying to her to help her get better you know it felt horrible that they couldn't respond to her emails because they weren't alive anymore and so they tried to make up for that in the ways that they could and I especially loved at the end where she was so caught up and only worrying about the liars that summer but when she finally remembers everything when she when she figures out what actually happened and when she is totally conscious of what she did and what happened that's the first time that she sort of remembers that there are other people on the island with her that a lot of her family is still alive and it's like she notices her younger cousins for the first time god this book was just amazing this book was amazing and there's so many other things that I could say I give this book like a ten out of ten I really loved it I can't say enough about it I've liked dying to go back and read it again to like see all of the things that I didn't pick up fun you know remembering like once you know what's going on there's so many things that you can go back and see we're planted there I would love to know your thoughts down below what were your favorite hints you know once it all dawns on you like oh my god all of that makes sense now so let me know in the in the comments what your favorite hints like that were other thoughts about the book and that's it thank you for watching thank you a lockhart for writing such an amazing book and i will see you next time
Channel: Kristina Horner
Views: 11,443
Rating: 4.9614644 out of 5
Keywords: kristina horner, italktosnakes, harry potter, nerdfighter, all caps, dftba, wonderly, female vlogger, women on youtube, booktube, booktuber, we were liars, we were liars review, we were liars book, we were liars booktube, we were liars e lockhart, e lockhart
Id: uoCV29UNNiQ
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Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 03 2014
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